Ravenclaw Common Room



  • mommyoftwins08
    Had a good day today. and excited for tomorrow. ( I am taking the twins to the LA zoo) now to pack some healthy snacks and lunch to bring with us.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi guys!
    Missed a check-in yesterday, oops! Seems like a lot's happened in the common room in that time, nice to see it so busy again! Other challenges are ok though, I always plan my snacks because otherwise I starve at school! and the burpees are killer but am doing them when I first get up so that they're out of the way for the day.

    momofJandA- looking good on those planks! Better numbers yesterday!

    mommy of twins- I lose more reliably if I eat most of my exercise cals back, although I usually try and keep myself a bit of a cushion. Also, echoing Sue, the key is being honest with your diary! I am getting better than this.

    korkster- I am going to get new clothes when my current clothes look wrong on me, because they're too big. I also going to wait until I've gone down a full clothing size, so that a size 14 (US12) definitely fits comfortably.

    Happy Humpday, Ravenclaws!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Gah, just wrote a really long post and then the connection dropped and lost it all. Short version is...

    well done to everyone who lost last week!

    Prefects for this week are... drumroll please.... Cenedria235 and Matchamatcha!! Well done you guys, especially MM for the second prefect duty in a row!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    I would like to join this house. What do I need to do to get started?
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks kellyisfat, azsuzi and momofjanda - yeah I think a large part of it is that I'm uncomfortable with the attention. I'm not used to getting so many compliments and it's a bit awkward. There's the introverted part of me that gets uncomfortable whenever people are looking at me, for whatever reason. Also the ones that are exaggerations I think are a bit harder to take. Maybe because I'm really honest, and if I compliment someone I really mean it and it's an accurate compliment - so when they say "You're so skinny" I immediately want to rebut that, whereas if they just said "You've lost so much weight" that nagging doubtful voice can't really argue with that, because yes, I have lost a lot of weight. But really, I just should get over it and take the compliment gracefully. After all, they're only going to get more vociferous as I get closer to my goal weight, right? ahahaha :wink: :laugh:

    I have to say I'm actually feeling motivated now to log and lose weight again. I want to go down another size before Aus winter. Buying new clothes has become expensive and I really want to get to a point where they're going to last me until my goal weight. I thought buying a new wardrobe would be great but it's so tedious, I have to try on *everything* because I can fit into any of 3 sizes, and there's all these nice pieces that I put aside because they're fitted and I can't tell how long they will actually be wearable for so I don't want to waste my money.

    I'm really really tired at the moment getting used to my new job and hours, and probably eating too much at dinner just because I'm so tired and my brain goes food=energy, when really I should really just eat normally and go to bed earlier. Should be in bed right now actually... oops.

    Anyway good luck for the rest of the week Ravenclaw :smile:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for the feedback on the clothing! I think I'm going to wait.

    Scarlett- thanks for the link to the 5K! I love zombies and this seems like a lot of fun. I haven't "run" in such a long time, I may have to go as a spectator. But it would be fun... The pictures are hilarious. :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey Korkster - I meant to add my thoughts on clothes the other day but forgot :ohwell: . I went through 3 entire wardrobe changes last year while I was actively losing! Thank goodness for thrift stores or I wouldn't have been able to afford it. I would buy a piece of clothing here and there until I realized that my "new" clothes fit and looked so much better and I couldn't stand to be in my old clothes. Then I would totally replace everything. Then - and this is important - I would pack up all of my big clothes and donate them back to the thrift store. That way there were no big clothes left around to fall back on if I started gaining again so I "had" to keep losing! You're doing great by the way - keep up the good work!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all, BritLynn07- Kelly or I will message you soon with what you need to do to join the challenges. I'm in a super rush right now, but I'll get to it later today I promise!

    Basically, just popping in to say that I am going to try umba tonight for the first time, eek!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    I don't know anything about clothes. I can wear some of my 2x clothing now, but I can also still wear my 3x stuff. Sure, clothing seems looser, but can't you wear the clothing no matter how small you are? Then how do you know you need smaller clothes? Perhaps when my pants fall off automatically upon putting them on then I'll know I need to go shopping. I know it's too early to go shopping yet, but I was just curious.

