Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • Lambiii
    Lambiii Posts: 321
    Who are you! Rachel from Ireland :)
    Age? 24
    Female or male? Female
    RP? Nope
    LARP? Nope, but would love to try!
    What are your weightloss goals?! For now wanna lose 50lbs
    How many pounds have you lost? So far 8lbs
    Walk on the Beach? Haha sure!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I'm Matt, 32 and from Kansas City. I'm not sure what RP or LARP is either, so I'm guessing that's a no. I'm currently obsessed with BF3 and Zelda and just recently finished Assassins Creed Revelations. Once Mass Effect 3 comes out I'll be out 60 hours or so of life I can't recover, but it will be worth it. As far as fitness goals I've dropped my weight and then bulked back up w/ muscle so now I'm just trying to lose the fat but keep lean muscle mass. Simple enough right?
  • ayamagali
    ayamagali Posts: 167 Member
    Who are you! Aya, wife, wanna-be student, and nursing assistant
    Age? 24
    Female or male? Female
    RP? Yes
    LARP? Would love to try it, seems like it could be waaaay fun! Think I might end up sucking due to either lack of seriousness or horrible gaming potty mouth. Sasquatch gang really made me wanna try boffing (watch that movie if you haven't).
    What are your weightloss goals?! About 15 lbs or until my thighs and arms don't jiggle. I want tone!
    How many pounds have you lost? 9
    Walk on the Beach? I run!! And I'm on the south beach diet if that's what you meant
    Anywho, i have xbox, just got the kinect and having much fun with the sports, especially beach volleyball and ping pong. I love RPGs such as elder scrolls, amalur, sacred, dragon age, wow. Fps is kinda hit or miss, I looove the halo series, and gears had me until the horrible worm part in 2. Oooh, and am stoked for borderlands 2, played the crap out of the first one for 3 months straight.
    I often get nostalgic and find old pc games to play, such as kyrandia, commander keen, lost Vikings. Remember those? My dads leisure suit Larry game taught me my first English!
    Other nerd-dom stuff: anime (good anime), firefly, d&d, magic, futurama best show ever, battlstar galactic a!!!!, have never cosplayed but really want to starting with zafina from tekken (butterfly).
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    I'm Matt, 32 and from Kansas City. I'm not sure what RP or LARP is either, so I'm guessing that's a no. I'm currently obsessed with BF3 and Zelda and just recently finished Assassins Creed Revelations. Once Mass Effect 3 comes out I'll be out 60 hours or so of life I can't recover, but it will be worth it. As far as fitness goals I've dropped my weight and then bulked back up w/ muscle so now I'm just trying to lose the fat but keep lean muscle mass. Simple enough right?

    Hello, Matt. RP means "Role-playing" like the FF series, zelda, crono Trigger, etc. LARP is "live action role playing," which I've never done but it looks..interesting lol.

    As for me, my name is Heather, 26 years old. From Missoula, MT but currently living in Cincinnati, OH. I've been playing video games for years. I'm definitely an RPG girl. The first one I ever played and finished was Crono Trigger, my favorite RPG of all time. 2nd in line would have to be FFVII. I like all kinds of games, though. I REALLY got into the Resident Evil series. I loved the first ones up through Code Veronica X, and was then blown away by number 4. I honestly didn't think I would like it as much since the perspective was so different, but it's now my favorite one. I've yet to play RE 5 since I just now got a PS3 (i know, behind the times.) I also really loved Indigo prophesy. Currently, I'm playing MW3, Boarderlands, and Heavy Rain.

    Weight loss goals: I have lost 10 lbs so far. I have about 5-10 more to go. I'm focusing more on body fat % and BMI, though. My current body fat % is 26. I am taking a trip to Florida in July with my bf and want to look smokin in my bikini. lol Overall I want to be healthier and feel good in my body.

    End long-winded reply.
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    My name is Heather and I'm 36. Mother of 2 kiddos, Daughter 7 and Son 2 1/2. I'm also a SAHM and a gamer girl and it's all Hubby's fault.

