Stage 2



  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    2A4 last night...FInally got the push press right!! You have to trust yourself enough to actually let the bar rest fully on your front shoulders. Your fingers are barely on it! I wasn't letting it roll far enough toward me to get my arms out 90 degrees. You'll know it when you feel it, but it takes a leap of faith.

    Then, you explode up, using the momentum to raise the bar up off your shoulders. Your fingertips are really all that's under it until you're near the top, then suddenly the bar is solidly in your hands. How cool is that! Alas, done with that move until stage 4. Hope I don't forget the feel of it in the meantime!

    I also went up 5 more pounds on the step-up. 90# and a 14" step. My center of gravity shifted on my next to last rep on my last set, and I damn near went over backwards from the top of the box. I think I'll be paying more attention to my level of fatigue and working smarter instead of harder. That scared the bejesus out of me!

    So ready for 2B4 and a rest week...then on to new challenges!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,958 Member
    I have just read through this entire thread.

    I start Stage 2, workout A, today. 2B on Friday.

    I'm really glad that I read that (some of) you have had difficulty getting arms parallel in the push-press....I *do* have long, lanky arms (and legs!) and thought that was my problem. But, I'm going to try jarrett's tip on "leap of faith" and finger-tips and see if that helps.

    I don't think I'll do the deadlifts any different than I did in Stage 1. I'm still having trouble getting the bar around my knees, so I still want to work on that form.

    And, I'm not that excited about a bunch of crunches....kind of hoping my PT gives me some other abs to do, instead (that will give similar results)!
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I wasn't a huge fan with all the crunch exercises either. They're okay, but I'd rather be lifting weights.
    That being said, I am definitely impressed and pleased with how my stomach area has shrunk since starting this program, and that wouldn't have been possible without all the exercise (even the icky crunches).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,958 Member
    Work-out report: I LOVE WORK-OUT Stage 2A - I went through it with my PT (and he gave me some *extra* things to do, too!). These are my (current) comments:

    1. A couple weeks back I posted about the "rock-star" lift my PT had shown me. And, basically, the push-press is the exact same idea. (Except the push-press has that wonky grip, etc.) So, *if* you have troubles wih the grip, or the balance part, my PT says to do "rock-stars" instead. They work virtually the same muscles. Alas, I did all the push-presses, instead, just to TRY and get the hand of the parallel arms, wonky grip. I really *do* think my arms are WAY too long to do it quite properly.

    2. My step-ups are abysmal. I only used 10 lb. DB's. And, I was TIRED. Now, I'm on a 22" step, but still. This is definitely an area for improvement!

    3. I substituted an ordinary back row for the one-point DB rows. With my sore heel, I just can't get the balance right - and I really want my mid-back strength to increase. So, for now, I'll keep doing the rows. I'll re-visit the one-point DB rows in Stage 4 and see if my balance has improved.

    4. I still suck at push-ups. The first set, I'm still on a bench. My PT says, "well, let's try a wider arm spread for the 2nd'll work your chest more and your triceps less". ****, he thought I'd rock those out. 2nd set, wider grip, I could only do 5!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to PUNCH him!! I'm sooooooooooooo anxious to get onto the floor and do proper push-ups and I feel even FURTHER away than I thought! Anyway, this is FOR SURE a goal by end of Stage 2. I'm gonna be on the floor for push-ups, dammit!

    5. I totally suprised myself with the 60 second planks. Did 'em no problem!!??!! (I've only ever done 60 second planks, one set....thought I'd be tired in the second set, but I wasn't.)

    6. And, the first set of wood-chops he only had me at 10 lbs of weight!! Really?? He moves me up to 15 lbs for the second set and I FELT THAT in my abs. Holy moly...something good is gonna come from those, I tell ya!
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    beeps, you're getting me pumped for stage 2!! I currently do 60 sec planks in 1 bc I subbed them in. And I love wood chops. Can't wait! Thanks for leading the way.
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    Yay! Great job! I'm jealous about the planks. I get so tired by the end of the workout that I have a tough time holding plank for 60 seconds. In Stage 3, we do 3 sets of 90 second planks. I was just happy that I was able to hold plank for 60 seconds three times.

