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  • Weighlessdiva
    I'm in! Love my glasses of wine at night far too much. I am determined to loose weight so really need to cut down. My goal is not to drink during the week and only at weekends socially.
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Welcome aboard weighlessdiva! Good luck with your goal - I'm so impressed with those of you who can just cut back! (Love the quote on your profile too!). Christine
  • ladylemoncurd
    First night last night where Uncle Alcohol didn't visit! I felt SO good this morning. But I got on the scales and I'd put 1lb 4oz on. Gah - that will teach me not to get on them every morning.
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hey there -

    Welcome to you both! Good for you - not drinking. It does help with sleep I find. I am cheering for you!

    Martha (Change_Agent)
  • ladylemoncurd
    Three nights now without alcohol. I can't say I've missed it that much (excepting about 6pm when I REALLY want a glass) but I sleep so heavily and wake up feeling groggy and headachey. I think that over the years I've slept very lightly prolly because of the wine and now that's out of my system I'm sleeping like the dead.

    It's our 23rd wedding anniversary Sunday though so think we will go out.

    Thanks Martha and Christine for your words of support, Julia
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,233 Member
    Hello all -

    I have been looking for some support with this big hurdle and am glad to find this group! I have been losing consistently, if slowly, even with beer and wine in my life, but I know it is not healthy to eat less in order to have the calories "allowed" for alcohol. Time for a bit of control!

    I'm sure you all know how weirdly scary it feels to stop or severely limit intake! I'm starting today, and will decide if I allow one free day a week or not as I go. I'll keep checking back here for inspiration! Thanks --

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,233 Member
    OK, first day wasn't the greatest! I had a nice pint of IPA, but stopped at that. Hmmph.

    Today and tomorrow will be easier -- I have to have no alcohol for two full days before some blood work on Monday, so that's that! On Monday I'll try to keep with it!

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • ladylemoncurd
    Hello Jugar - I've cut down massively last 7 days 5 of them haven't drunk a drop. It's been really hard though.

    On the upside, I now wake up instead of coming round eventually :o)

    Good luck xxx
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,233 Member
    Thanks! Feels good -- I had to stay up really late last night to go pick up my son after a school outing, and it was easy with no sleep-inducing substances in my system! Slept great, and feel wonderful today. I hope to keep this up! :happy:

    One of the food plans I really like allows for a completely free day per week, :drinker: and one meal during the rest of the week that is free and can include ONE glass of wine or beer. I'm not sure I'd be good at the ONE glass meal, :noway: but think I will try for the only one free day per week. This will keep me on the straight and narrow for both food and alcohol 6 days a week. I have done this plan before for a few weeks when I was starting out, and it seems like a good time to go back to it.

    Why is it hard? We know it makes sense, feel great when we don't drink, but still do it anyhow. Stories and theories welcome!

  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    If you find the answer to that one liselyn PLEASE share :wink: I think there are a lot of us who'd be interested. And it sounds as though you have a plan that should work for you.

    Julia - it sounds as though you're doing really well - I know just what you mean about waking up instead of coming round! It is a good feeling, isn't it?

    Good luck to you both - I'm with you all the way!
  • ladylemoncurd
    It is a good feeling Christine and as the weeks gone on it had got easier. We had a Jubilee Street party on Monday and one of my neighbours brought some home made rhubarb wine. It sounds disgusting but it was gorgeous. Of course I had one and then had another, and another. One's never enough for me - I have to finish the bottle. So it's best not to start.

    Good luck and stay strong all xxxx
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,233 Member
    Had a good (as in alcohol-free) day today and look forward to one of those delicious nights of sleep. I think of you all often and hope that all is well!


  • bluemalick
    bluemalick Posts: 12 Member

    I'm sure you all know how weirdly scary it feels to stop or severely limit intake!

    I have never seriously tried to stop drinking because I "don't see the point" but my weight has really started to bother me the last couple months and I know it's from moving in with my boyfriend and partying/eating fast food, usually late at night since that's when he gets off work. I recently started logging my calories again and it's not my eating that's really the problem, I do extremely well during the day (when I'm at work) and don't even think about eating. But like you've all said, I spend the entire drive home from work thinking about that beer or cocktail! Then after I'm drunk I'm just starving and I don't care if I down an entire carne asada burrito and half a pint of ben and jerry's...

