Ravenclaw Common Room



  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    thanks kellyisfat and azsuzi for than info. i'm aware of that, i eat when i'm hungry and i never eat less than 1000cals, no way mister! but i usually don't burn so many cals, it was only that one day :)
    i'm also a supporter of the idea that if you eat a bit more, you will start loosing weight :wink:
    so, i'll try to eat 300cals more than usual
    yesterday and today- workout- zero :angry: it's snowing outside and i it's weekend so i cannot go to my yoga classes, i can only ride my stationary bike and i'm kind of sick of it!

  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw, happy saturday!! stress eating continues!! while sue and bethany binged on pizza, i went for chinese!! the plan is to get back to workouts this week hoping my ankle is doing better. i snuck a peek on the scales this morning and it wasn't as bad as i had expected.

    welcome to jazzgnat-hope you love this group as much as i do!!!

    missklara-great advice from kelly and sue. are you eating back the calories you burn in exercise? i also would not have guessed that english was not your first language.

    off for a trip to a huge mall a couple of hours away-plan to do lots of walking and WINDOW shopping only (might getshoes for work) and a yummy salad from the saladworks. hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    psb13- i usually eat more on a day of hard workout :) i think everyone on the beginning lose pounds really quickly and after a month or so, it stops. then after few weeks starts to lose them again :) so i'm waiting another week to see what will happen :D
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw! Welcome jazzgnat! Its always fun to see new faces. We've had a couple of men in the group before and it was fun having them here. Sadly, they have both left us - maybe they'll make their way back someday.

    Weezieishness (and any others who weigh in kg) - I added a kg to lb calculation to the bottom of the weigh in spreadsheet. All you do is type in your kg weight and the formula will calculate the pounds for you. Hope that makes life easier for everyone.

    I think that today I gonna have to get out and do some yard work. The bushes have gotten overgrown and in desperate need of attention. Problem is, I don't really know what I'm doing and I'm afraid of killing all of the landlord's plants! (hmmmm - that's probably why they're so overgrown in the first place.) :ohwell:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day! Weigh in tomorrow - fingers crossed that the pizza binge didn't undo any of my progress!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Good morning, Ravenclaws!

    Although I *didn't* like them, I must admit that the challenges this past week were good. Although I failed on the sodium intake for most days, I really pushed myself to have the 8 glasses of water a day. And it seems to have worked! I will try to continue this trend, but I predict some slacking off since it's no longer for OWLs. :tongue:

    I'm posting this to our Excel sheet, but I still like to share here.

    Exercise- 120 minutes (didn't get to do as much as I wanted, but at least I got out and about a few times)
    OWLs- 8
    CW- 308.4

    I seem to be well on my way for my goal (at this pace)! Hopefully I can keep it up. If not, I know it's all still progress. In about 2 hours I'll have zumba again, and I already have exercise planned for the weekend. :bigsmile:

    Have a good one!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Decided weighing myself today after the binge last night probably wouldn't be the best idea, so I'm taking today to drink my weight in water, *hopefully* flush out all the crappy food, and then tomorrow weigh myself. We'll see how that goes.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    korkster, I gotta say, I do love the challenges, too. I may not always meet them, but the good thing is that it gets into my head to try to remember to do it, so I end up seeing my habits change slowly or start incorporating new things.

    And welcome jazzgnat! I'll send you a message with some information soon to get you started, but of course, you're welcome to jump right in and post and ask questions as you need. Great to have you with us!

    Bethany, It's funny, most of the time right after a binge day is when my weight hits its lowest, but then the day *after* I can sometimes see some ugliness on the scale depending on how good I was the following day. It's weird how our bodies are all a bit different -- good luck! Hope it goes better than you think.

    As for me, it's my birthday weekend, which means I will be splurging (birthday isn't until Monday, but weekends always work out better). My new way of life isn't going to include cutting out celebrations, etc., so I plan to eat what I want, and as soon as it's over, I'll be right back on track. Might not have a loss this week, but I'm at least going to do everything I can to maintain after this weekend.
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Welcome jazzgnat!

    Hope everyone's weekends are going great! Been kinda slow here. My knees been hurting so I've backed off the intensity of my workout. I'm still doing it but trying not to tweak my knee at all. The sodium challenge kicked my butt but I'm able to drink at least 10 cups of water each day. Going to the movies today but wont be eating ANY popcorn or candy. That stuff is killer. Here's to a great week/weekend and an amazing weigh in for everyone! :)
    :heart: Ayla
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi jazzgnat! Will send you a message in a bit explaining how our group works.

    Sunday morning here- struggling to get up and do anything productive though. Hmm, would normally swim but can't do that at the moment because of a perforated eardrum. Might do an exercise video I suppose... Blah, I hate being lazy! Might make today a rest day, did loads of exercise this week anyway.

