TDEE - What is it and why you should not eat below your BMR



  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    bumping for you Denise!!!
  • carolyn002
    carolyn002 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, I feel lost and very confused with everything I am reading. Please can someone help me out?

    I am Female, 60 years, 5'5" tall, current weight 124.2kg

    On Scooby my TDEE is 2177 and BMR 1814

    Daily Calories 1850 -15%
    1741 - 20%
    1632 - 25%

    Due to multiple injuries to back, neck and shoulders and having had knee replacement to both knees, I cannot do the gym yet.

    My doctor has said I can do some hydro and modified pilates to strengthen my body, and eventually full pilates and the gym.

    I need to lose a minimum of 80kg or 177lb.

    Please can you direct me how I go about it. - I am not loosing weight at the moment so have started to increase my calories, but am not sure what next. I eat and haven eaten clean for 30 years due to food and chemical allergies.

    What should my calorie count be? I think because of my extreme weight that initially I would prefer one of the higher percentages lost in the daily calories what do you think?

    I have been told by many friend that I eat small, but I was never hungry, except on the odd occassion when I might binge - at a party or something similar.

    I am feeling desperate as to what damage I may have done to my body, and now having some information behind me, I want to do it properly. Is there percentages suggested for protein, carbs, cals, fat or fibre etc. I struggle with carbs and unfortunatly green salad and veges due to IBS.

    You are welcome to look at my food diary if you have any queries.

    Thankyou for any help and advice that you can give me. I am very new to all of this and very inexperienced. : )

    It sounds like you may need a metabolism reset. You may not be hungry, but that is usually a sign of VLCD'ing and if you have been eating very small amounts of food for a while or yo-yo dieting/binging, you should really think about the metabolism reset. You want to get your metabolism in proper working order.

    If you aren't a candidate for a reset, then go with the 15% deficit. This maintains a healthy rate of loss. In regards to macros (proteins etc) you want to set them up as 40C/30P/30F.

    Make sure you read through this sticky and watch the videos in here

    I hope some of that gets you started. :) Ask us questions if you aren't sure about something!!
  • carolyn002
    carolyn002 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for your help -

    I made an alteration to Scooby with my activity level - I was in the 'inactive lifestyle' which looking into it was way too low. - I think that these are more correct figures now - My BMR is now 1816 and my TDEE is 2497.

    I have read through the sticky's and am now getting more of an understanding of EM2WL,............. Do I eat between BMR 1816, and TDEE less 15% 2123?

    ...and...............Do I stay on this(2123 cals) until I start losing weight and then drop down to 1816 (maintenance ), or do I get to my goal weight and then cut to 1816 which is my maintenance cals.

    Also what is the difference between Metabolism Reset and EM2WL?

    .....and what is VLDCing?

    Thanks for your help - there is so much to learn, and I'm sure with your guidance everything will start to make sense soon. I do need to understand it properly first tho',

  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks for your help -

    I made an alteration to Scooby with my activity level - I was in the 'inactive lifestyle' which looking into it was way too low. - I think that these are more correct figures now - My BMR is now 1816 and my TDEE is 2497.

    I have read through the sticky's and am now getting more of an understanding of EM2WL,............. Do I eat between BMR 1816, and TDEE less 15% 2123?

    ...and...............Do I stay on this(2123 cals) until I start losing weight and then drop down to 1816 (maintenance ), or do I get to my goal weight and then cut to 1816 which is my maintenance cals.

    Also what is the difference between Metabolism Reset and EM2WL?

    .....and what is VLDCing?

    Thanks for your help - there is so much to learn, and I'm sure with your guidance everything will start to make sense soon. I do need to understand it properly first tho',


    Yes, stay on your TDEE cut until you're down 5 lbs., then go back to scooby and recalculate to get your new TDEE cut. Do that every 5 lbs. lost.

    From your numbers here, 1816 is NOT maintenance--that's your BMR, what your body would need to maintain your current weight if you were in a coma and not moving at all. If you were to eat only 1816 and then get out of bed and brush your teeth, you would have dipped below BMR. The TDEE would be your maintenance, once you get where you want to be (and of course your TDEE 177 lbs. from now would be lower than your current TDEE).

