


  • shareylee
    shareylee Posts: 14
    Good luck with your new 21day book. Let me know how you like it.
  • shareylee
    shareylee Posts: 14
    Hi I am Shareylee and I have loved reding since a little girl. Right now just finished reading The Widows Club by Dorothy Cannell. I have a Jodi Picolot; can't remember the name of it right now.
  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Brandy. Currently reading The Girl Who Played With Fire, as well as Interview With The Vampire. (I have trouble reading one book at a time! :laugh: )
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi everyone! I am avid reader and I'm currently reading book three of the Game of Thrones series, "A Storm of Swords". I love to read, especially science fiction and historical fiction.

    I'm excited to be able to read about everyone's new book choices!
  • mabeashore
    Hi! I'm such a reader... my family and friends all think I'm kinda weird. lol They just don't get it! It's nice to see so many like minded people here!
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    I love reading. I will try reading just about anything. I prefer mysteries and biographies. I've read sports types of books too. I don't care for sci-fi. Right now I am reading Beach Road. I a glad there are somany readers out there.
  • ann_marie823
    Hello, my name is Ann and I loved reading when I was growing up, but I took a break from it while going to college. I am now back at it and I love reading private detective, romance, solving crimes, and so forth.
  • cartow
    cartow Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, I teach American Lit., so reading is both work and fun. Just finished _A Short History of a Prince_ by Jane Hamilton.
    Loved it!
  • dhale1989
    dhale1989 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello my name is Devan! I am currently listening to an audio book for the first time. It is the first in the Matched series. I am also reading Fifty Shades of Grey.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Hi everyone, As you can tell from my user name I love books. I'll read just about anything except mysteries or horror. As a kid I used to read cereal boxes and labels when I didn't have a book around. I love Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, J.R. Tolkien, Frank Herbert and many contemporary fiction writers.
  • cobebu8
    cobebu8 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Annie! I am new too and some of my friends call me Chelsea, my legal name, while others call me Annie, my nickname.

    Presently I live in Florida and I am reading mostly non-fiction right now: Two of the books I am reading are "The (honest) truth about dishonesty" by Dan Ariel, and "The stress and mood management program for individuals with multiple sclerosis" by David Mohr.

    Hope to meet more of you. Happy reading!
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks to 50 Shades of Grey, I am addicted now to anything in the Romance/Erotica series, lol! I have read a TON of books in that category now, it's my new addiction. Thanks FSOG!

  • enchanted_daydream
    enchanted_daydream Posts: 258 Member
    Hey all! I'm Katie and new and when I saw a group for readers I knew I had to join! I love reading and although I don't have the time now due to studying that doesn't stop me from buying books haha I have a huge stack that when I have the time I will be reading like crazy :) I love little book shops, the smell of old books, the look of covers and dream of owning a gorgeous library in my dream house! Complete with a window bench seat to curl up on and one of those sweet rolling ladders! I get way too involved in fictional characters but I love it that way! Hoping to find some great suggestions and talk about my love of books with all you awesome readers!
  • TheHistoryLady
    TheHistoryLady Posts: 1,885 Member
    Hi I'm Sam and I love reading but my "To Be Read" pile is always more then the "I've read" pile. I love history stuff and sci-fantasy and most genres except horror cos I'm a big girly wimp with an overactive imagination when it comes to bed time. (I know the zombies are gonna get me one day)
  • missmiangels
    missmiangels Posts: 4 Member
    Hellooo! My name is Mianna and I just joied MFP (goal: lose 50lbs)...I've always seen people on machines at the gym reading books or magazines and I kinda envied them. Whenever *I* try, things just "jiggle" a little too much and I can't see the words! But I've recently discovered my Kindle is handy for more than my work commute - I can adjust the font size and focus on machines - wooty woot! Right now, I'm doing 30 minutes of cardio at a time and that handy lil e-book gets me through exactly 21.5 minutes before I start to notice I'm sweating! I joined the group mainly because I liked there were other readers on here - I'm currently reading "Midwives: A Novel" by Chris Bohjalian.
  • cathylovestim
    Hi all! My name is Cathy and I joined MFP about a year ago. With a co-worker we started a book club with four others almost two years ago.

    We finished up Molok a'i by Alan Brennert last month and decided to read his Honolulu for August. I personally just read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. All are excellent although I greatly disliked the ending of Gone Girl!
  • barbarakoca
    Hi, Barb k here, on my iPad,and trying to lose those few extra pounds all my life, and it's getting harder since I'm older, 70's, I'm a reader, love thrillers and bee a volunteer at our local library at the front desk for last 11 years, so have a great supply and insight on the newer and better ones. Sort of into ebooks since I have the iPad and a kindle, but still prefer the hard cover pages. Hope someone replies, would love a weight loss and book lover friend here.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Hi - just saw this group and joined, as I love reading. I normally read a lot more fiction than non-fiction, but I seem to be going through a phase of reading more non-fiction at the moment. I'm currently reading 'How to Live Off-Grid' by Nick Rosen, which is about the author's adventures in living off-grid and meeting others who are doing so. I'm also reading 'Embracing the Wide Sky' by Daniel Tammet, which is about how different people's minds work.
  • G_iulia80
    G_iulia80 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! My name is Iulia and reading and writing is part of my job as I am a translator. I've been reading a lot since my childhood, especially from world's greatest writers and poets like Dostoievsky, Kafka, Gogol, Baudelaire and many others. During my MA in translations I have discovered contemporary literature and I liked it even more than the classics (Herta Muller, Beckett, Murakami, etc). I currently read books from Amazon about becoming a freelance writer.
  • Fairieluv77
    Hi! I'm Angie and love to read. I read pretty much anything but my absolute favorite series is the Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning. I was so sad when it ended. Thankfully she has a new series coming soon with the same characters.