Introduce Yourself!



  • mommy2girlies
    mommy2girlies Posts: 56 Member
    Hello all! My name is Aimee and I'm from Minnesota. I started the 30 day shred a few months back, then it got nice out and I had a few weeks of 5 kids every day, and I stopped doing it. So I have decided to start up again, and make myself do it, even if I have to get up before my kids, or do it at 10 pm. It is only 20 minutes, it will not kill me to not sit for 20 minutes (I hope :P)

    Anyways, I am a stay at home mom of 2 little girls (2 almost 3 and 4) and watch my nephew full time ( 2 1/2) and on occasion watch my friends 2 kids. So life gets busy, my hubby works 50-70 hr shift work weeks, so no time for the gym!
  • Hi everyone! My name is Lisa and I am currently living in North Carolina. I have lived in a few different states, my favorite being Nevada... Oh how I miss it out there! Anyway, I am 28 years old and have two children, a 7 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. I started my weight loss journey in January (yes, I was a new years resolution) but now it's more about getting healthy and having more energy for my family. I have been doing Turbo Fire Prep program for 5 weeks and I want to incorporate some weight lifting into my exercise schedule, so I bought 30DS.

    I started at 170lbs in Jan. and now I am at 154lbs. My goal weight is around 135 which is my pre-pregnancy weight. I look forward to encourageing everyone in our journey together to get fit!
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm from Ontario Canada. I'm a 31 year old married mom of 1 2 year old little girl.
    I'll be starting 30DS April 2. I started my weightloss at 301 lbs Oct/2011. Got off track during the holidays, found MFP in January 2012 and have lost 32 lbs since Jan.9.

    SW 301
    CW 262
    GW 130

    I've been working out at the gym regularly, weights and running as well as some HIIT. I've heard and seen such great things about 30 DS I can't wait to get started!
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member

    Hope its not too late to join - but I just ordered the 30DS DVD and hoping to start on Thursday and get a feel for the workout, then from the 1st of April go full steam ahead for 30 days!

    I'm Mandy, 22 years old from Oxford - work 9-5 at a desk job but I'm also studying for a degree in the evenings and weekend. I'm going to be working out twice a day cardio before work and 30DS in the evening after work (my hair is going to be wrecked with washing it twice a day).

    I live with my boyfriend, who works slightly longer hours than me - so I get some 'alone' time at home to spend with Jillian before he gets back!
  • Hello. I am Mel, 30yr engineer from Boston. I haven't done 30 days shred before. I usually go for a 2-3 mile daily jog and use the bike machine for another 30-60 minutes. I am planning to lose about 60-70lbs for my final goal.

    If I lose 50lb by my 31st birthday, I would be the happiest person in the world!

    My workout plan so far:
    M - Rest day
    T - 60 min medium effort cardio, lift day
    W - 30 min easy cardio, 30 day shred
    Th - 60 min easy cardio
    F - 30 min easy cardio, 30 day shred
    S - 90 min easy cardio, lift day
    S - Rest day
  • Hello all, my name is Jennifer (one of many Jennifers in this group). I am 42 and a wife and mother of two. My day is insane with work and home but I am excited to squeeze in 30ds. I am starting April 1st with my husband as my motivator hopefully. He promised to do it with me. . . I have struggled with weight my whole life but in the last 4 years since I had my son...OUT OF CONTROL. So 65 days ago I decided I did not want to be fat anymore. I didn't want to secretly delete photos of me off the camera when no one was looking or fear that my daughter's or son's friends would say something about their fat mommy. I have a lot to lose but my first BIG goal is -50 (below 200 please) by Memorial Day. I am done 24 now. I am hoping 30ds will help me get there. Have to admit I am intimidated by the prospect of 30ds. Hoping this group will get me through the hard patches in the beginning when I will probably feel like it is going to kill me. Okay, guys lets do this thing huh? :happy:
  • dezignz4u
    dezignz4u Posts: 26 Member
    My name is Tracee Williams and I am starting the 30day shred today 03.26.12... I did it before and it was a great success... so glad to have some people to keep pushing me forward! Good luck to everyone!!!
  • susanna060408
    susanna060408 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi All, My name is Susanna!

    I am 31 and I live in Colorado with my hubby and 3 year old daughter. I'm trying to lose 15-20 lbs to be ready for summer (goal weight is 130). My weight has fluctuated a lot since my late 20's. Before I got pregnant I was at my heaviest (147) and after having my daughter the weight fell right off while I was breastfeeding. Unfortunately when I quit it came right back on. I am now again at the same heaviest weight and am committed to get back down to the weight I feel the most comfortable in!

    I started the 30 day shred last Thursday and took Saturday off because I was so darn sore! Just completed L1D4 today and am going to try to finish the rest without any (or at least not many) days off. Do most of you do additional cardio? I am also doing 4-5 days per week of cardio (35 minutes on the elliptical). Up until last week, I was exclusively doing 3-4 days per week of 35 minutes on the elliptical and getting NO WHERE! I wasn't tracking my calories and wasn't eating well, either. As of last week I am also tracking my calories and trying to stay at or below 1500 per day. I took Before pictures yesterday and my starting measurements last week, so I'm hopeful that even if I don't lose much weight the pictures and measurements will keep me motivated!
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello All, I'm taking a break from the gym this week so I decided I'd try the 30 day shred. Started day 1 this evening and barely got through, lol.

    I've been doing weight training and cardio (mainly elliptical) and with counting calories have lost over 10 pounds. I was stuck at 8 pounds for 2.5 months but i finally increased my calories from 1400 to 1800 a day on the advice of a nutitionist and i started losing again.