    The metabolism reset is a way to normalize/stabilize the way your body handles the calories you put into it. Particularly if you've been on a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) and/or yo-yo dieting, your body doesn't "trust" you to maintain it at the proper calorie level, and so it hoards those calories--even on days when you binge and go way over--by slowing down your metabolism rate. The metabolism reset process has you eating your current TDEE (for you 2497) for 6-8 weeks to snap your body out of that hoarding mode, so that it responds well when you start making your 15% cut.
  • carolyn002
    carolyn002 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for your help -

    I made an alteration to Scooby with my activity level - I was in the 'inactive lifestyle' which looking into it was way too low. - I think that these are more correct figures now - My BMR is now 1816 and my TDEE is 2497.

    I have read through the sticky's and am now getting more of an understanding of EM2WL,............. Do I eat between BMR 1816, and TDEE less 15% 2123?

    ...and...............Do I stay on this(2123 cals) until I start losing weight and then drop down to 1816 (maintenance ), or do I get to my goal weight and then cut to 1816 which is my maintenance cals.

    Also what is the difference between Metabolism Reset and EM2WL?

    .....and what is VLDCing?

    Thanks for your help - there is so much to learn, and I'm sure with your guidance everything will start to make sense soon. I do need to understand it properly first tho',


    Yes, stay on your TDEE cut until you're down 5 lbs., then go back to scooby and recalculate to get your new TDEE cut. Do that every 5 lbs. lost.

    From your numbers here, 1816 is NOT maintenance--that's your BMR, what your body would need to maintain your current weight if you were in a coma and not moving at all. If you were to eat only 1816 and then get out of bed and brush your teeth, you would have dipped below BMR. The TDEE would be your maintenance, once you get where you want to be (and of course your TDEE 177 lbs. from now would be lower than your current TDEE).

    The metabolism reset is a way to normalize/stabilize the way your body handles the calories you put into it. Particularly if you've been on a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) and/or yo-yo dieting, your body doesn't "trust" you to maintain it at the proper calorie level, and so it hoards those calories--even on days when you binge and go way over--by slowing down your metabolism rate. The metabolism reset process has you eating your current TDEE (for you 2497) for 6-8 weeks to snap your body out of that hoarding mode, so that it responds well when you start making your 15% cut.

    Thanks a lot - your explanation certainly makes this information clear for me to understand. I'm now looking forward to putting it into action.
  • kazaroona
    kazaroona Posts: 60 Member
    I am new to this, and I have worked out that my BMR is 1486 cals per day, TDEE- 2044 and cut value- 1737. So I exercise around 3 times a week and usually this comes to around 250 a session, so I feel like the TDEE is too high? even with cut value? Should I be sedenatry rather than lightly active? If I am still eating more than I am burning surely I wont lose?

    I totally trust the theory I am just finding it hard to get my head around and want to have it right, because if I start eating 1737 every day and put on weight/inches, I'll be really demoralised!

    How long does it usually take to start getting results? Scooby said that my stats above would result in a loss of 2.5lbs A MONTH that doesnt seem much at all???

    Thanks loads for your help x
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    update - i set my cals to 2300 on friday....can someone please provide confirmation of my info below????
    i use a bodymedia fit armband.....
    over the last 28 days i have had an average daily burn on 2962 that would be my TDEE correct??

    then to get my TDEE minus 15% #, i would multiply 2962 by .85 which equals 2518 so that is what i'm supposed to eat each day if i keep up my current movement and have an average daily burn of this correct????

    the scooby website gave me similar numbers
    BMR 1487
    TDEE 2826
    daily cal goal 2402 (based on 15% and 7hrs workout calculations)

    so if i keep averaging a close to 3000 calorie burn each day i should really be eating 2500ish cals each day???? i dont mind gaining at first to get this *kitten* figured out especially if i expect it....i've lost 75+ lbs since jan 2008 and i would like to lose another 30ish to end up between 140-150 for the rest of my life....any suggestions would be wonderful...

