5 things I'm grateful for Today are ........

gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
Sometimes I my day seems so difficult and I wonder what I have to be grateful for.

Today, thankfully is not one of those days, but my Sponsor always told me to find 5 things a day to be grateful for. I try to do this daily (some days are harder than others) and today I'd thought I'd share them with you.

For Today I am grateful for:

1. Another 24 hrs abstinence (following a night on my own because husband was night duty. In the past this was binge night and the thoughts to do that are still with me after 12 yrs in this programme).

2. Taking another booking. My business has been slow in the first few months of this year, but it is now picking up thanks to handing it all over to HP.

3. My 14 yr old son still wanting to hug me, and tells me he loves me.

4. My husband who still makes me laugh so much, even after 18 years together.

5. A free morning to get the house cleaned, washing done and take the dog for a long walk.

Thanks for listening (so to speak!)xx


  • raggyanndoll
    raggyanndoll Posts: 176
    Sometimes I my day seems so difficult and I wonder what I have to be grateful for.

    Today, thankfully is not one of those days, but my Sponsor always told me to find 5 things a day to be grateful for. I try to do this daily (some days are harder than others) and today I'd thought I'd share them with you.

    For Today I am grateful for:

    1. Another 24 hrs abstinence (following a night on my own because husband was night duty. In the past this was binge night and the thoughts to do that are still with me after 12 yrs in this programme).

    2. Taking another booking. My business has been slow in the first few months of this year, but it is now picking up thanks to handing it all over to HP.

    3. My 14 yr old son still wanting to hug me, and tells me he loves me.

    4. My husband who still makes me laugh so much, even after 18 years together.

    5. A free morning to get the house cleaned, washing done and take the dog for a long walk.

    Thanks for listening (so to speak!)xx
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    What a great idea:

    1) A friend who is willing to take the time once a week to Skype with me from far away.

    2) My husband who takes care of me and my children and doesn't mind if I don't clean the house.

    3) My OA posse who is willing to text me this morning to help me get going.

    4) My daughter wanting to play with me.

    5) My house, my food, my clothes and my every day needs that is met.
  • ihardy44
    ihardy44 Posts: 17 Member
    Great idea to start a post on each of our gratitude lists. For today, I am thankful for:

    1. My 12 year old daughter completing 6th grade and going through elementary school with good character, a loving heart, and a free spirit.

    2. A husband who loves me unconditionally.

    3. The OA program, my sponsor, the tools, and knowing that I'm not alone in this crazy disease.

    4. For my fun loving 8 year old daughter, who keeps me crackin up DAILY! She may have a career in stand up comedy :-D

    5. Over 30 days of abstinence after being in relapse for 2 years. I never thought I would see another day of abstinence again and I am truly humbled.
  • scarlettsky7
    scarlettsky7 Posts: 128 Member
    1. the beach
    2. supportive friends, family, colleagues
    3. healing stones
    4. no longer settling for less (housing, lovers, etc.)
    5. the strength to get through today
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    1. Waking up early enough to do stuff.

    2. Deciding on a priority for today and ignoring the "should be" rhymes in my head.

    3. My loving husband who is working really hard to keep us where we are.

    4. MFP and this forum for stopping me from going crazy because the weight loss is slow and I want it fast.

    5. Water and sleep.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    1. Having you all posting your gratitudes and enjoying reading them.

    2. Client this morning who said my treatment was AWESOME! Big confidence boost for me.

    3. Not needing snacks between meals 'for today'. My body is satisfied with what its getting. Thank you HP

    4. HPs alarm bells ringing because I've not done quiet time yet or my daily reading/journalling. I promise to do them this evening.

    5. This wonderful programme and continued abstinence for today.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. My husband and son (family)
    2. My job and career
    3. loss of 6 pounds in the last 2 weeks
    4. my health and the health of my family
    5. my boston terriers
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    1.Enjoying celebrating my wedd anniversary last night and not worrying about calorie content of all the food. Just lived in the moment and enjoyed the company of my husband.

    2. Going to see my eldest sons new house this mornign. He and his girlfriend moved in on Friday and it was good to see them so happy.

    3. Seeing No. 2 son at same time, he'd popped in to see them too.

    4. Managing a run this morning.

    5. Contentment.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. Spending time with my son this weekend sitting outside talking.
    2. The weather was just beautiful this entire weekend.
    3. Air conditioning
    4. the recovery group
    5. MFP and the best part is that it's free
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    1) Breathing.

    2) Having a house to clean.

    3) Having a child to take care of.

    4) This group.

    5) My kind generous husband.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    1. Waking up knowing today was going to be hectic so, I handed my day over to my HP. It has gone smoothly and without a hitch.

    2. The beautiful sunshine drying all my washing.

    3. Feeling slim.

    4. Being able to talk to a friend about a problem.

    5. Husband being on nights, so can turn off the tv and read. I also don't have my normal cravings to binge.
  • ihardy44
    ihardy44 Posts: 17 Member
    1. Abstinence
    2. Having love for myself today as I am.
    3. OA
    4. Wonderful loving husband.
    5. Beautiful, fun, lively, loving, and caring daughters.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. 14 days of abstinence
    2. Having sewing as a hobby and my wonderful sewing machine and serger
    3. my mother
    4. The great dinner my husband made tonight and the fact that he is trying to cook healthy.
    5. I have my dream car
    6. All the previous things I have already said are things to be grateful for in previous posts.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    1. Everyone of you who continues to share your gratitude lists with me.

    2. Client booking in for treatment today.

    3. My food plan

    4. Wearing last years clothes and they continue to fit this year.

    5. My step dads cancer still being in remission.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. Enjoying a hot cup of coffee
    2. I found out today that the company i work for is paying the cost for the certification test or $365.00 dollars that I have to take to be certified.
    3. My study guides to pass this test
    4. I have until end of September to take the test
    5. My husband bought me pink roses just because :)
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Today is one of those hard days I talked about in my OP. But there is always something to be grateful for no matter how hard I need to dig.

    1. My 14 yr old son getting over his broken romance and acting like his old self again.

    2. A food plan to get me through my day

    3. New client this afternoon, and friend recommending me on face book.

    4. Coming to the end of a Course I've been on since September, everythings in, signed off just waiting for results next month.

    5. My family who are all healthy.

    Can instantly feel my mood lifting just from doing this.
  • scarlettsky7
    scarlettsky7 Posts: 128 Member
    1. for the first time ever i will be a featured artist in a gallery!!!
    2. mellow music on "trip hop" pandora station
    3. hot soup to comfort me when im sick
    4. the smell of roses in my garden
    5. checklists
  • ihardy44
    ihardy44 Posts: 17 Member
    1. Being Alive
    2. Checkin in on My Fitness Pal, even though I'm not in a very good mood right now.
    3. Pain of recovery which brings about maturity, surrender, and a sane way of dealing with life.
    4. A program that helps me create a plan of action so that I'm not left to my own devices.
    5. Family
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. my fiber now bars with oats and peanut butter, love em :)
    2. being one of the lucky 8 nurses chosen to stay in the same position at work.
    3. spending time sitting with my mom talking today
    4. my new boss is great
    5. asked for the last week in september off and got it, right before the test i have to take.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    1. Aldi's, for when you are low on the funds. they have the best prices on food.
    2. a hot bath
    3. science fiction and horror movies
    4. having the weekend to catch up on paperwork
    5. having the weekend to get the house cleaned up for the week