    It started when we were dating. He got me hooked on Playstation games. Spyro was my first game then Medieval. I've always loved Fantasy but I was raised in a very conservative Southern Baptist home. Pastor's daughter and my parents thought all Fantasy was evil. D&D was huge when I was growing up and there were horror stories about that game. My parents have since mellowed out and even come to like some Fantasy. LOTR type stuff.

    Anywho, I fell in love with games and then hubby introduced me to Diablo II. OMGosh it was awesome! The expansion even better! We're so pumped for Diablo III!! We'd go hunting for new games but I'd always base it off of D II. I wanted another game like it. He'd tell me about Diablo clones so we'd go look at 'em. Some I liked, some I didn't.

    Then WoW came out. I had never played or even been introduced to an MMORPG. When hubby told me that I could interact with other players I was very hesitant about that. I had heard that in D II if a player died, others could loot their corpse and take their loot. I didn't want that to happen so I wasn't sure about being introduced to that world. He reassured me that it wouldn't happen and then he was evil and showed me the trailer.

    *squee with delight* When I saw the Night Elf turn into a cat I wanted to play that sooo bad. We were on Dial-up so we couldn't play right when it came out. Finally we got a house with high speed internet and got the demo. We were hooked within 2 hours of playing.

    Yes, I started as a Night Elf Druid and hubby a Priest. Worked out great because I tanked and he healed. We leveled to 60 within 6 months. We missed the Opening of the Dark Portal event by 10 levels. We were very sad. :( We started raiding with Karazhan and found out we love raiding! I main tanked it and he healed it. In TBC, we switched avatars. I started playing a Mage and he a Warrior. We raided all through TBC. In Wrath, he stayed Warrior and I switched to a Shaman. I'd swore up and down I'd never heal because I had a very bad experience while on my Druid. Well, in Ulduar, he wanted a Resto Shaman for his 25 man raid. He and several raid members talked me into it so I researched healing and walked into the next raid as Resto. I learned to heal in Ulduar with a 25 man raid! I love healing now and I'm a better healer than dpser.

    We still play WoW and love it. We are a bit burned out on it atm. Cata isn't living up to our exceptions and is very lackluster to us. We loved Wrath and miss it. We're hoping that MoP will restore some excitement and love we have for the game.

    Now, we're hooked on Skyrim! We only log into WoW 3 days a week to raid with friends and guildies.

    As for why I'm here... Please don't laugh this is very hard for me to discuss with strangers.
    I was at my heaviest after my son was born. 227 lbs. I started walking my daughter home from school when she started in Kindergarden. I dropped 30 lbs but gained 6 back on Christmas Break. So, I'm now at 27.5 lbs lost (199.5) and watching calories and exercising 3-4 x's a week along with walking when it's nice outside. But, my walking has slowed down because my son is no longer able to fit in a stroller so he walks with me. It's very sloooowwwww. I was walking very fast last year so I've started back doing "The Firm. The Wave" This spring when it's lighter out, I'm going walking again once hubby comes home so he can watch the kids. I'm hoping that will help speed up my loss.

    Nice to meet y'all and as The Guild song says "Game On!"
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I've always loved Fantasy but I was raised in a very conservative Southern Baptist home. Pastor's daughter and my parents thought all Fantasy was evil. D&D was huge when I was growing up and there were horror stories about that game.

    This made me laugh, one CCD class, maybe freshman year, me and 2 others were berated by a priest for playing D&D for the entire length of the class.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    I've always loved Fantasy but I was raised in a very conservative Southern Baptist home. Pastor's daughter and my parents thought all Fantasy was evil. D&D was huge when I was growing up and there were horror stories about that game.

    This made me laugh, one CCD class, maybe freshman year, me and 2 others were berated by a priest for playing D&D for the entire length of the class.
    Stuff like this angers me a little bit; people dismiss things they don't understand and don't bother to do the research necessary to prove anything! All my D&D campaigns have been with my Christian friends and we all have a blast! There is NOTHING WRONG with D&D--it's a tabletop strategy game with optional cosplay. To me that screams, "reliving childhood" more than demon-worshipping!!!!

