1st Trimester



  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I think its my husband that has me so paranoid. He's really getting on me with the exercising, wants me to stop completely. He is so afraid of me miscarrying or "giving" the baby birth defects. He was reading all of these horror stories on the internet. I've had blood work twice, so I def. know that I am. We have an appt next wk so he can meet with the dr. and he be informed of the safety precautions, benefit, etc. of exercising and pregnancy. I hope he calms down, poor guy is a nervous wreck.

    How many lbs should I expect to gain in the first tri? This is our first. I'm 6wks, and overweight... ;p

    I've gained more than I'm supposed to :blushing: I'm 11 weeks and have already gained 5lbs, at least according to this: http://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy-weight-gain-estimator
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Yikes! I hope the appointment will help calm your hubby's nerves! Exercise definitely cannot "give" your baby birth defects! Maybe if you were underweight and running marathons and not eating enough, but the only 'defect' would probably be low birth weight... I'm no OB or midwife, but yeah, I wouldn't worry about that ;) For your own sake, you wouldn't want to be a couch potato the whole pregnancy. Your risk of a c/section or other labor complications would go up if you were inactive because you wouldn't have as much stamina for labor! Maybe direct the hubby to some better websites to read from, webmd has great pregnancy info. Also, I wouldn't worry about lack of symptoms, I'd be pretty stoked about it actually! This time around, I am feeling WORLDS better than with my first pregnancy. Back then, I was horribly sick from 6 weeks through 26 weeks, it was awful. This time around, I've got the exhaustion for sure, but comparatively little nausea (to the point where I've asked myself "why am I not puking my guts out right now?"), and it has been so much nicer! Every pregnancy is different!
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    As for weight gain in the first tri, most sites I've read will say between 2-4lbs or so in the first tri if you are overweight, but at this point, I'd set your intake to maintenance calories and get advice from your midwife or OB at your first visit for what you should expect to gain in the first tri and throughout.
  • mandalu292
    mandalu292 Posts: 68 Member
    I think its my husband that has me so paranoid. He's really getting on me with the exercising, wants me to stop completely. He is so afraid of me miscarrying or "giving" the baby birth defects. He was reading all of these horror stories on the internet. I've had blood work twice, so I def. know that I am. We have an appt next wk so he can meet with the dr. and he be informed of the safety precautions, benefit, etc. of exercising and pregnancy. I hope he calms down, poor guy is a nervous wreck.

    How many lbs should I expect to gain in the first tri? This is our first. I'm 6wks, and overweight... ;p

    I am currently a little over 7 weeks pregnant and other than feeling tired and hungry, and not "feeling pregnant" either. I've just been a little nervous about it the past few days b/c I expected to get morning sickness after 6 weeks. I was 8 1/2 weeks pregnant when we miscarried last November and I also didn't have a lot of symptoms so the closer we get to that time frame the more nervous I get! Thankfully, we have our 2nd dr. appointment in 3 days, and the dr. said we may hear/see a heartbeat. That will make me feel SO much better!

    My husband has also been a bit overly concerned... especially after losing the first pregnancy. I held off on exercising when I first found out until I saw my doctor, but he assured me that I could and SHOULD continue with any exercise routine that I already had in place, just slow it down and bit and skip the weights. I'm overweight as well, and I'm not supposed to gain much. Actually I'm hoping not to gain much at all the first trimester and only 5-15 lbs. over all. Congrats to you and I'm sure everything will be fine!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think its my husband that has me so paranoid. He's really getting on me with the exercising, wants me to stop completely. He is so afraid of me miscarrying or "giving" the baby birth defects. He was reading all of these horror stories on the internet. I've had blood work twice, so I def. know that I am. We have an appt next wk so he can meet with the dr. and he be informed of the safety precautions, benefit, etc. of exercising and pregnancy. I hope he calms down, poor guy is a nervous wreck.

