What does eveyone do for Breakfast?



  • kristyemilia
    kristyemilia Posts: 32 Member
    Two vitabrits with lactose free milk or about 5 prunes and puree'd apple. I'm not a big breakfast person either so whatever I can manage is better than none!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Two vitabrits with lactose free milk or about 5 prunes and puree'd apple. I'm not a big breakfast person either so whatever I can manage is better than none!

    Thats a myth actually. I eat breakfast at abour 1pm each day.
  • Vanilladays
    Vanilladays Posts: 155 Member

    I try to have a variety.......

    *scrambled eggs 2 or 3 with 40 ml of lite milk cooked in the microwave with a piece of toast (no butter)
    *50 g of low fat muesli with 100 ml of low fat, low sugar yoghurt
    *220 g baked beans with toast and 10 g lite olive oil spread
    Also sometimes porridge or 200 g fruit salad with 100 g yoghurt.
    Always with coffee, 30 ml lite milk and sweeteners.

    I used to do what lots of people do and skip breakfast or eat light but I have learned and LOST (more importantly) eating bigger and better.

    I am loosely following Curves plan and am loosing, toning AND EATING like never before. Over 9 kg in two months. I have tried lots of different things and they work for a while but then my body would adapt and the weight loss would stop. I now have my metabolism working for me rather than against me. I eat more but I do exercise and eat right. I feel great and it is easy.

  • I love breakfast! It's probably my favourite meal!!

    I alternate between :-
    - protein 1st cereal w. hilo milk
    - weetbix and hilo milk w. fruit
    - a poached egg on toast with baby spinach
    - cottage cheese on a piece of toast with lettuce/baby spinach and a few cherry tomatoes

    and if i've been training first thing I usually add a banana/yoghurt too.
  • 2 poached eggs on a slice of wholemeal toast. I sometimes add 97% fat free ham, Beerenberg hot tomato chutney and mushrooms
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    I have a Smoothie and a boiled egg and of always my morning coffee.

    Honestly you don’t taste the spinach and with the added fruit (2 pieces) you get a lovely sweet smoothie.

    Green Health Smoothie Base

    I process everything in a stick blender

    1 cup Fresh Baby Spinach
    10 Almonds
    1 – 2 Teaspoons unprocessed Bran
    50 – 100 Grams Natural Yogurt

    Now add anything you want!

    I add ½ teaspoon of fennel seed and ½ teaspoon of ground ginger (they are both antioxidants and help the digestive system) but leave them out if you want.

    Some days I have 1 Whole Frozen Banana OR

    ½ Banana + 1 Peach with skin OR

    ½ Banana + 50 grams of mixed Berries OR

    ½ Banana + 100 grams Honeydew Melon + tsp fresh parsley

    ½ Banana + 3 Slices of Pineapple + Tbsp grated Carrot

    It's Yum and only takes a couple of minutes to mix up
  • Bircher museli and fruit. It's gooey oaty-ness rocks my world and keeps me full till lunch. No snacking woop woop !

    Oh god I love brcher muesli too! My days are mixed. Some days multigrain bread w/ vegemite, other days bircher muesli, and a piece of fruit.
    I'd like to do more smoothies, I go back to work at the end of the week, bit hard to do a smoothie then.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    2 poached eggs on a slice of wholemeal toast. I sometimes add 97% fat free ham, Beerenberg hot tomato chutney and mushrooms

    Oh how good is the beerenberg stuff! I took a trip up there a couple of weeks ago and had to fight myself not to buy dozens of bottles :). Love their chutneys...
  • Lately I've been alternating between an apple and a non fat yoghurt (forme Caramel Tart ftw) and an Uncle Tobys quick sachet of oats with milk. Not the lowest in sugar option out there I know, but first thing in the morning I just want something that hits the spot, and to me that does.
  • beki18
    beki18 Posts: 21
    i think we all have similar breakfast options. I love Uncle Toby's protein plus with soy or 30g of oats topped with 1/2 stewed apple and a tablespoon of low fat greek yoghurt which i let sit until the oats have soaked up all the water from the apple then eat. YUM
  • g_jelly
    g_jelly Posts: 36 Member
    I make my own muesli, cos i had a lot of trouble finding one low in sugar. mine current version has oats, nuts, seeds and finely chopped dried cranberries and crystallized ginger. i have a small about (50g) with yoghurt and milk. there are heaps of recipes on the web for raw and baked muesli, or just experiment.
  • I find it difficult to eat breakfast. I didn't for years but then had babies and being pregnant made me feel obligated to have breakfast to start the day for the nutrition. For breakfast I usually have something like:
    -poached egg on a piece of toast.
    -one egg and fruit.
    And always a coffee with it.
    I don't do cereal, I can't face it in the morning, though every now and then have porridge.
  • Yeah it is great, and low in calories as well. I don't bother with marj/butter, and just have some chutney instead.
    2 poached eggs on a slice of wholemeal toast. I sometimes add 97% fat free ham, Beerenberg hot tomato chutney and mushrooms

    Oh how good is the beerenberg stuff! I took a trip up there a couple of weeks ago and had to fight myself not to buy dozens of bottles :). Love their chutneys...
  • sam_gamgee
    sam_gamgee Posts: 138 Member
    Can't believe that no-one else in this group has said vegemite toast! That and a boiled egg ...

    Edit - oops just noticed LimeSlime's post ...
  • Vegemite on vitawheats in the car on the way to work

    I have only just started eating breakfast since being on MFP :embarassed:

    And I can't bear getting up any earlier to make breakfast!
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    Carmans - Classic Fruit Muesli with some skim milk. Best cereal ever.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I usually start out with some fruit (while my husband has an early brekkie before he goes to work). Most days I workout once he has left for work, then have my second breakfast - most often porridge with peanut butter and apple or banana.

    On weekends we usually cook eggs, or it might be toasties with cheese/tomato/avocado or just a muesli bar and an apple if we are really on the run. Be Natural muesli bars are my favourite.

    My favourite pre-long-run breakfast is a fruit muffin with peanut butter and banana.
  • rlodin
    rlodin Posts: 19 Member
    I used to be a cereal fanatic, but after starting to watch my calories I have steered clear of my favs because i go a little crazy.

    I now cycle between the following dependant on how I feel:

    - oats with skim milk, cinnamon, vanilla essence and honey/stevia sugar.
    - two eggs and two sanitarium "vege sausages" in a can (i know " eww IN A CAN!!) but they are awesome!! (to me anyway :D)
    - two mountain bread slices with some penut butter and a little honey (naughty I know, but awesome!)
  • Well I used to be addicted to Subway bacon and egg but have traded it in for a poached egg on toast using my microwave container and making everyone jealous of it at work (can't eat when I first get up).
  • bobthesmogs
    bobthesmogs Posts: 58 Member
    I found these great mueslis at a deli. They're called "The Muesli" (97% sugar free) and I have 25gms of it mixed with 25gms of "Chia Seed Blend" and a big spoon of Jalna yoghurt. It doesn't look like much in the bowl, but it REALLY keeps me going without any hunger for a good three hours afterwards.