Members Please Introduce Yourself here:



  • ZenRach
    ZenRach Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! My name is Rachel and I had RNY in August of 2011. At the beginning of 2011, I was 300lbs. I lost about 25 pounds pre-surgery and I'm down to 197 now (went from a size 24 to a 16). My goal is to get to 150, and I'm using MFP to help me lose the next 47 pounds.

    I thought with the gastric by-pass the weight would come off more quickly and easily, but it feels like it has taken tons of exercise and smarter eating choices to get here. I keep telling myself that it's probably a good thing that it hasn't been too easy, because over the past 7 months, I've really had to change my eating/exercise habits, and as long as I keep it up, I will reach my weight goals and keep healthy.

    I work full-time with a desk job - I have to make it a point to get up and move around during the day. My two boys (ages 2 and 4) keep me pretty active in the mornings/evenings though, and I hardly get a chance to sit down (except to eat). Being 103 pounds lighter, it is much easier to keep up with my children, and I find that I am much less achey and sore now. Woohoo! And as an added bonus, I'm much less crabby with my husband and kids. :blushing:

    I look forward to learning from everyone how to stay on track - especially with WLS. I only know of one other person who has had WLS (lap-band) and it would be great to get to know more people who are going through this experience.
  • Hey everyone! I joined the group yesterday. Here's a bit about me.... I live in Ontario. I am 35 and my motivation is my boys. I had VSG on September 29th, 2011. I started out at 355lbs and have since lost 120lbs.

    My youngest son who was only 6 at the time is the one that brought my weight to my attention. He didn't do it intentionally. He love taking pictures and making videos. Some of the pictures and videos actually made me break down and cry. I never realized just how big i was.

    One day he told me "Mama, I'm the good, William's the bad.... and your the ugly." I had to ask him why i was the ugly one and his response was the final push to pursue Bariatric Surgery "YOUR LOOKING FAT"

    Now he says ... Mama' your your looking skinny today... can i take a new picture?
  • roni_75
    roni_75 Posts: 1
    :blushing: Hi I had the Sleeve 4/2011 I started at 255 Im not at the 150 but Ive been so stressed out with work but Im happy im here to keep track of my calories and Since January I started back slowly to work out

    But Its been a intresting Ride from my hormomes/Lossing Hair/Emotional changes lol

    Hey but It was worth it Ive been over weight since I was in my teens so this is good
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm 3.5 years out and just plugging along. It's nice to see some new members.
  • CruellaClo
    CruellaClo Posts: 48 Member
    Hello My Name is Clorinda. I had bypass surgery on March 7, 2012. Here I am 16 Days post op and 21 lbs down. I am on my mushy food diet and doing ok. I average about 500 calories a day right now.

    My starting weight was 252.5.

    I am having a hard time getting in enough protein at this point ... but I am working on it.

    I am looking for some sort of support group.. could this be it?

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    Clorinda, welcome and congrats on your surgery! The protein will come, it just takes practice and time.
  • JfMarrs
    JfMarrs Posts: 110 Member
    Hi everybody, my name is Jim and I just got my surgery date for gastric bypass for April 23rd, going for pre-surgery testing today with the anesthesia folks.
  • GoodbyeFluffy
    GoodbyeFluffy Posts: 2 Member

    My name is Heather I had a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy on January 25, 2012.. Since then I have lost 45lbs (which I am thankful for)..

    I would love to see myself at about 135 so that leaves me with 55 more lbs to lose I know I can't do this with just the surgery alone I need to track what I eat and move my *kitten*.. LOL Seriously though I have never really been into exercising but I am hoping it stops being a chore and starts to become something like getting dressed in the morning. I am upping my Physical activity and thinking about joining a Boot Camp program by my house. My problem is I hate working out by myself unless I am at home and I am new to my area and have no one to work out with..

