Welcome!!! (Introduce Yourselves)



  • Hey ladies!! I just joined myfitnesspal, not really looking to lose a lot of weight (I'm 5'4 and weigh 120) but get healthy! I don't weigh all that much but I'm definitely 'skinny fat' and have been eating all the wrong things. I've started trying to clean up my diet (no easy task in college, as I'm sure all of y'all know lol) and running almost every day, to get healthy and toned. Though with spring break coming up and a summer at the beach to look forward to, a body I can feel comfortable rocking a bikini in would be awesome. Good luck to everybody!
  • Hi my name is Jazmine and I am a sophomore/ junior at Eastern Michigan University and I'm majoring in Fashion Merchandising. I am very excited about this group for a great motivation to get to my goal size. I've gained a lot of weight over these last few months and I really want to get fit and sexy for the summer. Looking forward to learning new tips & tricks from you all

    CW: 190
    GW: 145-150
  • Hey girls :) I'm Kenzie, and I'm a junior at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA majoring in Environmental Engineering. It's good to know there are other girls out there looking to kick butt in school and look amazing doing it!

    My main reason for recently joining MFP is to learn how to eat a balanced diet - the stress that comes with work and school doesn't do good things to my waistline. I'd like to lose those last 5-10 lbs and feel great in my bikini again! Looking forward to learning great tips from all of you :)

    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 127
    GW: 120
  • Hey Ladies!

    So glad I found this group! I'm in my 4th year of college, but I just changed my major from English to Linguistics (with a Latin minor), so I've still got a couple more years to go.

    I've slowly been gaining weight over the past couple of years, and it's started to really affect the way I feel about myself. Even my energy is down. I love to exercise, but I've always had a bit of a rocky relationship with food - it's been my go-to form of comfort since high-school. I can usually manage to eat healthily during the day, but then undo it all by snacking late at night.
    So I decided that it was time for a change! Things were going pretty well for the first couple of weeks, but I fell off the bandwagon a couple of days ago with all the midterm stress. I hope that with some support I can get back on track, and maybe even offer some in return! :)

    My eventual goal is to wear a bikini this summer without stressing about my tummy (I bought the cutest one last year, but it stayed in my closet the whole season!). But if we're talking numbers...

    Height: 5"6
    CW: 155
    GW: 125-130
  • Hey girls! My name is Kaitlin but I go by Kait usually. I am a junior at an honors college in Florida and I have just begun trying to get back in shape. The main reason I am doing this is just because I am unhappy with how I look and feel, so I figured it was time to make a change! I am looking forwar to getting to know you girls, it will be great to know others who are struggling with the same thing as me.
  • millie_de
    millie_de Posts: 55 Member
    Hi my name is Danielle.
    I'm new to MFP and looking for some supportive friends that are close to my age (21). I joined this group because I feel like there are a lot more challenges involved in losing weight when you're also in school, and it's nice to have a group of people who understand that and can possibly gives some tips!
    Feel free to add me, I would love to have the support and I would love to see you through your weight loss journey as well!
  • josee91
    josee91 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Josee, I'm in my third year of my Commerce bachelors. I live in ontario, canada. I'm having a hard time balancing school and work, planning for my future, eating healthy (working towards veganism) and exercising, oh and maybe socializing in there a little bit! haha
    accepting friend requests from fellow college girls! :)
  • )Hey hey, Im Jay and im a junior at Delaware State University ;) HORNETS! lol im looking to lose roughly 100 lbs this year by my bday in October ;)
  • desroch9
    desroch9 Posts: 1
    Hey ladies!
    My name is Jordan and I'm a 20 year old sophomore studying dietetics at Michigan State University (Go Green!) I've been going back and forth when it comes to making the weight loss commitment, but this time I have taken some major steps to make the concrete commitment (for credit exercise classes, purchasing gym membership, making my goals known to those around me). I'm so excited to have found this group and see people who are just as excited to become healthier. so feel free to add me!
  • lmeldrum
    lmeldrum Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. My name is Lanae Meldrum. Im 19 years old and I am almost done with my first year at Brigham Young University- Idaho. For as long as I can remember, I have been overweight, and I am sick of it. Im ready to keep going and actually get to my goal weight.

