Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Monday Ravenclaw! Monday's are my busy day so this is just a quick check in. Here's my Monday schedule:
    6:00 up and shower, pack breakfast, lunch and dinner
    7:15 leave for work
    8:00 arrive for work
    12:00 do homework at my desk while I eat lunch
    5:30 leave work and go to class
    7:05 leave class and go to bell choir practice
    9:30 arrive home, help hubby clean the kitchen, empty trash, etc
    10:00 or so - go to bed to start it all again!

    Tuesdays I have a lunch-time class, so I won't be back to see you all until tomorrow night after dinner. I hope each of you has a fantastic week!
  • Finally back to a normal schedule. I have really stepped off my path over the past few weeks but this week will be a different store. I missed my monthly weight goal by 1 lb - which i know isn't that much but is still a bummer.

    Hope you are all doing great and I look forward to being more active one the boards and getting to "know" you all.

  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    azsuzi- Wow that's a crazy schedule! Good luck!

    _gwen- We've all been there. It's ok to have a bad week here and there.

    lottee-I'm sure with all that exercise it will come off in no time!

    Jazz- Gosh I wish I had that imunity! Pizza is my weakness!

    Ugh I was really bad yesterday between 2 superbowl parties I was way over on cals. Doing good today though. Hope everyone has a great Monday! I'll be back on Weds. It's my weekend and I'm going to be catching up on all the korea drama I've missed between working out. Hope everyone has a great start of the week! *hugs*
    :heart: Ayla
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    I'm digging wearing my 3x clothing. They're big on me, almost too big. But I just bought these clothes about 4 months ago, so I'm trying to get my mileage in them before I can't wear them anymore. Which is a good thing. :) Last week I got to wear one of my 2x shirts. This, as they say, is a good thing. I'm glad I kept all of those clothes. I'll have something to wear while I step down.

    I wonder if anyone has had any of their clothes "taken in". Is it worth it in price? Seems like a waste to get rid of new clothes. I was thinking that might be an option. Any thoughts?

    Thanks for the input on veggies, Sue! We're still rocking microwaveable food... just not enough time or desire to do everything fresh. But since eating anything "green" at home is still new to my family, I think we've come leaps and bounds. I still have a ways to go before I reach the "1200", but I will think about getting a steamer. We used to have one, but tossed it since we never used it. If that's changing... might be time to re-invest. :)
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy Tuesday Ravenclaws!

    Korky- good effort on your clothes, I love fitting into smaller sizes or things I haven't worn in ages! I get things taken in all the time, but it's super cheap here. I guess you have to find out how much it costs and see if it's worth it. Or find a grandma that's good at sewing... :wink:

    I am GOING to be good today, already got a run planned with a friend, and got all my food and snacks with me. I won't be broken! Having said that, I 've just eaten some pineapple, WOW isthat high in sugar!! Amazingly high. tasty though...

    Have a good day guys x
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Wow, I have so much to catch up on, but no time to do it just yet. Let me just send out some hugs and :heart: to you all, and get down to business instead.

    Looks like most of you have already weighed in (thank you!), but here are the weigh-ins we still need:

    cherubcrnp (house points only needed)

    Also, I took Bethany's lead and made my own set of weight loss jars. ( http://photos.myfitnesspalllc.netdna-cdn.com/images/photos/907/165/10907165_101.jpg ) Hard to see really well in the picture, but I'm excited about them! Made a set for my husband, too. :) Oh, and I realize that green is very uncharacteristically Slytherin of me, but it's my favorite color. Don't judge me >.> :flowerforyou:

  • Also, I took Bethany's lead and made my own set of weight loss jars. ( http://photos.myfitnesspalllc.netdna-cdn.com/images/photos/907/165/10907165_101.jpg ) Hard to see really well in the picture, but I'm excited about them! Made a set for my husband, too. :) Oh, and I realize that green is very uncharacteristically Slytherin of me, but it's my favorite color. Don't judge me >.> :flowerforyou:

    LOVE the vases - and green is my favorite color as well, shhhh.
  • [/qoute]

    Also, I took Bethany's lead and made my own set of weight loss jars. ( http://photos.myfitnesspalllc.netdna-cdn.com/images/photos/907/165/10907165_101.jpg ) Hard to see really well in the picture, but I'm excited about them! Made a set for my husband, too. :) Oh, and I realize that green is very uncharacteristically Slytherin of me, but it's my favorite color. Don't judge me >.> :flowerforyou:

    what is the weight loss jar? ( i saw the pic)
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    good morning everyone!
    geez, it's snowing here like crazy! i had to go to a doctor this morning and i was one hour late!!! there was a traffic jam and tram couldn't move! probably no one of you have never been in Croatia so i decided to put some pics :D


