Avengers post viewing discussion: Spoiler Warning



  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    So I took my 4 year old and after weeks of him being overly excited about it, I got so much joy from the looks he gave me. Everytime he saw something "awesome", which was every 2 minutes, he would look at me with the most excited expression on his face. Big eyes, mouth wide open or in a huge smile...

    I also have to say, one of MY favorite scenes was when Capt America was giving out orders to the group and finsihed with " Hulk.....Smash." And then again, when he was giving out orders to the cops. "Why should we take orders from you?!?" -Captain America takes out 3 guys at once: OK!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I actually lay awake for half the night on Friday smiling and reliving all the greatness. :)

    My fave line was Stark called Thor "Point Break". If Whedon had been in the theater beside me I think I'd have given him head right then.

    The Hulk was the scene stealer for me too. The tension they managed to build up around him by having all the Avengers (except Thor) kind of quietly afraid of him was spectacular.

    "I tried. I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out" lololol

    I actually missed the "Puny God" line because the whole cinema was in uproar at that point. I could see Hulk said something but I couldn't hear it.

    The really mind blowing thing for me was how Whedon managed to balance every character out in terms of power and necessity. The whole movie was like the best "who would win in a fight" discussion ever. Hulk not being able to pick up Mjolnir - brilliant, Captain America being weaker but the only one capable of truly leading with military decisions - brilliant. I don't even think you could have extracted Black Widow or Hawkeye from the script without everything crumbling. Every character was a vital tentpole. ****ing Amazing writing. Haven't seen a script that tight since Edgar Wright wrote Hot Fuzz.

    And THANOS at the end. omg omg omg omg.

    Interesting after story - as I walked out of the the theater, the two kids in front of me were actually bigger nerds than I am. One kid was explaining to the other how the whole Schwarma thing harks back to Nicholas Brendan's casting schtick for the first season of Buffy. How the *hell* does someone get *that* nerdy? I love people. ^_^
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Stark to Thor
    'Doth ones mother know you are wearing her drapes?'

    What a great movie - chock full of hilarious lines. Must see over and over and over.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I shouted with glee during the movie!

    I really liked Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury! He is the man!
  • VertigoDeath83
    Looooved this movie! Laughed so freakin hard when Loki yelled at Hulk to stop and then Hulk just smashed the ever loving crap outta him. :laugh:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I loved this so much I talked about it for like 3 days straight and since there was only my husband to hear about it I'm not sure he appreciated it by the end (although he did think it was cute as I never get that happy with things - I usually am too nitpicky - yeah, I'm THAT nerd) and I was SO PROUD of Joss Whedon for not effing it up at ALL - I was honestly a tiny bit worried he'd get carried away but someone reined him in just right and the things he shines at REALLY sh..shined? shone? Anyway. It was great.

    But yeah. I loved it. I spent at least 2 hours talking about what would or wouldn't be an awesome avengers tattoo and decided I couldn't think of anything.

    we walked out before the shwarma scene though - Kind of spaced out on it plus we both had to pee.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I think I have exsausted everyone I know by talking about how much I love this movie. I loved everything about it. Unfortinatly my sister almost had to have her mouth duct taped shut because apperantly she cant stand Hawk eye or black widow and according to her they where never that cool in the comic. But whatever. the movie delivered on all its promise and (besides my sister who hates pretty much every comic book movie) I have yet to meet one person who didnt nerd out a little when talking about the movie
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I think I have exsausted everyone I know by talking about how much I love this movie. I loved everything about it. Unfortinatly my sister almost had to have her mouth duct taped shut because apperantly she cant stand Hawk eye or black widow and according to her they where never that cool in the comic. But whatever. the movie delivered on all its promise and (besides my sister who hates pretty much every comic book movie) I have yet to meet one person who didnt nerd out a little when talking about the movie

    dude who complains when they take a character and make it COOLER? Seriously. who?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    My fave line was Stark called Thor "Point Break". If Whedon had been in the theater beside me I think I'd have given him head right then.

    I loved Stark's names for the others - Reindeer Games, Point Break and Legolas all had me laughing.

    We saw the movie on a late Wednesday afternoon, so theater wasn't crowded and we caught Hulk's 'puny god' line - great theater crowd too, lots of laughs, although I do think my family laughed longest and loudest at the Legolas line.

