HRM £12.99 at Lloyds Pharmacy



  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    Used this hrm a couple of times and I don't know why but when I start the stop watch. It randomly switches to tracking laps.
    Anyone got any ideas?
  • BSummers321
    BSummers321 Posts: 94 Member
    Free delivery with this code: FREE40

    I just bought one, can't wait to try it out.
  • BSummers321
    BSummers321 Posts: 94 Member
    FML. Seriously FML.

    So I just got done doing the day 1 of the 30 day shred, was looking forward to testing out my hrm.

    Burned 0 cals according to my HRM. I didn't set it up properly.

    Forget to start the bleeding stop watch didn't I? I've just logged it as 20 minute circuit training. At least I'll know not to make that mistake again!
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    FML. Seriously FML.

    So I just got done doing the day 1 of the 30 day shred, was looking forward to testing out my hrm.

    Burned 0 cals according to my HRM. I didn't set it up properly.

    Forget to start the bleeding stop watch didn't I? I've just logged it as 20 minute circuit training. At least I'll know not to make that mistake again!

    I did the exact same thing on the first day too! Upside - you'll never forget again!
  • BSummers321
    BSummers321 Posts: 94 Member
    Good to know I'm not the only one haha! I definitely haven't!
  • littledumplings
    littledumplings Posts: 223 Member
    I dunno if I'm too thick or something but I can't even set it up :(
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    I think mine is just broken :(
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    Mine arrived a today. Took awhile to set up but wasn't too hard to do. Maybe it's just because I'm a bit of a geek and play with gadgets constantly. Some of the writing and little pictures are pretty small though!
    Looking forward to wearing it tomorrow when I zumba on the wii and seeing how many calories I actually burn vs what the wii tells me!
  • slofitness1978
    slofitness1978 Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for this, I think I am going to purchase one now :)
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    You need to put img ]  around the link (without the spaces)arrrgh.jpg

    ouch :frown: that doesn't look good.

    I'm looking pretty similar to this now. :( Not quite as uniformly red (more blotchy) but it's itching like crazy!!! Not sure if it's the rubber (never had problems with anything else rubber) or just a combination of the rubber and sweat.
    How long did it take your rash to clear up?

    And does anyone know of any HRMs that don't have rubber there? I got some money from my Grandparents for my birthday last week so may have to splash out as I like seeing the number now.
  • MarkHarris69
    MarkHarris69 Posts: 15 Member
    Thankyou for the information, I have had a couple of these in the past but going back about 5 years. I'm hoping the model has changed as I had problems with both of them and ended up taking them both back to get refunds and vowed I would never buy another. I begruge spending about £50.00 though on a Polar or Garmin. Again as someone has already said for £12.99 if you only get 6 months out of it then your not losing much...! I shall nip on down to Lloyds in my lunch hour and pick one up if they have them in-store and try this particular model.
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    I have this one and was not sure if it was working properly as it said I only burnt 135 cals doing 30 day shred which I thought was low .I have added all my weight etc properly will try it when I go for a run and see what it says .i was gonna buy the polar ft7 which is a lot more expensive but if this is correct no pint
  • BoxingCoachMo
    my friend used my polar and used her lloyds one while we were doing a circuits session and the readings were very similar.

    I think the lloyds hrm is a good product, i wish i knew how to work it though as i don't have one myself.
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    well used it tonight and it said 348 cal for my jog. I think i Will stick with this one for now
  • dollymixsix
    dollymixsix Posts: 112
    I cannot understand the stupid thing. I'm awful.
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    I've just ordered one of these (the free delivery code still works but the other one seems to have expired) - I will come back with an update when I've used it a few times.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member

    I've been using mine for a while now (about a month and a half) and it's great.

    Luckily I have had no allergies to the rubber (yet!).

    Example: MFP estimated my cals burned yesterday at around 700 but my HRM counted 950 by the end of the day (includes my cycle to and from work/gym + yoga + circuit training class) so I was happy to learn that I probably burn more than I predict I burn though MFP and it's good to know that HRM readings are more accurate than MFP estimations and the HRM handles that you hold on gym machines (though they are often not far off).

    No complaints as of yet, highly reccomend getting one. Thanks again to the original poster sharing the link to this offer!
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    I've only used mine a handful of times so far but it seems pretty good! I agree that the set-up is a bit tricky because it is very hard to read. But once I set it up it's easy to use - I've not used any functions other than the stopwatch/calorie count as yet, so that's all my feedback is based on.

    Used the free40 code for free delivery, and also got a 50ml sample of an own brand moisturiser! Score.
  • NitroS1988
    NitroS1988 Posts: 58 Member
    What a bargain! unfortunatly i got one from amazon for £35 and have already used it a few times, great thing to have for training though :)
  • littledumplings
    littledumplings Posts: 223 Member
    Help! I've lost my instruction's all set up but i cant remember how to set the stopwatch so it can track my calories...can anyone tell me how to do it please :))

    EDIT: Ignore me, found it online :)