    How many lbs should I expect to gain in the first tri? This is our first. I'm 6wks, and overweight... ;p

    I sometimes don't feel pregnant and I'm 8 weeks. I sometimes feel kind of naseous, but no realy morning sickness. I have been a little more tired and also experience the uterine cramping. But I feel that if I eat enougha nd eat regularly and exercise I can really fight the fatigue. Also, about exercising. It makes you feel good and helps with weight gain. I have also read about the benefits to baby of exercising, like decreasing the chances of your child getting cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis (sp?). Try googling the positives associated with exercise. They say 2-5lbs in the first trimester, but not sure if you are overweight. There is a weight gain calculator on the main page for this group. I have gained about a pound, with maintaining and sometimes being over calories when I feel really hungry.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    How are all you ladies doing? I am still feeling pretty good, which kind of freaks me out but I'm just trying to enjoy it. Only 18 days until my first appointment...not like I'm counting or anything...lol. How are you guys doing with weight gain? Last week I was super hungry and I'm up to 159, which my lowest weight before was 155, so I think that's a bit much. This week I am changing my settings to sedentary as I am a bit less active with being more tired and sleeping more, and going to try to be better. I'm hoping some of it is water weight.
  • Wickedmeowmer
    I'm feeling much better than I thought pregnant people should feel and my first appointment is tomorrow. Nervous!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm feeling much better than I thought pregnant people should feel and my first appointment is tomorrow. Nervous!

    Good luck at your apointment, how far along are you? Are they doing an ultrasound? Let us know how it goes :)
  • Wickedmeowmer
    8 weeks 1 day I think. I had an odd TOTM in February, so we'll see I guess. I honestly have no idea what they are doing at this appointment, I made it a month ago and they just told me to bring my pile of paperwork in completed.
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    How are all you ladies doing? I am still feeling pretty good, which kind of freaks me out but I'm just trying to enjoy it. Only 18 days until my first appointment...not like I'm counting or anything...lol. How are you guys doing with weight gain? Last week I was super hungry and I'm up to 159, which my lowest weight before was 155, so I think that's a bit much. This week I am changing my settings to sedentary as I am a bit less active with being more tired and sleeping more, and going to try to be better. I'm hoping some of it is water weight.

    Hey, today I experienced nausea for the first time and I'm hoping its the last, which I know better. It was terrible, I love food, and love to eat (hence belonging to mfp) and I couldn't stomach hardly anything. It finally subsided around 1500. I went to the store and bought crackers and caffeine free sprite just incase it reappears. :( Oh well its so worth it! I haven't gained any weight yet. I'm trying really hard to not gain so much since I'm so overweight. Starting out at 170, don't want to go over 200! We have our first appt. in 10days! I'm stoked!
  • mandalu292
    mandalu292 Posts: 68 Member
    We had an ultrasound this morning! We were a little nervous since yesterday, but it apprears we had just a little implamentation bleeding. We are measuring closer to 6 weeks vs. the 8 weeks we thought we were at, but that makes sense considering we didn't even get a positive pregnancy test until I was 5 days late. We must've ovulated later. So far I'm still feeling great, just tired.

    Anyways, good news is that we heard a teeny tiny heartbeat this am! Means the risk of miscarriage is down to about 5%. The heartbeat was about 110 this am, and is expected to be around 160 when we go back for another ultrasound in 2 weeks. We're not out of the woods yet, but it's good news! It's weird to be "back" at 6 weeks, I know in the long run 2 weeks is nothing.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    @vonalj-Hopefully it doesn't last, but it's very possible! I have been fortunate and have not had morning sickness but do feel naueous at times, especially after I eat or wait too long to eat.

    @wickedmeower- I'm a little over 8 weeks, let me know if that's how far along you really are. I'm betting mine is close, because my periods were fairly consistent

    @mandaul-congrats again! I'm sure it's nice to have the piece of mind :) I bet it was so exciting to hear the heartbeat...I can't wait!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Well had my first OB appointment and ultrasound on Monday! Got to see baby and measured 8w3d, with a heartbeat of 173. :) So right on track for a due date of November 16th. Seeing baby made everything seem so much more real... Not that nausea, being tired, tender bbs, etc hasn't made it real...lol!

    So how is everyone else doing?
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Well had my first OB appointment and ultrasound on Monday! Got to see baby and measured 8w3d, with a heartbeat of 173. :) So right on track for a due date of November 16th. Seeing baby made everything seem so much more real... Not that nausea, being tired, tender bbs, etc hasn't made it real...lol!

    So how is everyone else doing?