    Wood chops get tough too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,958 Member
    I did Workout B1, today. So, I now have (some) familiarity with the "bulgarian split squat" and the "cuban snatch"! Fun!!

    I am not doing my deadlifts from the box. I don't have a lot of weight on my deadlifts (yet!), so I'm continuing to work on good form - and still trying to increase my weight everytime. But, my plates are teeny and I just think, until there's a big plate on each end, it isn't worth the stress on my back!

    I'm going to just do the ab exercises that NROL4W recommends....but, I'm going to super-set them and then take a 75 second rest only after I've super-setted the 3. That should cut down the time, significantly.

    My tendon feels good. I'm looking forward to this stage - I like it so far!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,958 Member
    PS - I spent as MUCH time as I could, this weekend, just watching youtube videos on squat form and deadlift form.

    I learned A LOT.

    And, since this REALLY is a *lifestyle* change (for me), I CANNOT make it about trying to pump the MOST amount of weight in the SHORTEST amount of time. I HAVE to make it about using great form, each and every time, so that I can still weight-lift when I'm 105 years old!!

    Yes, I'm going to *try* to increase my weight everytime, but if it doesn't happen - oh well. There's ALWAYS *next time*.

  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I finished up Stage 1 today and will be joining you all next Monday! I'm trying to familiarize myself with the exercises ... some of them look pretty alien to me :\
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Did my last Stage 2 workout today! Here's my results:

    60lb front squat/push press (started 50lbs)
    60lb step ups (started 50lbs)
    25lb x2 one-point row (started 15lbs)
    25lb x2 static lunge (started 15lbs)
    full pushups (same)
    60s plank
    22.5lb cable chop (started 12.5lbs)
    105lb deadlift (started 110lbs but it was too much for 10 reps so I deloaded to 95lbs and then worked up again)
    60lb 1-leg squat (started 50lbs)
    100lb underhand lat pull-down (same, but could only do 8 reps in the second set at the beginning)
    8lb x2 reverse lunge/forward reach (started 5lbs)
    8lb x2 prone cuban snatch (started 5lbs)
    ab superset with 7.5lb kettlebell (started 5lbs)

    Taking a week off from lifting and then on to Stage 3! See you all in the next thread :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,958 Member
    Nicely done, agthorn!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,958 Member
    I did Stage 2, A2 today. I'm back to working out on my own - and I concentrated, DEEPLY, on engaging my glutes (in the squats and the lunges, particularly).

    I really *do* like the push-press. I feel like I could go heavier....but, it is true by the 10th rep, I'm pretty tired. I went NICE AND DEEP into my squat. Maybe even toooooo deep - but it's taken me sooooooooooooo long to feel confident that I'm deep enough - and it just feels SO GOOD TO ME!

    I did not increase my weights on the step-ups. In concentrating on engaging that glute, I really *do* tire out by the end - and can watch my one hip just flare out to the side. tut-tut. And, for sure, with my right foot on the (20") bench, I'm cheating a little bit by pushing off with my lowered foot. So, I had to stop half-way through my second set and kind of shake off my legs and then do it, again, with proper form.

    I put the smith machine down to about 20 degrees to do my push-ups. I only banged out 6-reps on the first set, but got 8-reps on the second. Sheesh. Push-ups are the thing I am MOST disappointed/depressed about.

    My planks are fine. My woodchops I'm at 25 lbs., so I think they are fine. I added in some hip-raises that my PT showed me, some 'dead bugs' and finished with 10-mins of HIIT and (a little) stretching.

