Welcome! Say hello....



  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jessie. I am a stay at home mom of 1 daughter, wife to a wonderful husband. I am from West MIchigan. I have a chronic lung/heart disease called Pulmonary Hypertension and I am IV meds 24/7. I am trying to lose weight to reduce my symptoms from the disease and to live longer! Please be an organ donor! I love knitting, scrapbooking, Detroit Tigers baseball, NASCAR, camping and spending time with my family. Please feel free to friend me!!!
  • Hi all my name is Tara I will be 31 this year. I am married for almost 12 years have two wonderful daughters 11 and 7. I love being a mother an need to stay healthy. In the last four years I went from running a health club in Ohio where I trained with the best and ate clean everyday, to a desk job where I gained 70lbs...I was in denial and didn't even recognize myself anymore. Finally I said enough is enough and I'm on my way to reclaiming my body and my health. I am down almost 20lbs and love how MFP is helping me along the way.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Jessie and Tara! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know.

    Good luck on your journies!!

  • HI, I am Jeanne. I am 34 and the mother of two daughters. I work a full time desk job and have for about a decade.
    I work in a wonderful office were we do potlucks and people bring in goodies and donuts all the time...
    I am addicted to chocolate.
    I also own and run a paintball business from home and am an avid paintballer, scenario role player (which is like LARP with paint flying), costume designer and seamstress. I realized how much i eat during my busy day about a year ago. MFP has helped me track everything so that i know where i am at. It has been a blessing.
    I have lost 12 pounds on MFP so far (about 8 weeks) and have 42 lbs to go. I am looking for friends on here as well so If you want added me.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    HI, I am Jeanne. I am 34 and the mother of two daughters. I work a full time desk job and have for about a decade.
    I work in a wonderful office were we do potlucks and people bring in goodies and donuts all the time...
    I am addicted to chocolate.
    I also own and run a paintball business from home and am an avid paintballer, scenario role player (which is like LARP with paint flying), costume designer and seamstress. I realized how much i eat during my busy day about a year ago. MFP has helped me track everything so that i know where i am at. It has been a blessing.
    I have lost 12 pounds on MFP so far (about 8 weeks) and have 42 lbs to go. I am looking for friends on here as well so If you want added me.

    Welcome Jeanne and request sent. :)

  • alscompass
    alscompass Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all! Just joined a few days ago and have committed to finally get rid of the stubborn 15 pounds of extra weight I have been carrying around. 10 of that was from when I stopped smoking....it's time to get serious!
    About me: I'm 36, not married, no children. I have an active go go go lifestyle (which derails my fitness routines most weeks) however have a sedentary job. I'm looking forward to buckling down and finally feeling healthier than I have in years. :-)
    Good luck to all of you with your health/diet/fitness goals. I look forward to hearing your success stories...and I hope that in the end you will all be hearing mine as well! Mine starts here and now.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi all! Just joined a few days ago and have committed to finally get rid of the stubborn 15 pounds of extra weight I have been carrying around. 10 of that was from when I stopped smoking....it's time to get serious!
    About me: I'm 36, not married, no children. I have an active go go go lifestyle (which derails my fitness routines most weeks) however have a sedentary job. I'm looking forward to buckling down and finally feeling healthier than I have in years. :-)
    Good luck to all of you with your health/diet/fitness goals. I look forward to hearing your success stories...and I hope that in the end you will all be hearing mine as well! Mine starts here and now.

    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • marapalumbo
    marapalumbo Posts: 85 Member
    Hi! I'm trying to lose these last 10 pounds of baby weight that I gained with my daughter. I'm a single mother, so this is also motivation to get me out of the house and going to the gym more often--it's so easy to become antisocial as a single working parent! If anyone wants to add me as a friend, that would be appreciated because I need the accountability to log in and be active on this site :).
  • birdie8fish
    birdie8fish Posts: 8 Member
    Hey...Im Mel...finally working on losing the weight I've carried around for the last 9 years, Im mom to 4 kiddos, which keeps me really busy along with the other activities in life. I hope to lose 20 lbs in the next 10 weeks, but have an overall goal of 40 lbs by the end of the year.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi! I'm trying to lose these last 10 pounds of baby weight that I gained with my daughter. I'm a single mother, so this is also motivation to get me out of the house and going to the gym more often--it's so easy to become antisocial as a single working parent! If anyone wants to add me as a friend, that would be appreciated because I need the accountability to log in and be active on this site :).

