3rd Trimester



  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    hi ladies!!! i have been totally MIA for the past week...its just been a lot adjusting to life with baby parker. i have to say it is the most amazing thing in the world and we feel so blessed to have him in our life. i havent gotten around to posting my birth story (or type it up for that matter) but i hope to do that within the next day or so!

    little facts though: parker is our little leap baby! the doctor said the whole day that we were at the hospital that it would be the first - but things sped up towards the end of the night!!! it was definitely a wild ride...but i am so happy that he is our leap baby...i think that will make for some very fun and unique birthdays!! so he delivered at 10:50 PM - 7lbs 12oz and 20.5 inches long. by the time we left the hospital he weighed 7lbs 5oz and today at his first appointment he was 7lbs 10oz...so hes doing really well!

    i am going to read and catch up on everyone...but i just wanted to say hi and know i am thinking of you all!!! hope everyone is doing really well!!:flowerforyou:

    Jessica - so glad you and Parker are doing well! so exicted to hear from you and to hear that things worked out in a way that you are happy and pleased...can't wait to hear the whole birth story but we totally understand that you are busy adjusting to being a mommy...thanks for updating us...

  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member


    I was wondering if you are putting the kids in the same room?
    Has Kandance moved to a toddler bed or is she still using a crib? If a bed are you using her old crib for the new baby? Just a few things I have been contemplating lately...was wondering what other mommies of toddlers are doing as far as putting baby #1 and baby #2 in the same room.

    Glad Kadence is doing better...it's so tough when they are sick...love the pic

    Yes, the kids will be in the same room. We have a small house and it's our only option.

    Yes, Kadence has moved to a "big girl" bed...she's been in it for a while already and loves it! Seriously, the first night we set it up I had to bribe her to stay awake and she still ended up going to bed at like 6:30 she was so excited to sleep in it!

    Yes, we are using her old crib (which was, believe it or not, MY crib) for the baby. But my mom bought me a bassinet this time so that we can have the baby sleep in our room until it has somewhat of a schedule and isn't waking Kadence up all the time. I will have it nap in the crib during the day and sleep in the bassinet at night.

    Hope you get things figured out at your house! No matter what we decided, it will be an adjustment for everyone! Let's just pray it goes fairly smoothly! :)

    Wow...the crib you had when you were a kid..your kids are using that's really cook.
    yeah I hope the transition is smooth...my son is still in his crib...i know if he was in a big boy crib...he would escape in the morning and run around the house..lol...but I still have sometime because I am cosleeping like I did with my son for the first 6 months...or at least 3 until the baby sleeps longer periods...I am hoping to try the babywise method in hopes the baby sleeps longer at nights earlier...my son didn't sleep through the night until he was about 10-11 months...fingers crossed the next one will be a little easier now that we have a little more knowledge...thanks for the advice.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!

    Jessica...so nice to hear from you! Glad you are adjusting to mommyhood and are doing well. Can't wait to hear all of Parkers birth story! But congratulations again!

    Kelley...Yes, I was really excited that my mom had kept my crib in such nice condition, and it's so solid. I know there are a few features on the new cribs that would have been nice, but it was a sentimental thing for me! And as far as Kadence running around the house, we close her door at night and still use the baby monitor, so when she wakes up she calls us and we come let her out! It works really well.

    Well...I had a bad night. TOTALLY over-ate! And then was feeling miserable! Oh well...it's a new day today and I'm going to make it a good one!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful morning!

    Kristin--35 weeks
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Ya Congrats Jessica!

    Kristen- I love the painted belly, mabe Ill let my daughter try that this weekend

    We got our Van! its really nice, back up camera, DVD player for the kids, wireless head phs.... the new space is fantastic. Love it. Yes Its a lil uncool, but its worth it for sure. Drives really nice. I was sooo tired last night by the time we came home I wasnt up to aquasize. I then proceeded to eat 2 cup cakes.. bad! Its like I dont even care anymore, I know its bad. Mabe Ill get a walk in today, its warming up here and melting all the snow we had last weekend. Hubbys going in for his eye surgery tomorrow. We will probably have a quiter weekend at home.