    Congrats! That's so awesome, I can't wait. I'm glad everything went well for you :)
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Great to hear everyone is doing so well!
    Looks like and around 7-8 weeks pregant, not sure anymore because some web sites put me at 7 and others put me on 8, but my cycle was 36 days, so it's possible that I'm more like 7 weeks! I've definetely been feeling symptoms for a couple weeks now, this past long weekend was the worst though, i'm not throwing up but I feel super nauseaus all the time.. i wish I could throw up just to make that feeling go away! I eat all the time, because if I don't, I feel even more nauseaus.. I am trying to go walking as much as I can but i'm so exhausted all the time, as soon as I get hom from work I want to crash on my couch in my pj's lol!I hate it because all that hard work I did before is going away.. oh well, all worth it!

    I have my first OB appt on May 1st.. I'm way tooo excited, I can't wait to hear the heartbeat and get reassured by the doctor. Hopefully the little on is growing like it should!
    It's my first and i've heard so many miscarriage horror stories, so I'm a little nervous..
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm glad the two ladies that had appts. had great ones! Seeing/hearing that heartbeat for the first time is amazing. :heart: To those who have appts. coming up - good luck and keep us all posted on how it goes.

    chickybuns - I didn't ever get sick or feel anything more than "off" with my second son throughout my pregnancy. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky few that doesn't get ms!!! That would be awesome!

    This morning has been the first morning in over 4wks that I didn't dry heave in the morning when I was getting ready for work! I couldn't believe it...I kept waiting for it to happen and it never did. Even if it's just a one time thing, I'll take it! :bigsmile:

    My next appt. is on the 20th where I am 12wks exactly and we'll hear the heartbeat. I won't have an u/s until the "gender/growth" scan between 18-20wks and I'm ok with that. With this being my 3rd pregnancy in under 3 years without complications I can wait until then to see this baby. :wink:

    On the baby note, my now 7 month old is now pulling up on things and standing! He is because such a big boy so fast, which is great since he'll be a big brother when he's about 13.5 months old! :laugh:
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I'm glad the two ladies that had appts. had great ones! Seeing/hearing that heartbeat for the first time is amazing. :heart: To those who have appts. coming up - good luck and keep us all posted on how it goes.

    chickybuns - I didn't ever get sick or feel anything more than "off" with my second son throughout my pregnancy. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky few that doesn't get ms!!! That would be awesome!

    This morning has been the first morning in over 4wks that I didn't dry heave in the morning when I was getting ready for work! I couldn't believe it...I kept waiting for it to happen and it never did. Even if it's just a one time thing, I'll take it! :bigsmile:

    My next appt. is on the 20th where I am 12wks exactly and we'll hear the heartbeat. I won't have an u/s until the "gender/growth" scan between 18-20wks and I'm ok with that. With this being my 3rd pregnancy in under 3 years without complications I can wait until then to see this baby. :wink:

    On the baby note, my now 7 month old is now pulling up on things and standing! He is because such a big boy so fast, which is great since he'll be a big brother when he's about 13.5 months old! :laugh:

    Glad to hear you are feeling better! :)
  • Wickedmeowmer
    I had my 1st appointment and they said the heart rate was slow (77)/baby was small for my last period date, so now i get to stress out for two weeks until my next appointment. They took blood in case I had low progesterone levels, but other than that supposedly there is nothing I can do about it. Reassuring right?
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I had my 1st appointment and they said the heart rate was slow (77)/baby was small for my last period date, so now i get to stress out for two weeks until my next appointment. They took blood in case I had low progesterone levels, but other than that supposedly there is nothing I can do about it. Reassuring right?

    I'm sorry you are having to worry for the next couple weeks...stay positive... You are in my thoughts and prayers!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I had my 1st appointment and they said the heart rate was slow (77)/baby was small for my last period date, so now i get to stress out for two weeks until my next appointment. They took blood in case I had low progesterone levels, but other than that supposedly there is nothing I can do about it. Reassuring right?

    Did they say how far along they thought you were? You could ovulate later than thought, when do you get the blood results? There is a heart beat and that's great, maybe you just aren't as far along as you thought. I know it will be a long 2 weeks, just try to keep yourself busy :)