May Progress



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Well Boo...I had a funky workout today. I did 155 on squats today and it felt like crap. It's like I had nothing left to give after that. :(
    I had to get to the Gym when I would normally be eating lunch so that could be part of it? I don't know I think the barbell might have broke me....haha!

    So squats 155 5x5 I think I'm going to deload anyway
    Row -75 stalled 3rd time
    Bench 70 stalled 3rd time

    I thinkthose are really good numbers actually? For how long you have been working out and how relatively light you already are.

    Have you picked up fractional plates yet? You might need them to get past your row and bench press - a deload at 155 for squats seems more than good. I wouldn't think at those numbers that you're necessarily stalling due to undereating although if you think that might be the case you could always try eating at mainteannce or sliiightly above (50 cals a day above? or 100 on workout days?) and see if you feel like it helps.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    OHP I use what I think my lean body mass should be and the range for women in the advanced catagory for OHP is between 65-125lbs the top weight being 199+
    I think I should be at 130 ish so my max should be about 85lbs --- and OHP are hard!
    for squats its 168 the range is 129- 242. I don't know if this table is for your best max 1 rep or for multi-reps/sets. I recall Mehdi saying that you're in the novice catagory until you've been lifting for like 2 yrs. I'm looking at advanced because I'm looking at ultimate goals. No desire to be an elite lifter.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Janda - Those are awesome numbers! But yeah, if you are stalling on strength increases, fractional plates or moar food!

    Dawn - I think 2100 sounds like a good number in your case. I would start with that 100 calories for your deficit and if see how it goes for a while and then you can always lower again by 100 calories or go back to maintenance depending on how you feel.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Managed to squeeze a workout in. It'll probably be the only one I get to do for the rest of the week other than walking back and forth from the show barn a million times.

    Squat - 85
    OHP - 60 stalled 2x5, 1x4, 1x3, 1x2
    DL - 85

    I hated OHP's from the start. I knew I had a weak upper body and felt like they just magnified it. However, it's gotten to the point that I kind of like the days that I up the weight and fail. The last few times it's happened I've noticed it's then that I can really feel my core engage with this corseting wraparound effect. Not to mention my CNS goes wonky, so I must be doing something right, right?
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Hey Ladies! I'm new :)

    This is where I'm starting out:

    Squat - 95lb
    Bench - 65 lb
    Row - 55lb
    Press - 45lb
    Deadlift - 100lb
  • Janda06
    Janda06 Posts: 168 Member
    Well Boo...I had a funky workout today. I did 155 on squats today and it felt like crap. It's like I had nothing left to give after that. :(
    I had to get to the Gym when I would normally be eating lunch so that could be part of it? I don't know I think the barbell might have broke me....haha!

    So squats 155 5x5 I think I'm going to deload anyway
    Row -75 stalled 3rd time
    Bench 70 stalled 3rd time

    I thinkthose are really good numbers actually? For how long you have been working out and how relatively light you already are.

    Have you picked up fractional plates yet? You might need them to get past your row and bench press - a deload at 155 for squats seems more than good. I wouldn't think at those numbers that you're necessarily stalling due to undereating although if you think that might be the case you could always try eating at mainteannce or sliiightly above (50 cals a day above? or 100 on workout days?) and see if you feel like it helps.

    I'm going to go ahead and deload my squat weight and look at buying some fractional plates. I think the stall from bench and row is because the squat weight is so much work. I'm eating around 2300 calories so I'm eating plenty...maybe caffeine right before workout?!

    I might go another route to try and cut some fat. Drop my squat/dead weight and work on moving up but in a deficit.

    :) Night ladies
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Soooo, I really need to focus more when I'm trying to hustle to get my workouts done before picking up the hubby. I did OHP last night... was supposed to do benches. Doh!

    Got all 5 sets of 5 reps of squats at 130, form a little shakey so gonna call that a fail and do it over. Amazing how much the tip of "holding a 'tennis ball'" under your chin" for head position and "try to pull apart the floor with your feet". Don't remember who said that, I think it was Tameko. Thank you at any rate!