    PS i log my food in MFP diary and then just enter that as my daily estimate on my BMF activity manager...i know my MFP stats on my homepage are all off because i dont adjust for my true burn per my BMF....i dont care about what that this point i just want my BMF activity manager to be accurate based on burn and cals eaten as entered....i have been playing with the 170s since May's time to get into the 160s and then i'll at least feel like im making some "scale" related progress even though i KNOW that the scale is not the best measure of progress and i am working on the other things too...back to lifting 2 times a week, going to mix up my workouts and try to get some more anaerobic workouts including some hiit and increasing my overall protein intake....i know what to do i just need help finalizing the number to work with....a few people have suggested i do the metabolism reset before starting the emwl concept?? thoughts on that too please lol...
    thanks again...denise

    thanks for the help....
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    update - i set my cals to 2300 on friday....can someone please provide confirmation of my info below????
    i use a bodymedia fit armband.....
    over the last 28 days i have had an average daily burn on 2962 that would be my TDEE correct??

    then to get my TDEE minus 15% #, i would multiply 2962 by .85 which equals 2518 so that is what i'm supposed to eat each day if i keep up my current movement and have an average daily burn of this correct????

    the scooby website gave me similar numbers
    BMR 1487
    TDEE 2826
    daily cal goal 2402 (based on 15% and 7hrs workout calculations)

    so if i keep averaging a close to 3000 calorie burn each day i should really be eating 2500ish cals each day???? i dont mind gaining at first to get this *kitten* figured out especially if i expect it....i've lost 75+ lbs since jan 2008 and i would like to lose another 30ish to end up between 140-150 for the rest of my life....any suggestions would be wonderful...

    PS i log my food in MFP diary and then just enter that as my daily estimate on my BMF activity manager...i know my MFP stats on my homepage are all off because i dont adjust for my true burn per my BMF....i dont care about what that this point i just want my BMF activity manager to be accurate based on burn and cals eaten as entered....i have been playing with the 170s since May's time to get into the 160s and then i'll at least feel like im making some "scale" related progress even though i KNOW that the scale is not the best measure of progress and i am working on the other things too...back to lifting 2 times a week, going to mix up my workouts and try to get some more anaerobic workouts including some hiit and increasing my overall protein intake....i know what to do i just need help finalizing the number to work with....a few people have suggested i do the metabolism reset before starting the emwl concept?? thoughts on that too please lol...
    thanks again...denise

    thanks for the help....

    I would set your cals at 2400 - 2500 if it was me. I also compare scooby/BMF readings and found them about 100 difference. 2300 is going to put you at too high of a deficit (we try to stick to the 15% here)

    Otherwise, looks good! Quick question, are you getting in at least one rest day? I see you workout for 7 hrs a week...If you are able to incorporate a rest day for your body to recover I highly recommend it. :happy:
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    I am new to this, and I have worked out that my BMR is 1486 cals per day, TDEE- 2044 and cut value- 1737. So I exercise around 3 times a week and usually this comes to around 250 a session, so I feel like the TDEE is too high? even with cut value? Should I be sedenatry rather than lightly active? If I am still eating more than I am burning surely I wont lose?

    I totally trust the theory I am just finding it hard to get my head around and want to have it right, because if I start eating 1737 every day and put on weight/inches, I'll be really demoralised!

    How long does it usually take to start getting results? Scooby said that my stats above would result in a loss of 2.5lbs A MONTH that doesnt seem much at all???

    Thanks loads for your help x

    I would say that if you are working out a3x/week then stay at the lightly active setting. It is very likely that you will gain at's part and parcel with getting your metabolism back on track. If you find that after about 6 weeks though, you aren't losing inches or weight, then you may need to consider a reset....were you eating at vlcd or yo-yo dieting for a while before coming to this group?

    In regards to losing weight slowly, you need to watch this video:

    As well, you need to make sure you read this thread too:

    I hope that helps! If you have questions or need support, just ask! :flowerforyou:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i do rest on mondays.....the reason i put 7hrs is because tuesdays, thursdays and fridays i typically get 2+hrs in with double workouts....wednesdays, saturdays and sundays i get 1+hrs in so it typically get between 8-9hrs of exercise in a week...i'm going to stick with the 2300 this week as i have been "resting" since thursday's workouts due to a bad rash, so my burns/deficits have not been where they typically will be....i'm back to my regularly scheduled workouts this week starting's hoping the decrease in the workouts helps get my body ready to start dropping this weight....
    thanks for your response...i'm glad i have confirmation that the changes i have set up should start showing me some results - giving it 1 month....
    update - i set my cals to 2300 on friday....can someone please provide confirmation of my info below????
    i use a bodymedia fit armband.....
    over the last 28 days i have had an average daily burn on 2962 that would be my TDEE correct??

