Level 1 - report your progress here!



  • AliG71
    AliG71 Posts: 12
    Oh. My. God. First day on level one. I HATE YOU JILLIAN! But I love you at the same time. :) My arms are all shaky and my legs feel like noodles, but I'm one step closer to bikinis!! And for only 20 minutes, no problem. I had to stop a couple times, during some of the cardio and then some on the side lunge with dumbbells. I'm using 5 pound ones and wishing I had 3!

    Haha! I, too, may have said this to the dvd a couple of times :laugh: I did Day 5 today and although I'm not as sore as I was for the first 3 days, I'm certainly not finding it easier :grumble: I did switch my 420gm cans for 1kg weights though, so that may have contributed to it not being any easier :wink:

    What I do love is the great feeling I'm getting after I've done the workout - and it lasts all day. I think I sort of *get* the endorphins rush people talk about - my body just tingles all over. That's good, right? :huh:
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    Level 1 day 4 completed and challenged myself to more difficult versions of some of the exercises. I sunk deeper down in squats and boxing with squats. My pushups(although they are still modified) are getting better. I go down with alot more control and I don't let my abdomen fall to the floor. I'm really happy with my progress. I feel alot stronger in my arms and hamstrings. And better breathing rhythm. Also, I've been using 3 lb weights and I think tomorrow I'm going to start using 3. The chest flies are getting too easy.
  • l2rell
    l2rell Posts: 88
    Finished day 3 Lvl 1 this morning after 30 minutes on the kinect doing a cardio workout and had Zumba lastnight my poor legs
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Well done everyone! You're all doing great :D
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    Completed L1D2 this morning. My whole body is sore. It's going to pay off in the end. I burned more calories today than yesterday. Question has anyone tried her killer buns and thighs. Wanted to start that after 30ds?
  • emilyl23
    emilyl23 Posts: 1
    Hello! I'm so happy this is here! Question - what do you guys log this exercise as on here?!

    I'm on L1 D2 - doing 3rd one tonight, yes am in pain, my calves in particular are bad, and my bum! But I'm so excited about sticking to this. I was thinking it might not be enough on it's own, so I'm gonna throw in a swimming session and a gym session a week as well I think - are you guys doing it 7 days a week or just 5?

    I'm so frustrated with not losing any weight any other way, so have measured whole body before starting as well - figured I actually don't care what I weigh, more how I look, so hoping this makes me lose inches...

    Keep going ladies!!! and keep posting updates!!!
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Day 4 yesterday- No problem
    Day 5 today- I can barely move, it's almost TOM and my lower back is KILLING me! Maybe its due some to my extra workouts yesterday but uggghhh, I don't know how I am going to get through today. Except...

    I am about to do day 5, I'll let you know how it goes (now I have to get my butt in gear and get it done, right?)
  • Last night was L1D3 and it was okay – I feel fine today and was okay while doing it so I’m wondering if I should move up to level 2 sooner than day 10.

    I am pretty weak in my arms – using 5lb weights I have a hard time with the static lunges/side lunges and combining those with the arm raises – I have to take a quick break with the arms while still moving the legs.
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    how do you post pictures on here?
  • zylander
    zylander Posts: 11 Member
    Day 1is completed. I did better than I thought I would but I can say in all honesty that I HATE jumping jacks!

    your not the only one after awhile i just start flapping about loooool
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    Last night was day 4, and I've already lost 1 lb! :drinker:
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Ok, I did it! I kicked day 5's @$$! Then did 20 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical!
  • Iv just started 30ds, im on day 4 level one. The first day I thought this is going to be so easy (im fairly fit and do various classes and gym stuff). 4 days in, my calves are tight and my arms are hurting- all in a good way though.
    Im loving the fact that its only 20 minutes long. I had thought about p90x but i have two toddlers and theres no way they would sit and watch me for an hour so 20 minutes is just perfect, it also means im not over doing the exercise if I choose to do a hour at the gym as well. On a 1200 cal diet to complement it so just another 8.5lbs to go before I can start looking at wedding dresses!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Today is DAY #6 on Level 1. I find it pretty easy so after I complete a wk in one more day. Im moving onto LEVEL 2!!! :)
  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    DONE! Finished L1, D8 today. I'm going to buck the system and move on tomorrow to Level 2. I hear that Level 2 is more challenging so I'll probably do it for longer than 8 days. I am feeling a difference in the way my jeans fit but honestly don't see it when I look in the mirror. Debating on whether I should do measurements now (before I start Level 2) or wait until done with all 3 levels. Your thoughts? Also, today I finally broke through a stall I had going for the last 2 weeks - yeah me! Not much of a loss ( 1/2 pound) but hey, that's 1/2 pound closer to my goal weight, right?

    I'm so inspired by MFPer's before and after shred pictures. I spend about 45 minutes a day looking at them (should be working out), but in order to keep going and to keep my faith up... I need to see that this works for others and it CAN and WILL work for me if I keep at it.

    Good luck everyone! Keep working it!
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    DONE! Finished L1, D8 today. I'm going to buck the system and move on tomorrow to Level 2. I hear that Level 2 is more challenging so I'll probably do it for longer than 8 days. I am feeling a difference in the way my jeans fit but honestly don't see it when I look in the mirror. Debating on whether I should do measurements now (before I start Level 2) or wait until done with all 3 levels. Your thoughts? Also, today I finally broke through a stall I had going for the last 2 weeks - yeah me! Not much of a loss ( 1/2 pound) but hey, that's 1/2 pound closer to my goal weight, right?

    I'm so inspired by MFPer's before and after shred pictures. I spend about 45 minutes a day looking at them (should be working out), but in order to keep going and to keep my faith up... I need to see that this works for others and it CAN and WILL work for me if I keep at it.

    Good luck everyone! Keep working it!

    I'm waiting until the end for measurements, so I'm not disappointed on each level when I don't see a certain amount of change that I want.
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    Would it be bad if I did 30DS 2 times a day? Like once in the late morning and once at night? Today, I feel like I could do that.
  • BakedBlonde
    BakedBlonde Posts: 16 Member
    I did W1 yesterday and today. I can't do a full push up but I did to 10 girl-push ups. I also lasted though the whole workout this time and didn't take breaks like yesterday (I thought I was going to die)

    Tomorrow I'm going to try a regular push up and do the entire thing with no breaks.

    I'm pretty sore and I think my heart rate was pretty high. I finished 5 minutes ago and I'm still drenched in sweat!

    This week its supposed to be 20 degrees here in Ontario so that give me a lot of motivation to stick with it!!!
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    how do you post pictures on here?

    I upload mine to flickr, make them available to the public then post the links to them on here, others use photobucket but im not sure how that works.

    Jade x