Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    Molly_Louise Posts: 503
    Welcome, Vasogoma!

    We take part in what is called "inter-house challenges" where the four houses compete with each other to win the house cup and quidditch cup. The quidditch cup is awarded to the house who have collectively lost the most weight in terms of percentage, with the house cup being awarded to the house who have earned the most house points over the month. We also have our own in house challenges, called OWLs and NEWTs. These change every two weeks and the two highest earning individuals of these challenges become our prefects, who then go on to pick the next challenges. The challenges are posted on the right side of the "weigh in here" tab on the spreadsheet, so you can always refer to them.

    We have a spreadsheet which we post onto, though some do share weight loss and other related successes here in the common room so you are welcome to do that also. Most people chose to update their section of the spreadsheet daily and some less often, both are fine. You can access the spreadsheet through this link - . As Suzie said, we are currently having a week off and our challenges run Sunday to Saturday. You are able to record your weight any time between Friday and Monday of that week but weigh ins must be posted onto the spreadsheet by Monday night your time in order for me to be able to send it to our Head of House, who then decides who has one the challenges for that week. The challenges for Sunday onwards are already posted onto the spreadsheet, as well as elsewhere in the common room so familiarise yourself with those if necessary. an

    I am the Head of House and my name is Molly. Karen, or carolinagirl7 as she is on MFP, is the deputy head of house and steps up in my absence. If you have any questions ask either one of us, or even anyone else with Hufflepuff as they're all great and will be sure to help you! I hope it all makes sense to you but of course ask if you've got any questions :)
  • Molly_Louise
    Molly_Louise Posts: 503
    Oh, I have added your name to the spreadsheet Vasogoma! :)
  • vasogoma
    vasogoma Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks a lot for the welcoming and for explaining things to me :)

    I'm going to introduce myself now, since I forgot to do it yesterday. My name is Valeria, most people call me Vale for short. I am 19 years old and I live in Mexico. Thanks again ^_^
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    That is awesome!!! Great time too!!! I have not done a 5K yet this year and just said to my husband, we need to choose one. I am quite a bit slower than you heehee, I run a 5K in about 43 minutes. I didn't run last year and am getting back into this year. I do love to run.

    I love to run too! i took some down time during the winter months but started up again in march. I'm used to running a uphill/downhill route. The 5k was a flat route so that's probably why my time was decent.

    Vasogoma welcome to the group!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    We got the free trial of Netflix, and so far it is definately worth it (being free and all :bigsmile: ). I would also say it is worth the $8 / month now that there is no dvd-rental place around anymore. :huh:

    Anyone else lose their video-rental outlets? I am missing it already, because there are several movies out I wouldn't see in the theatre (budget reasons) and yet would definately have rented when they came out. :sad:

    and we figured out how to have a note-book computer use the tv as a "monitor" so that I can still do my Wii-and-tv, instead of running it through the Wii. (I thought I was going to have to give up that option)

    And I made it to the Top of Everest! I may not do another "mountain", but I am debating between the "10,000 steps a day" (pedometer reading can be optionally logged in Wii Fit Plus Activity Log plus maybe I will "walk across Canada" on Stairway to Health ) or "1000 pushups" (since upper body is my weakest point) I'll let y'all know when I decide :wink:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Another crazy week...I think they are all crazy anymore. I am going to be Las Vegas bound on my first "real vacation" meaning no driving to see family, no conferences etc in 3 years. I leave on June 14th! I was out there once when I was 18 for a few days, so looking forward to the experience as an adult over 21!

    I will repost challenges tomorrow morning that will start on Sunday and announce the prefects as well! Happy Thursday everyone...why do the short weeks seem the longest!

    Welcome Vale! What part of Mexico are you living in??
    BeeJ Congrats on completing your climb of Mt Everest. We had Netflix for awhile, but we were always losing our feed (even with upgraded wireless and modem). Several of our video stores have closed, but we still have a blockbuster close to until the close we stick with them! We also have Redbox in nearly every grocery store near us, they rent video's for a dollar a night, but there selection is low.
    shredding_mama congrats on the 5k awesome time. I finished mine in 50 minutes, but I had to walk it. Still wary about running at this point.
    Molly Your vacation sounds amazing! Fingers crossed you have internet access to keep the streak running.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Carolina, Vegas baaaby!!! I have never been, but it sounds fabulous. Do you plan on seeing any shows when you are there? I also loved WICKED, however due to a combination of things, we ended missing almost the entire first half, a funny story in itself (now) so I have always felt like we needed to go see it again. Whatever you do, enjoy some well deserved R&R. This is my Friday 8 ), I took tomorrow off, a good friend of mine is getting married. Have a great day Huffies.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    We also have Redbox in nearly every grocery store near us, they rent video's for a dollar a night, but there selection is low.

    I think I saw a Redbox (or equivalent) in a grocery store that was not TOOO far away (but NOT one of the 3 right in our neighbourhood :cry: ) I will have to find a way to see if the movies I especially would like to watch ever show up there.

    (Sigh........) It's the end of an era, people. I remeber when you could / had to rent the vhs machine as well as the tape - then gradual phasing from mostly vhs to all dvd (and need for dvd machine in the house) ... and beginning of shift from reg dvd to blue-ray.

