Level 1 - report your progress here!



  • startnewlife
    startnewlife Posts: 5 Member
    Did day 2 of level 1 today and I have to amdit, my thights are burning like hell. I cannot walk or sit but that's why I know it's working girls!!! I hope it will get better, Even though, I wasn't sweatting a lot but I barely did push ups.....
  • claireplum
    claireplum Posts: 43 Member
    Just joined...really happy I found this group...need the motivation of other peoples stories and logging my progress.

    Taken before pics and measurements. Competed L1D1 today and really enjoyed it! Even though once I finished my body was like jelly! It feels fine now though, but does that mean nothing and I will feel it in the morning?
  • startnewlife
    startnewlife Posts: 5 Member
    Just did day 4 and 5, level 1. Today I worked out twice because tomorrow won't be able to. It became too easy so I'm thinking of 5lbs weights but have to find out a way how to do that without buying new weights. I have 2lbs dumbbells.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    I start the 30 day shred on Monday, I am really looking forward to getting into it!
    I am just hoping the motivation doesn't stray as i haven't had much success with previous home fitness regimes! :cry:
  • AyaEtman
    AyaEtman Posts: 10
    5th day of level 1 But the dvds are not available here in Egypt so I have to watch the video on youtube and i Can't find level 2 and level 3 :(
  • startnewlife
    startnewlife Posts: 5 Member
    Did day 9 of level 1 and feel frustraited... I see no results. My weight is the same and measurements didn't change. Don't want to keep on working out.. My muscles feel a little bit thighter than they were but still. I want to get visible results and now I doubt that they will show up:{
  • karlos988
    karlos988 Posts: 27 Member
    Did day 9 of level 1 and feel frustraited... I see no results. My weight is the same and measurements didn't change. Don't want to keep on working out.. My muscles feel a little bit thighter than they were but still. I want to get visible results and now I doubt that they will show up:{

    Don't give up yet! I did not see any real changes in inches OR weight until I was about 20 days in. I ended up losing 5 pounds and almost 10 inches, so try and keep going!
  • Sb65513n
    Sb65513n Posts: 131 Member
    5th day of level 1 But the dvds are not available here in Egypt so I have to watch the video on youtube and i Can't find level 2 and level 3 :(
    I bought them off of amazon.com
  • AyaEtman
    AyaEtman Posts: 10
    5th day of level 1 But the dvds are not available here in Egypt so I have to watch the video on youtube and i Can't find level 2 and level 3 :(
    I bought them off of amazon.com

    Yeah I tried ===>> (We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order.)
  • startnewlife
    startnewlife Posts: 5 Member
    Karlos 988, thanks for encouraging:}
  • Started this on Saturday with my daughter. She is 15, and doesnt work out at all - during the entire thing, she kept telling me "how easy" it was. I was doing everything I was supposed to, and she quit right around 15 minutes into it. The next morning, she could barely walk!! I felt okay - a little sore in my thighs, but did 20 minutes of pilates anyhow. My daughter needed a day off, lol...

    We get it going again tonight!! We are only on level 1, but I am thinking of pushing it to level 2 before the week is out - just to increase the burn...

    Did I mention I LOVE the sore muscle feeling? Lol... strange, I know!!
  • orclem
    orclem Posts: 2
    Did Day 1 this morning...this is the third time I've started the shred, and never completed it (grr). I'm very familiar with Level 1, but I still had a hard time making it through some of the strength (damn you, push-ups!), and the cardio still sucks! Looking forward to it getting easier!
  • jimtripin
    jimtripin Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,

    i'm on day 7 of level 1 and it's going great Jillian does an amazing job motivating you.... i'm hooked on this workout
  • suzikay12
    suzikay12 Posts: 150 Member
    I finished all 3 levels and decided to go back through all levels with heavier weights. I can't believe it but my muscles are sore again first couple days of level 1! Not like it was the first time, but still noticeable.

    Oh yeah and I still can't do both rounds of push ups Natalie style! I'm up to doing about 10 push ups Natalie style and then giving in and going back to Anita style. #damnyoutohellpushups
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    Finished day 3 of level one last night. Not doing them every day just as time permits......I'm really surpised how much strength I get in 30 minutes! Keeps me coming back hopefully more often. I was pretty sore after the first day but now not sore at all the day after. I sooooo feel the burn on the squats with push up with weights move... Ooooooowiiiiiieee!
  • shalomabeth
    shalomabeth Posts: 63 Member
    ok i lost like 20 lb since jan 10
  • CzechFox
    CzechFox Posts: 6
    level 1 day 5 - 1.4 lbs lost so far. I also do 30 minutes high resistance elliptical every day.
  • Snoodle22
    Snoodle22 Posts: 13 Member
    Today would have been my last day of level 1! But.. I missed three days and now I'm playing catch up! Hah ! So its really day.. 8 for me! I haven't seen a difference yet? hopefully I will by the end!
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    Finished day 8 today. Haven't checked measurements but I did Jillian's No More Trouble Zones for a couple of weeks before starting the 30 day shred and I can see a bit of a difference in my saddle-bag area.
  • proudtruckersgirl
    proudtruckersgirl Posts: 42 Member
    I am happy to report that I have finally completed Level 1 and have moved on to Level 2 today. For those of you getting ready to move on, let me say, I think she is trying to kill me. :) I thought level 1 was bad. Boy was I wrong. Okay so now for the results so far.

    My SW before Level 1 was 210 lbs Today I weighed in at 207 lbs and Since doing Level 1 I have lost 6" total. Now on to the next Level!