1st Trimester



  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Well nausea has kicked in this morning...not really bad, but enough that I feel crappy! Oh wells, it's worth it in the end! :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Well nausea has kicked in this morning...not really bad, but enough that I feel crappy! Oh wells, it's worth it in the end! :)

    Oh no, hopefully it isn't too bad. I've heard to eat every 2 hours, and also not to drink and eat together. They said wait at least 1/2 hour after eating to drink anything.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Keeping some snacks on your bedside table like crackers is supposed to help as well, gives your stomach something to work on before you get out of bed to keep the hibbidygibbits away. Of course as this is my first go-round I don't have much first hand knowledge to share!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks for the tips ladies! :) Yesterday the nausea just stuck around all day off and on, but today I feel better. I was a little bit nausea right after getting up but it has gone away....well for now!...lol!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    After two days my migrane FINALLY went away! Keeping my lights off in the office to make sure it stays away! I'm glad you're feeling better today!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    bluegirl - I'm sorry the nausea got to you as well. :frown: I agree with FaugHorn, get some crackers/dry cereal and keep it by your bed and eat a little bit before you get up, it really does help. If you do get to a point where you are feeling this way most of the day, and throwing up then you might want to think about sea bands, B6 and ginger tee. And if none of those work, or you are still feeling sick then look into Zofran. I'm not a big prescription taker, but with my first I had to do something as I could barely function and it was a lifesaver! I'm just as sick this time so I'll be asking for that at my first appointment today. :wink:

    FaugHorn - yay for your migrane going away!! I've never suffered from migranes so I can only imagine how awful they are.

    Like I said above, my first obgyn appt. is in a couple hours - I'm 8wks today! Nothing exciting will go on, just talking, getting my prescription and then having my blood drawn. This is my 3rd pregnancy so I think I know what to expect. :smile: My lower back is still killing me so I'm going to ask her about that since this is my first pregnancy I'm suffering from that. I went to bed with a hot rice pad (like a heating pad, just warm it up in the microwave) on my back last night because it got so bad. :ohwell:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    busyPK, let us know how your appointment goes! So exciting. I am still feeling good, but i'm almost at the 6 week mark, maybe a little more tired and get a tad dizzy when I get up, but no nauesea (yay). I have been craving healthly things for the most part (except for pizza last night :), but I've been craving fajita vegetables, so I just had green pepper and onion in my eggs this morning! It's only 5 more long weeks until my appointment...uggg

  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    BusyPK - thanks for all the other suggestions! I will be checking into some of them as I feel the nausea coming back. Let us know how your appointment goes today!...so exciting! :)

    FaugHorn - glad to hear you are feeling better!

    Chickybuns- I know what you mean about the wait till your appointment...hang in there!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    It was so hard waiting for my 1st prenatal appt. when I was pregnant with my 1st so I understand ladies. :smile:

    My appt. went well. I completed some paperwork regarding my medical history then peed in a cup to confirm pregnancy. Talked with my doctor about how I am feeling (and she wrote a script for Zofran, yay!) and then she checked me out "down there". Then she gave me some prenatal vitaimins to try as samples and a packet of information and sent me next door to get my blood drawn. Next appt. at 12wks will be a fun one where we'll hear the heartbeat for the first time. :heart:
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    It was so hard waiting for my 1st prenatal appt. when I was pregnant with my 1st so I understand ladies. :smile:

    My appt. went well. I completed some paperwork regarding my medical history then peed in a cup to confirm pregnancy. Talked with my doctor about how I am feeling (and she wrote a script for Zofran, yay!) and then she checked me out "down there". Then she gave me some prenatal vitaimins to try as samples and a packet of information and sent me next door to get my blood drawn. Next appt. at 12wks will be a fun one where we'll hear the heartbeat for the first time. :heart:

    Gald to hear your appointment went well and you got some meds too! :)
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    "Pregnant and I Know It" MUSIC VIDEO (Parody of "Sexy and I Know It")

