Welcome! Say hello....



  • beccerab
    beccerab Posts: 22
    Hey all :)

    I'm Becky, 32 and I live in the lakes region of New Hampshire. I'm divorced with three kids (They live with dad during school and here in the summer)

    My story is on my profile page-- I won't repost it here (way too long) but take a look if you get a chance.

    Long story short-- I'm down 45lbs (was 60 but life got in the way and I let a little creep back on) and now I'm going for the last 45 to get me to my goal.

    I work at a YMCA camp for Boys during the summer and usually during the school year I work with Autistic or other developmentally challenged youth.

    Nice to meet all of you!

    -- Becky

    (edited to add -- I'm only putting 10 pounds at a time on my ticker-- smaller goals are easier it seems )
  • Hi All! I'm Tasha. Have struggled with my weight for the past decade (did I just say decade?? yes), yo yo -ing losing motivation, getting fatter and unhealthier with each year. Now Im thirty and I refuse, REFUSE, to rock my dirty thirties with my tired twenty body. I lack motivation - I need people to help me stay on track. So hoping to make some weight loss friends - maybe we can walk this road together.

  • jbosick80
    jbosick80 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello everyone, I am a 31...almost 32 year old living in the STL area. I work full-time and go to school full-time. Enjoy yoga and walking my energetic lab/pit bull mix. When I met my husband in 2009 I was at my perfect weight but moving in and cooking for an ARMY guy I put some pounds back on that are not agreeing with me anymore. I am in the hopes that MFP will help get me back to my fighting weight.
  • mrsgokev
    mrsgokev Posts: 20
    Hi! I'm 34, a wife of 7 years and a stay at home mom to two girls--ages 5 & 3. I have a tendency to get started with working out and counting calories and then I stop after about a week or two. We just had our kitchen completely redone and had to eat out a LOT which led to even more weight going on. I lost weight after the oldest turned 1 and I felt great and looked good even though I didn't make it to my actual goal weight (I do my goals little by little so they don't seem so daunting). After the 2nd was born (she was over 9lbs and I was ALL belly), my abs area was horribly stretched out and I ended up putting weight on instead of losing it. :( I'm sick of it and am here for motivation to keep going on the days when I don't feel like it.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group for those of you coming on these past few weeks! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us for additional support. Please feel free to start any posts/threads.

    Good luck on your journeys!!

  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Deedra and I'm 30. (This is the part where you all say, "Hi Deedra.")

    I am married with a 4 year old. I would like to lose 25 lbs but it is the same 25 lbs that I have wanted to lose for the last year so I don't know that I'm really that committed to losing. I lost 69 lbs in 2010 and have kept it off.

    What I am committed to is running and getting stronger. I am running a half marathon on October 20th, so I'm distance, speed, hill, weight and cross training. Good news, I look tighter than I have since before my daughter was born. But in the last 40 days, I have only lost 6 lbs. I have decided to try eating more to lose (or not) because running more than 3 miles and crosstraining in 1 day on even 1200 clean calories is not fun.

    Feel free to add me! I will be a regular logger until at least October 20th and I like to comment on friend's posts.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi All! I am Allison and I am 34 (will be 35 in August). I have been on MFP for a little over 2 years and have lost 41lbs so far! I just recently got married on April 28, 2012 to a wonderful man!... I have a 12 yr old daughter from my 1st marriage. We are about to begin activily looking for a house to move into and then begin thinking about maybe having another child sometime before my clock gives out.... I recently earned my 1st degree black belt in Tang Soo Do, my daughter is a 1st degree and my hubby is a 3rd degree. I don't train as much as I used to due to some recent events, but I still stay active physically. I am a member at our local gym here and workout at least 3 times a week or more. Feel free to add me, sorry guys, I only accept friend requests from ladies... :)
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member
    My name is Akaporn. I'm 37. It's been a while since I turned 30 but I just started to realized that my body isn't where it used to be anymore. I'm still in a pretty good shape and living very active life. I just missed the days when I can eat tons of stuffs without gaining any weight. I hope that this 30's group would help me dealing with this transformation.

