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  • buggy333
    buggy333 Posts: 1
    Hello all, My name is Michael and I am 33 y/o male from California. I have 2 wonderful boy 4 and 1 y/o olds. They keep me active and tired. I have always been as my mom would sy a husky guy, and am ok with it, but want to be healthy as well if for nothing else to see my boys become men.

    My ideal wieght would be aroung 200 but baby steps have my goals set at 250 for now. I am married to a great wife and mother and have tried to get her on a health kick but she needs more motivation then I do. Exercise is difficult with the boys and our work schedule but I know we gotta try and fit it in.

    Been using MFP for about a month now and have lost a few lbs. Mostly using it to try and stay under my calrie intake and see what I am eating by typing it out and feeling bad about going over.

    I look forward to making some friends to motivate me to keep on track.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello all, My name is Michael and I am 33 y/o male from California. I have 2 wonderful boy 4 and 1 y/o olds. They keep me active and tired. I have always been as my mom would sy a husky guy, and am ok with it, but want to be healthy as well if for nothing else to see my boys become men.

    My ideal wieght would be aroung 200 but baby steps have my goals set at 250 for now. I am married to a great wife and mother and have tried to get her on a health kick but she needs more motivation then I do. Exercise is difficult with the boys and our work schedule but I know we gotta try and fit it in.

    Been using MFP for about a month now and have lost a few lbs. Mostly using it to try and stay under my calrie intake and see what I am eating by typing it out and feeling bad about going over.

    I look forward to making some friends to motivate me to keep on track.

    Welcome to MFP and our group! It sounds like you are on the right track with logging in your calories. There are several actives in this group so feel free to add us as friends. We are currently doing a 3 month (self) challenge and if you are interested just read the thread and let me know.

  • stepgirl0705
    stepgirl0705 Posts: 20 Member
    hello 30 somethings! My name is Muna and I am 34 years old. I have one beautiful Mini me who is 3 years old. I am divorced and work one full time job, one part time job as a fitness instructor, and am going to school part time for Masters in Accounting. I am always tired!
    My main reason for using this is to track calories, protien, and carbs. I am horrible at keeping up with what I eat. I do about 15 cardio-strength sessions per week and tend to eat more than I should and can easily let my weight get away from me if I'm not careful. I eat very healthy, just alot!
    I'm hoping to create some accountability for my habits!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hello! My name is Kristen, I'm 33, a single professional (engineering nerd). I live in Columbus, OH and love my life. I live alone, have wonderful friends and pretty much come and go as I please. I'm super independant (which is probably why I've never gotten married or felt the need for children). I'm 5 pounds from goal weight and thought I needed MFP to be accountable to something. I'd like to be at goal and a whole lot more fit by June 1st. I started at 190 in Fall of 2010 and at goal I'll hopefully be 155. I'm practically 6'0, so weight creeps up and distributes everywhere and before I knew it I was faced with buying a size 16. Yikes. I'm a 10 now, sometimes an 8. Much more comfortable with that.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    I'm a 32 single mommy to a four year old boy and have been slowly and steadily reaching my goal. Since November I've lost about 10 pounds and around the same in inches. I credit my loss to MFP and my trainer who introduced me to weights and interval training since cardio is my nemesis! Cheers, Doreen
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    Hello. I'm not-quite 30 (29) but when it comes to weight-loss I feel I have more in common with those in the 30 age group than 20. My weight was definitely a lot different 10 years ago.

    Anyhow, I am from Ontario, Canada. I work full-time at a desk job which of course means I'm on my butt most of the day. I have a loving but not-at-all helpful partner who loves his junk food. We have no children, but a very hyper Yorkie puppy who keeps us on our toes.

    When I joined recently, I was at my highest weight ever (still am for the most part) and am looking to lose 50-60 pounds. Up until my mid-20s I was quite slender and didn't have to think about what I ate. I started slowly gaining weight for various reasons. Then, in the past couple of years, a combination of medication and poor diet has led to substantial weight gain.

    This month I have decided to make some serious changes and start eating better and losing the weight.
  • chinita96
    chinita96 Posts: 141 Member
    Hello fellow Tricenarians! My name is Ada from Pittsburgh, PA and I'm 32 years old. Originally from NYC and also lived in Florida. I miss the sunshine state so much! I rejoined MFP in attempts to lose the weight I regained. I never realized there was a community on here and I was doing it all alone! They weren't kidding when they told me that my eating habits would catch up to me. This time, I'm determined to keep it off! I hope we can all help each other out with motivation and encouragement. I'm sick of buying the next size up and am ready to kick some butt!
  • QueenE619
    Hi, I'm Elizabeth, 37, been married about 4 1/2 years now. Got 3 boys, 18, 7 and 3. Been struggling with my weight since I can remember. I gained a lot of weight after my first son was born which I attribute to depression and stress. Kept that weight on for 10 years before I got serious about losing it. Lost 130 pounds and kept that off for a few years. After I had my second son, some weight crept back on, then after I got married, some more weight, and so on and so forth. I've gained quite a bit the past year. I am REALLY feeling this weight and I am REALLY feeling quite disgusted in myself for letting it get back to this point. I am ready to get motivated and get this weight off for good!

    Add me as a friend! I've only got 2 so far! LOL
  • dyellz
    dyellz Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! Im Danielle, and im 34! Getting married August 18:) Im from BC, canada. No kids of the human kind but do have a cat and a dog. Just heading on an all inclusive vacation to mexico on friday so it will be the ultimate test. I'm down 14 pounds since starting MFP!
  • Zalissa
    Zalissa Posts: 23 Member
    Hello! I'm Christina. I'm 36 (may as well say 37 since my birthday's next month). I've been divorced twice and refuse to try for a 3rd marriage. I don't have children and I'm good with that. 2 kitties are good for me.