    Somehow, while getting my "game face" on during squats, I hurt my neck, can't turn my head to the right. Been icing it. May have to wait till Saturday for my 3rd workout this week. grr.

    OHP was 60
    Rows 95 but still not getting all of them to my chest so fail on that one too.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello ladies!! I started 5x5 near the beginning of April and got an invite to join the group around that time but have not posted much here. Anyway...I started May at:

    Squats - 85#
    OHP - 60# (fail - only 4 reps in 2nd set)
    Deadlift - 125#

    Will be lifting again tonight and going for:

    Squats - 90#
    Bench - 70#
    Row - 65#

    I will be sure to report back!!

    As of right now, I am only lifting twice per week, with a random 3rd day thrown in when my schedule allows, but it is the exception rather than the rule. My lift days are Tues and Thurs right now and, as I said, I will sometimes do Saturday but it means I miss out on the bootcamp class that I love.

    I increased my calories about a month ago (1700 plus exercise calories) and after watching the number on the scale go up and up finally decided yesterday to put the bloody thing in the closet. I don't intend to look at it again for at least another month and will be relying on my clothes to tell me if I'm making any progress. Fingers crossed.
  • Janda06
    Janda06 Posts: 168 Member
    Great work ladies!!!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    You all are doing so excellent!

    Has anyone taken any videos of themselves doing pendlay rows? I can't seem to find videos of people doing them at a lower weight. I'm having this issue where stacking up plates is really obnoxious (they don't stack nicely on one another and move around when I put the bar down, and I don't have anything else to set the bar on since I do this at home), and it seems like either my long torso or short arms (or both) is getting in the way of having good form (along with having the bar not raised off the ground enough it seems). So I try to keep my back flat and chest/head up, but then to get a hold of the bar, I have to bend my knees to get low enough, almost like a deadlift. So then when I try to do rows, my knees are sticking out too much and the bar hits them. So then if I don't bend my knees as much, I end up with my butt too high, and I feel it in my lower back, rather than my upper back and triceps (which I think is where I should be feeling this, but not sure because I don't think I have been doing them right since I started).

    Also, how wide should the grip be for these?
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    it happened, i failed. and... i like it! something to overcome. a point where i will be able to push to train myself beyond what i am currently capable of. and that is very cool.

    65 on OHP and i could only get 4 reps on the last two sets.
    i *think* i will be able to pull it in the next round or 2 and not necessarily get to the point of deloading.
    we'll see.

    squats at 115 and DL at 135 were awesome, especially DL since it was nice to have the big weights on.
    i can't help it, i just think it looks so damn cool :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You all are doing so excellent!

    Has anyone taken any videos of themselves doing pendlay rows? I can't seem to find videos of people doing them at a lower weight. I'm having this issue where stacking up plates is really obnoxious (they don't stack nicely on one another and move around when I put the bar down, and I don't have anything else to set the bar on since I do this at home), and it seems like either my long torso or short arms (or both) is getting in the way of having good form (along with having the bar not raised off the ground enough it seems). So I try to keep my back flat and chest/head up, but then to get a hold of the bar, I have to bend my knees to get low enough, almost like a deadlift. So then when I try to do rows, my knees are sticking out too much and the bar hits them. So then if I don't bend my knees as much, I end up with my butt too high, and I feel it in my lower back, rather than my upper back and triceps (which I think is where I should be feeling this, but not sure because I don't think I have been doing them right since I started).

    Also, how wide should the grip be for these?

    My knees are bent when I do mine, but I've never hit them. I'd offer to take a video but I have bumper plates.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Also, how wide should the grip be for these?

    I "hook" grip. I only started stacking plates under my bar, so I don't have anything to offer you. I just got myself into a low deadlift start position, which was really taxing on my quads.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Also, how wide should the grip be for these?

    I "hook" grip. I only started stacking plates under my bar, so I don't have anything to offer you. I just got myself into a low deadlift start position, which was really taxing on my quads.

