The ye ol' welcome post.



  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Kcmomof2, I am so impressed!!!

    Thank you. :smile: It's been a long tough road, but totally worth it. I am very happy where I am at now.
  • so I have already done 1 round of P90X. between P90X and starting to eat healthier i lost 25 pounds since the first of the year. I can say that I am now free of high blood pressure meds. I did the 1st month of insanity but had to stop, not enough time in the day when i was putting in 17 hour days at the time. so I just restarted day 1 of insanity today here are my fit test results.

    1. Switch Kicks 75
    2. Power Jacks 44
    3. Power Knees 80
    4. Power Jumps 30
    5. Globe Jumps 07
    6. Suicide Jumps 20
    7. Push-Up Jacks 18
    8. Low Plank Oblique 40
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    Hey fellow 'Insane' people! :) I'm on my first round of Insanity, into the 3rd week now. The workouts are challenging, to say the least, but I can feel my body changing and adapting each day!

    For those who have done Insanity before, how do you find the 2nd phase of the programme? I don't consider myself to be an 'advanced' exerciser, or even an intermediate one...I'm still in the obese category, a few lbs away from the overweight zone. I only started exercising regularly 4 months ago. So far I'm slowly pushing myself to complete most of the circuits in the 1st phase, but still struggle with certain moves and have to take breaks quite frequently. Is the 2nd phase a 'huge' step up from the 1st? Do share your experiences so I can 'brace myself' mentally for when the time comes!

    And special shoutout to Drblythe for inviting me to this group!! :D Thanks so much for the support and motivation!


    The first round of workouts are tough but I admit I only did one week as I didn't find them hard enough (although don't get me wrong - as you know, they certainly aren't easy!).

    But the second month.... Wow! I think the MAX workouts is where Insanity gets its reputation from! Very hard! I've heard that people who have followed the program properly say that the second month is like starting all over again, and as someone who though the first month was okay, I can certainly vouch for that. They're on a different level. Albeit in a good way - they're a real challenge but fun... if you like a challenge, of course.

    Basically, instead of 2 circuits as you get in month 1, you get 3. However, more than that, the exercises themselves are tougher, so each circuit is also harder going.
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    Hey guys, starting asylum, day 2 over.

    I love it so far, may look at doing insanity later on, or maybe volume 2 of asylum, I hear it should be out in feb/march, which should be right after I finish P90X2.

    Looking forward to see your comments and tips :)
  • Hey...I am just starting out with Insanity.....I did the fit test and first workout a couple months ago, but only had those videos see if I'd like it...and I DO! I now have my own full copies and will be starting either tomorrow or Monday, I haven't decided for sure yet. I'm glad I decided to search for this group...I think it will be great to have others to talk to/***** about the
  • I was sensored! LOL -- I said the dirty word for "gripe" :P
  • jcombs511
    jcombs511 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone! First thanks for having this group I think it'll be really helpful.

    Also I'm new to my fitness pal so please add me as a friend.

    This is my second round of Insanity, the first was last year and helped me lose 60 pounds... too bad I gained back 30... but I'm going to do it this time and keep it off!

    Oh has anyone else noticed that Shaun T barely blinks... lol
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    HI ALL!! Don't know if anyone is still one here that often, but I started my Insanity today. My legs are JELLO!!! But it feels good to get back into it!
  • trev_1979
    trev_1979 Posts: 1
    I'm here! On day 5. It's crazy, but I feel good(and sore)
  • brandirb
    brandirb Posts: 1
    Lovin Insanity - it makes me feel great but I have been doing it for about 2 1/2 weeks and watching my calorie intake and have GAINED weight. Midsection is still as big as ever!! What gives.......????
  • islaybower
    islaybower Posts: 57
    I've just done day 2 of Insanity (the first workout, did the fit test yesterday), and I am SO impressed with it! It's such a well thought out workout. Exactly the right amount of recovery time between the evil circuits. I've just done all my measurements and I'm really hoping it will helpon break me through the 140lb barrier.

    I know I'm going to be taking 4 days off in the middle of month 1 (camping holiday), but I didn't have a clear 65 days between now and October, so I figured I'd better just get on with it!
  • syn89
    syn89 Posts: 1
    Done with week 1 of insanity (first round) the first 3 days were amazing...totally made me realize how out of shape i am. I couldn't walk for the first 2 days but i kept pushing through and the pain went away on its own after day 3, recovery helped so much!
    I'm definitely enjoying this, and plan on doing more than one round.
    So pumped!!!!
  • Hey there! I just started day 1 again of Insanity. I tried it before and got through the first month then ended up stopping. I'm hoping I can find some more motivation on this site!!
  • Zara150
    Zara150 Posts: 53 Member
    Totally love it! My body has changed (look at my prof pic). Lost about 10lbs, I was not that OVER weight but still... I started it again, let's see how it goes :)
  • chinita96
    chinita96 Posts: 141 Member
    Hello everyone! I never knew there was an Insanity group until someone posted about it. I'm glad there is a group! I started Insanity 2 weeks ago and just finished my second fit test last night. It's so motivating to see an improvement. I hope to find more motivation on this site as well.
  • 42diesel
    42diesel Posts: 7
    Hi all, I just finished Insanity this weekend. Really enjoyed it and it worked well for me. I lost 24 pounds and my fit test results at the end were astounding when compared to the start.

    Anyway, wish I had discovered this site before but I'm going to start Insanity again this week as my goal is to lose another 30 pounds. I'll start using MFP now to log food and exercise and see if I can do even better this time around.

    Please add me as a friend if you're looking for Insanity motivation!

    Keep your core tight, focus and go :)
  • @ chinta96 Agreed! I'm glad I found these boards as well... A little extra motivation and accountability never hurts!!! That's awesome that you saw improvements on your second fit test! I'm on Day 59 and can't believe how fast the time has gone by!!! You'll be amazed at how much your fit test numbers increase by the time you're on your last one!!! :)
  • Stking
    Stking Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on Day 3 of Insanity and so far, I can say I love it!! I'm a 5'5 female and my goal is to lose close to 30 lbs. If I get even half of my weight loss goal with this workout, i'll be more than happy. It's defintiely tough but every day I actually feel motivated to try the next workout (which I never felt when I had to go to the gym). I'm pretty sore but its a good sore, it helps if you work out with someone. My friend, my boyfriend and I are all doing it together so we can each keep each other motivated!

    I hope to hear everyone's progress and results :smile:
  • @Stking that's awesome! Congrats starting Insanity! I feel the same way.... motivated and excited for the next day's workout! Believe it or not, it's an addictive program!!! Keep up the good work, it's great that you've got a support group to keep you accountable! :)