Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • Hey all,

    I am Amanda. I am 27, single mom of 2. I weigh 166.

    I love playing World of Warcraft and the new Star Wars MMO. I am more of a casual gamer, I usually don't do the whole raid thing.

    I joined roughly 2 days ago and have lost 2 pounds just by sticking to my calorie count. I think this site is going to be a great thing for me.

  • techigirl78
    techigirl78 Posts: 128 Member
    I am Jessica. 33. Single. I weigh 177 now, was 240 at start. My goal is to be the weight I was when I started my job - 125. Years of sitting in front of computers and TVs had a definite effect on my weight.

    I love all types of games, but the online ones scare me. I think the addiction would be too much for me. Playing mainly skyrim and kinect games these days (try to mix in some good). I really like role playing games and was so excited when skyrim was released, it was one of my weight loss rewards for going under 200.

    I work in IT as a system admin. I think even without games, I would be a geek. Into audio, again, geek. My nickname in IT department from some people is techigirl - that is a IT department - which means I am a geek.
  • Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it! structured....

    My name is Tay, 24, male. I've RPed for DND but no larping...ever. I'm more into video/computer games than table-top. for weight I wanna lose a few more pounds...its so friggin hard >.< I like food too much!!
    But I've started at 200+ and I'm under 160, so I'd like to think I've come a long way.

    Beaches. Yeah I like em, but don't go as often as I'd like to. I'm thinking of picking up surfing again. It'll also trick me into doing more cardio :)
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    Hey everyone!

    I'm Grace, female both in game & irl, and I'm old enough :)

    Used to be a console RPG gamer until WoW took over my life towards the end of TBC. Joined a progressive raiding guild and was raiding like 6 days/ week during WoTLK but revereted to casual gaming (1-2 raid days/week) for Cata. Prefers PvE, have a pretty huge self-inflated epeen & am much of a achievement hoe.

    WoW aside, I do click ard alittle on those fb games, play Sims now and then and tap on my iphone. Fully intend to play Skyrim after I upgrade my PC and will defintiely be on D3. Played with DnD mainly during 3rd ed, and a little during 4th ed.

    Yep that's abt it. Its great to meet fellow gamers here ^_^V
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    Hi. I'm Shannon. I'm a little bit of a geek, and I'm married to a huge geek. I'm 32 years old and I have two babies. I joined to lose the baby weight added after backtoback pregnancies. I have been doing MFP for a month now. I was an observer until just recently. Now I'm posting up a storm. Gotta have the support, right?

    I am mostly an RPG gamer, usually xBox360. I love Sims on the PC too. Oh, and Facebook games. Do iPhone games count too? I also read ferociously. Where do I get the time? I don't really sleep. haha Multitasking, baby! Anyway, my game du jour is Skyrim (shocker) and Harry Potter 5-7 with the hubby after the babies are sleeping.

    Is it just me or is calorie counting using MFP a little like playing an RPG? You get a certain number of calories (say mana) and you have to research about what you can do with those calories (say casting spells or sending armies). If you stay under then you have extra to do more with, and if you go over then you tax yourself. hahaha MFP the RPG. LOL

  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Hi! I'm Heather. Long time gamer, and I've been working in the videogame industry for nearly 6 years. I secretly giggle with utter delight when I see people mention games I've had a hand in (like Active!). I also did a side stint in visual effects in the film industry, but am back in games now.

    I play Dungeons & Dragons regularly (active campaigns in 2E, 3.5E & 4E), and have dabbled in GURPS and Shadowrun as well.

    For videogames, I used to play Tekken competitively (that's kind of fallen to the wayside as life got busy), and I'm a disgruntled WoW survivor (beta & vanilla). Currently enjoy western RPGs (Bioware owns my soul), action-adventure, some RPG-fps, lots of fighting games, etc.

    I'm pretty close to my weight loss goal of 50 lb lost (the first 40 were done in 2007, and started up the last bit last year), and now I'm focussed on gaining muscle and reducing % body fat, as well as athletic goals (running, etc.)

    Nice to meet everyone!
  • Who are you: :) I'm Jessica
    Age: 24 years
    Female or male: lady
    I enjoy playing wow :) and the wii
    What are your weightloss goals: To lose around 100 pounds
    How many pounds have you lost: 30 pounds
  • Cassie.
    I currently play online games, such as CoD, Halo, Dead Island, among others. The not so online games would be Dragon Age, Metro 2033, Plants vs. Zombies.
    I currently weigh 200lbs, but would like to lose at least 40-60.
    I've gained 2....sadly. Because my love of food prevents me from moving backwards.

