Please introduce yourselves to the group here



  • lindamae52
    lindamae52 Posts: 20 Member
    I have been on MFP for a couple of months now and only have lost 11 pounds. I cant seem to stick with anything. I do good for a while then I fall off the wagon again. I need encouragement to stick with this and not let it be another diet I failed. HELP
  • lindamae52
    lindamae52 Posts: 20 Member
    sounds like your already on track. stick with it. lots of luck to you
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome everyone, it has been fab getting to know you all. I love reading your stories. We can do this guys!!
  • msvarga
    msvarga Posts: 3
    Hi everyone, I am starting on my second week of my weight loss program. Never been known as small. I live up to my german heritage by being a sturdy girl. But, I am 55 and no longer as sturdy as I use to be. I have a husband that loves to trave and a 14 year old and struggle to keep up with them and work activities. Would like to get rid of some of the aches and pains and have energy. I do believe you have to take ownership of healing your mind and body. It's something I have let go for too long.

    As I said we love to travel so I decided to start my program now to help me prepare for a trip. We will be cruising to Alaska and we have choosen some very challenging activities.

    I ready several of your replys and I face the same ups and downs. Wt loss is challenging but I do know from experience it works best with support so that is why I am joining all of you. I need to loose 70lbs to be at the appropriate BMI. I know my confort area would be 50lbs. I will not lose that before the trip but if I can get 10 or 15lbs off I will be soooo Happy!! So here we go. I have currently have 5lbs off and as someone said I am in my honeymoon phase so I am hanging in there. Life style and work makes it hard for me to eat the right things but I am giving it great thought and trying to plan ahead. I am not much for carrying healthy snacks with me but if I can carry unhealthy snacks I guess I can change that habit.

    Look forward to supporting all of you and your support. Add me as a friend.
  • Tommaxx
    Tommaxx Posts: 3
    Hello, my name is Tomas, gain up to 210, and started at weight loss journey, my elliptical Nordic track has been dusted off and is the base of my excerise program. Home world is nacogdoches Texas, out in the county, five miles from the boat ramp. Also invested in a wii balance board and do the yoga program. Loss of ten pounds in three weeks, my motivation gets low at time. I listen to cutthefatpodcast for good info.
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm from Northern Ireland (or as we say over here 'Norn Iron') and joined a week ago after finding MFP online. I've been overweight most of my life (I'm 29 now) and I don't want to let my life slip me by anymore. It's been an eye opener about calories and fitness and seeing so many wonderful success stories in the forums! This is a total life change for me, I'm working out, walking and eating healthy and already I feel so much better. I've lost 5lb and 4.5 inches overall so far, but I'm looking forward to losing a lot more!

    Being motivated is a huge part of losing weight, and having good, supportive friends on MFP is essential. Looking forward to undertaking this challenge with you all.

    ANNAvsANNA Posts: 58 Member
    Hi everyone...I'm a 26 year old female from Virginia. I've been struggling with my weight my whole life. I have a food addiction that I'm trying to get under control.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm from Northern Ireland (or as we say over here 'Norn Iron') and joined a week ago after finding MFP online. I've been overweight most of my life (I'm 29 now) and I don't want to let my life slip me by anymore. It's been an eye opener about calories and fitness and seeing so many wonderful success stories in the forums! This is a total life change for me, I'm working out, walking and eating healthy and already I feel so much better. I've lost 5lb and 4.5 inches overall so far, but I'm looking forward to losing a lot more!

    Being motivated is a huge part of losing weight, and having good, supportive friends on MFP is essential. Looking forward to undertaking this challenge with you all.


