Level 1 - report your progress here!



  • staceynoneya
    L1-Day 2
    Yikes Im sore I have been using 5 lb weights, so I think Im going to go down to 3 lb tomorrow my arms are screaming at me. Had to take a few 5 second breathers today and I was hoping today would be easier. :grumble: Im sticking with it, no pain no gain right? I refuse to weigh myself until the week is up...and also I...uh had a...uh few slices of homemade bread. ha ha So Im not expecting anything dynamic :blushing:
    I have 3 kiddos, my baby who is my son and also doing the shred with me will be heading off to college this fall. So I can relate to you mommas, can NOT even imagine going there again. Motherhood is the toughest yet most fulfilling job I have ever had :happy:
    I do think I will be on Level 1 for the full 10 days, who knows but for right now Im only thinking one day at a time...
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    Day 6 Level 1 complete. I feel worn down. I don't feel like I had as much to give to today's workout as I did yesterday. I stopped for a 5 second breather 3 times. I'm wondering if I should stay on level 1 for 2 days longer.

    Likewise day 6, level 1 and also required two 5 second breathers and I'm not even up to 3kgs weights yet!! I certainly wont be attempting to move to level 2 until at least day 10, even then i doubt im going to manage!! No weight loss either which a bit disappointing, measuring tape likewise not showing any change :frown: Think positive........Tomorrow WE WILL jumping jack our way through day 7 becky!!

    Oh shoot! I forgot that I upped my hand weights from 2.5 lbs to 5 lbs. Jeez, no wonder why it was alot harder for me. LMAO :laugh: It's ONLY day 6, so I wouldn't have expected much change. Our bodies are already changing in that, they are adjusting to this type of workout. I'm sure that by the end of level 2, you'll see a difference. :flowerforyou: (((hugs)))
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Day 6, did NOT want to do it today but got through it!
  • schume89
    schume89 Posts: 118 Member
    I got through 9 days right before Christmas, but then gave up because I was traveling. I definitely felt a difference in my stomach and arms, but then gained it all back over the holidays. I haven't attempted it again, hopefully this gives me motivation to start!
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Day one: Feel great! Can barely lift my arms :)

    Note to self: Do not start this workout with your boyfriend's 6.5-pound dumbbells. I have the noodley-est arms and I couldn't do many reps of lots of the circuits. I think next time I'm going to take the weights off and just use the 1.5-pound bars and work up to adding 5 pounds. OUCH.
  • fergie2812
    fergie2812 Posts: 162
    ok after children kicking off last night I didn't get to do L1D2 BUT I got up and did it at 6 this morning!!!
    Feeling very proud a I even managed those blooming sit up kick things at the end. Not all of them but most of them
    Hard to believe how mcuh differnece there is between jsut 2 days!!!

    Might even try another one tonight!
  • AliG71
    AliG71 Posts: 12
    Day 7, Level 1 - done! Not as sore and definitely getting easier. I really do NOT like the sideways lunge, arm raise thingies - they kill me!! Pushups are still the modified ones, after doing 3 of the regular ones at the start. But getting there and doing the Natalie intensity for most things now.
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
    Day 3 L1 Complete! It's starting to get a little easier.
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    I'm starting to feel like I can't "get there" as far as being able to do all of the stuff without stopping to rest. IS there shame in taking 2 extra days to do level 1?
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    I'm starting to feel like I can't "get there" as far as being able to do all of the stuff without stopping to rest. IS there shame in taking 2 extra days to do level 1?

    Not at all. There's no set time frame to complete a level. I done level 1 for a week, level 2 for a few days and now i'm on my 4th day of level 3 (I'm on day 19 out of the whole thing). Do whatever is right for you and your body.

    Jade x
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    I'm starting to feel like I can't "get there" as far as being able to do all of the stuff without stopping to rest. IS there shame in taking 2 extra days to do level 1?

    Not at all. There's no set time frame to complete a level. I done level 1 for a week, level 2 for a few days and now i'm on my 4th day of level 3 (I'm on day 19 out of the whole thing). Do whatever is right for you and your body.

    Jade x

    Thanks. I just want to do it IN 30 days, ya know?
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Day 7, again, not thrilled but done. TOM cramps are killing me!
  • l2rell
    l2rell Posts: 88
    Day 5 completed today sick off star jumps seriously lol
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    Day 5 done!

    Still doing modified push ups, and since my arms are still sore I'm still using wimpy weights. But I can do the cardio now okay and put a lot extra into it. Butt kicks that kick my butt LOL.
  • cschmidt45
    Level 1, day 5. Seemed easier today but I took a one day break between day4 and 5. Ive already lost one pound so feeling pretty good about the entire process.
  • final10
    final10 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, my first time posting. Level 1 Day 4. I didn't start on Sunday b/c me and my kids were up all day Sat. Night with a stomach virus so starting Day 1 I was weak. Today I felt sore when doing the 30ds did the best so far. I'm also doing C25k and came in a did the 30ds directly after my 26 min run.
  • staceynoneya
    L1 Day 3 Had to force myself through it today, reduce my hand weights to 3 lbs MUCH better. Im glad I did it! I more day bites the dust!:smile:
  • JulieDerda
    JulieDerda Posts: 163
    Last day of level one was today. and scared to get into level 2 after watching the 20 min workout. but i know I can do this!

    Lost 2LBs in 10 days on level one.. maybe even more b/c i only had 2 weigh in day inbetween the 10 days (1 @ the start and 1 in the middle) Thats the most I've lost since I first started losing weight!
    my next weigh in is in 5 days . Wish me luck
  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 125 Member
    Day 3 Level 1 done! I even managed to get through the whole Burn Fat Boost Metabolism dvd too. :happy: I'm glad I took a break yesterday, there was no way I could have done the workout with the way my calves were. I tell you what, I dont know about you guys but after just two days of the Shred it was the sorest I've ever been IN MY LIFE! I couldn't even walk the entire day yesterday! But the soreness went down, I gave my body a rest day (and my boyfriend massaged my legs for me :love: ) and I was able to crank it out today. Been working with 5 pound weights because thats the lowest I have, but its been ok. I HATE those side lunge arm raise ones too. And the butt kicks. Sometimes I'll do jumping jacks instead of butt kicks. :tongue:
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    My 20th day today, only 10 more days to go EEK! Decided to do level 1 a little while ago for a change, doing level 3 as well in a few minutes... May be going overboard with it today because i've put weight on and havent particularly ate well the last few days...