October 2012 due dates?

Is it too early to ask about October 2012 babies? I haven't had my official office visit but according to several websites ;) I'm due on 10-11-12! How fun!! Hoping *not* to gain 70 lbs like I did with my first baby!


  • Eliza0930
    Eliza0930 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! I havent had official doctors visist yet. But according to websites Im due Oct 2, 2012!!
  • congrats!! It's funny I feel weird posting on here because I have not told anyone yet. (well, besides my husband).... but I'm going to try to eat healthy and not go crazy!! I hope this helps, plus I'd like to keep up with other women who are also pregnant and focused on a healthy lifestyle.
  • I'm due with my third October 21st !!
  • congrats!!! How long are you guys going to wait to tell people?
  • I just found out I am pregnant for the first time ever a little over 48 hours ago. I haven't had an official check up with the dr. yet and my estimated due date based on my last cycle and some very helpful websites is October 25th. I just told my husband last night for Valentine's day and he is pretty much freaking out lol. Haven't told anyone yet - I wanted to get really fit before having a baby but God had another plan, apparently. I had lost only 15 lbs which is better than nothing but I am still over 200 by about 10 lbs and I am freaking out about gaining more than I've lost. I've heard from friends in similar weight ranges and online that the weight recommendation for people my size is anywhere between 11-25 lbs. Both the high and low end of these numbers are worrying me for opposite reasons. 11 doesnt sound healthy and 25 sounds like I'll be fat forever lol. I don't know when we are going to start telling people but I know I'll just burst if I say nothing at all to anyone, which is why I am posting and pretty much going on and on right now.
    I already had a hormonal outburst at my husband this morning when he told me not to tell anyone :-( I have always said that whenever I found out I was preggo, I'd wait until at least 8-12 weeks when things are more "sure" of working out but I never imagined telling literally NO ONE and how hard that would be.
    It hurts me that one of the first topics my husband brough up after hearing the news was my weight... and how much he thinks I should eat or not eat or gain or not gain... a close friend of ours recently had a pretty rough pregnancy resulting in a 9 lb baby and a c-sec -- who happens to practically be my twin when it comes to weight struggles. I know he is just concerned about my health and the baby's health but my hormones are telling me he just doesnt want a cow wife lol.
    BLAH there it is.
    I'm gonna be a Mommy. I am over the moon excited but scared at the same time. Let's not even get into the "practical' worries like money and living situation lol.
  • we won't be telling people until after the first trimester!! only our parents and my 3 best friends know right now !!
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Roll Call? Lol. Add me to October 2012 list! Due around 10/27. According to blood test i'm only 2-3 weeks. We couldn't wait to start telling people so we broke the news yesterday but had already told our family on Sunday when I took hpt. Gained 45 lbs with 1st so my goal is to keep up my new healthy lifestyle by continuing exercising 3 to 4 days a week and counting my calories and hope to gain a normal 25-35 lbs this time. My last was born 7/5/10 and I was miserably hot and swollen, so yay for fall babies!
  • Yeah! I'm so glad our October group is growing!! I am going to try to wait until after the first trimester to tell people -- IF It's not obvious by then. I already feel bloated and I already feel like it's obvious!!

    To KelEScott.... Congrats on the baby news!! It sounds like Maybe your husband is trying to show concern for the baby... but it seems like he's going about it all the wrong way. Don't focus too much on your weght during pregnancy. I say just be careful about your choices, don't go too crazy and worry about losing weight after the baby is born. (easier said than done, right?!) :)
  • allisonj87
    allisonj87 Posts: 55 Member
    I just took a hpt last night and another this morning both positive. I am going to the dr for the official result today. According to my last monthly I'm due October 12!! My plan is to not gain as much as I did the first pregnancy(115 to 172). I would like to try and eat healthier and stay active.
  • Congrats Allison!! i'm totally with you. I went from 130 to 200lbs during my first pregnancy... which I really don't get because I ate pretty healthy and ran for the first 7 months. Honestly, after that I just gave up and ate whatever I wanted.... Then I had a csection, so it was tough to get the weight off. I'm back to about 145 (I'm 5'10") and hoping to only gain the recommended 25-35 lbs this time around. I'm hoping this site will at least keep me accountable.
  • Thanks Lainerigs - i feel much better today about it all :-)

    Kerrbear - we are right around the same time! I had my blood test done last night with results today of 162 and my first apt on March 6th :-) congrats to you and all other October babies!