    I am new at this. What do you mean by stacking plates under the bar?? what is hook grip?
    Also if anyone can help, does anyone have trouble with pain on the upper back where the bar sits during squats?? i am only squating 65 pounds now and its already getting uncomfortable....
    Also how do you know if your form is off doing overhead press?? I feel like towards the last set, I am leaning my head back some and my belly pushes out a little. Does this mean my form is bad? should I not increase my weight next time??? Today was only my third day doing SL so i am still trying to figure things out!

  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Also, how wide should the grip be for these?

    I "hook" grip. I only started stacking plates under my bar, so I don't have anything to offer you. I just got myself into a low deadlift start position, which was really taxing on my quads.

    I am new at this. What do you mean by stacking plates under the bar?? what is hook grip?
    Also if anyone can help, does anyone have trouble with pain on the upper back where the bar sits during squats?? i am only squating 65 pounds now and its already getting uncomfortable....
    Also how do you know if your form is off doing overhead press?? I feel like towards the last set, I am leaning my head back some and my belly pushes out a little. Does this mean my form is bad? should I not increase my weight next time??? Today was only my third day doing SL so i am still trying to figure things out!


    You usually have better form when you stack plates or risers under each end of the bar, so it is lifted off of the ground more so you don't have to bend down to reach it.

    A hook grip is gripping with the thumb mostly and the fingers are on the outside of the thumb when gripping the bar. It's not the grip SL recommends so I wouldn't worry about it.

    I have some discomfort in my upper back where the bar sits while I do squats, but not after. Make sure your form is good here. This is a good video on the low bar form -

    For the OH press, your abs should be engage and tight, and when you lift the bar over your head, your forward should almost push forward to help get the bar up (it sounds weird, but it works). Here is a good video:
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    We have training plates at my gym and I'm really grateful for that.

    I've had a ****ay day today. I was inexplicably floored by MCA's death and I my lifting this morning was underwhelming. I think it's a matter of unrealistic expectations which is also a bummer since it isn't a matter of "tighten your glutes and everything will fall into place". I want to lift a combined squat/bench/deads 500 at this July meet and that may simply not be able to happen. I have to wrap my brain around that being okay. Wah wah wah.

    I spent some time looking at Westside Barbell's program for powerlifting minded lifters and I was sort of meh about all the assistance exercise. I like that Stronglifts is all barbell all the time. Sooo, I think I need to just get over myself and whatever I lift in July, I lift. I've only really been doing this real-deal style since October. Maybe I can put that on my shirt at the competition. :)
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Taking a break from the show barn... I just watch one of Elliot Hulses videos. He was using a tire covered with a mat to catch a super heavy dumbell. I'm wonding if it would work for getting the bar in the right position for deads or for catching the drops on other lifts, for those of us lifting at home. I may keep my eye out for some ruined atv tires and try it.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Yesterday I went just to stay with it since I'm still trying to gear up for my first 5K on Saturday and felt great! I'm so slow so trying to increase my speed. I stayed with the same numbers: Squat 100, Bench 60, and Barbell Row 75. I really can't imagine increasing more on the bench, but I didn't fail so that was a plus! Awesome seeing everyone keeping with it! Whoot Whoot! :drinker:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Hey peeps.

    Just finished my first SL workout...I started with A, I figured that was as good a place as any.

    Squats: 75 lbs
    Since I was only doing 5 reps, I found that I really focused on my form. I also wore my Converse...what a huge difference!

    Rows: 55 lbs
    I might need to video myself...I think my form was not right.

    Bench: 60 lbs
    Felt good...I'm so glad my gym has 2.5 pound plates. :laugh:

    I did a 10 minute HIIT workout when I was done too. So far so good!
  • yellowbrehm
    Hello all,
    Started SL on April 19th

    145 squats
    65 bench press
    55 overhead press
    65 pendlay rows
    145 deadlift

    I'm also a runner. Anyone else doing SL and distance running?