Week 3



  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    Just did W3D1 - not as bad as I feared - I was able to do both 3 min runs. Will try to increase my pace a bit as I was really slow! I found my legs/calves hurt but I didn't have much problem with the breathing which is good.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I was a bit apprehensive about the longer runs this week, as D1 was a bit of a shocker after W2.

    W3D1 was a bit of a shocker for me, too. It was so much harder than doing the shorter intervals. W3D2 was better. The first interval went more smoothly, and the last one seemed easier. I will do W3D3 today. I expect the 3 min. runs to start feeling like 90 second ones.

    I do expect to be on this week for at least a couple more days. (It seems to take me a week-and-a-half to two weeks to feel comfortable moving forward.) Does anyone else feel like they need more time on Week 3?
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    W3D2 today. I went out a little faster today and so found the 3 minute runs much more difficult - but I got through them. I did an extra 3 minute run at the end, during the cool down period becuase this week is quite short (just 28 minutes). Funnily enough this was by far the easiest of the 3 minute runs - maybe because most of it was a little downhill. LOL.
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    W3D1 was a bit of a shocker for me, too. It was so much harder than doing the shorter intervals. W3D2 was better. The first interval went more smoothly, and the last one seemed easier. I will do W3D3 today. I expect the 3 min. runs to start feeling like 90 second ones.

    I do expect to be on this week for at least a couple more days. (It seems to take me a week-and-a-half to two weeks to feel comfortable moving forward.) Does anyone else feel like they need more time on Week 3?
    Probably not on Week 3, but I might need some extra time on Week 4! Week 5 with the 20 minute run scares me.
  • I just did W3D1 yesterday and found it to be ok. While I managed to keep my breathing under control, I was feeling a lot of pain from shin splints. This has been my problem with running earlier as well. I'm going to try using different shoes tomorrow, but I think it's the treadmill that's the problem. Too bad that the streets are covered with snow outside...
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    Last day of Week 3 done. It's still a struggle to finish the 2nd 3 minute set - I struggle with my breathing towards the end. But again, when I do an extra 3 minute run at the end it seems much easier. Weird.

    I'm really scared about week 4 - but I'm going to give it a go - Ill just take it really easy. If I have to take little breaks I will.
  • silvercat76
    silvercat76 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm finishing week three today on the treadmill though. I tried it on the road over the weekend it's way harder on the road than the treadmill. So I plan on starting a different week on the road and working up from there!
  • MoniSunZ
    MoniSunZ Posts: 59 Member
    Just Finished Week 3 Last Night - Woot Woot!!
    It was harder than the first 2wks, but I was able to complete each run and even added in a 3'rd 3min run last night!!!
  • Way to go guys! I just finished day 3 and am feeling pretty confident. For the first time I did some stretching beforehand and focused on following a proper breathing techniques -- it made a world's difference! I was originally planning on doing an extra day on week 3, but now I think that I'm ready to progress :-)
  • DoBetterDrea
    DoBetterDrea Posts: 85 Member
    Starting W3D1 tomorrow...nervous!!!
  • DoBetterDrea
    DoBetterDrea Posts: 85 Member
    Did W3D1 today and I'm feeling great about it! Can't wait to do D2 tomorrow :D
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Did W3R1 yesterday and it went fine. I had skipped from W1R1 to this one, didn't think the first week was that challenging, but this one definitely got me working a little harder, so will be following the programme as per the app from now on.
    I still really like it. Must get myself some running musiz though, from iTunes!
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    Completed W3D1 yesterday at the gym on the Treadmill. First time doing it on the Treadmill & I hated it. I prefer to run outside. The runs seemed easier on the Treadmill but it was not the same has being outdoors with the fresh air . I also kept looking at the digital display watching the clock which did not help much. The last run for me was the hardest, probably because I kept staring at the timer & that made it annoying. Anyway, tomorrow I will run W3D2 outside, hopefully it wont be so cold & it will go a lot better.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    W3R1 completed yesterday. Struggled a little on the way back, there was a very strong wind, but I guess three minutes is not that bad really.
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    Week 3 finished !! Now onto week 4 & I am a bit weary since week 4 definitely looks a lot harder. Bring it on I am ready for the challenge !!!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Week 3 finished !! Now onto week 4 & I am a bit weary since week 4 definitely looks a lot harder. Bring it on I am ready for the challenge !!!

    Ik just did the 3rd run as well - see you in week 4! (definitely looks harder)
  • Kelly3475
    Kelly3475 Posts: 7 Member
    Starting W3D1 on Tuesday! I love looking through here and seeing all of you wondering if you'd make it at first, and then finishing strong! Gives me hope! Thanks!!! :smile:
  • joan2000
    joan2000 Posts: 10
    Starting Week 3 Monday! Can't wait!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Starting Week 3 Monday! Can't wait!

    Me too! Totally Nervous, especially because I'm running my first 5k next sunday! *eek!*
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Just got back from W3D1 and actually found it to be the best one yet. I actually had time to get used to running with the 3 minute intervals and it felt so good to know that I've built up my endurance levels!