    32 weeks
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member

    It's so quiet on here...so used to this thread being filled with comments and chatter...aww. Oh well knowing that people are resting after their babies is a good thing.

    Kristin - yep new day fresh start... Your daugther sounds great...my son would tear his room apart before he called...maybe if I moved things so he couldn't get to them it would be easier...his room is like the most unbaby proofed room oddly enough.

    Woke up feeling blah again this morning...but feeling a little better now...finding that most things I ate are leaving a bitter taste in my mouth is anyone else getting this..it's the oddest thing.

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey ladies-

    I had a quick sec to check in since hubby's watching the baby.
    I'm doing well trying to adjust to a new baby and a new routine. It's been quite had and very emotional for me. My hubby has been a world of support and my mom has helped us do everything possible- :love:

    we're currently undergoing treatment at home for Jondus & Bellyribbon since they are both very high. Prayers. It's a rought situation to be in when you have to keep poking your newborn every 2 hours.

    Catch you guys later- promise.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Denise...sorry to hear about the struggles at home. Kadence was a bit jaundice as well and so we had more frequent visits with the pediatrician at first. Prayers coming your way! And congrats again!

    Kelley...I'm guessing the bitter taste is just due to uterus cramping everything now...I've had that also...it seems like it takes forever to get tastes out of my mouth...but I'm sure burping more often contributes to that also (which is my case I think). I also feel nauseous again every once and a while.

    Tara...Yay for getting your van! And I'm sure you can totally rock it! :) And yes, you should let your daughter paint your belly. Kadence had lots of fun!!

    Man...SO tired today! Can't wait to get home and put my feet up a bit!! Have a good afternoon!
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    YAY – I love hearing from the new moms! :bigsmile: Thanks so much for checking in, ladies.

    Jessica – glad you’re adjusting to your leap year baby. :wink:

    Denise – sounds like you’ve had an eventful few days. Best wishes and prayers for a healthy little one… I really hope the jaundice and bellyrubin clear up. Keep up your great attitude… you’re little guy is sure lucky to have you around! :smooched:

    Kristin – I agree, your painted belly is so cute! It’s so special that you’re able to use the same crib you used as a baby… how many people can say that?! I feel ya on the overeating… it’s been one of those days for me today… ugh! Hope you had a better day today with the fresh start!

    Kelley – You still have lots of time to figure out the arrangements for your two little ones. Have you gotten the room painted yet? Lol. I haven’t experienced the bitter taste… however, the weirdest thing happened yesterday night: everything smelled like pickles to me! I don’t even eat pickles. We don’t even have any in our house. And yet… I swear my husband smelled just like a KOSHER DILL! Am I losing my mind? :noway:

    Tara – Congrats on the new wheels! Sounds nice (even if “uncool”) and convenient. :smile: Hope you got out for your walk today!

    Anyone heard from Heather today?!?!?!?!? It’s any day now for her!

    We need some more preggos to hop over to this board from the 2nd Tri. It’s been so quiet with everyone having their little ones and leaving us! Hurry back mamas and tell us all the things you wish you had known!!!!

    Having a terrible day of eating today – sugar intake has been outta control and I think I’ve already eaten about 1300-1400 calories (and it’s only 3:30pm!). Yikes! Went for a walk at lunch and planning another short walk tonight with the hubby to enjoy the beautiful weather here. My muscles are definitely feeling a little tight and achy so I hope to take a warm bath and do some nice stretching/yoga moves tonight before bed.

    Happy hump day, mamas! Another week half-way over.

  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Quick check in from me! Nothing new to report, unfortunately. Still having random contractions....other than that, this baby is stubborn & getting a BIT too comfy ;) Tomorrow is his actual due date, so we'll see if he cooperates!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Nite ladies.

    Heather - here's hoping your little person being on the other side of the womb soon... I know walking worked for me...worth a try.

