Level 1



  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    Level 1, Day 2 today.

    Are you guys drinking water during the workout? I'm trying to get a sip in here and there, but I then end up missing a rep of whatever they are doing. Not a big deal at all, but I'm wondering what everyone else is doing.

    Yeah, sometimes I'll either miss what they're doing for a little bit or I just end up pausing the program to drink/rest for a minute. The way I figure...getting through the entire thing is more important than how long it takes me, so if I need to stop for 30 seconds a few times to take a drink or catch my breath, so be it.

    Today was day 2 for me. I do feel like I paused less frequently today than yesterday, though.
  • lisakayadams
    lisakayadams Posts: 9 Member
    I did my 1st workout today! I survived and will be back tomorrow. I noticed some soreness in my thighs when I went up and down the stairs later in the day. I had watched the video before I did it, and it looked easier than it was in reality.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    First day of level 1. Wow. I've missed Jillian! I struggled through and felt like complete Jello after I was finished, but boy do I feel good now! Though I know I'll wake up sore tomorrow, I'm ready to do it all over again. :)
  • anr1228
    anr1228 Posts: 11
    Haha, I love that Mandy, "badass after a bar fight!" I just finished day one and hopefully I feel like that tomorrow instead of jello legs like I am feeling now! Lol
  • I'm excited for day 2. How heavy are the weights you guys use? I have yet to pick up another 3-lb weight (I accidentally only ordered one, heh) so I just used filled water bottles today. My kitchen scale put them at just over 1 lb each, so I guess I started out with 1 lb weights. It seemed a little on the easy side, but I was glad for that after all the rows and chest presses.

    My cat tried to help me with chest presses. Every time my arms went down toward the floor, she'd nuzzle against my hand looking for attention.
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    ^^ I tried starting with 5 lbs, because that's all we had around the house and I hadn't thought about the water bottle/soup can idea. They were definitely too heavy for me, so I only used them for certain exercises that I felt capable -- maybe half the time. Otherwise, I just did the motion without the weight, haha. I've only done 2 days though so it's not so bad.

    Went out and bought some 3 lbs weights tonight at Target, so I'm looking forward to using those tomorrow.
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    Today was D01 L02 for me.
    Loved L01 :heart:

    I never stoped during the workout, or drank water.
    I used 1,5Kg (3,3 lbs) weights and I'll buy some 2Kg (4.4 lbs) as some exercises are easier than others.
    Altough, in some arm lifts (to the front) i felt 3.3 lbs were to eavier :ohwell:

  • Today I am going to walk on the treadmill, instead of doing Day 3. My thighs are SO SORE today. Thank goodness I only have two stairs in my house, because I look like an 80 year old going up/down them. How is everyone else feeling?
  • lisakayadams
    lisakayadams Posts: 9 Member
    I felt good yesterday after doing the first day. I did wake up in the middle of the night and realized that I was going to hurt today. I have two flights of stairs to get to my office, so I feel your pain! The elevator looked good this morning, but I went up the stairs anyway. I plan to make myself get out of my chair every hour and walk around to help elevate some of the stiffness and drink as much water as I can. Hopefully in a couple of days we won't feel the "burn" as much.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Day 2 Level 1

    It wasn't too bad this morning. My thighs and calves are burning, but that means I'm working, right? :) I wish there was more ab work since that's what I really want to work on (not that ALL of me can't use work...). But I guess as long as I get smaller/tighter that's all that matters, right?

    Tomorrow is cardio for me. 30 minutes on my stationary bike it is! :)
  • MexisMom
    MexisMom Posts: 249
    Just did L1D1... only felt like collapsing a couple times, haha. It's crazy how hard seemingly simple moves are!! I am REALLY out of shape, and dreading doing L1D2... BUT really looking forward to seeing my endurance improve.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    just did level 1 day 1 yesterday evening and man am i sore today!! going to do it again tonight and hope it gets better! how is everyone feeling? xxx
  • I did day 2 before heading off to classes this morning. It woke me up better than coffee, and I can't help but feel like the required moving around of lifting/carrying my backpack, going up and down stairs, and pulling out books is helping me stay un-stiff.

    Later this week, I think I'm going to do 30DS in the morning and then go for a few laps in the pool in the evening. That way I get some more cardio in, and the swimming will help me loosen up before bed. The worst part for me was tossing and turning last night because my abs felt uncomfortable. Not sore, but more like they needed a reeeeeeeally good stretch.

    I didn't have time this morning but I plan to do a little yoga as a warm up and a cool down tomorrow, to see if it also helps with the stiffness. On the plus side, it was easier than yesterday to get through the whole workout!

    ... I'm a chatterbox today. :)
  • anr1228
    anr1228 Posts: 11
    I'm actually not feeling too bad today! The only pain I have is shin splints. Not even a pain really, just sore. Is it better to do 30ds in the morning or at night? I usually only work out at night but maybe if I did this in the morning I could fit more cardio in at night. Suggestions?
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    L1D1 complete! I despise push ups.
  • Millefleur
    Millefleur Posts: 26 Member
    L1D4 for me tomorrow, couldn't do it over the weekend as I was away and was too busy catching up with things today to squeeze it in.. is it weird I'm itching to do it when I know I'll still suffer? :laugh:

    My 20kg free weight set has arrived so I can start using something heavier than cans of beans :happy:
  • anr1228
    anr1228 Posts: 11
    I just finished D2L1! Today seemed much more intense, maybe because I didn't allow myself stop and take a water break! Lol. I seem to be doing okay on all of the workouts expect the last one, butterfly crunches I think she called them. My legs are constantly trying to collapse on me! Any advice, ladies?!
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    Just finished L1 D3. I can definitely tell my endurance is increasing...normally I'm pausing for a drink in the middle of circuit one, but I didn't today :) I think my biggest issue regarding that is timing my breathing...it sounds silly, but I swear I don't know how to breathe properly! I need to work on that.

    I'm glad I bought 3 lb weights last night, though. Much easier than the 5 lb weights I was trying to use before. I'm too much of a weakling for those right now!

    I don't mind any of the moves now that I've done them for a few days, EXCEPT for the jump ropes. For some reason I hate those, and they're so simple too..

    Funny story though, the bra I was wearing has a clip on the back so I can make it racerback, and somehow as I was trying to stand up after the chest flys, the hook got caught on the carpet! I was stuck for a second! Greatly amused me, but don't worry, still made it up in time for the side lunges ;)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I'm actually not feeling too bad today! The only pain I have is shin splints. Not even a pain really, just sore. Is it better to do 30ds in the morning or at night? I usually only work out at night but maybe if I did this in the morning I could fit more cardio in at night. Suggestions?

    I think it's more of a personal preference. I prefer to do the workout in the morning myself; it seems to set me up for more energy throughout the day. And then it would give you time to fit more cardio in during the evening.
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Did L1D1 Monday - was pouring with sweat. My legs were jello. Had to walk down the stairs to get to my car to go to work and thought I was going to fall over.

    I'm excited to do tomorrow, but more excited for my cardio day on Wednesday.