    Fingers crossed for a good weigh-in tomorrow, and good luck to you all for weigh-in, whenever your day is!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Superbowl Sunday . . . doubts I will stay under cals or sodium or fat or carbs today- but I've been really good all week and I have decided to drink 1 glass of water for every "fun" beverage, hopefully that will help
    weighed in thi morning and down 2lbs this week YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaw! It seems that I'm still on my see-saw - back up a pound to 154 :( I know there's no one to blame but myself and my food choices. I always start out so good but as the day wears on, it seems like the control center in my head shuts down and I lapse back into old eating patterns. Ah well, spring's not too far off and I am going into this spring 50 pounds lighter than last spring! I feel confident that I will reach my goal by the end of summer and will go into maintenance next winter. I'll just consider this a dress rehearsal! :laugh: :wink:
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Gained. Shock. Surprise. No way. 224.8 1.4 pound gain.

    OWLS: 10
    House Points: 45.
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Ugh yesterday turned out to be a crappy food day. Ate for lunch and dinner at Chipotle & Subway. Not the worst choices and I was ustill under calories but I still felt I should have eaten better. Today I have 2 Superbowl parties to go to. I don't think that I will stay under my calories today put I'm at peace with that. Not really expecting a loss when I weigh in tomorrow morning. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
    :heart: Ayla
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    For once I'm glad I'm not into football. Parties, chips 'n dip, hot dogs, cake... that would bother me any normal day, but on Superbowl Sunday it justs rolls off the back.

    Although I've lost this past week, I do find myself mourning those 70 calories I lost during the adjustment. I have no clue how people can eat only 1200 calories a day and I dread everyday I get closer to that number. If only food didn't taste so good.

    I am digging the talk about birthdays. My birthday is in June, but I've already got it planned out. Screw the cake. The frosting is awful, and it's not worth the price. Most of it goes to waste anyway. I want my birthday at a bakery. The cake will be substituted for one of those big, warm, soft loafs... with candles in it. Any type of bread, all at my fingertips. And the smell! Man I miss bread. Can you tell? I plan to eat my birthday spoils as if it were my last meal. I guess it's a good thing I don't live above a bakery... it'd be all over.

    On the bright side, I ordered my FitBit, which should arrive either Monday or Tuesday. I can't wait to try it out!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Although I've lost this past week, I do find myself mourning those 70 calories I lost during the adjustment. I have no clue how people can eat only 1200 calories a day and I dread everyday I get closer to that number. If only food didn't taste so good.
    Don't dread it - embrace it! You can eat a huge amount of food on 1200 calories! The trick is staying away from processed foods and cooking your own foods. My lunches and dinner are usually a protein (3 - 4 oz) plus lots of veggies. For dinner I add a small baked potato or a cup of rice. But the majority of my plate is full of veggies - at least 2 cups or more. Veggies are ultra low in calories if you don't drown them in butter or sauces. Just steam or roast them and add some nice seasoning. Mmmmm - yummy. When I'm keeping my fingers out of the candy bowls at work, I have a hard time eating ENOUGH calories! You can do it!

    Let us know how you like the FitBit. I've been looking at them and can't decide if I want one or not. Is it a hrm or a pedometer on steroids?
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    good morning everyone!!!!! Didn't do so badly last night- some wings, a handful of chips, and 3 beers (lite). Still over but not as bad as I thought I would be. Its a new day/week
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Weighed in at 102.5 Ibs :), 0 Owls but plan to start them again this week, 385 House Points roughly. :) Hope that everybody has had a great day and I am so happy to be in this group.
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Just to let you know I will usually totally disappear on the weekends. It's one of the hazards of working in the pizza industry. You would thank constantly being around pizza would be a huge challenge but I have been making and delivering the stuff most of my adult life so I'm actually kinda sick of it. I do struggle with snacking as I drive though. I have built a habit of eating in the car when I'm at work and that has lead me to feeling hungry most of the time at work. That part is annoying but thank God for popcorn and beef jerky. Those are my go to convenience store foods which are only 160 and 120 cals per serving respectively. The best thing about work is I met my friend Dave there and he has been a great motivator. He used to be about the same size as me and noe he is totally ripped. His fitness mantra is "do the opposite of what everyone else is doing." I kinda laughed when he first said it but I look at it now 5 weeks later and realize that's pretty much where I am. This week has been less productive than the previous ones but I put on a couple pounds last week because I had multiple birthday celebrations. I had to knock that back off and managed an extra 2 lbs. Ok I'm going to stop writing before this turns into a book.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Weighing up one pound up... Boo! 333 house points though, so am hoping that if I keep that up I'll lose next week... Hopefully! Two nights-out this weekend didn't really help either...
    Hope all the american Ravenclaws enjoyed the Superbowl! I watched, but not really my sport...
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I'm losing ground. I haven't been very careful about logging my calories this week.