


  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I am 38 and the mom to 8 kids (6 boys and 2 girls). I am currently breastfeeding my youngest child. I have 2 weddings to be in at the end of Oct and would really love to be 20 to 30 pounds smaller by then. I have had problems with anorexia in the past but reallt want to do this the right way and be healthier for my kids, my hubby, abnd myself!!
  • BMW1985
    BMW1985 Posts: 1
    Hello Ladies! I have 3 children 2 boys ages 6&4 and a girl she just turned 1. My husband wrks for the fire department and he works a 24/48 schedule. which means every third day it is just me & the kiddos. these are usually the days i dnt have alot of time to do a wrkout. I have been riding bikes with the kids in the morning to take the boys to there summer programs. but if anyone has any ideas as far as getting a wrkout in & getting daily chores done I wld appreciate it. i am trying to loose 20 more lbs
  • JustMe4Me
    JustMe4Me Posts: 13
    Hi everyone! I am a 34 year old stay at home mom/student of 2 girls (12 yrs and 16 mos) and 2 boys (10 yrs and 7 yrs). I was very thin when I was younger. I gained a lot of weight after high school then had the yo-yo weight loss and weight gain for several years. After my 3rd child (7yr old) I lost a ton of weight. Now we have our surprise baby that is 16 mos now, but I am still fighting with the baby weight. I have some physical problems I am still trying to over come from a car accident a few years ago, but tired of that being an excuse! Ready to be back to a healthy weight again!!
  • hello ladies im 22 and tired of this baby fat! whos with me? i have always been under weight most of the time i was 95-103 now after i had my lil girl im 130 and look like im still pregnant often they ask me when im due!!! i hate this feeling and want to get back in shape need encouragement and support and will be there for u as well fell free to ADD ME!!!
  • Ashelim22
    Ashelim22 Posts: 3
    Hello! I just joined this site today!! I am 24 and a mother of a (soon to be) 6 year old and a 16 month old. Both girls!! Ive have issues with my weight (disorders and depression) my whole life- and with a sit down job, two kids and a wedding to plan.... i need to get moving! I need to get back to a size where i can feel comfortable in my own skin... not hide behind extra layers of flowy shirts!! I always look pregnant! my wedding is next may... and my kids always want to play: Ive joined a cardio kickboxing class- and now this site, so whether im ready or not... its time to power through it!! 30lbs... here we go!
  • teacup98
    teacup98 Posts: 36
    just joined today and are looking forward to having inspiration from others like me. i am a mom to two boys who are 9 and 7 and i want to be healthy and happy for them.
  • FortreZZ
    FortreZZ Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I am a 26 year old mother of a wonderful 9 month old baby boy! Between working full time, being a full time mother, and graduate school eating healthy and working out was at the end of my to-do list. When my doctor told me that my CRP levels were elevated and that it could be decreased by my weight I quickly felt the need to get it together. So far I have lost 17 pounds, I still have more to lose but I know I can get there. Wish everyone the best of luck!
  • Sharlene113
    Sharlene113 Posts: 52 Member
    Hello mamas. I'm 38, married and have 6 kids combined with my husband. I've had 3 by birth. Youngest is 8. Still carrying baby weight with me, but then I started nursing school. Gained about 30 lbs in school because it's hard, hard, hard, and I study all the time. Book in lap, lap in seat. Hardly any exercise. I'm going to be a grandmother in 3 months and feel a lot older than I should. I would love to be healthy and fit, as well as weigh less. My husband used this sight previously and lost quite a bit of weight. He and I are now doing it together. He doesn't understand the need to log in everyday but I'm a woman who needs support so add me. I log in everyday! :flowerforyou:
  • pmtuft
    pmtuft Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 38 married and have a 10 1/2 month old baby boy! I am looking to lose the rest of the baby wiegth and then some-as I was heavier then I woudl have liked to be when I got preganant in the first place. I would like to still lose about 20 lbs. I love to cook, spend time with the family, and run! Would love soem support moms as friends on here!
  • my_bleu
    my_bleu Posts: 12
    Hi mommas!

