Level 1 - report your progress here!



  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Would it be bad if I did 30DS 2 times a day? Like once in the late morning and once at night? Today, I feel like I could do that.

    I'm sure if you feel like you can do it, then do it! As long as you feel comfortable doing so and you don't push yourself too hard you'll be fine.

    Jade x
  • 6kate2
    6kate2 Posts: 35 Member
    Level 1, day 5 completed. Legs ache less but those dashed 'butt kicks' are not getting any easier!! Today is day 5 yet I puffed and huffed more today during workout than the wolf did blowing down the three little pigs house haha!! Must invest in proper weights, currently using 1kg water bottles!!
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    Level 1, day 5 completed. Legs ache less but those dashed 'butt kicks' are not getting any easier!! Today is day 5 yet I puffed and huffed more today during workout than the wolf did blowing down the three little pigs house haha!! Must invest in proper weights, currently using 1kg water bottles!!

    I don't mind butt kicks so much now. It's the frickin bicycle crunches that are a pain. I HATE them, because I CAN'T for the life of me get them right!
  • L1D1 Completed!! Uh not too bad I guess although I did have to take a few breathers. :blushing: Sheesh I thought I was in pretty good shape. My arms feel like jelly... Tomorrow will be better.
  • Vigilante_Aaron
    Vigilante_Aaron Posts: 3 Member
    Pretty amped about the workout today! it felt great to start working out again! L1D1 complete! :wink:
  • Today I start L2 D1!! I am sooo excited yet scared lol. L1 was intense. When I put the DVD in the first time It felt like the DVD was an hour long! I was sweating...I was panting....I didnt want to get off the floor. I couldnt do one push up, not even the girl ones! Cardio was a killer and I cussed at Jillian the entire time. Now starting L2 I can do the complete set of push ups, cardio is the easy part and I am doing all of the advanced moves. It is amazing how 10 days has changed my body and how much stronger it is. I have muscles in my arms I have never seen before! Sooooo heres to L2 D1!! IM READY FOR THE CHALLENGE!!!
  • fuego84
    fuego84 Posts: 35 Member
    Days 2 & 3 are done. I think I did pretty good yesterday and got up at 5am to do it. By the end of last night I was really tight and sore. I had a very hard time with the first set today and I don't think I did as well as I could have. Hopefully tomorrow goes better!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member

    Arms are sore. Quads are sore. Still feel good after the work outs -- during them sometimes not so much.
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    Holy wow! I wasn't NEARLY as winded today as I was on day 1! I was DYING on day 1 and today was very manageable so in the second half of the circuit, I amped it up a bit more. Although, for some reason, I couldn't do my pushups as well as I did yesterday. I had to stop and breath twice during them. I almost forgot!!! I didn't pee during my jumpropes or jumping jacks! Woot! It was a big problem on day 1.
  • AliG71
    AliG71 Posts: 12
    L1D6 done! I'm not feeling as tired, sore or sweating as much today, so I'm wondering if I should move to level 2 a couple of days earlier. Have many others done that? Is it recommended or is there a reason why we need to do 10 days of each?

    Also, and this is really annoying me, but I seem to have gained rather than lost weight!! I'm keeping under my calorie goals so it's even more frustrating! Someone said it's because your muscles retain water when they're really sore, or else I'm just building muscle, lol!
  • Level1, day4 - felt much better when I got up this morning. My legs were still sore, but not nearly as much. Definitely improved stamina from day 1. I'm going to stay on level1 until I feel I have it completely under control then move to level 2. I have all the time in the world, plenty of fat to flush and muscle to build. Good luck all!:glasses:
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Day 3, Level 1 done. Wanted to skip but couldn't work out yesterday, so I did it, and I'm glad. Good job, everybody! Let's do this!
  • Day 4, level 1 complete but I think I need to do more in order to lose weight!
    I went ahead and looked at level 2 ~ did about 50% of it watching Anita.
    Combining both level 1 and level 2 in one session felt like more of a workout for me.
  • What size of weights are you using? Are you using the same weight throughout the level?

    I am using 5lbs weights for everything.....
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
    I'm on day2 L1. I'm a little sore. I did the shred six months ago and quit mid way through like an idiot! Oh well. I'm excited to see the results when I complete the shred!!!
  • l2rell
    l2rell Posts: 88
    Day 4 level 1 done xx ontop of a chest infection struggled but got thru it felt a little easier today as well x
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    how do you post pictures on here?

    I upload to photobucket then copy the code that begins and ends and then delete the lower caseand replace with upper caseHope this helps
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Day 4 level 1 done xx ontop of a chest infection struggled but got thru it felt a little easier today as well x

    Take care of yourself xx
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Morning all, I didn't sherd last night, I had a bit of a dodgy stomach. I ended up having to work late and then by the time I got home, put my daughter to bed and made myself something to eat it was 9 pm and I felt nauseaus, I put ot down to eating a meal so late after going all afternoon on very little. I felt awful about net shredding seeing as you guys are all doing so well, but I was too giddy to stand up straight. I went to bed with the thought that I'd get up, take my little girl to school and shred my socks off, maybe even do 2 rounds to make up for the day missed. In reallity I've woken up feeling just as queezy, and I keep feeling as if I'm going to throw up athough I've not actually been sick. I think maybe I've got some sort of bug. So as much as I hate to do this I'm going to have to put my shred on hold for a day or two. I'm not giving up, as soon as this passes I'll be back at it. I'll still be here to support everyone, I just feel so bad that I'm having to stop after only 2 days,when I really want to do this. :grumble:
  • fergie2812
    fergie2812 Posts: 155 Member
    D1L1 done! OMG!!!!!!! didn't do the last butt kicks and stopped a couple of times doing jumping jacks but pretty much got there. I can't do push ups even Anita ones as I can't kneel but did them against the wall instead. Only used 0.5kg weights and feeling it today but I feel proud and my two girls were too so that makes a difference!
    roll on day 2 later today!