Hi Everyone



  • 82laurafranks
    Hi Guys. I had Lap Band 9/2010. I lost 30 lbs really quickly, struggled to lose another 10 and now have gained all but 10 back. :( I am so discouraged and frustrated. My doc actually told me my band just isnt working. I have restriction so I can't eat just anything, but it's random. Some days I can eat whatever I want and some days everything gets stuck. Sometimes, I just want to have the darn thing taken out. I started MFP about a week ago and so far, I love it!! I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this.
  • kimmireads
    kimmireads Posts: 66 Member
    I know everyone is different but it sounds like your weight loss tool needs adjusted. I might be wrong--it's just my opinion--but I think you will fine MFP very helpful. Using the food diary honestly helps you track and see what you are doing. I know how frustrating it can be as I had a band before I had my sleeve gastrectomy. (Short version of a long story--I had to have my band removed via emergency surgery.) Hang in there. I joined a couple of weeks ago. MFP has been a great motivator to me.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I can't believe I have not found this group of encouraging ladies before this! I have just sat and read the several pages of conversation and I can surly say that you are very motivational and up lifting.

    I had gastric band surgery in June, 2009. I am hoping that with my weigh in on Monday, that I will be at my goal of 130. It has been a very long, slow road. I lost about 12 pounds before surgery and then another 13 in the first 3 months after surgery. Then things didn't change much. In January of 2010, I joined MFP. In the next few months, I lost another 18 pounds. In August of 2010, I switched gyms to one that had classes that fit my schedule. I have been working out 5-6 days a week. The weight has been coming off very slowly. I have been pretty stable since last June (2011), so on January 27, I underwent abdominoplasty to remove the extra belly skin. I was very worried that I would gain back some weight during my recovery. After 2 weeks, I was able to walk for exercise. After 6 weeks, I could start a bit more exercise. Now I can do most things except for ab work. I have decided that I need to push just a bit harder to reach my goal. I actually think I made it, but it won't be official until weigh in day, and my weight does fluctuate within a few pounds. I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for both my band and MFP. The band was the tool that helped, but MFP helped me to limit my daily intake-- I am a grazer, and the band will let me graze all day long. I have gone from wearing a size 18 to a size 4 (at Christopher Banks- their clothes run bigger) or a 6. Now the trick will be to stay here!
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome to group Armywife and Frogmama!! You are definitely in the right place for encouragement and support (and some shared experiences along the way).

    Armywife I agree with Kimmie. Maybe your band needs an adjustment of some sort. I had the RNY so I can't be a lot of help in the experience area. But I do know that WLS works and sometimes the band needs attention.

    Froggie....You're a size 4!!! O M G!!! That is incredible! I have just gotten to a size 18 (which I haven't worn in years and years). I could not imagine being a 4. I know it's been a long long journey for you, but now you see the results of the hard work. Once you get to where you want to be, your dietician should be able to provide guidance on the weight management. We will still have to exercise....that's a life long commitment now that we've had surgery. I will be anxious to hear about your weigh-in. My goal right now is 135 and I'm half way there. My goal is to be at goal by November (my surgiversary). Great job on the perseverance and working toward your goal. I know you must be so happy!!! We are here for you and look forward to getting to know you better.

    Hugz to both of you!

  • LosinMamaof2girls
    LosinMamaof2girls Posts: 17 Member
    I am back again. I forgot to bookmark the post and finnally found it again. I started fresh again on monday weighing in at .. 242. GASP.. That was what I weighed 10 min before giving birth a year ago. SIGH. However after tracking all week, trying to sqeeze in even 10 min workouts, and getting back to the rules, I have lost 6 lb this week. What an encouraging restart. I know every week will not be this way but I am glad to have a small group of you ladies to hang in there with. Hope everyone is having a great day. Hang in there we can do this.

