Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! Started my morning out with a less-than-stellar handbell choir performance - I had missed the last 2 rehearsals, another member broke her knee so we had to cover her part, a third member totally missed our practice this morning and barely made it in time to play... Definitely not our best showing!

    So this morning, I'm up 2 pounds over my sneak peak yesterday :sad: . I think I'm going to wait and see what tomorrow looks like before I post my weight for the week. Hopefully it's just water retention and will be back down tomorrow.

    Lots of little things to get done today, so I'm off to get them started. Have a wonderful day!
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Hi all,

    My week was crazy busy and pretty dismal. Its midterms so yuck! I cheated a couple of times this week which is unusual. I generally stick to my food but have trouble exercising. This week it was both. I haven't been to the store yet and ran out of this and that so I was just picking up food in town. I ate french fries(chips for my European friends) for the first time in 2 months. I also had waffles, fried chicken and cookies. I need to go to the grocery store so I can get back on my regular meals. Unfortunately that is going to have to wait until after work. Exercise was also poor this week. I managed all three of my strength days but only 2 cardio days. Though I did get in 90 mins of cardio on Wednesday.
    Fortunately my cheating was minimal and I still managed a small loss. I've logged in and set my goal for march. I'm shooting for 12 pounds which I hope isn't out of reach. This weeks challenge is going to include some lunges, because I hate them so much, and some more running. I try to run three times a week but it is my least favorite thing to do. But you know the first rule of ZombieLand is you have to do the cardio.
  • KnitChick89
    KnitChick89 Posts: 56 Member
    **Thank you Lottee and Kelly for the welcomes!**

    I had just seen the challenges and I shall stick to fruits, veggies and coffee for snackage (I have a 2 yo and a newborn, so mama will fall asleep while watching my 2 yo if I don't get mah coffee)!

    As for my least favorite exercises, that would be cardio! More specifically running, jump roping etc. I'll probably jump rope, since it's easier to do at home with my children. Love the challenges!!! It's just what I need to help me get motivated!!!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Cardio is very important for ZombieLand. I have the same issues, jazzgnat, if I don't go to the grocery store. I think the only thing I have been successful with in restaurants (especially when I'm busy) is going to Applebees and picking off their "under 550 calorie" meals. Some meals are around 250 calories, and they're all pretty good. You can call ahead and do "pick up" if time isn't a luxury. That may help keep you away from the fried foods. Sushi also works, and of course salad is a big plus. I've also run to the store to pick up one item of carrots or salad if I can't do the full thing just so I can have some greens in the house. The rest of the food may be bad, but not as bad when half your plate is salad.

    Good luck!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all, weighing in today at 185.9, down 1.1lb. Not huge, and not as big a drop as the scales were showing yesterday, but about the same amount I managed to lose in February so March is already looking better! Am hoping the loss from yesterday will show up on the scales next week, and then some...

    Have a good week, Ravenclaws!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hey guys, weighing in at 58.8kg this week, so only .2kg down. Really not much of a change, but I'm hopeful this week will be better. I've just started a full time job, and I'm still adjusting to the hours, and last week I made crappy food choices, buying all my lunches. I've also switched over to more of a desk job whereas before I was on my feet/walking for hours.

    I'm starting to get to the point where people are seeing me as a "thin person" and it's kind of weird. In fact it's really weird and awkward. My friend at work is always calling me skinny. Thing is, I'm not skinny yet. I'm sort of borderline slim, in my own eyes. I look *way* better and healthier than I did before but I know I have a long way to go before I'm happy with my body and start maintaining rather than losing. And my BMI is 24.5, so yeah, I still have a ways to go. But undeniably there is a difference. Over the weekend I went clubbing for the first time in ages and I got hit on about 5x more than usual (not that that was particularly welcome but all the same). I guess I kind of just wish my self image had caught up to way that other people are apparently seeing me now :frown: .

    Anyway, hoping all of Ravenclaw has a good week :smile:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Love seeing everyone on here! Had a busy weekend, so I can't say that I met my challenges yet, but I'm looking forward to it now! As for the exercise....um, I think I might just have to steal momofJandA's idea. Ew.

