Ravenclaw Common Room



  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    BAD DAY! Scale made me feel like crap...like I have been working on losing weight all stinking month and I went up from last week....CRAP! mentally saying ..."not gonna let it get to me...not gonna let it get to me..."
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw, happy tuesday!! i've been out of sorts recently-husband in hospital, i've been nursing an ankle injury, and sick on top of it all. every morning i get up saying to myself "this is the day i get back on track". well, today IS THE DAY!!! completed my log and was under yesterday for the first time in quite awhile.

    to our newest housemates terri and missklara-welcome to the best house ever!! on the days when i haven't felt like sharing, i still check in to see what everyone is up too. nice to see so much acitvity again!!

    bethany and sami-people can be mean and hurtful...period!! it's hard to let it go, but we need to put ourselves first and have confidence in what we are doing. they don't matter!!! meaness need to be given the attention it deserves...NONE!!! you are both doing great and as long as you know it, nothing else matters!! bethany, hope the joints a feeling better soon and you can get back to your workouts!!

    sue be sure you are taking care of yourself with your busy schedule!!

    gwen-welcome back. glad you had some good relaxation!!

    ashley-you are so right-don't let it get to you!! sometimes it takes a little while of being in the routine to see results. don't forget your water!!

    to everyone showing losses this week, CONGRATS!!! hope to be joining your ranks next week!!

    hoping to get some sort of exercise in today, even if it's a short walk after work, it's supposed to be a nice day here today-maybe some fresh air!!

    hope everyone has a great day, and thanks for still being here for me. :flowerforyou:
  • pufff
    pufff Posts: 8 Member
    Just wanted to say hi! I'm new here and would love to join in! I have heaps of weight to lose here and am keen to get started. I'm going to find out how this group works now!
    Best wishes to everyone! Rose
  • tboothgenthe
    Hi Rose and welcome.

    Ok - got to the gym this morning at work and then drove home to work from home :laugh: . Partners car is in the shop so I have to be home to drive her and the kids around. But I didn't want to miss my gym time. 40 minutes cardio but I skipped weights just for today.

    Shooting to lose 5 in February.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    :flowerforyou: hi Rose!

    i'm doing ''3500+ Calories Burned Challenge 1/30-2/5'' and it lasts only a week :/ don't know how i'm going to make because i normally burn 1000cal a week! but i'll try :D i'm hoping this will do something to my weight also!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    good day yesterday, working on a repeat today.
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Joints REALLY hurt today. Tried doing aqua zumba last night hoping it wouldn't hurt too much...it did. I hoped it would be low impact enough but the water was shallow for someone of my height (5'11"), so it was a harder impact than it was for everyone else in the class. Today my elbows, knees, ankles and wrists are throbbing. I really don't want to move.

    On a stronger note, I moved the large communal bowl of candy my roommates and I have out of my room and onto the counter in the hallway between our bedrooms. I kept sneaking candy, so I knew I had to move it. Hopefully now I won't eat so much of it with it not being in my line of vision all the time.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Awesome job this week everyone! I wish I had time to comment individually, but I'm rushing a bit this morning.

    Numbers are being reported tonight, so if you have any pieces of information that need to be filled in, let me know.

    Mostly we're just missing some house point entries. Missklara and tboothgenthe, if you happen to know how many exercise minutes you had last week, let me know. :) We'll get those entered. Otherwise, we have to update it as a 0, so I just wanted to check before we finalize everything.

    Have a great Tuesday, everyone!
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    last week- exercise minutes: 275
    cw: 165
    gw for end of february: 158
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Yay it's Wednesday! Wait, what?? It's TUESDAY??? GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

    I was interested in getting one of those Fitbit things. I know someone on here has it. Is it worth the dough? What exactly does it tell you?