    *deep breath*


  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I've always loved Fantasy but I was raised in a very conservative Southern Baptist home. Pastor's daughter and my parents thought all Fantasy was evil. D&D was huge when I was growing up and there were horror stories about that game.

    This made me laugh, one CCD class, maybe freshman year, me and 2 others were berated by a priest for playing D&D for the entire length of the class.
    Stuff like this angers me a little bit; people dismiss things they don't understand and don't bother to do the research necessary to prove anything! All my D&D campaigns have been with my Christian friends and we all have a blast! There is NOTHING WRONG with D&D--it's a tabletop strategy game with optional cosplay. To me that screams, "reliving childhood" more than demon-worshipping!!!!

    *deep breath*



    The odd part? The reason that it turned into a class long topic was one girl was quite offended and fighting the priest hard on it. Said girl is now ultra ultra conservative and I believe now has the same views as that priest on the topic.
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    I've always loved Fantasy but I was raised in a very conservative Southern Baptist home. Pastor's daughter and my parents thought all Fantasy was evil. D&D was huge when I was growing up and there were horror stories about that game.

    This made me laugh, one CCD class, maybe freshman year, me and 2 others were berated by a priest for playing D&D for the entire length of the class.
    Stuff like this angers me a little bit; people dismiss things they don't understand and don't bother to do the research necessary to prove anything! All my D&D campaigns have been with my Christian friends and we all have a blast! There is NOTHING WRONG with D&D--it's a tabletop strategy game with optional cosplay. To me that screams, "reliving childhood" more than demon-worshipping!!!!

    *deep breath*



    I understand and agree with you. But, we lived in small towns and the view on D&D at that time was the fear of possession. The horror stories I was told was that a teen had "become" his character and was "possessed" and killed himself because the voice told him to. Or something to that effect. Knowing what I know now about Fantasy I can see the difference and I love the genre. People *can* take it too far but I've never heard of it happening as I'm older nor have I seen it. Now, in WoW some guildies and I RP a bit but *that* is a different matter entirely.
  • ZombiJeeziz
    ZombiJeeziz Posts: 27 Member
    ZombiJeeziz here. You can call me ZJ.
    I'm 38.
    Lost 210lbs, gained 70 back, lost another 20, 55 to go.

    Currently playing: Skyrim (cost me my marriage), awaiting ME3.

    I've been playing games since I was standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. There was a small mailbox there...
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Name's Deborah age is .. going to be 30 in a little over a month. Female of course. My gaming has consisted of Runescape > Wow > Runescape > Wow back and forth for I'd est probably 10 years I think. Kind of hard to realize that I've spent that much of my time online playing these games LOL. But hey as I like to say, I've had fun, I've got to know some great people and I wouldn't trade that :) Besides now I can learn to limit my online time and get my life back in order LOL. I stopped playing RS like 2 years ago I think. Been wow since then, I did play rift when it came out for like 2 months then went back to wow :D Currently not playing any, I've given up internet/wow for lent (Except for MFP ;)) And yes it is VERY hard LOL I thought about doing it the past few years but never thought I could ever do it. This year I'm gonna prove myself wrong :D hehe

    I currently am running about 430 pounds, I probably easily put on 100 or 150 once I found RS and Wow. Working now on turning back the clock and I'm doing pretty good :) Should be total of 50 pounds lost from start within the next few weeks, not sure where I want to end up at, I don't want to be "skinny" even probably I just want to be healthy and just a lot less than I am right now :)

    I play alliance on Andorhal one of the worst servers, severely low pop and horde favored lol. If you'd like a real ID add send me your email through pm on here. And if I don't talk a lot it's because I'm shy :$ But if you're willing to keep the conversation going I'll likely warm up to you :D haha I do log in and out a lot tho so sorry if that bugs people :P And again I won't be on til Easter :P Anyone looking for more friends can add me on here too of course :)
  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    Who are you!:
    ~A vet tech student working at a doggie daycare. Also a bit of an anime freak, not gonna lie. ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ


    Female or male?