  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Beeps, I'm so glad you brought up form on the step ups. I've been trying so hard to watch my balance (I'm a little wobbly) that I haven't been paying attention to whether or not I'm pushing off the ground with the other leg. Refocus!
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been stalking this thread for a couple of days. I should have started Stage 2 2 weeks ago but I took some time off and then wanted to do 3 more workouts (of each A and B) on stage 1 before I moved on. I'll be on Stage 2 next week. Thanks for all the helpful posts!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,958 Member
    Hurry up and get over here all you bicep-exposing chicks!!

    I need C*O*M*P*A*N*Y!!
  • silvernswan
    silvernswan Posts: 28 Member
    Hiya, I did my first stage two workout today. It felt a bit strange after getting so confidant with stage 1, to suddenly feel so uncoordinated and unsure again.

    I thought I could do the elevated lunges with the same weight I had been doing normal lunges with, but I did 2 reps and the just put those babies on the floor and did them unweighted. I might try for half that weight next time and see how I go :-)

    For the step-ups I'm trying sooo hard not to push with the non-working leg, in fact I've lowered the step height from when I first started to try for better form. Does anyone have any tricks to stop yourself pushing off with that leg?

    Beeps, I've been a bit disapointed with my (lack of) push-up progress too, even though I love doing them. I'm only just below crotch height with the smith machine, so you are doing much better than me :-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,958 Member
    silvern - the trick that I was just advised of, on the step-ups, is to start with BOTH FEET on the bench. Then, lower the one foot to the ground (barely graze the ground) and lift it back up. You can't *cheat* if you don't start with any foot on the floor! (PS - I haven't tried this, yet....I'm going to on Monday!)

    Push-ups stink. But, I wanna do them SOOOOOOOOOOO badly! Today, I got 2 sets of 2 push-ups (from the floor) and 1 set of 1 push-up. So, keeping at it DOES seem to be working!

    I'm glad you're here, silver....I'm kinda lonely!!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,958 Member
    Workout B2, today. Alone.

    My deadlifts were pretty good. I felt them by the 9th rep, though. And I put the bar down on that 9th rep (each set). Will try and make it 10, for sure, next time.

    I did the bulgarian split-squat properly (this time!), with my rear foot heel facing the ceiling. But, in now reviewing some online images of this move, I think the bench height I used was TOO LOW. Gosh darn-it, NROL4W doesn't give much help with that stuff....I used the same height bench as in the picture, in the book, but looking online, the benches are MUCH HIGHER. Hmmmmmmm......I think I'm going to try this one with a MUCH-elevated back bench, too. It's supposed to work the same muscles as a squat would, frankly....

    I'm moving up in weights pretty easily on the rear lunges (with front-foot elevated). This makes me think I'm doing them wrong....are you supposed to leave your back leg relatively STRAIGHT when you go back, or is your knee supposed to graze down to the ground?? (I'm grazing my knee down to the ground.)

    And, even though I super-setted the abs, I just think they are ri-DONK-ulous. As in, I had a 10lb DB over my head and the swiss ball crunches did squat. I've adapted the lateral flexions with a straight-leg and I just think there MUST be a better exercise for obliques.

    And, I looked ahead to see if the prone cobra gets left in the dust....because I think it should. (I can do those all day long!) But, nope, it's in ever stage from hereon in. Okay.
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    And, I looked ahead to see if the prone cobra gets left in the dust....because I think it should. (I can do those all day long!) But, nope, it's in ever stage from hereon in. Okay.
    How are you doing prone cobra? In the book, I believe it has you keeping your feet on the ground. You can lift your legs up straight behind you instead (balance on your pelvis) or start using light dumbbells in your hands it it's too easy.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    BRILLIANT tip on the step-ups. For the prone cobra, I left my feet on the ground but I would put my arms out to the sides and/or straight in front of me for part of the time. I feel like it works different parts of your arm that way too (having them back is more in my triceps, while having them side/front is more shoulders).