
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member

    Another Julie here :)

    I love nerdy stuff. Some of my favourites:

    - All things Douglas Adams
    - Harry Potter/LOTR
    - DOCTOR WHO! (big fan. David Tennant is my fave because he is sexy)
    - World of Warcraft
    - Heroes of Might & Magic (2 and 3 are the ones I play)
    - Diablo 3 ^^
    - Webcomics, xkcd especially
    - A few fantasy favourites: George RR Martin, Guy Gavriel Kay, Raymond Feist, Lian Hearn (I even met GRRM, he signed my book, and we took a picture yay!)
    - I'm big into reading in general, everything and anything. My favourite genre is perhaps sci-fi, but really, if I think it's good I'll devour it no matter what the story's setting is
    - Zombies (anyone else doing the whole Zombies, Run! running application?)

    Plus more. <<

    Edit: superpower = shapeshifter of course

    LOVE xkcd! It's on my RSS feeds.

    And I really wish the Zombies, Run! was on Android already! Ergh.
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Katy. My superpower is my ability to decipher criminally difficult legal texts; but I wish I could shapeshift like Mystique :ohwell:
  • uncarvedblock
    uncarvedblock Posts: 35 Member
    Hey there fellow superpowered beings!

    I'm Rachel and my dual powers are daydreaming and making veggie pizza disappear.
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    Hi..kinda shy to start. I <3 Dragonlance books, Crichton, RR Martin, Star Trek, anything pertaining to medical/biological sciences. I want to learn the scientific name of everything. Love crunching numbers of anything. When any one needs either help with a gadget or animal I get called. I have no idea how many computer parts I have in my storage unit but I JUST CANT throw them away cause I could build a computer and give it to someone, someday. Any1 remember Populus? Oh and Dungeon Keeper? I love all kinds of games fps/mmo/rpg. Im on Ps3. I one day will own an original Olivia Berardinis, and a gaboon viper. I can shoot a gun and swing a hammer (havent tried both at same time yet) My music collection has everything from Carmen Monarcha to Slayer.
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    Hi fellow awesomers, the name is primmy and my superpower is.......dancing like a fool! (serously I dance like helen keller who is haveing a seizure)
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Hi Everyone! My superpower is that my cats talk to me in funny voices. I can also quote Yoda on demand. Don't send the guys in white coats, okay?
  • Hello! Glad there is an entire group for geeks! I have been told that my super power is hyper-organization...anywhere but my room...
  • aphroditesmaiden
    aphroditesmaiden Posts: 45 Member
    Hello, I'm Amber, and my super power would have to be an intricate and exact memory for movie and tv quotes and songs. If you slightly mess up, I will call you out on it! <3
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Hi. I'm Sound.

    My super power would be the ability to force people to speak the truth and to read surface thoughts, because I'm nose and paranoid about liars all the time.
  • Hello awesome, gorgeous people! I'm Trista (Or Tristakins, Panda)

    My superpower is that I can eat with chopsticks with both hands.
  • rucaenel
    rucaenel Posts: 15 Member

    Another Julie here :)

    I love nerdy stuff. Some of my favourites:

    - All things Douglas Adams
    - Harry Potter/LOTR
    - DOCTOR WHO! (big fan. David Tennant is my fave because he is sexy)
    - World of Warcraft
    - Heroes of Might & Magic (2 and 3 are the ones I play)
    - Diablo 3 ^^
    - Webcomics, xkcd especially
    - A few fantasy favourites: George RR Martin, Guy Gavriel Kay, Raymond Feist, Lian Hearn (I even met GRRM, he signed my book, and we took a picture yay!)
    - I'm big into reading in general, everything and anything. My favourite genre is perhaps sci-fi, but really, if I think it's good I'll devour it no matter what the story's setting is
    - Zombies (anyone else doing the whole Zombies, Run! running application?)

    Plus more. <<

    Edit: superpower = shapeshifter of course

    Julie's and Bowties are Cool; Did you know? :D Health and happies to all... :D
  • sheerjay
    sheerjay Posts: 97 Member
    Im Mel and my super power is the ability to make people say "but I thought you were a nice girl!".....normal is boring and quirky weird creepy strange is FUN!!!
  • sheerjay
    sheerjay Posts: 97 Member
    Oh....and I have an awesome ability of being able to get lost anywhere...even on a straight road :P Im geographically retarded :p
  • tbonior
    tbonior Posts: 1
    Hey, I'm Tiffany. My superpower is the ability to do things quickly. Well, except for those pesky come-backs. I always think of good come-backs well after the time has passed. :tongue:
  • Hmwarren84
    Hmwarren84 Posts: 45 Member
    Hello, I am Heidi. Not too sure if having amazing accuracy when having a nerf shootout with my kids counts as a superpower? There may just be a chance I have kids that are terrible at dodging nerf darts.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jenklive
    jenklive Posts: 10
    Hello, my name is Jenny.
    Sarcasm is my superpower.
    Ask my kids...they just lo-o-o-ove it.
  • Cwhite626
    Cwhite626 Posts: 1
    Hey Fellow Awesomes,

    I'm Cecilia, like to be called "C", and my coolest superpower is the ability to attract fellow Awesomes. They are drawn to me like a magnet. Unfortunately, sometimes, there's a stray "not-so-awesome" who falls completely for my charms, and then I can't quite rid myself of their company...so I have to make them "honorary awesomes". LOL!

    Actually, I'm just a great people person and love to discuss life in general...not too much downer stuff though. That can certainly dim my shiny aura :laugh:
  • xiege8811
    xiege8811 Posts: 10
    Hello everyone.

    My name is Kayleigh, I have the abilty to go full hog on everything...all or nothing, which with this is not a good plan so teaching myself to do one step at a time.

    I love my PC and mainly gaming on steam. xxx GOod luck to all of us.
  • freeli
    freeli Posts: 43

    I'm Lizzie. My superpower is making people believe I'm actually listening to them while I'm really not.
  • clonednet
    clonednet Posts: 5
    Hey my name is James... Superpower i would have to say my adaptability.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.