  • Itfiguresx
    Itfiguresx Posts: 31 Member

    had my band may 11. so almost a year on. im about 3 stones down, so a slow and steady looser LOL. can i just say to the lady above, when professionals claim 'the band isnt working' thats a lie!!! unfortunatly i went into the surgery thinking the band would do it al for me. how wrong was i!! im still battling hunger in the evenings and REALLY have to control myself, which is incredibly hard with a binge eating disorder.

    the thing with a band is you have to work with it. if your gaining weight, its not because the band isnt working. its because your eating too many calories. sorry to sound harsh, but bandits need harsh talk sometimes. you have to eat 1400 cals a day and excersize, if your not doing it then you will gain weight. thats not down to the band, thats down to you.

    i put on a stone after having problems and a complete defill. so i know how hard it is, ive still got another 5 stones to loose. the band is no easy way out, it still means dieting for a very long time. all a band is designed to do, is help you feel satisfied on less food. not force you to loose the weigh.

    sending posotive bandit vibes to all out there struggling, and pray for me that my good behaviour keeps up :0 lol xxxxxxxxxxx
  • swampymoo
    swampymoo Posts: 14

    joined this site a while ago and forgot about it!

    Now I had RYN three years ago and lost 70kg and it was awesome. I felt amazing so much energy and it completely changed my life in positve and negative ways.

    Unfortunately I regained weight and have ongoing issues with my hypothyroid being wickedly out of order and the usual nuturitonal issues. I have never had access to a dietician which has made it so hard but do as well as I can.

    What I didn't do before was realise that I needed to put daily exercise in my life but I have changed that. I have gone from being a non swimmer (cant cope with boats either) to do up to an hour of laps at the pool daily. I really love it.

    So I hope by using these online diaries I can keep myself on track and if I can be part of a supportive group that understand the challenges of living with a RYN that would be a bonus.
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    Hi guys!

    I suppose my story isn't all that different from everyone elses.. I had RNY on Nov 12, 2004 and dropped about 170#. At my lowest point (which I don't count and I'll explain that a little later) I had actually dropped 195# but I've put a fair amount of that back on and I'm not too happy about it.

    I made a concerted effort to live my life not as thought I would diet forever, but to make choices and find ways to be satisfied with a new way of looking at food and it's priority in my life. It has worked for the most part but I am definitely feeling some old habits creeping back up on me (emotional and other non-nutritional reasons for eating). I'm not happy with where I am right now. I weighed myself this morning and got that cold, panicky feeling down the back of my neck as I've been inching ever closer to 300! YIKES!

    I have done pouch resets -- with some success but I hate it. I know that I get results as a post-op if I eat right and exercise.. but eating right and exercising is proving to be a challenge, just like it was pre-op. Not physically, so much as mentally.

    So why do I not count the lowest point? I went through a ridiculous breakup in 2009 and I stopped eating for about three months. I dropped down to about 225# as a result but I clearly remember that I was very sick. I was gaunt and grey skinned.. not well at all. When I finally began to bounce back, so did my weight. I was okay with it for the most part.. but it's kept going and the weight I had maintained for most of my years post op passed me by about 30 pounds ago..

    Anyway, I won't lie about loving food. I do. I love bold flavors. I do have alcohol from time to time. I do drink Coke Zero. I do a lot of things wrong from my pouch's perspective and I want to find a balance between what is GOOD and what is GOOD FOR ME. I don't think that's too much to ask.

    So that's where I am. Nice to meet you all.

  • swampymoo
    swampymoo Posts: 14

    I can relate to your situation.

    I am going through my own little drama marriage wise at the moment thanks to my dear husband but I have no appitite. I go to the supermarket and look at the food and think yuk... nothing appeals. Mind you I am so confused as to what I should eat anyway.

    I would love to know what other RYNs eat?

    I am still about 20-30kg under presurgery weight and I am seriously working at it. But its a battle but my attitude is so much improved.

    I am really focusing on not drinking my schweppes (I was diet coke addicted Preop and havent drunk it since). I am going several days between bottles of schweppes which is awsome. I am probably 90% free of it. I have noticed my fluid retention is dramatically reduced which is great.

    What is a pouch reset? Is that like a 5DPT?
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    A pouch re-set was a 14 day return to my post-op diet. My surgeon's post op diet was two weeks of liquids only, two weeks of pureed food, four weeks of soft food and then anything as tolerated.. no soda, no alcohol, no drinking while eating, water between meals.. basically going back to square one.. so we move through that process of liquids to pureed to soft to all on fast forward.. a couple of days of each.. and it usually works! the last time I did it, I dropped 15# in two weeks.. but I didn't stick with the plan afterwards and went back to emotional eating and the weight came back..