    Every pregnant woman should watch this hilarious video =D... just go to youtube.com and that put in the search bar. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did lol
  • lovetobethin
    Hey everyone.... I've been busy the past few days, but I'm just now catching up on the posts you've been writing!! I'm just finishing my MEd and my thesis is due in a couple of weeks, so when I'm not working.... I'm writing!!! I think I've been experienceing some nausea as well. There have been times over the past 10 days where I've felt gross.... I can't really think of another way to describe it!! Today, while I was writing at the library, I felt super gross.... I haven't gotten to the point of throwing up, so I really haven't labelled it as "nausea," but I guess maybe that's what I've been experiencing...

    I did go to the doctor on Friday to "confirm the pregnancy" which I already knew was positive! Haha. It was good though because he gave me a referral for an ultrasound that I'm supposed to have done within the next week. The purpose is to accurately confirm the due date and ensure that there is a strong heartbeat. So, I'll let you all know how that goes!!!

    By the way... that youtube video is hilarious. I can hardly believe we're all going to look like that soon!!!
  • amarneu
    amarneu Posts: 164 Member
    Has anyone had any reacions to their prenatal vitamins? I thought I was maybe just feeling anxious before but now I am making the connection that when I take the vitamin I get a bit of a racing heart feeling and unsteady nerves (same feeling someone would get from drinking an energy drink). I've gotten this feeling before from taking one-a-day women's multivitamins
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Has anyone had any reacions to their prenatal vitamins? I thought I was maybe just feeling anxious before but now I am making the connection that when I take the vitamin I get a bit of a racing heart feeling and unsteady nerves (same feeling someone would get from drinking an energy drink). I've gotten this feeling before from taking one-a-day women's multivitamins

    The only time I've ever felt like that when taking a multi-vitamin is if it was taken on an empty stomach. I totally wasn't thinking one morning a couple of months ago and popped my vitamin while waiting for my eggs to boil, and needless to say I felt awful a few minutes later, and ended up vomiting after about 20 minutes. (This was pre-pregnancy, so it wasn't morning sickness.) Calcium supplements will do that to me, too. Try eating first, see if that helps. And if you have morning sickness, maybe start taking your vitamin with your lunch. Hope that helps!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Has anyone had any reacions to their prenatal vitamins? I thought I was maybe just feeling anxious before but now I am making the connection that when I take the vitamin I get a bit of a racing heart feeling and unsteady nerves (same feeling someone would get from drinking an energy drink). I've gotten this feeling before from taking one-a-day women's multivitamins

    The only time I've ever felt like that when taking a multi-vitamin is if it was taken on an empty stomach. I totally wasn't thinking one morning a couple of months ago and popped my vitamin while waiting for my eggs to boil, and needless to say I felt awful a few minutes later, and ended up vomiting after about 20 minutes. (This was pre-pregnancy, so it wasn't morning sickness.) Calcium supplements will do that to me, too. Try eating first, see if that helps. And if you have morning sickness, maybe start taking your vitamin with your lunch. Hope that helps!

    I agree, I cannot take anything with iron on an empty stomach or I get naseous.

    Lovetobethin- I'm glad you have an appointment for an ultrasound soon, that's exciting. I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous :) Let us know how it goes

    I am officially 6 weeks, and am still feeling pretty good fortunately. I just have to eat small meals every 2-3 hours, and staying active seems to help the fatigue. I recently got a few books from recommendations. I really like your pregnancy week by week. I think my favorite thing about it is that it shows the actual size of the baby. I think it's cool because you always hear it compared to a poppy seed or whatever, but it's cool to really see the size. Any other 6 weekers, our baby is going to triple in size this week :) How awesome!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I am using the "What to Expect When You're Expecting" iPhone app. It's free and works great! They do day by day information and status on the lil' bit and unlike some of the other free apps, it is free through the entire term of the pregnancy (there are a couple that end after 3 months).
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. I didn't do much at all except buy a swimming suit. I've pretty much been pregnant for the past couple years and since I'm pregnancy again I wanted a suit that fit now and that would grow with me during this pregnancy as my oldest son (just over 2) loves to get in the water at our local gym. :smile:

    So the nausea is still here and the Zofran isn't really helping. :angry: And they have a horrible taste (they melt in your mouth). It helped with my first son, but not much now. I'm just going to have to live with it and pray it goes away closer to the 2nd trimester.

