Welcome! Say hello....



  • Hello,

    My name is Jason. I just started a healthy diet and exercising five days a week! I have lost 40lbs, and have another 120lbs to loose to reach my goal. I turn 30 in June, YIKES! ; )
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome all of you coming on these past few weeks. There are several of us actives on here, feel free to post a thread or jump into any active ones.

    Good luck with your journey and if you need extra support please feel free to add us. :smile:

  • Lassoo
    Lassoo Posts: 20
    Hi all. 34 year old here looking to drop the last 15 pounds I've been trying to get rid of for some time now. I'm new to MFP and would love to meet some folks who can encourage me along the way.
  • Libra77f
    Libra77f Posts: 2
    Hi! My name is Mary and I am 34. I will be married 12 years this july, work full time, have a 16 year old son and I live in California. I would like to loose about 50 pounds. Looking foward to meeting new people with the same goal.. Good luck!!!
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    Hi there, my name is Laura and I am 34. I have struggled with my weight since my divorce 8 years ago. I have never considered myself 'fat' per say, that was until I had to start wearing plus size clothing.

    I moved to Houston late 2003 w/i at 138 pounds, happily married with 2 kids. My then husband moved to Korea with the Army and 4 months later he wanted a divorce. He came home with a Filipino wife so....here I am in Houston with 2 small kids and being on my own for the first time since 1995. I maintained a fairly healthy weight until I injured my knee in 2008 and then I stopped doing all the things I use to do. I have put on 67 pounds somewhere between 2003 to 2012. Most of that (about 40 pounds came on after knee surgery). My kids are now 15 and 12 with July birthdays and life is always blissfully chaotic. I found myself having to shop in the Plus Size section and thought to myself, whoa...wait a minute, I am 34 and far too young to be this heavy, not that there is an age to be heavy. :wink: (Note: Plus Size clothing doesn't fit me very well, runs a little big but regular size clothing fits too small, talk about annoying and frustrating).

    So here I am on my path to finding a healthier me. So far I have lost my first 15 pounds and I am already feeling so much better. I am looking to lose another 40 or so. I don't really date much due to my hectic schedule. I do however have a very social life with friends and doing fun things on the weekend with my kids, which is what can sabotage my weight loss goals but I am trying to learn how to not let it.

    I am now trying to put myself first more often and start to take care of me. Please feel free to request me as I enjoy seeing so many others succeed and make positive changes in their lives. It motivates me.

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    A big welcome to new newbies coming on this week! There are several of us actives on here so if you are looking for some supportive friends please send us a request!

    We have just started another 3 month (self) challenge. If you are interested check out the 3 month (self) challenge - part 2 thread and send me a private message if you'd like to join us.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • Hi...I'm 33 years old. I would like to lose about 60 pounds. I've been back and forth with my weight but looking to stay focus and meet my weight goals
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    Hello!!! :) I'm 34. On 2nd marriage (1st marriage to high school sweetheart was NOT healthy; rollar coaster emotionally, then he died in work related accident 3 mos after we split in Jan 2006). God had a plan for me though and my life is SOOOO much better now.

    Have 17 yr old "bonus son" (from 1st marriage), 15 yr old daughter, 11 yr old bonus daughter (from this marriage), and 7 yr old son who is all boy and drives me crazy! :)

    My relationship with God, my family, and my friends are my main things in life. Oh..and that work thing..Boring desk job! ;) As we all do, need to spend a little more time on ME!

    Married 10/10/10 to a cousin of my best friend / neighbor growing up. So, he and I have been good friends since I was 10..NEVER knew he had a "thing" for me. BFF finally pushed us together 3 years ago..now I'm living my happily ever after. I've been on a weight yo-yo my whole life. I was always "thick" and muscular and just accepted that my body would be 150-160 always. With help of MFP, I've dropped down to 141 (at my lowest) from 170. I haven't weighed below 140 since 4th or 5th grade! :)

    Recently tried to quit smoking (not 100% successful, still sneak one when my son really stresses me out), and gained 10 lbs. Just started a 15 lb challenge with some family members..so I reset my weight on here to "0 lost" yesterday to track the 15 lbs. My main goal is to shed these last 15 lbs, kill my desire to smoke, and tone up.

    In 2006, I weighed 150-155 and had lower body fat % and looked better the mirror when I was circuit training daily. Would like to get back to that "I actually like myself naked" state of mind! :) Of course..that was 5 years ago..we all know our body is changing! ;)

    So..lose the last 15, muscle up, reduce body fat%, and WANT to not smoke! And continue on this healthy journey with as many friends and loved ones I can take with me! :)

    Have a healthy week!!!

    "Bonus child" Hahah!!! I guess I have one of those as well. I just remain in that same "roller coaster" marriage with the two extra kiddos to boot..??:smile:

    My fitness commitment started in January, some 30 pounds ago! I only found this website about 14 of thouse pounds ago.