    I'm hoping I can lose another 10 pounds with the shred,

  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Toni from Michigan & I'm 35 years old. I have no kids but I have a really supportive boyfriend of 7 years.

    I'm excited to start 30DS and I am hoping that I can jump start weight/inches loss by doing it! I'm not excited about the before pics, but I gotta face my fears right?

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • Nicholeu
    Nicholeu Posts: 8 Member
    HI All!

    Was very excited to see this group started! Not sure about posting pics, but I can't wait to start in April. I have had this dvd for sometime now and couldn't bring myself to even start. Started working out with some friends and now I think two of us are going to start this together. Good luck to all!!!

  • lisakayadams
    lisakayadams Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have to get back on the exercise and lifestyle change. I don't want to diet because every time I do I just gain the weight back. I like to see immediate results (don't we all) so I am hoping this will jump start me and give me the motivation to keep going.
  • Hi fellow shredders!

    I'm Ella from Austin, TX. I lost 20 lbs. last year by cutting refined carbs and sugar, but gained 10 back over the holidays. I'm looking to get on track again. I'm so glad I found this group!
  • get_fit_Milena
    get_fit_Milena Posts: 32 Member
    Basics: Fulltime work (stressful emotional work) , mother of 3, husband teaches and isn't home most nights so the only time I'll have to work out is early morning....not my favorite. Love Women, Food and God and the concepts of loving ourselves, you may not believe me after reading this...but I am truly changed by that book and am trying to speak to myself more gently about weight loss and my body in general. :love: With that said....

    Really what has inpired me about 30 DS is seeing a few before and after pictures , with the befores looking a lot like me and my stomach. I have lost 7 in the last seven or 8 weeks and I know that excercise is the major thing missing for me. I need results to stay motivated (don't we all) and am hopeful if I stick to this for 30 days straight, no breaks like this one woman who posted did, I'll have excellent motivation to keep going onto other things, like training again for races like I've done the past few years.

    I will say that I took my pictures two nights ago (i gasped), they were a scary reality check. That is the truth. Then I did measurements last night and my waist (at belly button) was 2 inches larger than my husbands! (cue the next gasp). So, I am motivated now. I know I'll need support so thanks for starting this group! :flowerforyou: Perfect timing! Lets all go for it! We can do this and be healthier people for ourselves and for those we love. RIght?
  • jpfaff2
    jpfaff2 Posts: 17
    Hi All! I am really excited to join the group! This is the first group that I have joined, and I am still relatively new to MFP (2 weeks). I feel like I am still trying to figure out what works for me - more caloried, less calories, fewer can be very overwhelming! I have not seen the scale move in the direction that I would like it to yet - and, just as someone else noted, could use some motivation to keep at it right about now! On the other hand, it is not moving up, either, so I guess that is a good thing!

    A little about me - I work full-time, I have 3 children, ages, 18, 11, and 8 and am soon to be a step-mother to another 3, ages 13, 10 and 8. My kids are in karate, travel soccer (which is a 5 night a week commitment) and cub/boy scouts. I am also on the leadership team for the cub scouts. I am currently taking an online class as well. Life is definitely busy!

    I am hoping that this group will help me develop friendships and support as well as figure out what I need to do to see that scale move downward! :smile:
  • Hello! My name is Donna. I'm 45 years old, mother of 2 (son 22 and daughter 15). I live in Orange County, NEW YORK. I had the gastric banding done in August and am struggling, still, with my weight loss. I have been going to our local YMCA 2 -3 days a week, just really started the beginning of the month. I want to lose a total of 100 pounds by end of the year. I was hoping by end of August, my date of my surgery, but that isn't going to happen. I just ordered the 30 Day Shred DVD and am planning on starting on Sunday. I don't know how to work in the Y and this program but I am going to figure it out. I'm down 20 pounds since August but right now, I want to lose 20-25 pounds for a girls getaway weekend May 3-5 so I'm determined.

    GOOD LUCK everyone.:happy:
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I'm Jenna in Durham, North Carolina, US. I just started the 30ds yesterday. I am 39, a mother a 2 young boys and I work full time. In addition to 30 ds, I'm also doing water jogging three times per week and other cardio twice a week. In total, I have about 80 lbs to lose, 21 of it gone already. I started 30ds b/c I seemed to hit a plateau and I figured my workout could use a change.

    Admittedly, I have horrible knees and can't do proper jumping jacks, but I do the best ones I can for Jillian and hope to get them in proper form by the end of the shred. I hope that as I lose the weight the knees will work better, We'll see what happens.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Sophia and this is my second go around for the 30DS. I started this month, made it to L2 then burned out and gave up on it. I'm going to give it another whirl starting Sunday and this time will probably incorporate at least one rest day each week.

    The few weeks that I did make it through helped me realize what an awesome workout this is. My strength increased and I lost inches. Here's to making it through all 30 days this time. Best of luck to everyone!
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    My name is Colleen, im 25 (26 soon) and im currently living in NY (long island), im hoping this by joining this group I will keep myself committed to doing the 30DS because I did like it when I started it, just excuses got in the way.. Im lookin got be at 140 so thats 47lbs away from where I am now... Feel free to add me.
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm Bethea, and I'm 24. I live in North Carolina- in the foothills. I absolutely love it here, it's amazing! I'm hoping to finish the 30DS. The first time I tried I did not do it every day and wound up quitting half way through level to by simple neglect. I really want to finish it in the 30 days and see the excellent results I've seen from so many other people!

    I currently weigh around 206lbs. I started out at 223lbs. So I've love 17 since January :) Which isn't too shabby! (Once upon a time I weighed close to 250lbs.) My goal is to drop another 4-6 pounds this month. I'll be doing the 30DS along with my gym work outs. So I'll let you know how dead I am!

    Can't wait for this to start!