    But I was also doing it without support -- that's why I decided to come here. I went through the first few years of my post-op life with a TON of support.. in real life and on a website called obesityhelp.com -- I kept a blog, I did a LOT of soul searching and clearing out.. That's clearly been missing lately.

    I can eat pretty much anything I want. I did have to have my gall bladder removed about a year after my RNY so I still dump on too much sugar and I can't eat anything with honey in it or I dump like a mad woman. I also became lactose intolerant after my RNY. My mom says I was lactose intolerant as a baby but as I got older, I outgrew it. Well it's back. I can eat cheeses and yogurts but no milk or ice cream (well.. I eat them sometimes but there are always consequences, if you know what I mean). I really like plain soy milk and almond milk though so it's all good.

    I also don't deny myself anything. I discovered pretty early on that if I deny myself things, I become obsessed with wanting them. SO .. I have chips and sweets in my house. I even have frozen yogurt and lactose free ice cream.. but because I say "I can have that if I want it" and when I want it, I have a SERVING and find that it actually satisfies my hunger and my craving.. because of that.. sometimes I end up throwing those things out after a while because they actually go stale or get freezer burn! Crazy!

    I also like to cook. I call myself an experimental chef because I don't use recipes.. or I start with a recipe and I change it.. or I try to create a healthier version of something I really liked that was bad for me.. I keep a blog of that, too but I haven't updated it in a while. I'll start cooking and posting there again and I'll get the link up somewhere so you can see.

    That's it. I'm sorry to hear about your marriage troubles.. sometimes as we shed our extra pounds, we also shed other things that are not really that good for us, too.. I'll send you good thoughts :flowerforyou:

  • clshepard
    clshepard Posts: 2
    Hello Everyone!

    I am so glad I finally found a post like this. I've searched a couple of times over the past few months, but couldn't find anyone specifically gaining weight regain. Thanks!

    I had RNY in Jan 08. I started off wrong! Since I was losing weight in my sleep, I did not exercise... period. Therefore the initial weight loss was only from 234 to 159 and then the slow regain began. The bariatric nurse warned us repeatedly to lose as much as we could in the beginning, because we would eventually regain 10-20 pounds when our bodies settled. As of this morning, I am back to 190 lbs...and hate it...hate myself....(back to old feelings and thinking)

    I do feel like a failure because I say to myself "How do you have a surgery that changes your insides....and has side effects and other issues in the long term, and you're back to 200 lbs (I tell myself the big 2 number in order to try to look at it realistically)

    So here I am...I've searched the net for support groups (none in this area) accountability partners (if there really is such a thing) and some success stories that will let me see that maybe there's still hope.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I am so glad I finally found a post like this. I've searched a couple of times over the past few months, but couldn't find anyone specifically gaining weight regain. Thanks!

    I had RNY in Jan 08. I started off wrong! Since I was losing weight in my sleep, I did not exercise... period. Therefore the initial weight loss was only from 234 to 159 and then the slow regain began. The bariatric nurse warned us repeatedly to lose as much as we could in the beginning, because we would eventually regain 10-20 pounds when our bodies settled. As of this morning, I am back to 190 lbs...and hate it...hate myself....(back to old feelings and thinking)

    I do feel like a failure because I say to myself "How do you have a surgery that changes your insides....and has side effects and other issues in the long term, and you're back to 200 lbs (I tell myself the big 2 number in order to try to look at it realistically)

    So here I am...I've searched the net for support groups (none in this area) accountability partners (if there really is such a thing) and some success stories that will let me see that maybe there's still hope.