    Keep it up!
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    Hi! my name is Katie. I am 36 almost 37 years old. I am a single mom of a 9 year old daughter Rylee. I began my weight loss journey in 1996 I weighed 300 pounds. I am now at 198 pounds. my goal weight is 135 pounds. would love to have friends my age also. anyone can add me
  • Hello Everyone,

    Well I'm 31 for about another month then hello 32! Im originally from Chicago but living in the Sunshine state now. Never married no kids but i do have a very spoiled Yorkie and an amazing boyfriend who has joined me as well in losing weight. Just started tracking my calories about 3 weeks ago slowly but surely getting this weight down! :)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Well I'm 31 for about another month then hello 32! Im originally from Chicago but living in the Sunshine state now. Never married no kids but i do have a very spoiled Yorkie and an amazing boyfriend who has joined me as well in losing weight. Just started tracking my calories about 3 weeks ago slowly but surely getting this weight down! :)

    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us if you need some extra support. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • LostinMotivation
    LostinMotivation Posts: 58 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I am Letia, I'm 30 years one month and six days old! And I'm 308 lbs. I have never been "average weight" being obese even in high school. My husband and I have joined a gym and are working hard to make the most of it for the next 2 months - if we do we'll get a long term membership through Costco.

    My husband and I live in CO with our two year old daughter, and are working out together.

    I'm excited to get to know everyone and help where I can, even if its just a listening....ear...reading eye? lol. I hope you all have good luck and happy fitness training!

    Letia or Le
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I am Letia, I'm 30 years one month and six days old! And I'm 308 lbs. I have never been "average weight" being obese even in high school. My husband and I have joined a gym and are working hard to make the most of it for the next 2 months - if we do we'll get a long term membership through Costco.

    My husband and I live in CO with our two year old daughter, and are working out together.

    I'm excited to get to know everyone and help where I can, even if its just a listening....ear...reading eye? lol. I hope you all have good luck and happy fitness training!

    Letia or Le

    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us if you need some extra support. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • Hello! I recently turned 30 and just joined MFP at the request of my trainer. I didn;t think I could get used to logging my ffod everyday, but I am addicted. So far I have lost 6 pounds and 2 inches, but have a lot to go. I'm always looking for new friends, motiviation, support. Feel free to add me as a friend ~ Jordana
  • xiygx
    xiygx Posts: 2
    Hi all,

    34 year old guy from London. Looking to lose 25lbs in 6 months.

    Would appreciate motivation, tips etc.

    I weigh 78kg and Im targeting 68kg (5' 9").

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi all,

    34 year old guy from London. Looking to lose 25lbs in 6 months.

    Would appreciate motivation, tips etc.

    I weigh 78kg and Im targeting 68kg (5' 9").


    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us if you need some extra support. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know. This challenge has weekly weigh ins which will hold you accountable (to yourself of course).

    Good luck on your journey!

  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Hello 30-somethings. I'm 34, and I live in Maryland. I have been overweight for my entire life. There have been times when I've lost weight, only to gain it back, and I really want to get off of this roller coaster before 40.

    I joined MFP a while ago and didn't use the service for all it had to offer, so now here I am: Very ready to lose and connect with others in the same boat.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello 30-somethings. I'm 34, and I live in Maryland. I have been overweight for my entire life. There have been times when I've lost weight, only to gain it back, and I really want to get off of this roller coaster before 40.

    I joined MFP a while ago and didn't use the service for all it had to offer, so now here I am: Very ready to lose and connect with others in the same boat.
    to the 30 Somethings group! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us if you need some extra support. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know. This challenge has weekly weigh ins which will hold you accountable (to yourself of course).

    Good luck on your journey!

  • cjhart81
    cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm Claire, 31 from London.. I have an office job so sitting on my bum all day.. :(
    I am 203lbs (roughly) and I would like to get down to 126lbs eventually but taking it slow. I have been on here for 3 months now and have lost 18lbs.. so slowly but surely.. I have been overweight for over 5 years now and its time for a change! I recently got engaged and there is NO WAY I am getting married until I am happy with myself and can face EVERYONE looking at ME the whole day.. I love MFP it is the first thing I have stuck to and its so easy scanning in my food with my phone.. awesome place! :)
    I love readying everyones success stories and it really fills me with hope! especially seeing the photos that go with them.. I can not wait to get to the point where I can post my own pictures! :)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I'm Claire, 31 from London.. I have an office job so sitting on my bum all day.. :(
    I am 203lbs (roughly) and I would like to get down to 126lbs eventually but taking it slow. I have been on here for 3 months now and have lost 18lbs.. so slowly but surely.. I have been overweight for over 5 years now and its time for a change! I recently got engaged and there is NO WAY I am getting married until I am happy with myself and can face EVERYONE looking at ME the whole day.. I love MFP it is the first thing I have stuck to and its so easy scanning in my food with my phone.. awesome place! :)
    I love readying everyones success stories and it really fills me with hope! especially seeing the photos that go with them.. I can not wait to get to the point where I can post my own pictures! :)

    Welcome Claire to the 30 Somethings group and congrats on your engagement! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us if you need some extra support. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know.

    Good luck on your journey!

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