    CONGRATS KORKSTER!! That's amazing milestone! Great job! :) May you never see the 3-s again! :)

    Oh, and Matchamatcha, I know that feeling! I'm nowhere near as thin or healthy as you are from the numbers you have there, but I keep hearing the word 'skinny' thrown around or friendly joking remarks about how I'm going to blow away in the wind, and trust me, it's flattery, nothing more, because I do look way better, but I'm nowhere near skinny at this point. But it's nice The weird thing is that I don't know how to take the extra attention sometimes, especially when it's references to me being hot or pretty or anything of the like. I just feel like people are trying to be nice and it's not genuine, but *sigh* - Maybe that comes from years of believing I wasn't, yeah?

    Anyway, off to work now. Odd schedule this week (mid-shift today, day shift tomorrow and wednesday, then back to evenings thurs and fri....)

    Hopefully I'll be on to chat more with everyone! Have a great week!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm starting to get to the point where people are seeing me as a "thin person" and it's kind of weird. In fact it's really weird and awkward. My friend at work is always calling me skinny. Thing is, I'm not skinny yet. I'm sort of borderline slim, in my own eyes. I look *way* better and healthier than I did before but I know I have a long way to go before I'm happy with my body and start maintaining rather than losing. And my BMI is 24.5, so yeah, I still have a ways to go. But undeniably there is a difference. Over the weekend I went clubbing for the first time in ages and I got hit on about 5x more than usual (not that that was particularly welcome but all the same). I guess I kind of just wish my self image had caught up to way that other people are apparently seeing me now :frown: .
    Hey matcha - I know how you feel. I still see all of the flaws that my clothes hide from view, but on the other hand, my clothes look so much better on me now that other people really recognize the progress I've made! Self-image is a tough barrier. I've known some beautiful people who are not able to see their own beauty because of their own negative self-image. The best thing you can learn to do is graciously say "thank you" when someone compliments that way you look. That's all you have to say.

    So, I'm logging my weight this week with no change. Saturday I was down a pound. Sunday, my weigh in day, I was up 2 pounds from Saturday! So today I'm down a pound again - since it's between the 2 weekend weights, I'll go with it. Darn it! I was really hoping to post a loss this week... Oh well - off to study for a test! Hope you all have a great day!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Finally a loss! Down to 243.8 this morning so on track for my EOM goal. Got my bike ride in yesterday and I made my step goal by 200% earning my first 15,000 step badge. I got to 13,500 and decided to do laps around the coffee table until I got 15,000. Going for 7,500 today since it's my inside workout today. It's my Friday sooo Wooohoo! Hope everyone has a great Monday!
    :heart: Ayla
  • KnitChick89
    KnitChick89 Posts: 56 Member
    Finding it hard to work out! My newborn just will NOT go to sleep today unless he is in my arms -.- I'm thinking of just napping with him right now while my 2 year old is napping since my newbie kept me up all night as well. I didn't get my jumprope on yesterday, but I DID start the Insanity video with my husband and got almost halfway through the first video lol. My calves are KILLING ME!

    Keeping to the snacking thing though, which is also murderous since I know that I have two boxes of Thin Mints and some chocolate graham crackers in my cupboard (darned husband getting me my fave graham crackers!!!!!!!!!! lmfao)!!!!!!!!!
  • Having a good day today so far. I think my exercises this week will be sit ups and push ups.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    regular plank: 49 seconds
    side planks: 38 seconds each
    snacking: TOTALLY good today!!! woohoo
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    My stomach hasn't been doing so well today. Keeping it simple with veggies and fruit to hopefully restat the digestive system.

    However, it is quite difficult when people flaunt their bread. Mmmm.... bread. *drool*
  • OK i have a question for you all. Are you suppose to eat all of your workout calories ( I am not right now because when I do I don't lose any weight; I am also not working out very hard either maybe burning 200 calories a day)

    also I have a hard time healthy eating my minimum calories a day I am busy and tried eating every two hours and I was irritable so I don't think I can eat my exercise calories without junk.
    I have had some people tell me to eat them and other tell me not to.