    Korkster, I think you should buy yourself at least an outfit in your current size. It's really nice to just see yourself and how you look in smaller, well fitting clothes. Even if it's just one outfit, it's a great boost :smile:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Hey all, BritLynn07- Kelly or I will message you soon with what you need to do to join the challenges. I'm in a super rush right now, but I'll get to it later today I promise!

    Basically, just popping in to say that I am going to try umba tonight for the first time, eek!

    Just sent her a message, Lottee :)

    And hope zumba goes well for you tonight! I tried it at home and I was a train wreck, but I've done a few sample bits in public when a group came to our work job fair and that was fun. :)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I don't know anything about clothes. I can wear some of my 2x clothing now, but I can also still wear my 3x stuff. Sure, clothing seems looser, but can't you wear the clothing no matter how small you are? Then how do you know you need smaller clothes? Perhaps when my pants fall off automatically upon putting them on then I'll know I need to go shopping. I know it's too early to go shopping yet, but I was just curious.

    Korkster, I think you should buy yourself at least an outfit in your current size. It's really nice to just see yourself and how you look in smaller, well fitting clothes. Even if it's just one outfit, it's a great boost :smile:

    I completely agree! I was always, always that girl who wore 'comfortable' clothing, and honestly, I didn't care about clothes at all (still don't care as much as most female friends I have). But I would definitely recommend it. Once I tried it and saw myself in the smaller clothes and others noticed the difference, it was a huge motivator. Would love that for you! You deserve to see what great thing you've done for yourself and how it's paying off.

    I still don't wear perfectly fitted clothes because I don't like to shop that much, but what I wear definitely shows off the loss more. I hope you go find an outfit that really lets you see how far you've come. :)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I say buy some new clothes- you deserve it babe!!!! You've worked your a** off and deserve to splurge on yourself even just a little.

    dreaded plank check in:
    regular plank- 1m 20 seconds
    side planks- 58 seconds each (man were my arms shaking)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    dreaded plank check in:
    regular plank- 1m 20 seconds
    side planks- 58 seconds each (man were my arms shaking)
    1 m 20 seconds! I would be SO bored! :laugh: Good for you - that's impressive!!

    I always wore comfortable clothes too and still prefer them to something that hugs. But clothes that are a size or two too big stop being comfortable. I knew it was time for shopping when I pulled a pair of work slacks down without unzipping them! But then, once I saw how much better I looked in clothes the right size, I didn't hesitate to pick up a few things here and there as I kept losing.

    Well - I did really good with sticking to no unauthorized snacks on Monday and Tuesday, but yesterday was a disaster and today was better, but I still caved in and did a little extra snacking. I'm hoping I can pull it together again for the rest of the week - I liked what I saw on the scales on Tuesday after behaving myself!
  • mommyoftwins08
    fell off the wagon today but I am ready to start again tomorrow. What do you ladies do for treats? do you have like 100 cal a day for a treat or a cheat meal a week?
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all! zumba was a lot of fun, didn't feel that tired though! Will def keep it up occasionally though.

    Mommyoftwins- I try to build in a treat (usually alcohol) by burning loads of calories earlier in the day, so I still don't go over on a splurge. You could try that?

    Azsuszi- SAME! I thought I was ok with snacking, and I was doing until yesterday, when I nommed a packet of peanuts late at night. Have also just eaten sweets while on the way home from the supermarket. Should not have shopped while hungry! Both meant I still came in under calories, just, but both times I could have done without and they didn't make me feel better either. Rubbish!

    momofJandA- hardcore on the planks! I am up to 14 burpees, I WILL do twenty in a row by the end of the week!!