    I'm on this weight loss journey for the long haul. After struggling with being overweight nearly all of my life, it's time for a healthy me.
  • luvmycoffee
    luvmycoffee Posts: 112 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I just turned 37 this month & have had enough with the weight creeping on. I returned to school 3 years ago to become an RN & the scale just kept going up & up. :ohwell: I now work on a cardiac unit & want to be fit & healthy so I can be a great example to my patients.

    Also, I want to feel good about myself again. I am loving all the support & education that you can find on MFP! :smile:
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to those of you just starting with our 30 Somethings group. Feel free to comment and post on our threads. There are several of us active people on here so if you need any additional support please add us as a friend. :smile:

  • realhousewife_windsor
    Hello, my name is Melissa and I just turned 33, I'm a stay at home mom with a two year old. I've been married for three years.
  • najh4
    najh4 Posts: 28
    Hello Everyone!

    I am a single mother of three very active children. 12, 9, 7. My daughters are the older two and drive my poor son NUTS! haha I work a full time job and serve at a local resturant few times a week.
    Love motorcycles, wake bording, and rollerblading, beach and v-ball during the summer. Winter I'm kind of a homebody... not much for the winters.
    Was very thin and active in HS. Had health complications with each child and gained 50-75 with each. Hung onto alot of it. Was in a stressful marrige and kept gaining. Finally 250lbs decided enough and lost a substancial amount... enough to do P90X without my knees and kept it off for few years... then I got comfortable and gained 15 back. I never hit my goal weight and I regret that.
    Now my divorce is final (after 3 years) and me and the kids are doing great, I am taking them on our 1st family vacation EVER and I want to buy a sundress and maybe a new suit, as vain as it sounds. I want to finish what I started.
    Im a very upbeat and suportive person! Add me :)
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    Hey there!

    36 year old married father of three, two boys 15 and 7 and my darling daughter in the middle at 9. I work a s*** ton of hours and am usually exhausted when I get home. Started my the carreer I'm in now shortly after my oldest son was born and have basically sat at a desk since then. Needless to say the pounds started packing on in a hurry. When I quit school at 20 and started working I weighed in around 195 and at 6'3", I felt great. Fast forward 15 years and I topped out at 260, was eating and drinking what ever I wanted when ever I wanted and my health and body was definitely showing the signs of it.
    My wife received a coupon to join a boot camp very close to our house and suggested I give it a shot, which I did. Here I am roughly 3 1/2 months later, about 22 pounds less, almost 6 inches off my belt size, blood pressure WAY down, and sticking to a fairly strict diet, I feel great. However I still want to lose more than 30 pounds more. I go to boot camp 3 days a week from 5:30-6:30 before work, run at least 2-3 times a week after work, and left weights once. This on top of still working a s*** ton of hours and being "dad" at night.
    I am looking for friends to encourage and be encouraged by and am dedicated to my new life style but still like to kick back ! Add me if you want.
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    How did you add the thing at the bottom for how much more you have to lose?
  • chinita96
    chinita96 Posts: 141 Member
    How did you add the thing at the bottom for how much more you have to lose?

    I just figured it out myself! Go to Home and then Profile. You will see your ticker. Under that, you can add it to your site.

    And feel free to add me. The more people we have on our team to support us, the better! :drinker:
  • tonyaf78
    tonyaf78 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone!! I am: 33, a mother of 2 ( 13 yr old girl and 19 month old boy), remarried for just over 2 years now, a house wife, and full time student. I started my journey to lose weight again about 2 months ago. I started gaining weight when I was a senior in high school. I just thought I was fat when I was 17, 5'8" and 155lbs... I allowed my self to gain enough weight to be classified as morbidly obese. Since I joined MFP, I have lost 24lbs and have just over 100 to go... I am here for support and accountability! Here's hoping to get to know some of you!! Add me if you like!!
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    Hi! I'm a 30 year old., stay-at-home mother of 2 and an avid runner training for a marathon. Our family is very active & love anything outdoors (hiking, camping, biking).

    I started this journey almost 6 years ago, when I got married and weighed 268-270lbs. It wasn't until January 2012 that I joined MFP & I have lost 24 lb and almost 8 inches around the waist. I'm here to finish out phase 1 & drop these last 7 lbs., so I can lose the next 10-20lb. before the marathon.

    If you want encouragement and support, feel free to add me. :) I'm here to help!
  • inspiredgardener
    Hi! Only JUST started using this app and I have gotten more and more excited for my weight loss journey. Sounds like there are a lot of people like me who really really want to get their body back.
    A little about me:
    I was always a little thick, but only in the thighs and arms growing up. I battled anorexia for over ten years, only to slowly but surely learn to eat right...and then all hell broke loose. While bouncing back and forth about ten extra pounds I was alright until I had a miscarraige.
    I think I used this tragedy as an excuse to eat more carelessly until other factors like loneliness (I live thousands of miles away from most of my friends) led me to overeating and snacking. Eating til my tummy hurt!
    At times I feel like my boyfriend is biased, and another contributing factor...he's always telling me how beautiful I am even when I don't feel so. Encourages me to eat more. Gah! He means well, he just doesn't seem to believe I am overweight. His eating habits are atrocious lol! But, he has heard me upset enough that he defitely knows now how unhappy I am in this body, and is willing to encourage me in this new step. (Also, he is gone on business for two weeks - I can have two weeks to get myself and my eating habits worked out) lol

    I would love to meet a few like minded people ready to encourage me and be motivated, encouraged, and empowered right back. I'm wanting to lose 50 lbs. According to my fitness pal it seems it will take about 25 weeks if I lose an average of 2 lbs a week ...that's a long time to me so...I'm expecting to need a nudge here and there.

    Thanks for reading. :-)
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