    But there ARE 2 tv series (one american - single season then cancelled / one british - multiple seasons) that I would never have seen otherwise that I am currently enjoying.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Happy Friday to all :smile:

    BeeJ Go online to redbox, you can pull up the current selection and even reserve a movie. It may save you a trip if there is nothing you would want to rent
    Suzie, I am a little concerned about by need to rest and vacation to such a busy place, I wonder if I am going to need a vacation after this one :) Planning to catch a show or 2. My friend has access to discounted tickets, so it is up in the air what we will be seeing, will keep everyone apprised. Jersey Boys is my next musical venture in November here at home!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    New prefects are

    shreddin_mama and BeeJ Congrats to you both.

    BeeJ Please come up with an OWL challenge and give yourself 10 extra OWLS in the new spreadsheet
    shreddin_mama Please decide a NEWT challenge and give yourself 10 extra NEWTS on the new spreadsheet
    Please message them to me in the next 10 days. I will post the Friday before they start. If you post here early, I am afraid there may be some confusion as to which set of challenges to follow.

    Remember to weigh in this weekend and post on the June spreadsheet. Molly posted earlier this week, but I will include a link here as well

    In house NEWT and OWL Challenges are to start this Sunday 6/3 and will run for the next 2 weeks

    NEWT (food) challenge...once near and dear to my I continue to be a work in progress regarding sugar consumption

    1 NEWT (one time only) for making the "Sugar" tracking column visible on your Food List for at least this one week;

    1 NEWT per day monitoring how much came from whole foods (fruit, veggies etc) or healthy sugar substitutes vs refined sugar (white sugar added to coffee or used in recipes; processed foods; sugary snacks etc;

    1 Bonus NEWT per day if more ENTRIES IN YOUR LOG were for "good" (sugars from whole foods) than "bad sugars"
    So if you replace white sugar with Stevia in your coffee or applesauce in a recipe (for example), you might end up with the bonus point

    The emphasis is on awareness only, so: * no penalty if more entries were for bad sugars

    * what the proportion of "total grams good vs bad" was since 10 "good source sugar" entries might have far less total gms sugar than 1 "bad source sugar" entry, or
    *whether you were over or under whatever the MFP target setting is for you)

    OWL (exercise)challenge

    1 Owl for each five minutes of jump roping,
    1 Owl for each five minutes of jumping jacks (if you don't have a jump rope)
    5 owls for each 60 minutes of cardio done for house points.

    I have not had a chance to update the spreadsheet with challenges yet, will be done before Sunday! Have a great weekend everyone
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Happy Friday to all :smile:

    BeeJ Go online to redbox, you can pull up the current selection and even reserve a movie. It may save you a trip if there is nothing you would want to rent
    Suzie, I am a little concerned about by need to rest and vacation to such a busy place, I wonder if I am going to need a vacation after this one :) Planning to catch a show or 2. My friend has access to discounted tickets, so it is up in the air what we will be seeing, will keep everyone apprised. Jersey Boys is my next musical venture in November here at home!

    I have heard great things about Jersey Boys..but whatever you end up seeing in vegas, I am sure it will be fantastic
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Well, I am super excited as I hit the 10lb loss this morning. This does not reflect on my banner exactly as I actually had gained a few pounds at some point after I joined MFP and MFP uses my weight when I started, but I am very happy to reach this goal. Today is not my official weigh in day, so hopefully this will help me to abstain from too many unhealthy choices at the wedding tonight, and the retirement party tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone.

    Carolina, I happened across mention of a local triathalon that was touted as being a good one for beginners. The swimming portion intimidates me as I am not a strong swimmer. How did you train for your triathalon? I think I will spend this summer doing more biking (I had already decided this anyway) and maybe start scouting out somewhere I can swim.
  • vasogoma
    vasogoma Posts: 53 Member
    Congrats and the 10lb loss! :) That is great!
    This week was going somehow good with my diet, but I am now afraid of the weekend. My family want to go to Mexico City to visit my dad's family, while we are there we will also go to six flags. I lack a lot of self-control, but I am happy that my brother will be there with me to help me control myself and my impulses to buy all the food at six flags. I still have to think of a way to eat something that won't make my week's efforts u.u
    Also, I've been doing my best to eat a little more so I can at least reach the 1200 calories I should be eating daily, I think that when I started I was roughly eating 700 :S I'm going to get an appointment with my doctor and talk to her about this, I am worried that so little calories will start affecting my body. I can easily have a cinnamon roll for breakfast every day and I would still have a hard time reaching the 1200 goal.
    I wish you all a very happy weekend :) Enjoy it and have fun!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Karma= booking trip to Las Vegas=fridge dying=finding a steal on a bigger fridge "damaged fridge" then we planned, and really liked it=going home to measure and on the way home seeing 2 dogs wandering in the road that looked like they were lost=circling back to them to find they vanished=going home to find the fridge would fit=going back to the store to see it being loaded on the back of a pick up truck=ending up with the fridge we wanted at first but at a higher price :smile:
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!!