    I love the color yellow, devote at least an hour a day to reading (whether it be articles, or books, it doesn't matter), I plan on becoming an English high school teacher, and my motivation to lose weight is a guy in Kansas.
  • Hi! My Name is Casey. I am 28, 5' 8" tall, and weighing in at 202. I love to play video games and got my start on the Atari. I am looking to get down to 170 lbs. This is a weight I felt most comfortable weighing.
    I lost out on a major and important job in 2010 and have gained 32 lbs. I let myself go and continued eating fast food because at the time they "made" me feel better.
    There is a similar job coming up and I need to get back into shape. So I have decided now is the time to make a change.
    I am looking for support so if you need a friend to help through your goals add me and we can lose it together!
  • llgeisz
    llgeisz Posts: 34 Member

    Who are you! I am Larry Also known as Y4bz on xbox or Yabz on the wii
    Age? 46
    Female or male? Male
    FPS COD and BF3 now
    What are your weightloss goals? 80 pounds
    How many pounds have you lost? 5
    I am 5'7" and 240 pounds

    I started gaming with pong (yes I am older) and played off and on over the years about 5 years ago I picked up the Wii and loved it 2 weeks ago I picked up and xbox 360 and love it even though I am a newb... I am mostly into FPS games and started playing BF3 and like it a lot.

    Over the last 10 years I have slowly put on the pounds (bad foods and low exercise) so finally I decided do something about it so when I found this site and the app for the iPad I had to try it...

    So far so good on this I hope to keep it up...

    PS: If you see me on BF3 be kind (or i'll kill ya...LOL)
  • Hi Im Terri!

    I also go by Terribabe69 on XBL or Cougar in my gaming clan.
    I am 30 years old.
    My weight loss goals are to loose 100 lbs. Current weight is 269lbs.
    I originally lost 12 lbs and 3 1/2 inches but I gained all that back and then some =( So I am back to square one now. Working out with P90x! :)

    My first game I play was Pitfall for the Atari... Damn I feel old now. LOL Then I got NES, SNES, Xbox, Wii and now 360. So Ive been gaming since I was a youngin. I mostly play Skyrim or MW3. I also play DDO (when my comp wants to work) I also play tabletop D&D. Yea my husband got me into that 10 years ago. So yea Uber nerd here.

    I want to loose this weight not only to look good and feel good but I have 2 boys ages 8 and 2. They are my world and I want to be around for them for a long time.

    (and I know the noob who posted above me) LMAO!!!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Name- Jen
    Age- 33
    Gender- female tamale happily married to her own special Dork. (Srsly ask him about Borderlands)
    Started at 270 and have lost six pounds so far- goal weight is around 170. We'll see how I feel. Inches and strength are more important to me than pounds. If I weight 200 lbs and break the BMI (Which I hate already) but wear a size eight- I'll be happy.

    I gamed a lot in my youth- programming on my commodore, reading Atari magazine, shoveling quarters and dimes at any machine with a joystick. Fell in love with my NES and then played computer games mainly. I checked out of gaming during later high school and college then came back full force in my late twenties till now.

    I think hardcore vs casual is a BS argument that belittles all that games can be. I feel the same about 'high art' and 'craft' separation as well. Why divide what doesn't need it?

    Some games I like- Galaga (my fav), Super Mario, Enigma pinball games (pretty much all tables), Peggle, Flower, Costume Quest, ilomilo, Sumo Squash with my neicelet, and I'm up for any pinball or game that doesn't have me stare up a woman's rear end to play it.

    Can't play FPS because I don't have an adaptive controller- they are just too expensive. So some fast twitch games are also out. I can play Kinect and have lately been using Kinect Adventures as my HIIT training (srsly- it works!) and have been looking forward to advancing enough to actually get a workout game.

    I love games in all their forms and truly do believe they are art.
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    Hi there!

    My name is Stephanie (a lot of people call me Steph or Stephy) and I'm 22 years of age. Obviously I am female! I played a little D & D in 2010 but mostly WoW until SWTOR came out. You will now find me skipping around on my Rattataki destroying Jedi's and flirting my way to evilness. >:) My favorite games growing up, and still are, have to be Frogger, Tetris, Dr. Mario, and Mario Kart 64. My ALL time favorite is The Sims (I have played all forms of The Sims and still own the original; even wrote one of my college papers on it and got an A+!). I could ramble on but I will not bore people. Can always ask me and I shall answer!

    Sadly, I do not LARP, I have heard about it but it may be out of my nerdy ring. :(

    My goal is to lose 100 pounds but I am will to negotiate with my body if I feel happier and a different weight. So far, I have lost 2 pounds! (woo) and I'm really going off how I look :)

    Walk on the Beach? - Only if sandcastles will be built by the end of the walk!