    I only take 2 Flintstone gummy vitamins. :laugh: I can't stand swallowing pills right now so that is what I'm doing.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. I didn't do much at all except buy a swimming suit. I've pretty much been pregnant for the past couple years and since I'm pregnancy again I wanted a suit that fit now and that would grow with me during this pregnancy as my oldest son (just over 2) loves to get in the water at our local gym. :smile:

    So the nausea is still here and the Zofran isn't really helping. :angry: And they have a horrible taste (they melt in your mouth). It helped with my first son, but not much now. I'm just going to have to live with it and pray it goes away closer to the 2nd trimester.

    I only take 2 Flintstone gummy vitamins. :laugh: I can't stand swallowing pills right now so that is what I'm doing.

    My weekend was good, but too short as always... Sorry hear Zofran isn't helping much! :( I hope you feel better soon! Nausea has definitely increased a lot today for after feeling pretty good all weekend. Finally able to get a cracker down without feeling like crap after.. Still having nausea, but hoping it will be mild the rest of today...If not it's going to be a long Monday. Have a good week everyone!
  • Wickedmeowmer
    Has anyone had any reacions to their prenatal vitamins? I thought I was maybe just feeling anxious before but now I am making the connection that when I take the vitamin I get a bit of a racing heart feeling and unsteady nerves (same feeling someone would get from drinking an energy drink). I've gotten this feeling before from taking one-a-day women's multivitamins

    The only time I've ever felt like that when taking a multi-vitamin is if it was taken on an empty stomach. I totally wasn't thinking one morning a couple of months ago and popped my vitamin while waiting for my eggs to boil, and needless to say I felt awful a few minutes later, and ended up vomiting after about 20 minutes. (This was pre-pregnancy, so it wasn't morning sickness.) Calcium supplements will do that to me, too. Try eating first, see if that helps. And if you have morning sickness, maybe start taking your vitamin with your lunch. Hope that helps!

    I agree, I cannot take anything with iron on an empty stomach or I get naseous.

    Lovetobethin- I'm glad you have an appointment for an ultrasound soon, that's exciting. I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous :) Let us know how it goes

    I am officially 6 weeks, and am still feeling pretty good fortunately. I just have to eat small meals every 2-3 hours, and staying active seems to help the fatigue. I recently got a few books from recommendations. I really like your pregnancy week by week. I think my favorite thing about it is that it shows the actual size of the baby. I think it's cool because you always hear it compared to a poppy seed or whatever, but it's cool to really see the size. Any other 6 weekers, our baby is going to triple in size this week :) How awesome!

    I hope all the work into tripling the size is why I feel so cray cray tired and its only 9am ;) My app said 6 weeks was the size of a lentil, so in honor of that I made them for dinner. Yes, I have a weird sense of humor...

    I have tickets to the Head and the Heart tonight too, so it better wear off after a healthy (and maybe humongous) lunch! LOL

    Best of luck with the sickies!
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Katie, I'm so sorry the zofran isn't working! What a bummer! Maybe give it a few days to get going in your system? The nausea has definitely hit me now, though it's mostly only bad in the mornings, and I've only gotten sick in the morning. Though, a general 'off' feeling lasts most of the day, especially if I go too long between meals or snacks. Anyone have any food aversions yet? Last time, I couldn't even think about bacon without gagging (which is awful cause I love bacon!), and hubby wasn't allowed to cook it in the house, even if I wasn't home at the time. Poor guy! This morning, I wasn't feeling well and just looking at my husband making eggs made me queasy, but that would really be terrible cause we have eight laying hens! I hope it wasn't the start of an aversion! LOL!