    It's been a long time since I've seen a film that I'd consider paying to see twice, but Joss pulled it off - I'd love to go see this one again - can't wait for it to come out on DVD!

    And for some reason I wore my Firefly tee (Wash's 'curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!' dinosaurs) that day, having no idea we would see Avengers that afternoon - coincidence? I think not! :laugh:
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    My fave line was Stark called Thor "Point Break". If Whedon had been in the theater beside me I think I'd have given him head right then.

    I loved Stark's names for the others - Reindeer Games, Point Break and Legolas all had me laughing.

    We saw the movie on a late Wednesday afternoon, so theater wasn't crowded and we caught Hulk's 'puny god' line - great theater crowd too, lots of laughs, although I do think my family laughed longest and loudest at the Legolas line.

    I think I was the only one laughing at the Point Break line, but "puny god" got applause (on a Wednesday night).
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    Don't forget Shepherd Book... Joss killed him, too.

    That one pisses me off the most. I wanted to know his story more then anybodys.

    Agreed. Was surprised that Shepherd got killed off without us ever finding out his backstory. Perhaps it's a good thing Serenity didn't do so well. :-) Wonder who Joss would've dusted off in Serenity 2...

    ^ seconded!

    Sorry, just another quick detour... apparently there was a comic book released that covered his backstory.


    My understanding is that it sucked.....

    Ugh..looks like a pretty half-assed effort

    Not the best, but I wouldn't say it sucked. It moves backwards in time, so that was pretty cool. Also, I just had to know the story.
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    I was totally talking about Agent Coulson. Joss's bodycount is legendary. I still haven't forgiven him for killing Joyce Summers. I unashamedly wept like a little girl during that episode of Buffy. Wash? Cordelia? Fred? Buffy? Buffy again? The guy racks up more bodies then the final scene of harry potter.

    Anya, Angel, Wes, Gunn, Tara, Jonathan... At least some of them got to come back.
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    This movie was....

  • reighvin
    reighvin Posts: 14 Member
    I guess it was just me, but the first time I saw it, I really didn't like it.
    When I went back two days later to see it again, I still didn't like it.
    Three days later and back again, and I STILL didn't like it.
    Maybe I should see it another 2 or 7 times to find out why I don't like it.

  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    I got quite a start at the bank today. Fellow ahead of me turned around, grinning like the Cheshire cat. Spitting image of Jeremy Renner. I thought - well, Helldorado is this weekend. Maybe he's in town for that. I don't know anything about him. Maybe he is a cowboy. [shrug] Or a wannabe cowboy. Then I realized this guy's hair was way too dark. He was probably smiling due to all the limelight he's getting from Avengers.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member



    *fixed >.>
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Also to bring it back to MFP. I wondered how many calories is in shwarma.

    I went to a Lebanese food festival this weekend, at a ton, and was pleasantly surprised at how few calories I consumed compared to a similar amount of American food.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Also to bring it back to MFP. I wondered how many calories is in shwarma.

    I went to a Lebanese food festival this weekend, at a ton, and was pleasantly surprised at how few calories I consumed compared to a similar amount of American food.

    It depends on the shwarma actually since its just a big pile of meat, and then beyond that how much rice, hummus, etc (pita if you roll that way) you eat will influence how much it ends up being too - but the big pile of meat thing means a lot of fattier cuts of meat will be higher cals.

    Either way my general rule of thumb for eating ANYTHING is cut off any obvious chunks of fat and don't eat those, eat all the protein and vegetables, then eat whatever carbs you are hungry for afterwards sparingly. You can't do much damage that way for the most part.

    Anyway depending on how much you eat of it and the fat content of the meat I'd say somewhere between 400 and 800 calories for a schwarma plate. 1000 if you eat EVERYTHING on the plate and its a hefty plate. Its no better or worse than anything else really.

    (I only eat 2 meals a day so a 1000 calorie meal isn't a big deal for me, I realize its a big deal for other people)
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    And Hulk slapping Loki around like a ***** was just beyond words amazing.

    ^^ I may or may not have cheered during this scene...hehe

    Our whole cinema clapped when we saw it!

    Joss is pretty much a genius
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hey Squid.... I'm worried. My husband thinks that MIB3 will end up grossing more than the Avengers. We can't let this happen guys. Go see it again. get a group. do it. The world needs you.