    Suzie congrats on the 10 pounds. The swim seems to produce the most anxiety for people. I have found it is only 6 minutes out of an hour and a half race. When I started swimming, I could barely finish 200 yards, and now go 1500-2000yards when I swim. You could always look into adult lessons, or look for a swim clinic to brush up. I used a free training plan from the website There is another website I like as well called I did a clinic before my first one to learn the in's and outs of transitions, race format etc, that was very helpful. Cycling is my weak point as well, and takes up the majority of my race time Any more questions let me know!

    Vale have a great time this weekend, hope urge passed to eat something bad!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    My personal goals for June include swapping some of my endurance Step Bench time for Interval training and core work. I am pleased to announce that I just created and saved 2 workouts on my Wii EA Sports Active - one for Intervals, one for Balance / Core. Then tried them both out, and burned 213 cals in about 40 mins.
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    Well, I am super excited as I hit the 10lb loss this morning. This does not reflect on my banner exactly as I actually had gained a few pounds at some point after I joined MFP and MFP uses my weight when I started, but I am very happy to reach this goal. Today is not my official weigh in day, so hopefully this will help me to abstain from too many unhealthy choices at the wedding tonight, and the retirement party tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone.

    Suzie, congrats! That's amazing, well done!

    Can't wait until tomorrow when the challenge is back on, yay!

    I'm hoping to get down to a healthy BMI ultimately for my goal next month at 145lbs but I do want to lose 5lbs next month which should be around 142lbs if the scale was right the other day - weighing in tomorrow for official start weight.

    Once I get to 145lbs/the end of this month, I am hiding the scale and going without it. I really want to concentrate on the inches, fat loss, and becoming more in tune with my body. Just need this healthy BMI though, grrr
  • Molly_Louise
    Molly_Louise Posts: 503
    Hi everyone!

    I hope you've had a great start to June. Can you believe we're already half way through the year? Just to remind you all that you are able to add your weight to the spreadsheet until Monday night (of your time zone), and that our challenges started today, so your results from those will need to be added to the spreadsheet whenever you are wishing to do this. Our new Headmistress is Kelly, aka 'kellyisfat', and she is taking over from Bron (bronwenhilary), who was previously also the head of Gryffindor.

    Suzie, I am glad you enjoyed Wicked, it is my favourite show! I have seen it a few times in London but I'd love to see it on Broadway. Hopefully one day! Karen, Jersey Boys is a great show and I hope you enjoy it, even if it is not until November.

    This weekend was the start of the Jubilee celebrations here in the UK. Our Queen Elizabeth has been reigning for 60 years! The celebrations today including a procession in the river Thames in London, which is the main river flowing through the city. I was not able to see it personally but there was a lot of TV coverage so I didn't miss out! In true British style it rained, so in a way I am glad I didn't make the hour trip to London to be there. Tomorrow night there is a huge concert outside of Buckingham Palace, continuing the celebrations, so I will watch that on TV too. Tomorrow and Tuesday are bank holidays (I have learned that the US would call this a national holiday!), so a lot of people are lucky to have a day off of work. However, I am working Monday through to Thursday at my jobs so there is no rest for the wicked! On Sunday I am flying to Majorca, Spain, with my mum and step dad so I am looking forward to that. It is miserable outside and has been raining all day so I am definitely looking forward to some sun! , once again there is the link to the spreadsheet for June, so keep the link safe! Though of course you can just refer back to the common room as and when :)
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    I really hope everyone is doing Fantastic. And by the looks of it you are all doing well. :)

    Sorry I kinda fell off the wagon. Have a bit going on right now. Trying to sort it all out.
    Not doing the best I can with weight loss, but still have it in my mind. Trying to get out of my Lazy mindset, and move my butt more.

    Keep on keepin on everyone. <3
  • vasogoma
    vasogoma Posts: 53 Member
    Even with my aunt and uncle spoiling me with food and sweets I didn't do so bad yesterday, and today I had lunch with my dad's family and not even with that plus the wine it was enough for me to reach my net calories. Not bad at all :)
    Today I decided to go for a run at 11pm, the weather is perfect for that right now (kinda warm yet with enough cold breeze), I finally put my Polar HRM to use and I couldn't believe the numbers it started showing, in less than 5 minutes or jogging my heart rate was already at 204, I practically had to walk super slow and then try again with jogging to keep with the heart rate recommended by my instructor to burn fat. It is official, I am COMPLETELY out of shape xD
    By the way, any advices on how to do the jumping jacks/ rope jumping without feeling a lot of pain on my boobs? I am using two bras at the same time, one specially made for exercising and the other is a normal bra, this has helped me reduce the pain when I jog, but it was useless when I started jumping.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning, had a great weekend, with 2 parties and a day at the lake yesterday, and even though I felt I didn't do too bad with my food, the scale was ugly this morning, so will work hard this week at staying in the green. My daughter and her husband come home at the last minute for Saturday's party and it was great fun having them home. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

    Molly--I saw a little blip about the jubilee on television, this segment was about a baker who was doing a portrait of Queen Mum, all in cupcakes, it was soooo cool.