    And finally, just to share my little victory with you... I am doing couch to 5k. I am not a runner. I'm really not. But a friend's doing it with me so we've stuck with it. We've just finished week five. To put it into context, in week one, the longest run was 1 minute 45. Then walk, then run again. The first time we did it, it was HARD!! Up to now, the longest we've run is 8 minutes, then walk, then another 8 minutes. That was tough! So you can imagine the horror when we opened the program today to find that we had to run twenty minutes. no breaks. No walking, just run. for 20 mins. Whaaat?!
    Well, we did it! Bits very slow, bits quite fast, but I actually ran, at a reasonable speed, for twenty whole minutes. and enjoyed it. I haven't been this proud of myself in a long time!!!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Great job lottee! I don't imagine ever running, so heavy props to you!

    Thanks for all the clothes advice my Ravenclaw peeps! The prospect *still* doesn't sound like fun to me, but perhaps I'll feel different in a few more months. I do need new shoes, so perhaps on my birthday or my next landmark I'll get some new clothes. :)

    Speaking of falling off the wagon, I wouldn't consider it "snacking out of limits", but I don't think I got the OWL because I went over my calorie limit. People always keep telling me how "healthy" Indian food is... bull crap! I went about 400 calories over, and I *hate* when I go over.

    So... to balance that out, my brother & I went hiking. It was supposed to be an easy hike, my pick. HOWEVER, we never actually found the trail I wanted to do and we just kept going. There were boulders, creeks, steep hills, underbrush... but when we reached the peak the sun had just set to reveal the beautiful city below us. VERY BEAUTIFUL!!! I love hiking!

    Things took an unexpected turn when we realized we were lost, hiking at night, with a crank-up flashlight (that doesn't work that well). We wondered around for another hour, climbed another hill, and then found some hikers to point us in the right direction. *Still* a blast! But next time I'm bringing better flashlights. And more water.

    Needless to say I'm quite sore today, and am hoping to take it as easy as possible today. Even contemplated taking the elevator at work, but so far no need. I'm actually glad my job is sedentary so I can repare my body! 4 hours hiking will take it out of you.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw! Finally made it to spring break - no classes next week!! I was going to try to get home to see my dad, but airline tickets are so high when you try to get them at the last minute. :grumble: My dad has alzheimers and he fell and broke his hip a little over a week ago. I can't help but feel like his time with us is short so I really want to see him. I'm going to keep looking for tickets...

    mommyoftwins: my daily treat is a Weight Watcher's snack size chocolate fudge bar after dinner. At 45 calories, you can't beat it! I also build in 2 snacks during the day at 100 to 200 calories each - an apple and 15 raw almonds or a Chobani yogurt for instance. The between meal snacks are crucial to me so I don't get so hungry that I eat the house at the next meal!

    Lottee & Korkster - great job you two! Keep up the great work. Some day I might try the C25K, but I "really" run like a girl and usually end up twisting an ankle or getting shin splints - so I don't know...

    Have a great Friday!!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    regular plank- 2 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah baby!
    side planks- 1 minute each side

    getting really frustrated with the scale this week- working my *kitten* off at 5am in the morning, eating well, no off limits snacking, everything going the way its supposed to and the damn scale goes UP :explode: makes me want to stay in bed in the morning and eat a snickers . . . . vent over
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaws!

    Hit the gym earlier, cleaned the house this afternoon and now off out for dinner with some friends. A fish restaurant, yum!!

    Korkster- I think Indian food can be healthy, but you really have to choose wisely! If you avoid creamy sauces like korma, and avoid having rice AND naan bread it can come in quite low, but I agree, it's also very easy to go WAY over the top with it!

    MomofJandA- kudos on the planks, boo to scales though! I'm the same- running three times a week, weights, swimming or elliptical every other day, mainly eating well, yet only tiny movements on the scales. Gah! I know I'll see the rewards in the end, but a bit of a payoff now would be good!

    Azsuzi- I know how you feel, my Grandad has Alzeimers and it never feels like I spend enough time with him when he obviously hasn't got long left. Makes me feel guilty all the time.

    Will post challenges later, just waiting for one more response, Lottee X
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Ugh! It's been an insane few days for me, wasn't able to get in any kind of workout other than running in place in my room at night. Having some issues with my roommates so while I normally work out in the living room I've been stuck in my room avoiding them. Today I'm just going to have to deal since I really want to work out. Happy Saturday everyone!