    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hey...Im Mel...finally working on losing the weight I've carried around for the last 9 years, Im mom to 4 kiddos, which keeps me really busy along with the other activities in life. I hope to lose 20 lbs in the next 10 weeks, but have an overall goal of 40 lbs by the end of the year.

    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Mel! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • Hi! I am from Michigan. I am 31, divorced Mother of 5yr old Twins. I work 25 hours a week. I have been slowly losing weight, and living a healthy lifestyle. I have lost 32 pounds in the last year. I hope to lose 30 more. I am not sure how long it will take me.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi! I am from Michigan. I am 31, divorced Mother of 5yr old Twins. I work 25 hours a week. I have been slowly losing weight, and living a healthy lifestyle. I have lost 32 pounds in the last year. I hope to lose 30 more. I am not sure how long it will take me.

    Oooh twins, lord help you. just kidding. lol Welcome to the 30 Somethings group! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • SME1976
    SME1976 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello! I am 35 (36 on 5/26) and I am from PA. I have been married for 8.5 yrs and have 2 boys (6 and $) who keep me on my toes. I work full time at a desk job but I just graduated and I will be looking for a new job soon ( I am now an LMT- licensed massage therapist). I am trying to lose 20lbs and so far I an down 13 lbs and I am eating better and getting more active!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello! I am 35 (36 on 5/26) and I am from PA. I have been married for 8.5 yrs and have 2 boys (6 and $) who keep me on my toes. I work full time at a desk job but I just graduated and I will be looking for a new job soon ( I am now an LMT- licensed massage therapist). I am trying to lose 20lbs and so far I an down 13 lbs and I am eating better and getting more active!

    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group and congrats on your weight loss thus far! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know. I have also started posting a weekly challenge to keep us focused and motivated. :)

    Good luck on your journey!

  • Brese
    Brese Posts: 6
    Hi! I’m 33, from Kansas. I have a 17yr old daughter and 5yr old son. My ex and I broke up over a year ago. I gained a lot of weight during our relationship. Since the breakup I’ve lost 90lbs!

    I started running alast July. Next weekend will be my 6th half marathon. I’ve also ran several 5k’s and one full marathon.

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi! I’m 33, from Kansas. I have a 17yr old daughter and 5yr old son. My ex and I broke up over a year ago. I gained a lot of weight during our relationship. Since the breakup I’ve lost 90lbs!

    I started running alast July. Next weekend will be my 6th half marathon. I’ve also ran several 5k’s and one full marathon.


    Welcome the the 30 Somethings group and congrats on the weigh loss! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know. I have also started posting a weekly challenge to keep us focused and motivated. :)

    Good luck on your journey!

    JPLYLER09 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello all... My name is Jeanne, I'm 36, married with 2 kids (2 1/2 girl & 5mth boy) work part time & we live in CT. joined MFP after the 2nd child to help loose some of the baby fat... Almost at my pre pregnancy weight, thanks to a little motivation from my husband and friends on here. The only thing left is to get my health back on track. I am tired of letting my chronic illness (ulcerative colitis) rule my life so I'm not so sick & tired and then I can do stuff with my family & friends :)
  • moniquea93
    moniquea93 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm 37 living in NJ. My goal is to tighten and tone. Just recently I've begun to see results through exercise and healthier eating. Hoping to be completely done by my October cruise date. Still enjoying life in my 30's!

  • cmdauscher
    cmdauscher Posts: 4
    Hello everyone! I'm 32 and currently living in Indiana. I am a single mom of 2 wonderful little boys (5 and 3). I work a full time job and I am also in the Air Force Reserves. Life is busy for me most definitely. I started my weight loss journey in Feb 2012(somewhat) at 155 lbs. I fell off the wagon numerous times and finally got back on with motivation and dedication April 11, 2012. My current weight as of this morning was 141.6 and I am happy with the changes in my body so far! There really isn't a deadline for me as to when I reach my goal weight (115-120), I'm just taking it day by day and working on my over all health and fitness. On May 6th I took my military physical fitness test and passed with my highest score in 11 years of 87.6%!

    I wish everyone success in their journey and if you ever need some motivation to get in the gym, look me up.... it's one of my favorite places to be these days :happy:
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