challenging myself this month, who's with me? (:



  • yahifranch
    yahifranch Posts: 15 Member
    I will join for the rest of the month. I did well for a couple of days starting this month and then have been binging since. Some days I stay under the calorie goal because I am not eating enough during the day or exercise a lot. School is giving me a really hard time in these days and I need the strength to focus on my studies and not on how much I am eating. It has been like this for years now. I need to stop.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Me- 6
    Binge- 1

    This includes today.
  • leesee88
    leesee88 Posts: 54 Member

    yesterday i discovered with great relief that i wont be needing a maternity bathing suit this summer.
    I did not binge.
    i wonder if the stress of my long missed period had anything to do with the damage i did these last 4 weeks. sorry if that is TMI, but i guess its just something to consider.

    We will see what happens tonight! I am feeling very positive about it though, i think I should be fine :)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I'm challenging myself to fill out my food diary each and every day of the month of May regardless of what I eat.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Me - 5
    Ed - 2

    Today will be a good day. Ed is resting right now.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    I'm challenging myself to fill out my food diary each and every day of the month of May regardless of what I eat.

    I really need to challenge myself to log every food BEFORE IT GOES INTO MY MOUTH...Notice how I said "I really need to"...not "I will" or "I am"....the addict in me still wants to be able to binge! Sick but true. Can anyone relate even a little bit to not wanting to let go of the bingeing? Or am I the only crazy one?

    I really REALLY need to find a better coping mechanism than food.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Nope, you're not the only crazy one dear. Bingeing is our outlet. Without a successful replacement coping mechanism (or several!), we are doomed. Even with those alternatives, we still might feel best (temporarily) when we revert back to our ED behavior. It is a behavior we have perfected for so many years, and it always does what it is meant to do - allow us to avoid our emotions, that is.

    Working towards changing that behavior is by far the most difficult task I've ever attempted, mentally that is. Some say ignorance is bliss - I say avoidance is bliss. The hardest part IMO? Continuing after failure. Why would I want to keep doing something I suck at? Something I try over and over and over to change or stop doing and continue to fall on my face?

    I'm good at avoiding my emotions. I'm good at hiding food. I'm good at hiding how many calories I eat from other people. I'm good at pretending to be normal. I'm good at avoiding social situations that revolve around food. Or, if I feel like it, I'm good at participating in those same social situations and eat anything and everything I want. But the middle road? Going to the function AND trying to behave in a healthy manner? That's TOUGH.

    No sane person would continue to do something that makes them feel bad about themselves. Wait. WHAT?? Isn't that what we do when we binge? So, with this theory, no matter what we do, we're probably going to feel bad? Am I hearing myself correctly? Yup. The only difference is we know 100% for sure bingeing will make us unhappy, but at least there is a chance of satisfaction with trying to change our behavior.

    And the more we practice alternative coping mechanisms, the more they will feel comfortable - and eventually, hopefully, they will feel just as comfortable as our ED behavior.
  • leesee88
    leesee88 Posts: 54 Member
    I really need to challenge myself to log every food BEFORE IT GOES INTO MY MOUTH...Notice how I said "I really need to"...not "I will" or "I am"....the addict in me still wants to be able to binge! Sick but true. Can anyone relate even a little bit to not wanting to let go of the bingeing? Or am I the only crazy one?

    I really REALLY need to find a better coping mechanism than food.

    This is totally normal. The same trend can be found in any addiction! We know its bad, but its hard to walk away from the high. And finding other ways to cope is NOT easy either. I love going out of control with food in that moment, but i hate the affects it has on me immediately afterwards and in the long term.

    Binge MONSTER- 4

    We are tied, and I will be the only one accruing points for the rest of this month.
    Bye bye Monster. Hello Control, Healthy, and Bikini!
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Nope, you're not the only crazy one dear. Bingeing is our outlet. Without a successful replacement coping mechanism (or several!), we are doomed. Even with those alternatives, we still might feel best (temporarily) when we revert back to our ED behavior. It is a behavior we have perfected for so many years, and it always does what it is meant to do - allow us to avoid our emotions, that is.

    Working towards changing that behavior is by far the most difficult task I've ever attempted, mentally that is. Some say ignorance is bliss - I say avoidance is bliss. The hardest part IMO? Continuing after failure. Why would I want to keep doing something I suck at? Something I try over and over and over to change or stop doing and continue to fall on my face?