    Please advise!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I did it! I made it through the day with NO unauthorized snacks!! First time I was under my calorie goal in ages. YAY ME!! :drinker:

    To mommyoftwins08 - your body needs the calories to repair and build muscle after a workout. And it needs the calories just to keep you alive and healthy. So, yes. You should eat your workout calories. BUT, make it healthy food - like some cheese and apple slices. Or peanut butter and apple slices. The key is to make healthy choices and make sure you drink all of your water.

    If you're getting irritable eating every two hours, it sounds like you're not feeding your body what it needs. Make sure you have a good blend of protein, carbs and good fats every time you eat. Most of the pre-packaged foods are loaded with carbs and sugar and no protein, fiber or good fats. They are empty calories. When I eat high carb, high sugar foods, I feel lousy - mean, grouchy and just miserable in general. I always took it for granted until I started cleaning up my diet and started feeling better. Now I really feel it and realize just how lousy I used to ALWAYS feel!

    And finally, if you're not losing weight, maybe you need to reassess your diary. Make sure you have the proper activity level selected. If you have slightly active selected but you're really sedentary most of the day, MFP will set you to eat more than you really need. And be brutally honest with your diary. Measure or weigh your foods so that you are 100% sure that you are logging what you are truly eating. You can do this and the weight WILL come off!! :flowerforyou:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    have I told you lately that I HATE PLANKS . . . why the heck did I chose to make that my exercise this week- now I have to do them AND be accountable for it.

    regular plank- 1m 2s (I could have gone longer but the cat puked)
    side planks- 45 seconds each side (holy crap my arms were killing me)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    I'm starting to get to the point where people are seeing me as a "thin person" and it's kind of weird. In fact it's really weird and awkward. My friend at work is always calling me skinny. Thing is, I'm not skinny yet. I'm sort of borderline slim, in my own eyes. I look *way* better and healthier than I did before but I know I have a long way to go before I'm happy with my body and start maintaining rather than losing. And my BMI is 24.5, so yeah, I still have a ways to go. But undeniably there is a difference. Over the weekend I went clubbing for the first time in ages and I got hit on about 5x more than usual (not that that was particularly welcome but all the same). I guess I kind of just wish my self image had caught up to way that other people are apparently seeing me now :frown: .

    I couldn't agree more. Before I broke my ankle a girl at work actually said, "You're getting to thin" I was shocked- but I see myself without clothes . . . I'm no where near "skinny" or "too thin" at least I don't think so. Not recommended: but I sometimes ask my husband to pick out a girl who looks like me body wise- or ask him "am I that size?" not because I want a compliment, but because I don't think I see what other people see when I look at myself. I see all my imperfections and the extra weight (mainly in my stomach) and its just seems magnified to me.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member

    My co-worker comes back today and I'm excited to return to a regular life. Makes me happy.

    I don't know anything about clothes. I can wear some of my 2x clothing now, but I can also still wear my 3x stuff. Sure, clothing seems looser, but can't you wear the clothing no matter how small you are? Then how do you know you need smaller clothes? Perhaps when my pants fall off automatically upon putting them on then I'll know I need to go shopping. I know it's too early to go shopping yet, but I was just curious.
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Glad to be back in the Ravenclaw Common Room again :bigsmile:

    Working on week 2 of Brazil Butt Lift. Hoping to see some changes by the end of this week!
    Can't wait until Sunday! That's my rest day from BBL, and it's when I'll do mission 2 on my Zombies, Run! app. I did mission one this past Sunday, did a 2.38 mile run/walk, but 3/4 of that was running....and that was after not running since October!!! You'd be surprised how motivating the sound of zombies in your ear and someone telling you "Run.....RUN!!!" can be :tongue: Hope it gets me prepared for the real thing in August (Run for your Lives. Look at the website if you are a fan of fitness and zombies at all: www.runforyourlives.com)
    Anyways glad to see so many having success and to those who are struggling....keep at it! You'll get it!!:drinker:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Well, I didn't meet the food challenge today - but I came close! I behaved myself all day at work, but had about 1/2 serving of chips when I got home (darn husband leaves the open bag sitting out almost every day :grumble: ). Even with the chips, I managed to be almost right on for my calorie goal today! Thanks for the great challenge - it really seems to be what I needed!!