100 Miles in Feb 2012 - How far can you go?



  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    4.49 miles yesterday. (3.77 run and .72 walk). I think that puts me at only about 54 for the month. I'm taking a rest day today, though, and doing some strength training instead.
  • healthrider11
    15 Miles today! 101.5 miles so far. Yahoo! :drinker:
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    My ticker wont work for some reason. But I did a total of over 13 miles today.
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    Well I feel a bit weird coming in at the middle of the month, but since I've just restarted MFP after awhile not keeping up or keeping up only intermittently, I'm scrapping it all and starting over. Just found this group, and it sounds fun. I'll start a proper month in March, but for now I'm aiming for 75 miles on my stationary bike for the rest of this month.

    2/19 - 9.8
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    January 2012 - 195.9 miles

    2/1/2012 1,021 cal, 11.07 mi, 125 min - elliptical
     2/2/2012 126 Cal, 2 mi, 55 min - walking
    2/3/2012 Rest day
    2/4/2012 9.02 mi, 110 min, 834 cal - ellip 6.27 mi, 71 min, 585 cal; stair mas 2.75 mi, 40 min, 249 cal
    2/5/2012 7.93 mi, 121 min, 654 cal - ellip 5.77 mi, 65 min, 527 cal; walking 2.16 mi, 56 min, 127 cal
    2/6/2012 5.67 mi, 65 min, 517 cal - elliptical
    2/7/2012 8.92 mi, 100 min, 817 cal - elliptical
    2/8/2012 9.32 mi, 105 min, 856 cal - elliptical
    2/12/2012 3.10 mi, 53 min, 200 cal - brisk walking
    2/13/2012 9.24 mi, 100 min, 847 cal - elliptical
    2/14/2012 10.33 mi, 120 min, 934 cal - elliptical
    2/15/2012 10.39 mi, 123 min, 930 cal - elliptical
    2/16/2012 8.95 mi, 100 min, 814 cal - elliptical
    2/17/2012 .75 mi, 20 min, 59 cal - walking
    2/18/2012 6.20 mi, 65 min, 567 cal - elliptical
    2/19/2012 5.78 mi, 65 min, 522 cal elliptical; 2.36 mi, 32 min, 205 cal stair master

    Total: 111.03 miles achieved!
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    2/19 ~ 3.5 miles

    Total - 67.8 miles
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    I'm up to 58.88 miles out of my 70 which I want to get in before Friday.

    For some reason my ticker isn't working at the moment. argh!
  • healthrider11
    11 miles in this morning. 112.5 in total so far. No luck with my ticker for the last couple of days.
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    January 2012 - 195.9 miles

    2/1/2012 1,021 cal, 11.07 mi, 125 min - elliptical
     2/2/2012 126 Cal, 2 mi, 55 min - walking
    2/3/2012 Rest day
    2/4/2012 9.02 mi, 110 min, 834 cal - ellip 6.27 mi, 71 min, 585 cal; stair mas 2.75 mi, 40 min, 249 cal
    2/5/2012 7.93 mi, 121 min, 654 cal - ellip 5.77 mi, 65 min, 527 cal; walking 2.16 mi, 56 min, 127 cal
    2/6/2012 5.67 mi, 65 min, 517 cal - elliptical
    2/7/2012 8.92 mi, 100 min, 817 cal - elliptical
    2/8/2012 9.32 mi, 105 min, 856 cal - elliptical
    2/12/2012 3.10 mi, 53 min, 200 cal - brisk walking
    2/13/2012 9.24 mi, 100 min, 847 cal - elliptical
    2/14/2012 10.33 mi, 120 min, 934 cal - elliptical
    2/15/2012 10.39 mi, 123 min, 930 cal - elliptical
    2/16/2012 8.95 mi, 100 min, 814 cal - elliptical
    2/17/2012 .75 mi, 20 min, 59 cal - walking
    2/18/2012 6.20 mi, 65 min, 567 cal - elliptical
    2/19/2012 5.78 mi, 65 min, 522 cal elliptical; 2.36 mi, 32 min, 205 cal stair master
    2/20/2012 10.17 mi, 107 min, 823 cal - elliptical

    Total: 121.20 miles achieved!
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    12.9 miles so far today.


    My ticker wont work. It will up date though.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Forgot to update yesterday with my 3.01 mile recovery run... brings my total miles run in February up to 68.91!

    You guys are all doing so amazingly well - keep it up!
  • falfal923
    falfal923 Posts: 80 Member
    2/20 - 7 Miles Elliptical = 70.25 Total for February
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    2/1- 2.0 miles (walk/jog)
    2/3- 3.0 miles (walk/jog)
    2/4-2.7 miles (jog)
    2/6-2.0 miles (walk/jog)
    2/8-1.0 mile (walk)
    2/10-2.0 miles (walk)
    2/11- 2.5 miles (walk/jog)
    2/13-4.0 miles (walk/jog)
    2/14-1.0 mile (walk)
    2/15-2.0 miles (walk/jog)
    2/16-3.0 miles (jog)
    2/20-4.1 miles (walk/jog)
  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    4.75 more today.... my GPS app went a little crazy on me today, but I think I walked about 2.45 and ran 2.3. I also climbed the stairs at the football stadium. It was such a gorgeous day today! I can't wait til spring!

    The ticker site isn't working for me, but I'm somewhere around 57 miles for the month.
  • RudyND
    RudyND Posts: 213 Member
    Did a 5 mile jog today for a total of 39 miles for Feb. Way behind! But just get what I can!:drinker:
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    2/15/2012 0
    2/16/2012 3.26
    2/17/2012 1
    2/18/2012 0
    2/19/2012 3.68
    2/20/2012 0
    2/21/2012 3.78

    47.33 MTD I am not going to make goal. But I still enjoy the time :). Also the snow has been awful this year.
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    74 miles to date.. looks like im going to make the 100 for the month:happy:
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    2/20 ~ 4.0 miles

    Total - 71.8 miles
  • Brittmy
    Brittmy Posts: 141 Member
    My ticker is being dumb, what's up with that? Anyway, I went twice today, rode a total of 17 miles! That puts me at 165 I think! Or maybe 163. Anyways, it was a good workout day! :)
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Just got back from a 5.52 mile run, bringing my total for February up to 74.43 miles.
    (and, like everyone else, I can't get my ticker to work!) :-)