


  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I'm Deidre, nursing student from Canon City, CO. Though originally, I'm from Reno, NV, and definitely miss the Sierra Nevadas and Lake Tahoe.

    I've been a runner on and off since high school cross country. I was never the fastest, but I was there every practice, and kept at it after other people stopped. Still am the same way, actually.

    I took time off here and there when things came up, like jobs, pregnancy, moving, etc., and took more time off with knee issues that seemed to get worse after my daughter was born. I recently discovered minimalist running, and got hooked. It's brought back a lightness and joy to my running that I haven't had in years, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it takes me.

    I prefer trail runs and outdoorsy stuff, and one day want to do an ultramarathon.
  • kenleyj
    kenleyj Posts: 51 Member

    I'm Kenley, living in PA. "Native NC" Ran Track in high school. Now 19 years later at the ripe age of 37 trying to get my running groove back. Lost 50 pounds in the last 3 years running and now if I can lose 30 more. This tool is greatly helping me. When I was losing all of the weight I was eating what I want. I thought you can do that as a runner. Wrong. Not when you are almost 40. lol. So I have ran 3 halfs and 2 full marathons. I am on a 30 week Fall Marathon Campaign in week #2. I plan on doing the OBX Marathon in November. Next year if all goes to plan I will do the BDM 102k Ultra in Bataan, Philippines were my wife is from. I look forward to getting to know people here and to share ideas. Thanks.
  • Meegz84
    Meegz84 Posts: 74
    Megan, 27yrs old from Perth,WA
    Only started running 6mths ago when I started with Step Into Life which is based on outdoor training.
    I have run 7-8km as my furthest and we have registered as a team to complete a 14km in 5 weeks time!
    Looking forward to working upto a half after that....
  • cybershaz
    cybershaz Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm Shazia from Toronto, Canada. New to MFP, coming from WW (lost 50 lbs). I've been running ~2 years.

    I have done 2 halfs (one in Iceland) and a bunch of 5 & 10 kms. Did my first 30km race this March and loved it. Plans this year are more 10 & 5s for speed, some duathlons (a sprint and an olympic), another 30km in August and a half in November. I plan to do a full in May 2013 in Wales or Scotland. Eventually I'd like to try a few ultras too. I like combining running and travel when I can.

    I'm also Race Director for a new community run event in Toronto that will be happening in September called the Railpath Run.

    I love cycling, core yoga, TRX & kettlebells as cross training. I also follow the Chi Running technique and believe in minimalist running where possible. Posture and technique all the way! :)

    Have a great day!
  • Hi everyone!
    I have just signed up to mfp and would love some fellow running friends! I have a marathon in September (new forest marathon) and a half in oct (run to the beat in London). Today seems like the first run this month that it hasn't rained on me. Whoop!
    Happy running people!:happy:
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Hello. I'm a newer runner. I completed Hal Higdon's Novice 5k Training plan and I've now moved into his novice half marathon plan. I am going to do my first half marathon in September.

    I'm a busy mom of two boys and have a house full of daycare kiddos five days a week. I've really latched onto running lately. It's the only time in my day that it's just me. I enjoy the solitude.

    Right now I'm a very slow runner. I hope to continue to be stronger and faster.
  • AuntNynah
    AuntNynah Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, my name is Diana, and I'm from Wisconsin. I started running last summer with the Couch to 5k program, and am now hopelessly addicted. I love the concept of powering myself to further distances. My longest run to date is 7 miles, last weekend, and it was a nightmare. I wasn't fueled properly, my legs and knees were hurting before I even started. I'm ready to try again soon. Fortunately, with each horrible run, I've learned something that will help me have a good run next time.

    I'm running a very small 5K race this weekend. I have a hard time doing races because I hate going alone, and I get intimidated, so it's easy to talk myself out of them. But it always feels SO awesome once I've completed one. So I'm just pushing myself to do it.
  • acabel1
    acabel1 Posts: 1
    My name is Amanda, and I'm in North Texas. I've been running off and on since 2008. I started by running at a March of Dimes event, in which I was very deceived in what a 5k was! It had water stops every half mile, so when I ran a real 5k, I was dying of thirst, and had to walk and run until I finished. BUT...I was hooked! Aside from the adrenaline rush from running and how great I feel afterwards, I love doing events because I get t-shirts! Lol My first half was 2 years ago. It was the most exciting/awesome feeling ever! My goal is to run another half at the end of the year. I had a baby late April and had stopped running a few months before finding out I was pregnant, so my goal is to lose the rest of my baby weight and train for the Dallas White Rock Half Marathon going on in December! I can't wait to get back into it! :smile:
  • Hi, my name is Heather Eloise.
    I have ran 1 half marathon and am a couple weeks away from starting a full marathon training program.
    I'd love to talk to more runners, seeing as I don't really know any that like to run long distances.
    Add me (:
  • Hi, my name is Tom.