    I am 33 just had my first baby she is 6 months... I have been losing a long time- I was one bout of food poisoning away from my goal weight and I found out I was pregnant. Just stopped breastfeeding and now it's time to get back on track. No excuses!

    Oh did I mention I am starting my PhD?

    I think I can do it all... I hope I can. You all motivate me :)
  • jojojeanners
    jojojeanners Posts: 3 Member
    Hello :)
    Looking to lose the baby weight from three little ones ... ages 6yrs -4yrs - and 4 months. I am still breastfeeding and not sure how this is going to work --- not really counting the calories --- just getting myself motivated!

    Please feel free to add me --- need some friends to keep me moving off the couch!
  • Hi! I'm a newbie here in this group. I'm a mother of 4 amazing children. I'm just trying to lose the extra weight for goodness sake! LOL! :) Hopefully, I can remain motivated to reach my health goals and help others along the way. :)
  • I am a 31 year old female who has a new baby girl. I want to get healthy for her so I can keep up with her.
  • lmores
    lmores Posts: 18 Member
    Hi All,

    I am a 39 yo mother of three girls (ages 7,6 and 3). I have always struggled with my weight but before kids it was a 10 lb struggle, now 3 years after my last pregnancy I am working out more then ever but I am still 20+ lbs heavier then I want to be. Could be age, hormones, or all the peanut butter sandwiches I finish? I have used MFP for a while but went to join weight watchers for the accountability. But it is so expensive I thought maybe I should join a group here and try to find some support for free! After so many years pregnant/breastfeeding I need to relearn how much I can eat.

    So that is it! Thanks,

  • dipletti
    dipletti Posts: 33 Member
    I am a 39 year old Mum of 2 boys (ages 6 and 4). I took up running 2 and a half years ago to lose weight...I weigh more now than I did then. I want to lose weight to be able to keep up with my kids and to run better. I am training for the Disney Princess 1/2 in Feb. 2013 and want to just fly though it!
  • HI
  • hi I'm 38, with a 16 year old son, been steadily gaining weight for about 10 years loss some gain more kinda thing :( but I'm done with that. starting a new 20 week better eating program excited for the change! feel free to add me as a friend i could use the support! thx
  • Hi everyone, I am 26 years old. I live in New Jersey. I am a stay at home mom to a beautiful son. I am in love with my boyfriend, 7 years and still going strong. The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

    I have been back and fourth with my weight since the day I had my son 5 years ago. I never suffered from weight since I was practically underweight most of my life. I was only 82 lbs and size 0 before I had my son and gain to 138 lbs being pregnant. I gave birth and my postpartum weight was 115 lbs and size 5. Nine months of postpartum I decided to start getting back in shape working out everyday 3 hrs a day 2 days off and started taking diet pills as well. At that time I was in school so with the back and fourth helped as well. I went down to 105 lbs size 1 and 2. I felt better and my confidence boosted. I was doing well til I moved 2 yrs ago and found out I was pregnant. I went back up to 112 lbs in less then a month. I had a miscarriage a month later and since then my weight started increasing. I am so ready to get my sexy back and kick the pounds off.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    im 21 and a massage therapist everyone at work is about being healthy and losing weight and working out and eating right and i want to do the same. im also single so id like to feel comfordable and have the self esteem and confidense to date eventully when im ready. and id like to fit into my cute clothes that i can no longer wear :).
  • Livnluv83
    Livnluv83 Posts: 17 Member
    Happy NYE! I am 29 years old and married, I have a beautifully 9 year old son and am just trying to be the healthiest I can be. I luv seeing so many moms on this group with the same goals, it's very motivating. I have always struggled with my weight but its never been more than about 10lbs until the last couple of years. My highest weigh as 206lbs. I've lost about 20lbs and want to lose @ least 30 more lbs. looking forward to the new year!