    I'm good at avoiding my emotions. I'm good at hiding food. I'm good at hiding how many calories I eat from other people. I'm good at pretending to be normal. I'm good at avoiding social situations that revolve around food. Or, if I feel like it, I'm good at participating in those same social situations and eat anything and everything I want. But the middle road? Going to the function AND trying to behave in a healthy manner? That's TOUGH.

    No sane person would continue to do something that makes them feel bad about themselves. Wait. WHAT?? Isn't that what we do when we binge? So, with this theory, no matter what we do, we're probably going to feel bad? Am I hearing myself correctly? Yup. The only difference is we know 100% for sure bingeing will make us unhappy, but at least there is a chance of satisfaction with trying to change our behavior.

    And the more we practice alternative coping mechanisms, the more they will feel comfortable - and eventually, hopefully, they will feel just as comfortable as our ED behavior.

    YES!! Beautifully written. Thank you!!!!
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member

    This is totally normal. The same trend can be found in any addiction! We know its bad, but its hard to walk away from the high. And finding other ways to cope is NOT easy either. I love going out of control with food in that moment, but i hate the affects it has on me immediately afterwards and in the long term.

    Thank you! I totally relate and agree!!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Me: 8
    Binge: 1

    Includes today.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    I've been really struggling with the restricting part of my bingeing..usually eating 800 calories a day for the majority of the week and then going way over on the weekend. However, yesterday I ate 1310 and am feeling really good about it! I still have some guilt, I don't know why. I always feel like I like to see my calories under 1,000 even though that's crazy talk, especially because I love running and working out! I'm hoping that upping my calories for the rest of this week, (1,200-1,300?) will prevent the weekend binge. Fingers crossed! The support here is so comforting, I've never been able to be honest about this.:smile:
  • leesee88
    leesee88 Posts: 54 Member
    me 5
    binge monster 4

    almost lost it with a box of lemon heads last night. i was able to stop after 2 servings though, and still remained under my calories.
    quite worried about this coming weekend... friday saturday and sunday all have some sort of mothers day eating activity planned.

    i will have to focus on enjoying the company, which i know i cant do if i am preoccupied with food/ eatiing food/ or being uncomfortably full.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    All this keeping track is throwing me off..but my last binge was on May 3rd. Day 10 today!
  • k0vieira
    k0vieira Posts: 7
    I'm with you! BINGE FREE FOR 30 DAYS! harah! it's going to be extremely difficult! :( but we could all do it! You could do anything if you set your mind to it! :)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I'm challenging myself to fill out my food diary each and every day of the month of May regardless of what I eat.

    And have held myself to it even though I haven't wanted to. Thanks to you guys for being here to hold me accountable.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Me - 6
    Ed - 7

    Today will be a good day. I feel much more in control when my days are structured and schedule-oriented.
  • Strawberry_1
    Strawberry_1 Posts: 10 Member
    I was diagnosed with EDNOS yesturday, so this is perfect! 2 days down, 28 more to go!
  • Strawberry_1
    Strawberry_1 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been really struggling with the restricting part of my bingeing..usually eating 800 calories a day for the majority of the week and then going way over on the weekend. However, yesterday I ate 1310 and am feeling really good about it! I still have some guilt, I don't know why. I always feel like I like to see my calories under 1,000 even though that's crazy talk, especially because I love running and working out! I'm hoping that upping my calories for the rest of this week, (1,200-1,300?) will prevent the weekend binge. Fingers crossed! The support here is so comforting, I've never been able to be honest about this.:smile:
    I have the same problem! If you continue to eat less then 1000 calories you may run into the same issues I have (amenorhea, and osteoporosis...not fun) Eatting more is hard, but we can do it!
    PS I had to eat over 2000 calories today to replace the calories I burned for my 10km run this morning, so I feel your pain
  • leesee88
    leesee88 Posts: 54 Member
    binge monster:8

    Sort of fell off the radar there.
    I had a good 3 day streak and then a 4 day disaster.

    I am on day 3 of another good streak, i really hope to make it atleast 5 days in a row this time. More would be better, ofcourse! But the weekends are still such a challenge...