    Now that my temporary employment is drawing to a close, and summer is starting, I can already envision lounging by the pool all day, drinking Coronas and sipping margaritas, eating fried and barbecued food to my heart's content while I just get bigger and bigger...I'm already disgusted by the alteration in my appearance when I look at pictures of myself (omfg is this what people see when they look at me?!?) but I'm terrified of changing my lifestyle because I /love/ drinking so much. It's not just not drinking, it's completely changing my whole existence: all my friends and activities and ways of relaxing involve drinking. Where am I even going to start??

    I just know it's not an option not to [lose weight] because I'm going to be in my best friend's wedding and her mother, who's making all the dresses, snidely remarked that she'd "have trouble getting the zipper on" my dress during the fitting last weekend...I was mortified, all the other bridesmaids are like sizes 2-8 and I feel like a house. I've always been thick but lately I just feel so down on myself, physically and emotionally. Working on one should make me feel better about the other but I just don't know how to stick with anything, I'm so flaky! Maybe checking in here will give me something to do because drinking water right now instead of cracking cans is seriously depressing.....

    NO :drinker: = :sad: :brokenheart: :grumble:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,233 Member
    Oh yeah, you are singing our sad song...

    I keep succumbing to my usual social moments -- weirdly enough, chat and drink(s) with my mother in law before going home to make dinner. It's deadly. Not to mention, the beer or two after a hard day of exercise, working the horses, gardening, working, or whatever was hard that day.

    Sadly, all that adds up to more pounds than we want, so we have to decide which one we want more -- tough at that last moment before hefting the glass. My sister quit drinking a few months ago, and I'm about to spend the weekend with her. I'm going to bend her ear about it, but I suspect her solutions will not really fit for me. We'll see!

    Keep on posting thoughts -- it helps!

  • ladylemoncurd
    I think you have to decide if you like booze more than you hate being fat. It's as simple as that for me. I LOVE the beer but I hate hate hate my belly.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    hey y'all, not been around much have I *slaps wrist*.

    I am currently still struggling with my relationship with wine. I am trying to do the week with none and drink on Fridays and Saturdays but I'm struggling. I need it and want it. I want to relax, chill out and have a glass. It worries me I think wine and relaxation/celebration/socialisation etc all go hand in hand.

    I'm going to take each day as it comes and hopefully sort this out that I now have set days to enjoy a glass of wine etc.

    I'm so glad of this forum as you all seem to know what I'm thinking and how I feel. I know I can crack this with you guys and your support!

    :drinker: :grumble:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,233 Member
    Hi all --

    I just spent a weekend with my sister who stopped drinking altogether in November, and is doing really well. She feels great, is working out other ways of dealing with anxiety and other fun emotions, relaxing at the end of the day, getting happy with friends -- all the stuff we do with alcohol. I have found her inspiring!

    I will continue to work on cutting back, but if I can't keep it where I want it, I'll seriously consider joining my sister. She calls this "doing research"!

    In any case, it sure is nice to have those calories for food :happy:
  • abodnar07
    abodnar07 Posts: 2
    Hello All,

    I am in!

    This is going to be a tough one!!!

    :sad: :sad:
  • bluemalick
    bluemalick Posts: 12 Member
    Day 5 without a drop... Don't think I've done that in four years since I turned 21. It was pretty bad the third day, pounding headache, but now it's mostly mental. I'm bored, in the habit of having my hands occupied when I'm just sitting with friends, trying to remind myself this will pay off. Optimistically shooting to stay sober until July 4th but I really want to drink at the fair the day after tomorrow, even though I know it will turn into a debacle. Besides just being around all that fair food is already going to tempt me... Should I call it a free day and workout extra Friday? Ah, the ways I validate my dependency.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Day 4 without a drop and exercise every day instead. lost 2lbs.
    'nuff said