    Height: 5'4
    CW: 199
    GW: 145
  • MachaXO
    MachaXO Posts: 25 Member
    Hey :)
    My name is Marie. I'm studying away from home, at Montreal's University.
    I glad I found this group, it will be great for support :), and hopefully find some MFP friends !
    Good luck to all.
    Summer soon, must fit in our swimwear!
  • Hey Everyone!
    My name is Mandy. I'm a sophomore studying Graphic Design, Web Design, and Information Technology at a small Christian college in Indiana. Yay for cornfields!
    Last year, I fell victim to the freshman 15 (more like 25) and I'm here to lose it!

    Height: 5'11"
    CW: 185 lbs
    GW: 150 lbs

    I'm hoping that this group will give us all some encouragement and motivation!
    My name is Brianna, but most people call me Brie!
    I'm a sophomore at the University of Houston...and I'm tired of being fat! I came to school thinking that I'd get it under control, but I fell into the freshman 15...AND the sophomore 7 :/ I know that I can do it if I put my mind to it, and I'm ready!

    Height: ~5'7 or 5'8
    Weight 224 pounds (that's not even my biggest...i've been losing already :) )
    Goal weight 170 (i like my curves, and don't want to be a stick)

    Good luck and blessings to you all.

    Not that I'm into "promoting myself", but I do want some encouragement and I'll do the same for anyone else...
    Twitter @BrieNanaaa
    Tumblr beetothebee.tumblr.com
  • Hey! I'm Talisha. I'm 21 years old and a senior at Miami Univeristy. I'm so glad to find this group :)

    CW: 174
    GW: 125
  • heathermarieb12
    heathermarieb12 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Heather and I am kind of a newbie to my fitness pal so I am looking for some new friends to help encourage me and keep me accountable! I lost weight previosly doing weight watcher but have since fell in love :) and became to comfortable and gained all the weight back plus some. I am in Elemetary Ed at the University of Alabama. Roll Tide! Cant wait to meet everyone and hopefully make some new weight loss budies.

    CW 205
    GW 150
    Height 5'8
    Age 25
  • kerr218
    kerr218 Posts: 7
    Hey everyone! I'm Shannon, I go the University of North Dakota. I'm double-majoring in Accounting and Marketing with a minor in Sports Business. I have 3 part-time jobs (will be 4 this summer) and I always used that as an excuse to not work out. To be honest, I'm tired of making excuses. I just want to be healthier and more fit and more confident. My biggest disappointment in myself is that I used to be so active in high school, I played almost every sport offered, and I let myself slip for no reason. It's time for a change.

    Current Weight: 240 lbs (hard to type a number that high)
    Goal Weight: 150 lbs
    Height: 5'8"
    Age: 19

    Any support, encouragement, ANYTHING is appreciated! Feel free to add me/chat/whatevs!
  • Dedatress
    Dedatress Posts: 21 Member
    Hey girl! My name is DeDe I also just joined this today! :) I for to University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) and am majoring in theatre at the moment but want to be a performer! I actually won't have a job until the summer so I DO have time to exercise, but just like you I made excuses about working out.

    I also used to be somewhat active, at least more than I am now. I played softball and such. I don't love sports to be honest but I just adore dancing! I agree, it's time for a change. The big downfalls I have is the fact that I have hypothyroidism and PCOS on top of it. It's all about glucose and crap, my doctor said I will struggle losing weight all my life but it's still possible. It will just take longer. I'm hoping you can help me keep motivated too because I get discouraged about ti

    Current Weight: 182
    Goal Weight: 150-160
    Height: 5'9
    Age: 18
  • Dedatress
    Dedatress Posts: 21 Member
    Hey girl! My name is DeDe I also just joined this today! :) I for to University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) and am majoring in theatre at the moment but want to be a performer! I actually won't have a job until the summer so I DO have time to exercise, but just like you I made excuses about working out.

    I also used to be somewhat active, at least more than I am now. I played softball and such. I don't love sports to be honest but I just adore dancing! I agree, it's time for a change. The big downfalls I have is the fact that I have hypothyroidism and PCOS on top of it. It's all about glucose and crap, my doctor said I will struggle losing weight all my life but it's still possible. It will just take longer. I'm hoping you can help me keep motivated too because I get discouraged about it sometimes.

    Current Weight: 182
    Goal Weight: 150-160
    Height: 5'9
    Age: 18
  • Hey! I also go to State! What types of classes do you go to? I actually teach a TurboKick class out in the neighborhoods. They are a lot of fun and you get a great work out! You should check them out sometime :)
  • Hi all! I'm Ashley and a third year at MSU! Glad to see so many people my age with a similar goal! :)