October 2012 due dates?



  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    I have an appointment at 16 weeks- May 11th, but I can't find out the sex until I'm 20 weeks- my doctor's rule. I think I'm ok with waiting this time around- I'm not as anxious I guess since it's my second- I don't know! Last time I had a dream beforehand that it was a girl- and it was! Still waiting for a gender-reveal dream for this one:) My mom and I were thinking it's a boy, just because I've been so much sicker this time around, but I know that can be misleading.

    We have a fun idea for the gender reveal this time- maybe some of you have heard of a Pink/Blue Party...? We have the ultrasound tech write down the sex of the baby and seal it in an envelope- we don't even find out at that point! Then we take it to a baker, and have them make cupcakes with either a pink or blue filling. We then have our friends/family over for the party and all bite into the cupcakes at the same time to find out! Plus those who think it's a boy wear blue to the party, and a girl, pink. I'm excited for this lil' spin on things:) So I guess about 6 more weeks til I find out!
  • nicolenoel
    nicolenoel Posts: 25 Member
    My midwife comes out for a visit tomorrow and she is going to discuss getting an ultrasound ordered. I'm hoping we can go in sometime the week of May 7th, i will be 17 weeks and as long as the baby cooperates, we can find out the gender. We have 1 of each so I really have no preference on the sex, I am just very impatient and anxious to find out. =) I have had a feeling from the beginning that the baby was a boy and I have been right both other times so I guess we will see!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    We are keeping names a secret this time because of my mom and MIL. I don't want/need their opinions!!! ha ha

    We're not telling anybody our names (or ideas) either. I don't want anybody to make a comment that will make me doubt the names we've chosen. The last time my SIL was pregnant, our FIL gave her a list of names he wanted them to choose from! Of course, there were several Polish male/female variations of his name on the list. I think he gave them a list because he was disappointed they didn't chose a Polish name for their first child. Uh, hello?! You had two kids, you've already had your chance to pick names!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Just checking in- how is everyone doing? I'm finally starting to feel like my pants are too tight! I couldn't button my dress pants this morning- rigged them with a ponytail holder. :)

    I have my next appt May 2 and I am more than excited to hear the heartbeat again! We've told our family and close friends the good news and I think after the next Dr's appt we'll spread the good word to everyone. I've been a little paranoid and didn't want to tell anyone too soon.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Just checking in- how is everyone doing? I'm finally starting to feel like my pants are too tight! I couldn't button my dress pants this morning- rigged them with a ponytail holder. :)

    I have my next appt May 2 and I am more than excited to hear the heartbeat again! We've told our family and close friends the good news and I think after the next Dr's appt we'll spread the good word to everyone. I've been a little paranoid and didn't want to tell anyone too soon.

    I got myself two pairs of belly bands, one in brown and one in black which hide my unbuttoned pants pretty well, it will let me expand the use of my current wardrobe at least another month or so! I highly recommend them.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Just checking in- how is everyone doing? I'm finally starting to feel like my pants are too tight! I couldn't button my dress pants this morning- rigged them with a ponytail holder. :)

    I have my next appt May 2 and I am more than excited to hear the heartbeat again! We've told our family and close friends the good news and I think after the next Dr's appt we'll spread the good word to everyone. I've been a little paranoid and didn't want to tell anyone too soon.

    Last weekend I dug out a hair elastic and did the same thing for my jeans! As for dress pants, I still had some old "fat clothes" around, so I started wearing them this week. They're a bit loose in the waist, and super baggy in the butt. Doesn't look that great, but I'm not quite ready for maternity pants yet. At this point my waist has grown some, but I REALLY feel the weight gain in my butt and legs, especially when I'm wearing jeans. :grumble:

    Yesterday I told my boss and supervisor that I'm pregnant. They were both really happy for me (might help that they're both women?) but sad that I'll be leaving them in Oct.They've had a hard time in the past finding someone to do my job that a) sticks around more than 2-3 months b) is well liked by the other staff. Hopefully that means if I decide to go back to work after my mat leave there will be a job available for me! (Still undecided about going back to work, plus I'm "part-time" working full time hours, so they may not be able to hold my job.)
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    I can't believe all you ladies who aren't even in Maternity pants yet...although I think my first time around I didn't show til 16-ish weeks. But I'm almost 14 weeks and have been in Maternity clothes for like 3 weeks already- got quite the baby bump, but have only gained 5 lbs! Oh well- I'll stop being jealous of you all now;)
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I now have three pairs of maternity pants to make it through work and a couple pairs of jeans/shorts to make it through the summer. Trying to not go overboard on clothes I'll only wear for a couple of months.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Still no maternity clothes here- I have to wear tall pants so I'm a little nervous about looking for maternity pants for work. I've been keeping my eyes open though. I'm hoping I start showing soon- I just look like I'm gaining all the weight I lost in the past year!

    I went to the Dr. yesterday and heard a nice strong heartbeat. It's amazing how such a small thing can make your whole day brighter. My husband recorded so I watched it several times throughout the day :)

    I have to share the news with my softball team tonight. They're going to be bummed they're losing their first basemen (well, eventually). I'm still playing for as long as I'm comfortable. Anyone else playing any sports right now?
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Haven't checked in here in awhile so here I am. I'm 15 weeks today and up 10 lbs, good grief!! The mild nausea and bottomess pit feeling in the 1st trimester really packed on the lbs =(. However since about 13 weeks all that has gone away and I have a somewhat "normal" appetite back thank goodness and can control my intake better. I've increased my calories this past week by 150. Amazingly I didn't gain any weight this week, wow.