    Feel free to add me :D I would be happy to nerd/geek out with anyone! (Former Band Geek - Flute player and do not start with the American Pie jokes...they actually annoy me a lot!)
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    Hi, my name is Amy, I'm 26, mother of 3.
    I'm 5'1 and not real sure of my current weight its some where between 125-120 at the moment. I'm buying a scale soon.
    I'm looking to reach 110-115 and then just tone my body.
    I am a computer gamer and console gamer. I've played WoW and am currently playing STWOR and loving it. I have a lot of gaming systems from the original nintendo, super nintendo, nintendo 64, Wii.
    Open to friend invites today marks my first full week and I'm loving this site!
  • jacob1462
    jacob1462 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm Jacob. I'm going to try the primal fitness plan to lose about 40 pounds. I started using the MFP app about a week ago and it has been a good motivator.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    Hey! I'm a geeky girl (yeah, my username is *very* original :P). My name is Anne, I'm 28 (5'2") and female. Mostly I play video games on the consoles (Xbox 360 and Wii). My favorites are RPG (Mass Effect, Fable, Assassin’s Creed generally).

    My work has a health challenge going on so I decided it was a perfect time to get healthy! I've lost about 13 lbs so far and I'm happy about that. :)
  • Who are you!
    I'm Layla! Princess Layla by some accounts... at least that was my radio name.


    Female or male?
    With a name like Layla, I'd better be F

    MMOs, video RPGs, and very infrequent tabletop

    I know people who do!

    What are your weightloss goals?!
    At least 28--30lbs, and that INCLUDES adding some back as muscle (so really, probably losing about 40 of fat).

    How many pounds have you lost?
    Just 2, I just started...

    Walk on the Beach?
    Errr, if you mean Tatooine, sure!
    (Honestly, my family used to have a kick *kitten* cottage on a local lake when I was growing up, so yes, I walked on the beach.)

    Check my (new!) blog for more about me... I'm a total geek/gamer nerd/StarWarsaholic/Star-everything, really. :) I've played video games my whole life starting with the TI computer... I even live with a gamer boyfriend who I *MET* via WoW - how's that for cool. lol! I'd also LOVE to have some geeky friends on here for mutual support and/or fun. I've worked in IT and Data Management, and currently teach Intro to DB for a college as well. I have my MLIS. I got my BS in History. I play music. I do play SWTOR at the moment on the Sith side and have a pretty cool small guild - we're raiding (some of us) and leveling and generally having a good ol' time. Hit me up for more fun and excitement! ^-^
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    Who are you! Hola I'm Crystal AKA BubbleGum Yum and Rogue

    Age? 31 Female
    Used to LARP got tried of the drama with the players so I left. But love me my wii and mario bros.. My other geeks are organizing, crafts, and decorating things.

    What are your weightloss goals?! Been at this 5 years, and have lost 75, I have another 50 to go and have been trying and still not getting anywhere.. Hit the weirdest wall..

    How many pounds have you lost? see above

    Walk on the Beach? And yes! Infact had a candle lit, thai food take out dinner with the boyfriend on VD LOL

    So happy I found this!!
  • I'm Emily, age 23, and all signs point to female.

    I play both computer and console (and arcade! Gotta love some House of the Dead). Favorites include the Legend of Zelda games, Portal, Team Fortress 2, League of Legends, Soul Calibur, God of War, Batman: Arkham Whatever, and Grand Theft Auto, Super Smash Bros, Katamari.

    The one time I LARPed, I was too late to register, but I showed up anyway dressed as a unicorn and pranced around the outside of the ring for effect. So it was all good. I'm also a big fan of cosplay, which is one of my motivators to lose weight and build muscle. I was Chun-Li last year and I'll probably never come close to achieving her thighs, but I'll work with what I've got.

    I'm looking to lose 10-15 pounds or so, but I'm not picky - I'm gauging progress mostly by how I look and feel. I've only lost 2 pounds so far, but I just started.

    Other stuff:
    I'm a graphic designer/marketing coordinator in Chicago.
    I'm allergic to lots of stuff.
    My "other" goal this year is to do stand-up comedy at an open mic.
    I have a geeky boyfriend who hogs the consoles at his place and would probably not object to my acquiring abs.
  • I'm Jennifer,

    Age: 28
    Played FFXI for 4 years but gave it up 2 years ago. I was a taru named Gypsie and made some cute youtube videos. I played the beta version of FFXIV but deployed before I had a chance to really get involved in it. I'm looking for a good online RPG game to play because I will be back from my current deployment in about a month and will have time to play my games again! If you know of a good one, let me know!

    I've been playing the sims since I've been over here in Afghanistan because it's the only game I have that can be played without the internet.

    I'm trying to lose 22 pounds and I originally dropped 4 pounds but ended up gaining it back. So right now I've lost 0 but am still continuosly working on it. My current weight is 161 lbs at 5'6.

    I have a tattoo of Mario and Princess Peach kissing on my back..

    I am a SGT in the US Army.