    ~Hell yes. Currently working on Chrono Trigger, but my all-time faves would have to be FF tactics (the PS1 version, not the handheld remakes. Yuck.), Disgaea and Tales of Symphonia. I'll edit when I remember the rest.
    My bf recently got me into D&D, which I love and wish I had started playing years ago. Also just started a Bloodbowl team. Nnnnnnot sure if that last one's an RPG.

    ~Running around whacking people with a stick? With no consequences? Sign me up.

    What are your weightloss goals?!
    Not exactly sure. To be honest, I can't remember being lighter than 200lbs

    How many pounds have you lost?
    Reached my all time high of 242 this Christmas. Since then I've only lost 8. Since I started this site? 2 (. _. )

    Walk on the Beach?
    I'd rather make sandcastles.
  • highlordb
    highlordb Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! my name is brian. I play mostly wow and swtor. I am 40+ years old and I prefer fantasy based PC games, preferably SWTOR or Wow. I am looking to lose over 100lbs, so far i have lost 8lbs in 3 weeks. While i enjoy geeking out, i am trying to replace the marathon gaming sessions with workout in the gym more.
  • lavenders16
    lavenders16 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm turning 30 in 2 weeks! I need to lose 50lbs and I will be happy. I'm female and I play WOW go figure its so addicting. I work out and do house hold chores before I allow my self to play. I have a 3 year old girl and am getting married in June busy life but I love it!
  • alliekat893
    Hi! I'm Allie, and I'm 32. Hopefully it's obvious I am female...

    I prefer RPGs. Currently playing SWTOR and Skyrim. Looking forward to when I can get Mass Effect 3.

    Love Dragon Age, Fallout, The Witcher... I played Everquest for almost 10 years. Beta tested and played WoW for three or four. Gave several other MMOs a shot before starting SWTOR.

    I have PCOS and insulin resistance. I've been unhappy with myself all my adult life. I have a LONG way to go and could use all the support and friends I can get.
  • JeanLuz
    JeanLuz Posts: 2
    Who are you!
    ^_^ the name's Jean


    Female or male?
    Female, tomboy

    Yes, lots. I do alot of online writing with a friend.

    Had to look that up so no lol

    What are your weightloss goals?!
    Trying to shead they weight, I'd like to be a bit thinner but mostly I'm in it for the health

    How many pounds have you lost?
    Sadly none yet, just started recently. Hope to get some off soon.

    Walk on the Beach?
    lol maybe

    Favorite Games?
    Alan wake, the RE series, the SH series, the SSB series, the L4D series...lots of series lol
  • Darthvdogg
    I'm Isaac.

    Believe it or not, I'm only the ripe age of 23, but I look older.


    I'm an avid gamer, and currently am playing Mass Effect 2, Skyrim, BF3, and Forza 4. I've done some tabletop rpgs, mainly D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder. I'm hoping maybe I can get some people together for the new Marvel rpg coming out. Never larp'd.

    I'm currently at 325 and am hoping to get to at least 250...

    None yet...I don't think. Need to get a scale. >.>
  • crazycali23

    28 will be 29 in april

    RPG's and some MMO (mainly on 360 and ps3) trying to do 40K

    wanting to lose 50+ lbs

    lost about 44 lbs so far
  • Chriztii
    Chriztii Posts: 94

    I'm Christine and I'm female 20yr old :)
    I'm not exactly overweight but I'm here to make a healthier lifestyle and create the body i desire :D
    Playing games has made me put on some extra kilos since highschool and i want to get rid of them but ofc not my games :P
    I weighed 75kg Decemeber 2011 and 2.5 months ish later I'm now 68kg!! Just from eating 1200 calories a day!!
    Soon I'll start exercising and lose more..
    oh and i play star wars the old republic, playED wow for likes years before that andd atm i'm addicted to Dungeon keeper again :P
    Also have an xbox 360 but it's not setup anymore :( Need to get me a TV asap

    I hope to meet some fellow gamers on here and get some support aswell!
  • charisxena
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    I play Borderlands and RuneScape for RPing.
    I'd love to try a xombie apocalypse LARP.
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    Initial goal is to reach 150lbs
    How many pounds have you lost?