Welcome!!! (Introduce Yourselves)



  • lesleyanne2012
    lesleyanne2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I'm Lesley and I'm a first year at Hampshire College! I'm currently studying Social Psychology and Cognitive Psychology. I used to row in high school but was pulled out because of financial reasons. Since then I've really slacked off. Also, Hampshire doesn't have a crew team. I'm sick of how heavy I look so I'm trying to lose weight. At the moment I'm swimming everyday (except for today since there was no lifeguard), doing a belly dancing class on Tuesday's and Thursday's, as well as Aikido on Tuesday's and Thursday's. I've just started so I have no idea how much I might end up losing in the first week.

    I highly recommend rowing for anybody with a nearby rowing club or school team. It's a hardcore full body workout with amazing results! I'm actually going to try and start a crew team at Hampshire!

    CW: 180

    GW: 135-125

    Height: 5'7

    Age: 18
  • hey girls

    I have been doing about 100 minutes of cardio every day and eating pretty well for a week. I calculated what i should have lost for the week (2.5 pounds) but i ended up gaining 2 pounds. I have been at 130 for about 2 months now of trying to lose weight.

    Is this normal? I feel like I should get my thyroid checked or something.

    Also, any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    I'm Brittney. I'm starting Kansas State next year. I've been going to junior college for the past 3 years. I'll be going to K-State for park management and conservation. Basically just trying to get in shape and healthy, and hoping to gain more confidence on the journey, before I start college. :D
  • Hey I'm Allison and I go to Northern Illinois University. I gained a lot of weight partying, but now it's time for a fresh start :) Plus I switched my major so I'm going to be here for three and a half more years haha

    CW 186
    GW 125-135
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 176 Member
    Hello tharr College Girls!!

    My name is Andy, I attend the University of the Highlands and Islands in Orkney, Scotland. I study archaeology and intend to complete my MA for archaeological practice here as well. During the summers I tend to slim down on digs but this past winter I really packed it on - a bit lonely and depressed in a new country much?! (I'm from NYC).

    So. :) I'm here to help and motivate and be helped and motivated, so feel free to say whatsup! x
  • Hey ladies!

    I've been on MFP for almost a month and I'm looking for more friends to help keep me on track and such and I'm a sophomore History/American Studies major.

    SW: 205
    CW: 199
    GW: 150
    Height: 5'9"
  • Hi!! I'm Reem :) I go to a Slcc right now to finish up some credits before I can transfer to the University of Utah.
    SW: 171
    CW: 165
    GW: 150
    UGW: 140

    I've been doing a lot of strength training with my trainer on Tuesdays and Thursdays and other days of the week I workout by myself at the gym doing cardio & strength :) It's only been about a month and a week and a half sooo..I'm still in the newbie stages of this journey, haha.
  • Hello Ladies! My name is Kate and Im a senior at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. After taking a 5 year break from college to get married and start a family I'm back in it finishing my degree in Biotech. Im 26 years old, married and have a 4 year old daughter and looking to lose about 25 pounds to get down to that ideal magical weight of 140 :) With classes starting up next week for me I'm looking forward to getting support from the group and ideas on ways to balance studies and weight loss! Please feel free to add me :)

    SW: 172
    CW: 166
    GW: 140
    Height: 5'6

    dude...our goal/weights are so similar!
  • Hey Everyone! I'm Heather, a 2nd semester senior at Eureka College in IL. I graduate in May & get married on October, so I'm looking to feel my best for both of those big life events. I would love to feel as pretty as everyone will say I do on my big day. I struggle with eating when I'm stressed & feeling that I do not have the time to work out with my school/work schedule. Its hard for me to have a support system at school, I feel bad pushing my weight loss goals & issues on my friends. From what I have seen so far, this is a very supportive group & I'm excited to be a part of it!

    Height: 5'9"
    SW: 222
    CW: 216
    GW: I didn't start that long ago, so I don't have a goal weight, but a goal to be under 200lbs.
  • Hey Everyone! I'm Heather, a 2nd semester senior at Eureka College in IL. I graduate in May & get married on October, so I'm looking to feel my best for both of those big life events. I would love to feel as pretty as everyone will say I do on my big day. I struggle with eating when I'm stressed & feeling that I do not have the time to work out with my school/work schedule. Its hard for me to have a support system at school, I feel bad pushing my weight loss goals & issues on my friends. From what I have seen so far, this is a very supportive group & I'm excited to be a part of it!

    Height: 5'9"
    SW: 222
    CW: 216
    GW: I didn't start that long ago, so I don't have a goal weight, but a goal to be under 200lbs.

    Congrats on the engagement!!! I bet it's going to be amazing :) I know you can do it! Be strong girl :)
  • hey girls

    I have been doing about 100 minutes of cardio every day and eating pretty well for a week. I calculated what i should have lost for the week (2.5 pounds) but i ended up gaining 2 pounds. I have been at 130 for about 2 months now of trying to lose weight.