    Krisiti - your comment made me laugh...hubby smelled like a dill pickle...lol... I hear you on the crazy sugar today I had lots of sugar too...somedays are just better than others. As for the room...we had to change the design because the hubby was like strips on the whole wall is too much so instead he opted to do 3 strips on the main wall and then paint the other walls the accent color...it was a compromise. We agreed he would do it on Sunday...today is Thursday and all he did was clean up the lines that he had already painted...LOL...and next week we are going on vacation so you know nothing is going to get done for another 2 weeks...Sigh...not sure what will light the fire...here's hoping he will just spend a day painting one day soon. I have however, started doing what I need to do washing clothes, going through the other newbord items I have, gathering it all together...one night soon I will clean out the closet and hang the items up and organize the closet...

    Denise - thanks for checking in...glad things are going well. My little one had Jaundice when he was born as well..and when it didn't get better they readmitted him to the hospital to put him under lights for one night...it was the worst thing ever...after spending 10 months with him on the inside spending a night away from him...I didn't think it would be so hard. It's good to hear things are going better for little Joaquin. Try to get him exposed to sunlight my mom says that helps...

    alright ladies...going to try to sleep before 11 tonight...the weather has been crazy here lately and I plan on getting out tomorrow to take my son to the park and get a walk in...the temp is supposed to get up to 70...can't wait.


  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals!

    Kelley...have fun at the park today! Wish it was nicer here!

    H...here's to hoping for a due date baby!!!

    Kristi...hmm...haven't experience the dill pickle smell...too funny!

    Well...I had some weird chest pains last night...had me kind of worried. They went away though. I'm thinking the baby is just so high up in my ribs. IDK...haven't experienced that before. Couldn't eat much...things weren't tasting good. It's almost like 1st trimester all over...blah! Plus the heartburn is KILLING me these days!!! I keep thinking...only four more weeks...

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!!

    Kristin--35 weeks 1 day
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Well, today is the baby's due date & so far, nothing. I have been walking, bouncing on an exercise ball, swinging my hips....he's just a typical male - stubborn ;) Maybe with any luck he'll still make his debut today!

    Kristing ~ Heartburn is NO fun! I went through a bottle of tums - and I've never taken them pre-pregnancy. The last couple of weeks have been better, but last night I had to get up at midnight to take some. Probably didn't help that I overgorged on sherbert & marshmellows (separately) kind of late last night. oops!

    ~Heather 40 weeks!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Jessica~ I love the new picture of Parker. Congratulations and I'm glad everything went well for you.

    Denise~ Sorry to hear about the jaundice. Hopefully, his levels start going down soon.

    Heather~ Good luck on getting that baby out. I have always gone overdue so I know what it feels like to try and wish your babies to be born.

    Kristin~ Sorry to hear about the heartburn. I had that with my first as well, but this time I'm doing okay. Although, I do feel a bit more nausea lately like in the first trimester.

    Kristi~ I hear you on the sugar. I'm trying to keep it natural as in fruit, but I have been eating a ton of strawberries, blueberries, apples, bananas, and grapes. Also, a few girl scout cookies keep sneaking their way in there. :blushing:

    AFM~ Today I'm 37 weeks. I have a doctor's appointment, and I'm going to make sure my doctor checks me. I don't usually dilate early, but since my brother is getting married on Saturday. I want to know where I'm at. I have been speed walking for about 40-50 minutes 3 times a week, and if I'm dilated. I might skip it this Friday because I don't want to miss my brother's wedding. This baby seems to be a lot lower than my others, and I have had lots of braxton hicks and pressure. So I'm wondering if it has done anything. My husband is a groomsman in the wedding and my son is the ringbearer. I don't want to miss them looking so handsome together. I might update again after the doctor's appointment.
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hello everyone---Welcome all you new mommies..and congratulations....

    Sarah-are the Dr's concerned at all for measuring 5 wks ahead?

    Fitnurse--I admire you still walking...I'm having a hard time standing more than 10 min. My back just kills me. When I just sit long at my desk, I feel like my butt is getting flatter, LOL

    Kristi-congrats on maintaining your weight and not gaining...

    Tara-wow! you're already packed?! I haven't done that yet....and i'm so jealous with your new van. I wanted one but considering I'll be staying home at the end of the school year, We wouldn't be able to afford monthly payment with just my hubby's income.

    Jessica-cant wait to hear the story...