    I'd love to add you all to my MFP list. Please feel free to review my profile and ask me any questions.
  • DirectorLawrence
    DirectorLawrence Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Lawrence. I'm heading back to college this Fall to complete my BA. I've been overweight most of my life and I'm excited to finally change that. So far so good. 30 isn't as bad I thought it was going to be. I feel younger than when I was 20. Feel free to add me. Have a great day!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Deedsie, Allison0820, Akaporn, and Director Lawrence!!

    There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. Please feel free to post any threads, etc.

    Good luck on your journeys!

  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    hi peoples,
    i'm wendy, 34, turning 35 in october. i've been on mfp for about 6 months and lost about 30lbs before joining. in the last year i've gotten really into the routine of working out, and trying to keep it interesting over time. i like the way exercise makes me feel so i plan to stick with it. i love to cook and experiment with food. i'm mostly vegetarian but have fish once in a while. i live in nyc and have two kitties and a tiny dog. i have a girlfriend in boston and no kids. :)
  • SchellAJ
    SchellAJ Posts: 1
    Hello All! :smile: I'm 36 yrs old (37 in November). I have a 5 yr old daughter that keeps me on my toes. I'm new to MFP and am looking for support and motivation. I did the Weight Watchers thing a few years ago and did really well on it however I got tired of counting points and then when I stopped I gained. I've heard good things about MFP so thought I would give it a try.
  • erinreoyo
    erinreoyo Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm Erin and a 34 year old newlywed (married in October 2010). I'm new to MFP... relatively new at least. I first logged in at the end of April, but didn't maintain logging in. I'm back and am looking for support, inspiration, and motivation in this weight loss journey (hopefully my last!). My husband and I want to start a family, but my doctor wants me to lose 40lbs before we start trying (big reality check for me).
  • smdelzer
    smdelzer Posts: 167 Member
    Hi! I'm Shannon (33) and new to MFP (for about a month now). I teach 6th grade, have to kids (Madison, 4 and Jayden, almost 3), have been happily married for almost 8 years, and sing in a rock band. I am a very social person who likes to keep busy with FUN! I think the 30s are the best decade so far and wan to feel more comfortable in my body so I can enjoy it to the fullest.

    Feel free to add me for support. I am part of a "Biggest Loser" challenge at my work over the summer, so I'm on here everyday and am a very positive person :smile:
  • smdelzer
    smdelzer Posts: 167 Member
    @erinreyoyo: Wow, that would really be a hard thing to hear from a doctor. I support you 100% in your goal and know you can do it!! Adding a darling baby to your family will be the BEST reward! :smile:
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Wendy, Schell, Erin and Shannon!!! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us.

    Good luck on your journeys!

  • Athena7579
    Athena7579 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello All, my name is Athena I am born and raised in Fort Worth Texas. I've been married then divorced then married again then divorced and then ended right back up with my first husband who is also the father of my 2 kiddoes, my daughter is 12 and son is 10. Lol. I am 32 and in 2 days will be 33 and I am feeling better and looking better in my opinion than I did in my 20's. I am constantly on the move. I work full time, and still come home and cook a meal and clean and go work out. I thought I would never be able to do all these things until I actually started doing it and wanting to be here for my kids and thier kids which is mainly why I had to change my lifestyle. Between a family history on both sides of: Diabetes, High blood pressure, and every other health condition thats associated with your weight is in my family lurking in the background like a crazy stalker.... So now I am down 21 pounds and counting and will continue to push forward and reach my goal and possibly exceed it. Good luck to everyone and continue until you reach your goals! Thank you, Athena
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Hi I'm 32, live in Essex UK, have a son who is nearly 11, swopping jobs to work in Foreign Currency from being in Accounts :-)
  • booge914
    booge914 Posts: 4
    Hey there everyone! I am 32 and live in the suburbs of Chicago. Excited to join MFP and looking for others to share a journey with. I'm glad I found this group! My wife and I have been married for almost 9 years and have 2 kids with another on the way. I am a software engineer and looking for others with a similar occupation.
  • Hi there

    I am a 34year old , stay at home mom to a talkative 4 year old son and a busy 20 month old girl.Hubby works away from home, which can be really tough.
    I live in Cape Town , South Africa and have between 15-20kg to lose.
    I have recently taken up Zumba, and am loving every minute of it!
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