    Thanks for listening!
  • Hello everyone! My name is Danielle and i had RNY on 11-23-11. THE best choice I've ever made :) I have some health issues. Lupus,back problems,Nash,high bloodpressure,and depression. I'm sure you all can relate. My high weight was 255, surgery wt. 240 and my current wt. is 190. i plan on continuing my journey to the best of my ability which has lead me here :) I'd love to have some more like minded friends to encourage and recieve the same when I'm in need. Feel free to add me so we can check out eachothers progress.
  • happy to here you've started your NEW journey! Congrats on your weight lose :)
  • WOW you must be so excited :) Congrats on your surgery date. It will be well worth the wait :)
  • congrats on findding this site :) there are also a couple groups on FB for WLS folks who are looking for support or information :)
  • Thanks! :) still going strong 90+ days later :D smoke free and I have lost 15 lbs. I am still waiting for my surgery date.. ugh I am SO impatient!! How long did you all wait to schedule after your insurance was approved?
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I joined MFP end of Jan of this year. I started the process of weight loss surgery mid Jan of 2012 and working towards a surgery date. I have gotten the ok from the Psych., Physical Therapist. I am sure my Nut. would sign off too since everytime I see her she says I am doing great and I bring in a week of MFP logs for her to look at and record. My local Bariatic program has a team approach and all members of the team have to approve you are ready for surgery before you get a surgery date and send your insurance paperwork in to be pre approved. They review cases every 2 weeks so I am hoping to hear the end of this month that I am getting a surgery date. Will have the sleeve done. Would like the surgery to be in July so I can take vacation time from work when it is slower at work.
    I have been overweight all my life, I weighed over 11 pounds when I was born! I joined Weight Watchers at the age of 10 I think! I have never been at my correct weight. I wish I would have done this before being 48 years old. Even though overweight I am pretty active but lately my knees have been bothering me alot to the point my left knee needs a knee replacement but my knee dr told me I am too young for it so I am hoping the WLS will help me loose the weight and keep it off for good this time!

    Glad I found this group!
    I have lost 28 pounds using MFP to take my food intake, exercise and water.
  • Hello all :)

    My Name is Lovely :)

    I had Realize Band Surgery June 28, 2011. Almost 10 months post-op this month. Ive had an incredibel journey so far. Going from 378.8 pounds to know 286.7 pounds.

    i took my life back after being ill for 3 years with gaul bladder problems (inflamed/infected) doctors couldnt find out what was wrong with me because their were no stones i was mis-diagnosed for years and lived in pain until it was finally figured out by a specialist. After i got my gaul bladder re-moved i hit the floor running..i re-searched and found the lap band a fit.

    ive just recently began having problems..the past few weeks where my weight has been im at a stall :( im going to take it day by day. Im glad ive found this group because i wont to see my half way their 93 down and 90 more to go :)
  • Best of luck to you Jim :) Best thing you could do for yourself :)
  • Hi, I am new to this group and new to weight loss surgery too. I had laproscopic Roux en y gastric bypass surgery on Mar.26, 2012. I am currently 3 weeks post op and mostly pain free. I'm having trouble getting all my protein and fluids in....not sure how it's even possible to eat and drink that much! I'm walking or swimming everyday. I am using myfitnesspal for a journal to keep track of what I'm eating. It keeps telling me that I'm not eating enough! Any tips?
  • I have kind of introduced myself on another thread, but here goes an official one :)

    I actually joined a few days ago because my sister has started on her own weight loss journey and she wanted me to be her friend. I had weight loss surgery almost 3 years ago and haven't lost any weight, but actually gained. I had some complications and got discouraged so in the last yr or so I haven't been on track at all. But even before then I wasn't losing. So here I am trying to get back on the bandwagon. I have been overweight my whole life and my parents started getting me to be healthier at about 11 yrs old, so its been on going. I have always been an active person regardless and enjoy getting out and having fun with it. I never thought I would be part of a sort of support thing, but I've enjoyed reading some of your stories so far and hope this helps. I live in Oregon, I am back in College and was laid off from my job a few months back but I am on the prowl for another! I look forward to having conversations and learning more about ya'll who are here :)
  • Hi Lovely! I feel your pain on the gallbladder and I am sorry you had to go through that. I too lived with the pain for a yr in and out of the ER when I was only 21, its horrible!!!! I am glad they figured out what was wrong with you finally!
  • I'm michelle and I had the verticle sleeve done on April 3 , 2012 , I've already lost 28 lbs. I want to lose around 100 lbs -125 lbs. I haven't been thin since I was a teen so I'm not sure what I will look like. I went to Mexico and had a great experience getting my surgery there. I'm from Winnipeg and the wait for the surgery is so long here.