    I am too big for my regular size 4's but have been wearing belly bands over them. Haven't been able to button them for at least a month so the belly bands have been great. I have also been wearing some of my old maternity pants some but they are too big and slide down, but are still comfy.

    Please someone make me feel better and tell me you've gained close to that amount too?!! lol
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Hi ladies, new to the board! First time mama, 36 years old, 15 weeks and due Oct 26. I feel great finally, and am looking forward to feeling the baby move and having the anatomy scan in June. We're going to find out what this baby is, and if/when we have a second, let that one be a surprise :) Too much new stuff for me not to be able to plan a nursery or clothes!!
  • Mandya0503
    Mandya0503 Posts: 17 Member
    This is my second pregnancy and I'm in maternity pants and have been for about 3 weeks now(currently 18 1/2 weeks). I showed much later though with my daughter.

    Had my big u/s on Thursday (which was my birthday!) and found out we are on team BLUE!! So excited to have a boy this time!!! Hooray!
  • Mandya0503
    Mandya0503 Posts: 17 Member
    Haven't checked in here in awhile so here I am. I'm 15 weeks today and up 10 lbs, good grief!! The mild nausea and bottomess pit feeling in the 1st trimester really packed on the lbs =(. However since about 13 weeks all that has gone away and I have a somewhat "normal" appetite back thank goodness and can control my intake better. I've increased my calories this past week by 150. Amazingly I didn't gain any weight this week, wow.

    I am too big for my regular size 4's but have been wearing belly bands over them. Haven't been able to button them for at least a month so the belly bands have been great. I have also been wearing some of my old maternity pants some but they are too big and slide down, but are still comfy.

    Please someone make me feel better and tell me you've gained close to that amount too?!! lol

    At my last appt, I'd gained 7 I think so I'm sure I'm at 10+ now!!! :(
  • amandalynn636
    amandalynn636 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm due 10/11/12. This is my second baby so chances are, I won't deliver exactly on my due date, but it would be super cool if I did. I went to one of those specialty Ultrasound places, at 14 weeks, and found out that we are having a girl! So now, I will have one of each!! I can't wait. I just hope it's not true what they say, that the babies get bigger the more you have, because my son was 9 lbs 10 oz! Of course I gained 115 lbs with him so I am hoping that may have had something to do with his size.
  • ashleyplus3
    ashleyplus3 Posts: 284 Member
    I am due 10/6. Just found out we are having a boy. I just turned 39 (can't believe it) and this will be baby #4. I currently have a 16, 10 and 2 1/2 year old. Girl, boy, girl and now another boy! I joined MFP over a year ago and got almost to my goal weight and then stopped counting calories for some reason, and gained about 10 pounds back, then found out I was pregnant, and haven't counted anything but the numbers on the scale growing!! I gained 50 - 55 pounds with each of my 3 children and am well on my way to gaining that much again and MORE if things keep going the way they have been! :-( So this is my desperate attempt to reach out and maybe get some encouragement to start counting calories again. I counted calories for 1 day about a month ago, so hopefully I can stick with it a little longer this time!!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Congrats and welcome to the newer ladies!

    Just checking in here... anyone else having a case of the crazies? I had a serious "moment" and brokedown because I felt so incredibly fat. I don't look pregnant and I just feel large. Then I saw this little tiny, cute pregnant woman walk by and made me feel even worse. Ugh- I know everyone is different but, wow, did I get emotional over something so silly.

    I'm only up about 4 lbs but I feel like it's 15!!
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Congrats and welcome to the newer ladies!

    Just checking in here... anyone else having a case of the crazies? I had a serious "moment" and brokedown because I felt so incredibly fat. I don't look pregnant and I just feel large. Then I saw this little tiny, cute pregnant woman walk by and made me feel even worse. Ugh- I know everyone is different but, wow, did I get emotional over something so silly.

    I'm only up about 4 lbs but I feel like it's 15!!

    Umm yeah yesterday at my appointment, after I got weighed, my mood completely changed. I was holding back tears & I know the doctor could tell something was wrong. I had gained 7 lbs in a month!!!! I thought I had only gained about 4 so I was very very upset. I had just had an ultrasound and everything is just perfect with the baby & all I could do was be upset about my weight gain. I definitely felt crazy and very ungrateful.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    kerrbear- Were your appointment times at the same time?? I had an appointment today at 3:15 and according to their scales, I had gained 6 since last month...but my last appointment was in the morning before I ate anything, so I'm not getting upset about it...if you're keeping track at home- then go by that scale. I know it's hard to not be upset, but seriously- if we are doing everything right (not going overboard, still working out), then what's a little weight in the end??
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    kerrbear- Were your appointment times at the same time?? I had an appointment today at 3:15 and according to their scales, I had gained 6 since last month...but my last appointment was in the morning before I ate anything, so I'm not getting upset about it...if you're keeping track at home- then go by that scale. I know it's hard to not be upset, but seriously- if we are doing everything right (not going overboard, still working out), then what's a little weight in the end??

    Omg Jillsie I hadn't thought about that. Matter of fact the last one was first thing in morning and this one was after lunch. So that could explain some of it. Can't believe I didn't think of that. And you are very right about what's a little weight in the end. Like I was telling my dr. though I was just so upset because I am counting calories, eating healthy most of the time, & still working out so it was almost making me want to give up. I lost the 45 lbs I gained last pregnancy plus 10 more so I know I can lose whatever I gain, but I was so hoping not to gain that much this time. =( We should just worry about our healthy babies right? lol
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Gender scan tonight at 8pm! Fingers crossed that the baby's legs won't be ;)