    You have come to the right place. The ladies in this group give so much support and will definately hold you accountable (in a very loving way!). Welcome. Friend request sent.
  • mepetry
    mepetry Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone. I've belonged to myfitnesspal for quite awhile (BBS - Before Bariatric Surgery). My surgery was Dec. 2, 2009. I never got to my goal weight. At 5' tall, and presently at 181 pounds I've decided that I MUST get back to keeping a diary. I began my weight loss journey at 260 pounds and got to 159 pounds. So after gaining 21 back, I'm ready to commit. I've realized in the past week that I am the only one who can control what I put into my mouth. I also must put my health needs before everything and everyone else so that I can be better for everyone I care about. I've succeeded in keeping a diary for 3 days now and can tell by it that I've been putting way too many calories in and way too few out! I'm happy to find other Bariatric friends here. I belong to a support group that meets twice a month, but sometimes I need more. Thanks for being here.
  • wildehare
    wildehare Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, How is everyone doing that posted here? I am new to MFP and also started gaining (24 lbs) after gastric sleeve surgery over two years ago. I still can only eat less that 1 cup of food at a time but I eat constantly. I started logging my food, tracking calories and exercising a week ago tomorrow thanks to this website. I have lost about 5 pounds so far and feel calmer and more in control than I have in months. I hope to find some others like myself who need motivation again after wls but it looks like this group kind of petered out.....Anyone in my boat out there who wants to partner up for some encouragement?
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    I wish I could only eat a cup of food. I am 7 months post-op and for the last month or so have been at a stand still. I was finding myself eating alot and fast. Also, I have been feeling hungry alot of the time. I called the surgeons office and spoke to nurse. Mainly she just reminded me of the things I already knew but wasn't practicing.
    However, I did follow her advice and make sure I get in all the water and it really made a difference in the hunger issue. I also started going back to the psychologist that oversaw my pre-op diet for 36 months. I have only had one appointment so far , too early to know if it will help.
    I am so fearful of not losing all my weight or worse yest starting to gain it back.
    P.S. I noticed that this group looks like it has died down. If any of you are reading this and still around, let's try to post some new topics!
  • tajasi
    tajasi Posts: 33
    Just bumping to see if everyone is still out there or here...
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Still here. Still working hard. and still consistently losing. How are you doing?
  • tajasi
    tajasi Posts: 33
    Glad someone is out here and has experienced this. I had RNY July 2009 and initially lost from 400 to 259. I maintained that loss up until the last few months. I'm not sure what has happened except I started a couple new meds and one of them is notorius for causing weight gain. I haven't been following the prescribed eating plan per se...eating things I shouldn't but I have cut out soda because I truly was a soda addict. Right now I'm sitting at about 295 which to me signals the 300 mark, somewhere I swore I would never cross again. I'm so scared that I'm going to keep gaining. I have never exercised so I'm pretty sure if I started maybe it would help some. I just feel better putting this out there because it's humiliating to think I had a surgery to help and I'm gaining? BTW, I was extremely satisfied being at 259-269 as I was comfortable with my size compared to my height 5' 10- 5' 11 size 16/18 pear shaped. Hoping you others are still out here and wanna support each other. Please add me as a friend!
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    I can understand what you are going thru and it helps to know that I am not alone with those feelings. I am 11 months out from the sleeve and have been struggling already with bad habits creeping back in. I have been ashamed of myself because I think if I had the surgery and can't do it, I am hopeless. I haven't gained but it has been a couple of months at staying the same and I still have quite a ways to go until I reach my goal.
    I did start back to the gym this past week, and felt so much better even doing just the little that I did. I have a little over a month to go beforte my 1 year follow up and feel like I am missing my opportunity to benefit from the sleeve.
    I think that since you have caught yourself and know what is going on, you will be able to get back on track. I know I should really get back to basics and it would solve my problem. We just have to get in the right mind set like when we started this journey.
  • otismom2011
    otismom2011 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I had my RNY revision in 2005 (had a VBG in 1997). I had MAJOR life threatening complications postop and went from 254 lbs to 136 lbs in 15 months. I started regaining in 2007, initially very slow but in the last year I have gained nearly 30 lbs. I am now back at 220 lbs and extremely mad at myself for gaining nearly 80 lbs. I fell back into old habits and I am a stress and emotion eater! I am a CVICU nurse so I have nearly daily work stress and a challenging 15 year old daughter. My husband is also battling weight gain (40 lbs) in the past five years.
    I went to see my Bariatric NP and she was shocked at my weight gain. I also seen a Bariatric NUT and she gently reminded me of ways to feel full (not drinking with meals). I would love to get some people on here to be accountable to. If interested add me a friend. I would love to see what other RNY patients are eating and exercising to lose their weight again!