    Yesterday I got to go home 2 hours early, so instead of an 11-hour day I had a 9-hr day. Progress! If it keeps up, I'll be able to hit a zumba class on Wednesday night. Woot!
  • tboothgenthe
    For cardio I did 40 minutes for 5 days = 200 minutes. I'm not sure how much time weight training as I just started and I think there's more time looking at the weights then lifting them ;)
  • mommyoftwins08
    Hi everyone I am new. My name is Michelle and I have twin 3 year olds.

    my current weight is 190.4 and my goal is 186.4 for the end of the month.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    hi mommyoftwins0! :flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Welcome mommyoftwins08! And to tboothgenthe - I don't think I ever extended a welcome to you :blushing: I can see that relinquishing my post as Head of House was the right decision. Lottee and Kelly, you two are doing such a great job greeting all of the newcomers and getting them settled in! :drinker:

    Just dropping in for a quick hello and then I'm off to do my homework. I think that even logging all of my meals for each day is going to suffer while I'm in these classes. I haven't logged anything today and I don't remember everything that I ate. :ohwell: I'm just going to have to watch what I eat and trust that I've learned enough to wing it for a while!

    Have a wonderful night everyone!

    Oh yes - and welcome Puff!! I love that we have so many new members! :bigsmile:

    Oh - and very nice week 4 results guys! Fantastic!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    OK - I finished my homework a little early, so I went back and reconstructed my day. Way over on calories - stress eating candy and comfort food biscuits - totally blew the day :( Hubby made dinner and is so proud of himself for making biscuits and soup from scratch. I don't want to ruin it by telling him how many calories were in them! Oh well, I'll start again tomorrow.

    Good night Ravenclaw! :heart:
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw and happy wednesday (yes, korkster-it really is wednesday now)!! got a short walk/run in with the dog last night. i had hoped for a bike ride as it was a beautiful day here but by the time i got home it was too dark so had to settle for a walk. (on the up side, Zoey really enjoyed herself!! :laugh: )

    welcome to puff and mommyof twins!!

    sue-i came home to 2 people requesting Wendy's for dinner "since you have to go to the store anyway"!! now my car smells like french fries-happy to say i had my whole wheat pasta and not Wendy's. although, i have to say, on the rare occasion someone else here cooks, it isn't at all healthy!!

    gotta get moving. likely gonna be a late day at work so not too sure about a workout tonight.

    hope everyone has a great hump day!! :bigsmile:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all! And hi to our new members, mommyoftwins0 and pufff!

    Some info for you:
    We weigh-in every weekend (by Monday at the latest) by entering your information on this spreadsheet:

    Each week, you enter your current weight, your house points (which is how many minute of exercise you did) and your OWLs, which is how successful you were with the challenges (maximum of 21). The challenges are listed on the right hand side of the spreadsheet, and if you want more details about them, they're explained in one of my previous posts (think it's on page 6....)

    Pufff-you need to enter your start weight (as of this week) and your goal weight for February, either by posting them here or entering them into the spreadsheet.

    everyone else, the spreadsheet is now adapted for February, so you can log-in as normal next month.

    Good luck everyone!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    right previous post was me in HoH mode, now I'm in just me mode...

    Why, why, why do I sabotage myself?! Last week, Tuesday and Wednesday were really bad days for food and exercise. I knew Tues and Wed this week were going to be the same food wise, so did I do anything about it? NO OF COURSE NOT! So have been eating junk all day, am now hungry because I haven't had anything substantial (but I did have THREE starbucks coffees, really necessary...!) but I'm already well over my calories despite just doing an hours hardcore exercise to try and earn some back (also not a healthy mind set- exercising to earn food?! really healthy mentality!!)

    I hope you guys are doing better than me, am going to bed now to sulk...
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Welcome new Ravenclaws!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    First of all, I just wanted to say congratulations for such an AMAZING week to end the month! We ended with a weight loss percentage in Week Four of 0.767%, which is a huge improvement from last week! We also hit our goal of breaking the 200 mark with our HPs, yay!

    Congrats to all of those who achieved losses this week: azsuzi, bethanyweathers, blackhawkgirl91, cenedria235, emmie_rene, karinane, korkster, lottee1000, mish3131, twiFan5, WhatsEatingYou, and me. :drinker:

    Also, congrats to our Quidditch All-Star of the Week for the highest % of weight loss: bethanyweathers, with a % lost of 1.85% (woohoo!)

    For our January Quidditch Captain with the overall highest % of weight lost for the month, technically our winner would have been lottee1000 with an impressive 4.65% weight loss during the month. But since she's already HoH, our official winner is our newcomer mish3131 with an awesome 2.88% loss! Congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    I really wish we could still use the badges in our signature because I would love for you to be able to show off your success, but does anyone have any other ideas for how we can celebrate those? Would love to hear it!