    Hi Grace,

    What part of Northern Ireland are you from. I am a Tyrone lass myself!
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Hi Guys,
    My name is Olive and I'm already pals with Dolores who is great support to me..Thanks..
    I started here Oct 2011 but at the moment I've hit a wall, Great Weekdays--Bad wkends.
    I have 2 Girls--14yrs and 12yrs and work part-time which is quickly turning into full-time,
    Add me as a friend if you like and we can help each other......Olive.x
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I am sheri a 49 yr old mom to 7, only 3 still at home. We have 4 adult children, and we did fostercare for 7 yrs and adopted the 3 younger ones which are now 12,14 and 15. I gained alot of weight due to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid. Between the medication, lack of exercise due to pain and problems walking and comfort eating because of feeling so crappy all the time I gained ALOT of weight. I decided I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired and decided in july 2010 to give MFP a try. Since then I have lost 104 lbs and i feel like I have my life back. It takes time, but dont give up, together we can do this
  • Hi my name is Joan. I struggled with my weight since my last pregnancy and then turning 40 and now the menopause thing and I turn 50 in 3 weeks. I'm married and I really need help keeping on the band wagon. I would love to have some people to talk to who are going through the same issues. I know the best thing I can do is keep positive so I'm ready to get started
  • Hi! I'm Rachael, I have 3 children and I've never lost the baby weight. Making positive strides, need help when I hit those plateaus and rough days! :D Dont get a lot of support from my partner, always bringing the wrong foods home and sabotaging my efforts, argh! Lol, I <3 MFP it's already helped me start moving, cant wait to make some new friends
  • Susieanna
    Susieanna Posts: 6 Member
    Hellooooo all! My name is Suze and I am 23 yrs old, Australian, and sick of being overweight! I love health and fitness and actually work helping other women reach their health and fitness goals (plus I'm studying Nursing). I am doing this to remain accountable because I have a very bad habit of falling off the wagon and taking a week or so of bad eating before I get back on again!! My biggest problem is not staying in the "zone". If I eat even one thing that I didn't plan or shouldn't be eating it is enough for me to throw it all in and go "all out"!! If your story sounds similar and you want a buddy to whinge and cry along with, then add me! I have roughly 55 pounds to lose and I need all the help I can get! :happy:
  • My name is Lindsay, I'm 31 years old and mother to a 3 1/2 year old. I have my ups and downs, was so proud of myself in March because I had lost about 30lbs...and now I've gained almost all of it back. I do ok until something rocks the boat and I fall overboard, my ex has a lot to do with that. I work full-time as a 911 dispatcher and part-time as an EMT, so I don't have a whole lot of time to workout...this also has an effect on my diet. I eat what's quick and easy most of the time. I need a lot of help keeping motivated and moving in the right direction.
  • alumpoflard
    alumpoflard Posts: 95 Member
    Hello, I'm Jane. I am 43 ( 44 on saturday) and have been overweight my whole adult life. I started on MFP on January 1st and started adding friends in March when I realised that I was actually going to stick to this! :drinker:
    I have IBS which is pretty much under control and don't eat vegetables - I spent my whole childhood being told off for not eating veg which is why I have my diary closed now, I'm here to give and receive support, not to judge or be judged:happy:
    I have a 5 year old son with autism, and need to be fitter to keep up with him.

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm from Northern Ireland (or as we say over here 'Norn Iron') and joined a week ago after finding MFP online. I've been overweight most of my life (I'm 29 now) and I don't want to let my life slip me by anymore. It's been an eye opener about calories and fitness and seeing so many wonderful success stories in the forums! This is a total life change for me, I'm working out, walking and eating healthy and already I feel so much better. I've lost 5lb and 4.5 inches overall so far, but I'm looking forward to losing a lot more!

    Being motivated is a huge part of losing weight, and having good, supportive friends on MFP is essential. Looking forward to undertaking this challenge with you all.


    Hi Grace,

    What part of Northern Ireland are you from. I am a Tyrone lass myself!

    County Antrim, great to meet another gal from Ireland!
  • skydiamonds67
    skydiamonds67 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! I'm Erika and I've been on MFP since January 10th, 2012. I've been overweight my whole life, and have gone on many diets in the past. Something really clicked this winter, and I became very determined to lose for good. MFP is such a great support group, and I'm sure I wouldn't have made it past the first two weeks if it weren't for this site. I started at 360 lbs, and am now down to 313 lbs. However, I've hit a really bad plateau/slump recently, and could use some support to get back on track. I do good for a few days, and then the next few days I go back to my old eating habits. I don't want this to be another failed diet! Hopefully we can help each other to succeed!
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    hii! I'm christina and I am 21. I dont have any kids and I'm not married but I do have a boyfriend who I love very much and will one day marry :P Ive been chubby since I was. in kindergarden. I want to lose about 65 more pounds, I've lost 12 so far :] my ultimate goal weight, as of now, is 160. But i'm thinking of changing it once I get there, depending on how I look and feel. anyone who needs support or motivation feel free to request me :] I like receiving it back as well! we can do this :]
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi, my name is Faye, I'm 32, I've been doing really well on MFP since November, recently I'm getting a bit disheartened and disinterested, slipping up in places, lacking in motivation and exercise. I can't give up though, I NEED to do this. I'm actually a lot more positive than this post sounds lol. Feel free to add me :laugh:
  • eudemonia
    eudemonia Posts: 149 Member
    hi, i'm eff. i'm 22, and i've never been at a healthy weight, even as a child. my goal is to lose a little under 40 lb. i've been on mfp since summer of last year, but i keep slipping up because i have really bad binging tendencies. i don't want to use food as fuel. i want to enjoy it, as it's intended, without going about it unhealthily.