    Is this normal? I feel like I should get my thyroid checked or something.

    Also, any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!

    Its recommended that you only loose 1 lb a week, that way it will stay off. Losing 2.5 lbs a week is a lot for your body to handle, and the drastic of a change may lead to gaining everything (plus some!) back later. It might be too much stress on your body and thats why you're not losing.

    Also, 100 minutes of cardio seems excessive if you're doing the same pace. Intense Interval Training (IIT) is proven to be more effective in 1/2 the time for losing fat. Look it up and try it, unless you're doing 100 min of cardio for a specific reason and have it OK'd by a doctor :)

    Good luck!
  • Hey everyone! my name is Rachel i'm 20 years old and trying to get fit.

    CW: 146
    Height: 5'6

    feel free to add me as a friend!
  • risajanes
    risajanes Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, My name is Marisa Janes. I'm 21 and a junior at Cape Breton University in sydney, nova scotia, canada. I use to weigh 299 lbs but I have lost 63 pounds since last January. I joined mfp because a lady i work with told me about the site, and I'm hoping it will help me over this little weight loss plateau i've been on the last few months.

    CW: 236 lbs

    GW: 160 lbs

    H: 5' 11

    Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Greetings Ladies,

    My name is Chelsea and I am a freshmen at Penn State.

    I can't remember a time when I was ever the appropriate weight for my age/height ratio and because I am tall and curvy I didn't mind the extra baggage. Until college and that dreaded freshmen 15 hit me. I started to see that I need a change. Right now I am trying to make changes that will allow me to live long and healthy life. Plus my twenties are coming and I want to enjoy then while wearing anything I want!

    CW: 262:blushing:


    Height: 5' 8"

    Age: 19
  • My name is Emily and I'm 20 years old and a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin. As a freshman I gained the notorious Freshman Fifteen and for some people 15 pounds isn't that noticeable, but for as short as I am, 15 pounds was a lot. I'm down by 10 now and hope to weight less than and be more fit than I was before I started college.

    CW: 115
    GW: 105
    Height: 5' 1"

    feel free to add me as a friend
  • HI everyone!

    I'm Britney AKA Brit


    I just started this and im excited to get to know girls going through the same struggles as me. i am in my second year in college and im turning 20 in march. i go to school and work full time so its hard to find time to eat healthy and work out but im gonna try. I love who i am but know i would be happier if i shed a few pounds. I have lost weight before in high school i lost 30 pounds and got down to 153 but after i graduated i gained it all back then a break up added another 20. I hope i can stick to this and this time keep it off.

  • Hi everyone :)

    I am Anne-Marie, I am 24 years old and from Germany. I study in the Netherlands but right now I am in Hong Kong for my semester abroad. It is my first time in a dorm (back in Holland I lived with my boyfriend) and I find it extremely hard because I can't cook here ... not properly anyway.

    Height: 5'6''
    Weight: 135lbs
    Goal: 120lbs

    Looking forward to getting to know you :)
  • This group couldn't be more perfect!
    I'm Anna, 19, and a freshman in college! I am been overweight as long as I can remember. I have tried various things to lose weight and never have they worked. Mostly because I wasn't committed, but enough is enough! I have a lot of faith in myfitnesspal helping me. Glad there are groups for support! You can never have too much support! Looking forward to meeting my goals with you ladies! :)
  • Hey Ladies!!
    I just joined My Fitness Pal yesterday and I have been looking for some people my age and in a situation similar to mine. This is suuuch a perfect group! I am a senior in college and looking to shed about 30 pounds. I lost some weight last summer, but once school started back up, so did my weight.

    Weight: 155
    Goal: 125
    Height: 5'6
    Age: 22

    I definitely need some motivation, so feel free to add me!! :)
  • norty20
    norty20 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I'm so excited to be on here. I'm in my second year at university and I've been trying to lose weight for about four years now. I've just been at a constant plateau. I really do feel that I've been doing everything right (I exercise at least 5 times a week) and eat limited processed foods, limited unhealthy carbs and dairy. BUT...I've never comitted to tracking my calories every day! I am hoping that by being accountable for everything I put in my body, I will finally achieve my goals! Here's a little information about me.

    Height: 5'4"
    CW: 145 lbs
    GW: 120-125 lbs

    I hope we can all inspire each other and remember to be happy with ourselves NOW. This is a journey and while we are excited to reach the finish line, we must embrace the struggles and achievements along the way.

    Be happy, be healthy... XO

    PS.I also have some questions....
    Do you all track your exercise and eat the calories that it adds on?
    If I have my goal set to 2 lbs/week, why does it say I will lose 6 in 5 weeks? Math doesn't add up!