    I didn't really start running until 2005 and it didn't take long for me to be totally hooked. Over the last couple of years I have really lost ground because of a few injuries and an accident, so I am really looking forward to losing the weight I put on during my down time and getting back to what I love.

    Just to give you an idea of what I've done:
    Marathons: 10
    Halves: 2
    5k: 6

    I always felt the 5k was the hardest, no time to feel warmed up and just pushing like crazy. Maybe I'm just not built for speed :smile:

    All the runners I knew in Vegas have moved away so it will be great to have some runners to talk to; they always seem so happy and are pretty great people.
  • s35keith
    s35keith Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everybody, I'm Keith,

    I am 47 year old firefighter. I quit smoking a little over a year and a half ago and put on a lot of weight. I started running a little over a year ago to lose the weight and I love it (and I lost 50lbs).
    So far I have run;
    and today I finished my first Duathalon.

    I plan on running my first Marathon in the fall and have just started a training plan. Add me if your a runner!
  • itisjoan
    itisjoan Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm Joan and live in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I started running in the summer of 2007 after i lost 60 pounds and ran my first 5k that fall. On a crazy whim, I signed up for my first marathon after seeing an ad in Runners World magazine for the Disney Marathon in May of 2008. I ran one other 5k and then a 10k and then completed my first marathon in 2009. Then my first 1/2 two months later. I've managed to gain about 20 pounds this year due to work stress and then I had Plantar Fasciitis that had me not running for a bit but I ate like I was still running. I've been struggling to get that weight off. I am not fast. Just stubborn enough to finish.

    To date:
    17 Fulls
    15 halves
    2 10 milers
    1 12k
    1 10k
    2 5milers
    1 8k
    5 5ks
    6 overnight relays
    1 mud run (never again)

    I have coming up for 2012: Baltimore 10miler, Disneyland 1/2, Clo-Cow 1/2, Steamtown Marathon, Marine Corps Marathon and the Philly Marathon.

    My official training starts tomorrow for the DIsneyland to Philly Marathon. Ironically, Monday is my rest day but I may go and do lower body weights anyway.

    I am half fanatic 277 and marathon maniac 2410
  • CCGwald
    CCGwald Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I am Craig. After 3 Halfs in the past nine months, planning on the my first Full Marathon in October. The Detroit Free Press on the 10/21/12. Yikes that is less than five month away!
  • dela1000
    dela1000 Posts: 62
    Hello everybody! I'm Daniel. I started running after college when I discovered I need solid goals and due dates to accomplish anything. So I signed up for the LA Marathon in '09 and started hitting the pavement. After finishing that I've kept it up doing a few halves, some 5ks and 10ks, and a mud run (SO MUCH FUN!).

    I'm on MFP to get in better shape and run a half in less than 2 hours.

    Add me if you want to talk running and health.
  • Mightytaco84
    Mightytaco84 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, my name is Michael. I'd like to think of myself as a runner.

    I started last March and ran my first 8K in May. I ran the Richmond Marathon last November. I'm going to be revving up for the Air Force Marathon in September and then the Richmond Marathon again in November.

    My life long goal is to live at least to the age of 93. I'm hoping with the amount of running I do it will condition my body well enough to live that long (of course eating healthy and being safe will help prolong my life).

    I'm on dailymile as well, so if anyone wants to add me as a friend let me know.
  • suegenew
    suegenew Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am Suegene - been running about a year, 4 HM under my belt doing combo walk/run. Just looking to keep running, drop a little time and get/stay fit!
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member
    Hi I'm Cari! I just started long distance running a year ago! I've done 3 half marathons and I love it!! I just reached my goal of going under 2 hours this month!!! 1:59:39! (HA--right under the wire!!) Trying to balance running (which I love) and strength training so I don't lose my muscle!! Looking forward to the support here!! Thanks!! :)
  • jocamaria
    jocamaria Posts: 25 Member
    Hello I'm from Massachusetts and I just joined MFP today. I started running in March and I ran my first 5K in April (33.20) I'm running my 2nd 5K on Sunday and want to improve my time.

    short term goals:
    1. run a 10K this fall
    2. lose 5 pounds by the end of June

    long term goals
    1. complete a half marathon
    2. lose 30lbs and maintain weight loss

    All running tips welcome.
  • Hi, i'm Heather Eloise.
    I'm in sunny southern California.

    I have been running for almost a year now.
    The furthest, so far, is a half marathon.
    I am about to wrap up my first week of Hal Higdon's Novice 1 marathon training program.
    I plan to run my first marathon in October and run my second half in December.

  • Hi, I'm Annie. I used to be on MFP this past fall under the username irunforfun.

    I ran my first marathon with the support of mfp last year, after that in November of last year I did just one 5K completely barefoot and suffered an injury from it that's never healed, and regretfully gained 30lbs. over the winter. I'm back to running, and running my first half in September, and another in 26.2 in November.

    I recently relocated to about 2 hours from Seattle all the way from Pennsylvania.