Level 1 - report your progress here!



  • 6kate2
    6kate2 Posts: 35 Member
    Level 1, day 8 and not finding this getting any easier!!

    My legs achng today after workout but perhaps I am doing exercises better with the exception of those dashed butt kicks, find if i 'jog' through the house I can kick my butt (maybe because it is no longer pert and sags?!! ) . I know its not what Jillian recommens but I 'm participating more, might not be ideal but at least my feet kicking up some which they just wont do when I'm standing in the one place. Have managed to increase my 'weights' ,now using 1.9lbs weight (water filled bottles!!) . Must get some proper weights this weekend, water bottles too thick to hold if much heavier. . . .well thats the excuse Im using for being such a lightweight!!!
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    level one day five done. taking off two day and starting back monday. doing my 2CK5 tomorrow though. Wanted to day great job everyone. My body is sore but in a good way. five more days then on to level 2:)
  • ashleywright144
    Just completed my first day of level 1. I did do the modified push ups, now my whole body feels tingly. My heart rate was up through the whole work out and I completed it from start to finish. I'm proud of myself. Looking forward for tomorrow.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Day 8 complete. I am soooooo TIRED! Today did seem a bit easier, even with my killer cramps, at least I know I won't have to worry about that with level 2 and 3 if I decide to move on.
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    My knees are killing me!!! I'm not doing anything wrong, except, I don't know if my jumping jacks should be flat-footed or on my toes. Jumping jacks are what hurt most.
  • staceynoneya
    Day 4 L1 Done! Feeling much better about the 30 Day shred, not so sore. Was able to get through with only one 5 second breather today. I got this!

    ** Becky, my son was having the same issue, try not jumping flat footed. It seems to have helped him. He was trying to relieve his calves and it puts strain on the knees. Good luck! :)
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    L1D5 done. I really really really really didn't want to exercise today. Forced myself. And at least I did it!
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    :) Thank you, Stacey!
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
    I'm so tired today,but I'm determined to stay on track with this, so Day4 L1 complete! If any one wants to add e as a friend, that would be cool.
  • AliG71
    AliG71 Posts: 12
    Day 9 Level 1 complete. Definitely easier in some respects but now I'm really pushing myself to go faster and do the hardest intensity on each set. Last day on Level 1 tomorrow - I'm a bit scared about how hard Level two is going to be though :ohwell:
  • l2rell
    l2rell Posts: 88
    Day 7 competed felt easier cant wait to finish this level now though and to hit level 2 3 days to go. Oh yes
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    Anyone else gaining weight?

    I know it's probably my muscles storing fluids because I've been sore (I'm actually not sore too today yay), but I'm up about 2-3 pounds from my start weight last Sunday (which was TOM, sorry for the TMI). And my hips and thighs are bigger by 0.5 inch. I'm staying in/around my cal goals as well.

    Just wanted to see if anyone else was in the same boat. My stomach feels flatter, and my arms are getting little cuts in them, so ignoring the scale and the measuring tape I know I look better, and so I will continue on. I was just curious.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Completed day 7 of level one yesterday. moving on to level 2 today.
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    I fell off the wagon last night! :( I didn't have anything to give to my workout last night. I feel like I failed.
  • CMXL
    CMXL Posts: 54 Member
    L1D7. My weight loss has not shot up or anything so far. But it has been consistent over the time I have been working out and eating enough. But my endurance has gone up and I am able to sink deeper on squats and lunges. And the twenty minutes seem to fly fast:) In fact, I do more some days after my shred. Like today, I did thirteen minutes of kickboxing (which I love!) and 40 minutes of salsa dancing after my workout with Jillian. But as mentioned before, I have been strength training for over four months now.

    I log it is as circuit training. I also try to match it with fitbit but I think a HRM would be a much better indicator. However, as circuit training, the calorie burn doesn't seem that high. From what I understand, the non-stop mixed workout means you continue to burn after you workout too.
  • 6kate2
    6kate2 Posts: 35 Member
    I fell off the wagon last night! :( I didn't have anything to give to my workout last night. I feel like I failed.

    Tomorrow is another day Becky! No harm in having a day off without feeling guilty, some folks choose to have a one or two days off and exercise 5 days weekly. Recall the 7 days shredding you have already done. BE POSITIVE! Sure, you may ache a little again when you restart. Forget the guilt, begin tomorrow . .... Good luck!!
  • fuego84
    fuego84 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm through day 6 today. For whatever reason it seems like I'm having a harder time with the first set of cardio. I'm thinking maybe the warm up isn't enough. I started to do more stretching afterwards and that has really helped with the soreness.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Day 9, much easier today, maybe I will move on after all!
  • AliG71
    AliG71 Posts: 12
    Anyone else gaining weight?

    I know it's probably my muscles storing fluids because I've been sore (I'm actually not sore too today yay), but I'm up about 2-3 pounds from my start weight last Sunday (which was TOM, sorry for the TMI). And my hips and thighs are bigger by 0.5 inch. I'm staying in/around my cal goals as well.

    Just wanted to see if anyone else was in the same boat. My stomach feels flatter, and my arms are getting little cuts in them, so ignoring the scale and the measuring tape I know I look better, and so I will continue on. I was just curious.

    Yep, me. I gained over a kilo in the first week (just over 2lb) and that hasn't budged. I've just finished Day 10 Level 1 so I'm going to take my measurements shortly, to see if there's any change. I don't think so, as a friend who's done this said she had no change until she'd finished Level 2. I'm going to keep pushing through and have faith that by the end I will look like a lean, toned, fit person, lol!!
  • 6kate2
    6kate2 Posts: 35 Member
    Day 9, Best day so far, perhaps Level 2 is calling my name after all?!!

    I did workout tonight and not in the morning as on previous days, either that or I am perhaps getting better even if I still do the modified push ups etc. Feeling pleased with myself for getting this far......onwards (day 10) upwards (level2) and hopefully downwards (pounds and inches!!)