    then to get my TDEE minus 15% #, i would multiply 2962 by .85 which equals 2518 so that is what i'm supposed to eat each day if i keep up my current movement and have an average daily burn of this correct????

    the scooby website gave me similar numbers
    BMR 1487
    TDEE 2826
    daily cal goal 2402 (based on 15% and 7hrs workout calculations)

    so if i keep averaging a close to 3000 calorie burn each day i should really be eating 2500ish cals each day???? i dont mind gaining at first to get this *kitten* figured out especially if i expect it....i've lost 75+ lbs since jan 2008 and i would like to lose another 30ish to end up between 140-150 for the rest of my life....any suggestions would be wonderful...

    PS i log my food in MFP diary and then just enter that as my daily estimate on my BMF activity manager...i know my MFP stats on my homepage are all off because i dont adjust for my true burn per my BMF....i dont care about what that this point i just want my BMF activity manager to be accurate based on burn and cals eaten as entered....i have been playing with the 170s since May's time to get into the 160s and then i'll at least feel like im making some "scale" related progress even though i KNOW that the scale is not the best measure of progress and i am working on the other things too...back to lifting 2 times a week, going to mix up my workouts and try to get some more anaerobic workouts including some hiit and increasing my overall protein intake....i know what to do i just need help finalizing the number to work with....a few people have suggested i do the metabolism reset before starting the emwl concept?? thoughts on that too please lol...
    thanks again...denise

    thanks for the help....

    I would set your cals at 2400 - 2500 if it was me. I also compare scooby/BMF readings and found them about 100 difference. 2300 is going to put you at too high of a deficit (we try to stick to the 15% here)

    Otherwise, looks good! Quick question, are you getting in at least one rest day? I see you workout for 7 hrs a week...If you are able to incorporate a rest day for your body to recover I highly recommend it. :happy:
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    I put in my numbers on the scooby site and came up with the following numbers:
    BMR - 2027
    TDEE - 3141
    15% Cut - 2670

    MFP says that I should have 2030 a day which barely scrapes above my BMR. On that low a calorie count I have been feeling very hungry come bed time. I know I could improve what I use my calories on but still that's a good 600 calorie difference! I'll change my calorie goals on MFP I think because I'm so fed up of feeling hungry and not really seeing any results for it.
  • lsardes2
    lsardes2 Posts: 6 Member
    What is the rationale behind using the TDEE cut adjusted to average activity level as your calorie goal and not logging exercise less than 500 cal, rather than using appropriately-calculated BMR as the goal and logging all exercise?

    BMR + exercise alone is not enough. Look at it this way, if you got out of bed, ate your bmr calories (which in itself burns calories), brushed your teeth and went back to bed, you'd already have netted BELOW BMR. (= Bad). Same thing if you get out of bed, eat your BMR + exercise calories, worked out, showered, and went back to bed, you'd be netting under BMR (because you didn't leave anything for the shower.) You would have needed to eat back some of your shower burned calories too (not all necessarily, but enough to keep you above BMR).

    What you want to do, is take the cut out of the daily calories above BMR. So, in essence you could then eat back only PART of your exercise calories....but this still leaves us with a couple of problems.

    1. Are you sure you left enough room between BMR and calories eaten so that your daily activities don't burn so much that you then drop below BMR? (these are those things you do every day such as wash dishes, brush your teeth, make supper, play with kids, etc). You'd need to make sure you ate back enough of those calories burned too (approx 75%)...hard to determine those so much day to day though unless you have a Body Media Fit or other device. When all is said and done, you still want to make sure you are only at a 15% deficit total in order to keep the metabolism up higher, reduce plateaus, and promote a maintainable weight loss.
    2. There is no consistency in what your body is fed day to day. This might not be as big of an issue for someone new to the diet world, but for people who have yo-yo dieted, binged, VLCD'd or other such things, the first thing the body needs to do is to learn to trust in a regular food supply. This helps restore metabolism, and break plateau's.

    Basically it comes down to CAN do it from BMR up (if you are new to dieting - still not recommended for others because of the consistency issue)...but you have a whole lot more calculations and numbers to watch that way if you want to do it properly.