    Kristin-wow, same crib? that is pretty cool. Love your painted belly.

    Denise--hows baby doing w/ the jaundice? My middle had that also...

    AFM: I'm looking forward to having our spring break already. 1 wk of no work and still getting paid. But at the same note, Mon and Tues will be my g-pa's funeral...I just lost my g'ma in Nov. I know they are together now...I have families coming in this wk and this wknd for the funeral...

    Question: what are you using for baby? crib, co-sleeper, playpen, bassinet?? That is the only thing I don't have yet...I told my mother in law and my auntie since they asked what i needed, and they still haven't bought it. What are they waiting for? I'm stressing over it, BLAH!

    I'll pop back in today, need to get ready for work...
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Good Morning Momma's to Be!

    Well I have officially hit trimester 3!!! Very excited! I can't believe in another 12 weeks(ish) baby will be here!

    Well I've been having a lot of trouble with a rib I've popped out in my back and it has got the best of me this week. I ended up calling in sick for all of my shifts this week, thankfully I had almost 200 hours of sick time banked up since I was scheduled for 72 hours this week. I broke down and took some Tylenol a few times this week. I know it's "safe" but hate taking any extra medications. We also got 8 inches of snow in 2 days which didn't help my energy level.

    The weight monster has caught up to me(which I have researched is quite common about 27-28 weeks). I only have myself to blame as the pain in my rib caused a lack of making anything aside from grilled cheese and ichiban soup. I made it to the grocery store and ended up in the car before I was done leaving hubby to finish. Knock on wood so far today I'm feeling almost normal and I started my day with a green smoothie so here's to hoping for a better food day. I'm undecided if I should attempt taking my dogs for a walk(both are 80 pounds and have cabin fever so aren't going to be nice to me on their leashes) but we shall see. The sun is shining and looks like it will be a great day.

    My belly has definitely "popped" this last week. I can't believe how much bigger it is. I smiled yesterday because I actually had a stranger stop me and ask my due date so that was exciting that I actually look pregger's to others. To me most days I still just think I look fat (I know it's not the case but very self conscious other people see it the same way). Haven't had any random people belly rubbing yet which I'm pretty glad about, not sure how I'll handle that if it happens. Even not pregnant I like to have my own bubble haha.

    Well I hope everyone has a great day!

  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Hi Moms!
    Congrats Denise and Jessica! Hope all is well.

    Heather, my fingers are crossed for you :wink:

    Kristin, the heartburn monster is starting to visit me as well. I have never had it in my life until now. It has been terrible, but just a little uncomfortable at night. This little one is really high at times too and I’m pretty sure my stomach and lungs are best friends at this point.

    Kristi, I have been sugar crazy the whole time! I may have polished off an entire box of Girl Scout cookies a few nights ago…:ohwell:

    FitNurse, I am very impressed (and a little jealous) with all the walking you are getting in on a regular basis! Well done! Hope you have a great time at the wedding this weekend!

    Sharon, I’m sorry for your loss. You are right, they are together now. God Bless. We will have a family-heirloom bassinet in our room for the nights and her crib is already set in the nursery that we plan to use during the day for naps and such. Good luck, I hope they help you lessen your worries soon!

    Amanda, popped out rib?... ouch that doesn’t seem like it would be very pleasant. Glad to hear you are feeling well today! Time to take advantage of that, but try not to over-do it! MMM grilled cheese sounds really good right now. Thanks! SO about strangers asking your due date.. I had one of the employees of Sam’s club yell across the store asking when I was due. When I told her May 5th, she proceeded to say “wow, twins?!” (Still across the store) :huh: :grumble: Hmmm, enjoy your small belly stage, it will grow soon and you will hope people wouldn’t comment at all. LOL Happy 3rd Tri!

