


  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    What do you guys eat for breakfast

    A large egg fried on two slices of Healthy Life dry toast (140 calories).
    Two eggs on toast (210 calories).
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    What do you guys eat for breakfast[

    Oatmeal with banana and PB2
    egg/toast/ some lite meat.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Thanks to my friend Tony for inviting me to join this fine group. My name is Michael, I go by the call sign WingMan. I acquired that name due to the fact I ride a Honda Goldwing. I am from the great state of Tennessee and am looking forward to getting to know you guys and hanging out with y'all.


    Welcome my friend, you will fit in well with these gentlemen.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    Thanks to my friend Tony for inviting me to join this fine group. My name is Michael, I go by the call sign WingMan. I acquired that name due to the fact I ride a Honda Goldwing. I am from the great state of Tennessee and am looking forward to getting to know you guys and hanging out with y'all.


    welcome to the group!
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    What do you guys eat for breakfast20207794.png
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Usually 1/3 to 1/2 a cup of steal cut oats made with 3.5x the water, some cinnamon, a bit of almond extract, 1/4 to 1/3 a cup of raisins (probably more sugar then I should have but eh, screw it). a pinch of salt (need it, trust me) and top it off with a 1/3 a cup of soymilk.

    400-500 calories, fills you up for hours and has a buttload of fiber (pun intended)
  • teejayjancik
    teejayjancik Posts: 46 Member
    I gotta have my Cheerios and O.J. in the morning or I am lost the rest of the day!
  • DerekG79
    DerekG79 Posts: 116 Member
    Hey guys. I am a 32-year-old dad with 2 foster children and a 6-month-old. I have a lot of weight to lose and I want to do it for myself and my family? Do I qualify for one of those hats? ha ha.

    Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you guys and sharing our struggles together. Feel free to add me. I live in Missouri, work in the publishing industry and like to spend time with family!
    MKLAMAN Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I'm not real active on these boards but I saw the name of this group and HAD to join. 37 years old. 5' 9" from Norwalk, IA (Des Moines Suburbs). Been at this since New Years. Down 34 lbs and I'm pleased with that. I've sort of been at a plateau for the past couple weeks but I've worked through them before, so I'm not concerned. Almost half way to my goal of 175 which was my wrestling weight in high school. Started at 251. In November, I left a VERY active route driver position distributing Naked Juice where I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound. Doing this for my three daughters (10, 7, and 4) and of course my wife. I was on a path to heart disease and an early death. My diary is open if anyone is curous about that. I'm not a "clean eater" by any means. I basically just stay within my calorie goals and eat whatever I want as long as I can make it fit in my calories. Thanks for starting up this group. While I can't say I'll post much, I will most likely lurk here daily. If you're looking for friends, hit me up.
  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    Welcome to the group dwgean1979 and MKLAMAN.
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    44 years old, married, 2 kids, been at this almost 7 months. Life is good!
  • DerekG79
    DerekG79 Posts: 116 Member
    44 years old, married, 2 kids, been at this almost 7 months. Life is good!

    Hey there..welcome!
  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    Welcome to the group waskier
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Hey guys. I am a 32-year-old dad with 2 foster children and a 6-month-old. I have a lot of weight to lose and I want to do it for myself and my family? Do I qualify for one of those hats? ha ha.

    Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you guys and sharing our struggles together. Feel free to add me. I live in Missouri, work in the publishing industry and like to spend time with family!

    Derek my man, fancy seeing you here. WELCOME
  • onemeanman
    I have spent the last bit of time reviewing the weighty discussions of your membership and at this time request admittance.

    It is my understanding that my acceptance to the group will be probationary in nature, until a full meeting of “The Royal Order of Middle Aged Fat Men” (I saw something about an annual convention in Las Vegas…anyone have the dates??) at which time my credentials will be reviewed. If approved, I understand that I will be allowed to participate in the time honored, revered tradition of the “Truffle Shuffle” and that I may also be elgible to receive a hat

    For your consideration:
    • 49 years old and hearing the footsteps of 50
    • Married with 3 kids (all still home and all still spending my money)
    • 6’2” and 249 at the highest
    • Living in Iowa City, IA
    • Hawkeye by marriage, Badger by birth
    • Need to shed pounds and get fit to hold off the 16 yr old son as long as I can.
    • Like pizza
    • Love beer

    Question: Is it required that Grand Poobah Hoss approve my request, our is a seconding by one his lieutenants sufficient?

    Thank you sirs for your time.

    OneMeanMan (Jeff)
  • DerekG79
    DerekG79 Posts: 116 Member
    Hey Tony...didn't know you were here either..Good to see you!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    For your consideration:
    • Like pizza
    :drinker: • Love beer:drinker:


    OneMeanMan (Jeff)
    He has my vote, Welcome Jeff. LOL:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    I understand that I will be allowed to participate in the time honored, revered tradition of the “Truffle Shuffle”

    OneMeanMan (Jeff)

    Anyone who agrees to the "Truffle Shuffle" and likes pizza and beer has my vote.

    Welcome to the group.
  • cryptique
    cryptique Posts: 28
    Hello all. I'm 43, fat virtually all of my life, and trying to do something about it. Again.

    When I was 40 I got up to 420 lbs. (I'm 6' 1"), then lost over 70, then put 50 back on, then lost some, gained some, rinse, repeat. I'm currently somewhere between 380 and 390 and, this being the first day of a new month, I decided to relax my privacy settings a bit, try to come out of my MFP-hermit shell, and find a group to join -- preferably a bunch of guys who could relate to my situation. That would be you.

    So, hi ... I'm Tom. I'm a middle-aged fat man. I aspire to be a middle-aged not-so-fat man, and maybe someday a still-clinging-to-middle-age slim man. (And eventually, an interesting old fart.)

    Carry on.
  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    I decided to relax my privacy settings a bit, try to come out of my MFP-hermit shell, and find a group to join -- preferably a bunch of guys who could relate to my situation. That would be you.

    So, hi ... I'm Tom. I'm a middle-aged fat man. I aspire to be a middle-aged not-so-fat man, and maybe someday a still-clinging-to-middle-age slim man. (And eventually, an interesting old fart.)

    Hi Tom. Welcome to the group.
  • DerekG79
    DerekG79 Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome Tom....looking forward to getting to know you!