    I hope that helps explain it a least as far as I've been able to understand it!! :smile:

    This is helpful but... what about setting your MFP goal as your sedentary calorie value (I got mine from fat2fitradio) and then eating back your exercise calories? Does that work?
  • koen612
    koen612 Posts: 83
    I'm a bit confused i went to to scooby's calculator i want to lose fat and gain muscle my BMR is 2284, and My TDEE is 3541, but its says to gain muscle and lose fat i should eat 3541, is that correct, i mean i expected a cut or is it all to sumplement my strength training and cardio?
  • cmje94066
    cmje94066 Posts: 24 Member
    ok, can someone help me understand this. If my BMR 1501 (and TDEE is 2655) I should eat past this amount, correct? If MFP calculates my calories at 1200 Cal for weight loss and I work out and burn 400 cals, how much should I be eating back? I usually would eat 200 - 300 back, would that make sense. HElp me understand this
  • britneyy32
    britneyy32 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm a bit confused i went to to scooby's calculator i want to lose fat and gain muscle my BMR is 2284, and My TDEE is 3541, but its says to gain muscle and lose fat i should eat 3541, is that correct, i mean i expected a cut or is it all to sumplement my strength training and cardio?
    I'm confused about this too.. I want to cut fat and gain muscle, but the calorie number it gives you is the same as your TDEE and so I don't see how that works?
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm a bit confused i went to to scooby's calculator i want to lose fat and gain muscle my BMR is 2284, and My TDEE is 3541, but its says to gain muscle and lose fat i should eat 3541, is that correct, i mean i expected a cut or is it all to sumplement my strength training and cardio?
    I'm confused about this too.. I want to cut fat and gain muscle, but the calorie number it gives you is the same as your TDEE and so I don't see how that works?

    It's difficult to add muscle on a deficit, so I suspect that's why you're getting that result. Often people wanting to add muscle will focus on that for a while (known as "bulking"), and then eat at a calorie level that will maintain muscle rather than add more and "cut" to lose fat.
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    ok, can someone help me understand this. If my BMR 1501 (and TDEE is 2655) I should eat past this amount, correct? If MFP calculates my calories at 1200 Cal for weight loss and I work out and burn 400 cals, how much should I be eating back? I usually would eat 200 - 300 back, would that make sense. HElp me understand this

    You should eat your TDEE -15% (so 2256 in your case). Don't eat calories back UNLESS you've burned enough that day that you'd end up below your BMR of 1501. That's because your TDEE cut already takes your typical burn into account.
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    This is helpful but... what about setting your MFP goal as your sedentary calorie value (I got mine from fat2fitradio) and then eating back your exercise calories? Does that work?

    That can work, but what you lose then is consistency. Part of the process is getting your body accustomed to a steady daily calorie intake.
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110

    I'm new but looking into following this process. Is it recommended even for people who have not been on 'starvation' calories in the past? I have been attempting diets everyday but failing miserably so looking for something more sustainable in the long-term - thinking this could be it?

    I've done my maths and it suggests eating 1900 calories a day (WOW!). I exercise 4-5 times a week burning 420 calories a session (HRM - resting cal burn) so even on exercise days I will be NET'ing at higher than my BMR - 1445.

    I go on holiday in a week - is it stupid starting this now, should I stick to lower calories and attack this when I'm back? Don't want to screw it up - as I'm away for 10 days and will not be counting calories etc and may be way over and mess it all up?

    Thanks! :)
  • kingreb
    kingreb Posts: 3
    Ok so I just went on Scooby and here is what it says:

    BMR - 1572
    TDEE - 2437
    TDEE - 15% - 2071

    I am also using the Fitbit ultra to help track my calorie burn. Do these numbers mean that I am supposed to eat 2071 calories per day? I have been using what MFP says which is 1500 and I have lost 10 lbs so far, but I haven't lost any for the past couple of weeks so I am wanting to give this a try. I walk or do cardio 4 to 5 times a week, but I haven't started any weight lifting. I have a desk job, but I chose moderate activity, is that right? I'm just a little confused by all of this and I am afraid of eating too much and gaining the weight back.

    I also think I am going to have a hard time eating that many calories a day, does it matter what you eat or should it all be clean eating?

    Thanks for any help!!