    AFM: I have been doing pretty well lately. I can tell things are beginning to get more difficult and starting to change. I have been experiencing new things like a very tender tailbone (OUCH!), heartburn, and difficulty bending and breathing. Last night I found myself asking my mom (retired LD nurse) when she will start to drop so I can breathe again. LOL She has been making me more and more uncomfortable and I know this is just the beginning.
    Hubs and I went for a short walk last night and I could barely keep up with him and the dog between not being able to breathe, sore back and tailbone, and end of the day swollen feet. Not a good night in my book. I have been keeping up with zumba at least once a week. Even though my doc doesn’t know I still go, when I saw he yesterday she says to keep doing what I’m doing because everything looks perfect. So I guess I will keep going to zumba against her previous advice. LOL
    The nursery is pretty close to finished. We put the Dr. Seuss decals up on the walls this week and it is really coming together. We have to bring the refinished dresser up from the workroom in the basement and get some shelves and knickknacks on the walls. I can’t believe it’s getting so close. Next, (probably this weekend) I plan to start washing the clothes, blankets and sheets. Also, this weekend we have our birthing class with a tour of the hospital. It will be a long day, but I ‘m glad to have it all in one day, especially how busy we’ve been and are going to be.
    My mom is a crazy person planning the shower. It’s coming on the 24th and I think she is going overboard, but I know there is no way to stop her. LOL 70 people invited, fully catered with linens, and I have to go order the cakes this weekend… busy busy busy. I know it will be a blast though!
    OK, I think that is enough babbling for now. Sorry, it’s been a while. :happy:

    Kim 31w 5d
  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212

    Sarah-are the Dr's concerned at all for measuring 5 wks ahead?

    no, I was like that with my last two who were big babies,9lbs 4oz (an impressive 23" long) and 8lbs 9 oz. I always measure big. My doctor knows I have big babies. Plus I've been keeping my gestational diabetes undertight control:)
  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    Is anyone else expirenceing crazy tempers just lately? I've been fine except this week, every little thing drives me crazy! My bp was high today at docs because I was so mad at hubby, for something that shouldn't have been a huge deal. I feel crazy! lol
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Wow....glad to see people are talkative today!

    Sarah...Yes, I have some crazy mood swings! I find myself getting frustrated REALLY easily...and I hate it because I'm that way with my daughter also...and I'm not usually like that. I have to really watch myself! Of course it's my poor husband I take it out on the most, and luckily he's very forgiving!

    Kim...Unfortunately you are right, those fun third trimester symptoms are just beginning! The heartburn seems to get worse as you progress. I had it really bad starting much earlier with my daughter, but otherwise never in my life also! Such a bummer. And I also have sciatica and pelvic pain this go-round which are new to me! So, I hope you don't get too bad...but at least we have an end in sight! Hope you show us pictures of your nursery when finished! Dr. Seuss is such a cute idea!

    Amanda...Welcome to the third trimester!! Good thing you took some sick time...I think that it's so important not to over-do it when you're preggers. Need to take care of you and baby first! And I know what you mean about feeling fat...I am the same way! I really hate gaining weight, even though I know there's a reason...and I have gained plenty! But I lost it all after my daughter and know I can do it again! So don't worry too much...it won't be long before you are feeling more like yourself again!

    Sharon...I'm doing the same as Kim...bassinet at night and crib during the day. And the only reason we're using the bassinet is because Kadence and the baby will be sharing a room, so until the baby gets some sort of routine, I don't want to wake Kadence up constantly at night. I also am sorry for your losses...it's always hard.

    Fitnurse...Good job on the walking! Wish I was doing that more! Have fun at the wedding (I'm sure you'll make it!)

    Heather...Ah...I'm still hoping for today for you! Keep us posted!!!

    Okay...back to some work! Have a good afternoon!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    Hope everyone is doing well- haven't had a chance to breath! Yowzers :yawn:

    Joaquins bilirubon finally went down from 20.1 to 9.9 and I can honestly say that I BALLED my eyes out when we got the good news. :sad: Call it hormones or whatever I just couldn't help it. He has been officially released adn we are home, again :bigsmile:

    So we are back to square one:
    1) learning to breastfeed since they had to have him bottle fed
    2) having to increase in weight since he's lost over a pound since he was born
    3) having to adjust to a pattern/sleeping schedule again

    but hey we are home and thats whta counts. Thanks for all the prayers. We really appreciate it. God is great!!

    Hope to post his birth story soon- just not sure when? LOL :laugh:

    Joaquin Alejandro 6 days old