    Praying for safe and healthy, full term babies and mommies!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hey ladies!

    got my bfp today! fingers crossed for a sticky one. Was our 5th cycle for no 2. was quite poorly this month and only dtd 3times! but i guess it was lucky! due 28th oct! so excited! only going to tell family over the next couple of days, the rest after our 1st scan!
  • hi ladies! i recently found out i am pregnant. this after losing 36lbs, thanks to adapting to a "southbeach diet" eating habit and using mfp. i have always gained too much weight during my pregnancies, i have 3 children. i'm hoping to stay on top of it this time. my due date as of right now is 10/11/12. this will be number 4 for me god willing. i have had 3 miscarriages in the last year, 2 early on and 1 at 16weeks. i am high risk so i am really serious about maintaining a healthy diet. anything to give my little guy a better chance! congrats to all of you!!!
  • RealChange31
    RealChange31 Posts: 36 Member
    Hurray for babies!! Congrats to all!

    I'm about 5 weeks along, according to my ovulation date. Due date is October 18!
    This will be my first, and I just can't wait for my ultrasound. I'm super-nervous that something has or will go wrong and I won't know about it.

    Time seems to be passing SOOO slowly!! It's a waiting and hopeing game.

    Has anyone gained much yet? I feel like I'm becoming the good-year blimp!! It could be due to the progesterone suppositories I'm taking.

    Hugs and to good health! Please add me as a friend if you like

  • rdevaughn
    rdevaughn Posts: 12 Member
    im 4 weeks and 5 days-due October 25th! we just found out on valentines day! i wont be going for a doc checkup until probably next month and we decided not to tell family and friends and facebook people until middle of april when i'm done with the first trimester. this will be our third (and last!!) child. i have a 10 year old and 20 month old boys. right now they are blessed to be at home with my husband and the plan is for me to (finally!) be a SAHM once the baby is born. ive worked full time since i had my first baby at age 19. its means ALOT of financial sacrifices, but we are determined to do it!! and im very excited but nervous!!
    feel free to add me as a friend-i could use some positive pregnant mommies as friends!! :-)
  • I am due Oct. 25th. This is my 2nd child...my first is 21 years old......I was 16 the first time around!! This will will be a completely different experience for me being 38 and married!! :)
  • rdevaughn
    rdevaughn Posts: 12 Member
    wow lrteeth98! thats awesome!! and we have the same due date!! i agree it will be completly different! i was 19 when i had my first child and was married less than a year so basically a single mom. when my son was 8, i finally met a wonderful christian man who is the best man and father to me and my son! we have another baby boy who is 20 months old and we are now expecting our 3rd child. i will be 30 in may and feel so old! ;-) good luck on your exciting journey!! if you want to add me as a friend, im at myfitnesspal.com/rdevaughn :-)
  • we won't be telling people until after the first trimester!! only our parents and my 3 best friends know right now !!

    so i miscarried .. but hoping to get pregnant soon again so i WILL be back :)
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Awww very sorry to hear that baybeecakes. =( Keep up your positive attitude.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm 4.5 weeks along, due October 28th-ish with my second. Gained 40 lbs my first pregnancy which isn't too bad, but I'd like to do better this time around-esecially in the first trimester. So, I'm going to attempt to continue working out pretty reguarly even with morning sickness. Very excited for this baby number 2!