  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Good Morning Ravenclaws,

    Yesterday was a really good day for me even though my wife decided to be bad. She brought home fried chicken for dinner. Thankfully she got me some grilled chicken and I was able to keep within my goals. Furthermore she made cookies after dinner but I only had 3. I've been looking into adding some running to my daily routine and I've decided to try the couch to 5k program. My brother-in-law is a former marine and a distance runner and a really cool guy. I would love to be able to do a race with him so I am shooting for one in may. Also, I have a question. Where do I find what the OWLS are?? I saw January's on Kelly's blog. Are we just repeating those this month?
  • I entered my weight, but want to verify - what are the OWLS again?
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    had my first physical therapy appointment yesterday- can't believe how much strength I have lost in my leg . . . makes me sad, but my physical therapist is hot ;)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    @jazzgnat and tboothgenthe - the OWLs for the week are listed on our weigh in spreadsheet to the far right of the weigh in area. For this week the food challenge is to eat 3 servings of veggies each day, the exercise challenge is to do resistance/strength training each day and the spirit challenge is to post in the common room each day. 1 OWL for each day you meet each challenge.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    good morning everyone!
    geez, it's snowing here like crazy! i had to go to a doctor this morning and i was one hour late!!! there was a traffic jam and tram couldn't move! probably no one of you have never been in Croatia so i decided to put some pics :D


    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    I've seen a couple questions about OWLs, so hopefully this will help. OWLs are one way we challenge ourselves every week to pick up new/better habits. They also determine who gets to be named 'prefect' for the week as a pat on the back for doing a great job. :)

    The current weekly OWLs are always posted in the Common Room first by lottee1000, so you can look back through if you want to find them that way. But the easiest place to look is on our spreadsheet:


    Every week, the challenges are updated along the side so that you can quickly check and see what we're working on. If you need a better description of each, however, I would look for Lottee's post during the week.

    For this week, you can earn one OWL for each of the following challenges you complete each day:
    Food: Eat three portions of veggies every day
    Exercise: Do resistance/strength training
    House Spirit: Post in the Common Room

    Hope this helps! Good luck with them!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    I love those pictures, missklara! Thank you so much for sharing!


    And for the questions about the weight loss jars, bethanyweathers updated her profile picture a bit ago to show these weight loss jars she had made to track how many pounds she had lost and how many she had left so that she had a visual reminder to keep her on pace each week. I loved the idea, so I made my own set and I have them out so that I can see them every day, and when I weigh in on the weekends, I move the # of stones I lost (hopefully) to the 'pounds lost' jar. :)
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    I love the weight loss jars idea but I am terrified that mine would be empty!

    I have had the one pound up/ one pound down thing for a few weeks now! Sooooo frustrating. I have tried to conquer my frustration by working out like a madwoman...today will be my 5th day in a row of interval running for an hour. I know I need to give it time but gosh it is difficult to stay encouraged.

    Lots of Love to you all!
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    Beautiful pictures!!

    I lost 1 lb on the home scale, 3.2 on the doctors scale. Although they had different starting numbers (by 13 lbs!) there was the same amount of time between them and weighed at the same time of day as the previous week. I'm logging the -1 to be consistent with the one at home, but I really wish I could use that -3.2 and not throw everything off, lol!

    About the jars: I think that is a great idea! I do something slightly similar--I have a sheet hung up on the wall with a box grid on it. Every time I lose 2.5 lbs (that's just the number I calculated from the amount of boxes drawn and how much I have to lose) I get to color in one of those boxes. Every time I reach the end of a row (which is every 25 lbs) I get a super reward. My first reward was a new computer game, and my final reward is a brand new wardrobe. Dont know what the next ones is going to be yet... But I got 15 lbs left to think about it :smile:
  • Good Wednesday morning everyone. I was so hungry yesterday that this morning I went to the cafe and got an egg-white omlet with veggies, no cheese and 2 pieces of whole wheat toast. More calories then I'm used to using first thing in the day but if felt good to feel "full" even if it was for only about an hour.

    Last week I dropped a bit over 2 pounds (big week for me). If I can lose 1.5 this week I'll be under 150 :) that would be HUGE.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Right, you've inspired me, am definitely making weight loss jars this week!!

    Thanks for filling people in about the challenges Azsuzi ad Kelly, and I think Croatia looks stunning! Will hopefully be in Europe next year and Croatia is high up my wish-list...

    Am really sad but just made a huge salad for lunch tomorrow (lettuce, spinach, plum tomatoes, cucumber, red cabbage, yellow pepper, parsley, broccolli and grilled chicken) and am already really looking forward to eating it! Such a loser!

    Happy hump day Ravenclaws Xx