Clean Eating Friends???



  • turquoise_elephant
    turquoise_elephant Posts: 83 Member
    I'm just starting clean eating, although I've been cutting down on processed and refined foods since I started dieting. I'd love to have more clean eating friends, so please feel free to add me :)
  • tazzamac
    tazzamac Posts: 10 Member

    I recently decided to start making the change to eating clean and definitely need some friends and support to keep me going.
    I decided to start when a friend of mine began to eat clean, and as I suffer from IBS, I thought it would be a great way to help minimise my reactions.

    I started with great intentions, slowly easing myself into it as I hate to waste food and money by just throwing out all my unclean food. I manage to get through most days with only one or two unclean foods in my diet but am starting to slip as I don't have a lot of ideas for clean and easy snacks. Plus I'm finding it so hard to find clean foods in my supermarket.

    I love to cook and and happy to make main meals from scratch with clean ingredients, but snacks are where I'm falling down. At the moment I'm eating a lot of fruit and yogurt but the fruit is skyrocketing my sugar intake.

    I would love to have some clean eating friends on here to help give me ideas of what to eat. So please feel free to add me.

  • afterfinn
    afterfinn Posts: 1
    Clean eater here as well! I've been doing it for awhile now, mostly since having lived overseas for a bit of time and that was our only option.

    I'd say I'm an 80/20er... 80% of what I eat is good.

    I really need encouragement, especially since so much stuff out there about losing weight is about eating faux food (read: crap), I'm happy to have found you all. :)
  • rosawash
    rosawash Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me I eat unprocessed foods
  • MrsApprehensive
    MrsApprehensive Posts: 10 Member
    Please add me for some extra support and I welcome any and all of my fellow clean-eating peeps to friend me as well. I can always use extra ideas and encouragement!! =o)

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  • cklowery36
    cklowery36 Posts: 151 Member
    Omg! I'm home! After some news about cholesterol and blood pressure levels today, I pulled up the mental bootstraps, and dusted off my ECD books. I'm so glad to talk to people about this as no one close to me is remotely interested. I need to lose at least 40 pounds for health, 60 is my aesthetic ideal. I've read almost all the ECD books, I subscribe to Oxygen magazine, but never committed. Today was my wake-up call and my line. Please add me in this too. I would love to share clean eating ideas for snacks, meals and meal plans! Thanks everyone!
  • bonniemansfield
    bonniemansfield Posts: 17 Member
    hi everyone. i have been eating clean off and on for about a year. i have a big problem staying focused, i really love food. looking for some new friends who are also eating clean.
  • klalaw
    klalaw Posts: 137 Member
    I'm eating cleaner, but I'm not there 100%, and still have my "cheats." But overall I have switched to much more organic and less processed foods, and am always interested in advice, new recipes, etc.
  • Hi! I am new to clean eating and I am very curious to know how you all feel about it, especially those who have been doing it a while. Where do you find the answers to most of your questions about clean eating? Like what you can and cannot have? Please add me!
  • I am starting to focus more on eating clean this summer and looking for more friends on MFP.

    Those of you who are doing the Jamie Eason Program. How do you like it? I printed out the Week 1 workouts but am nervous to start because I start training for my second marathon on Monday.
  • Shalazarr
    Shalazarr Posts: 3 Member
    This is such a great group! I'm so glad I found it! I'm a mother of 3 and starting to focus on clean eating, cardio 5x/week and strength training 3x/week. I'm struggling with the eating though and could use some awesome friends!! It's hard to try and adjust your lifestyle when you're the only one at home doing it. I'm hoping as it gets easier, I can start incorporating what I've learned into my family's lifestyle.

  • returntorural
    returntorural Posts: 339 Member
    I'm also looking for Clean Eating friends for support and encouragement. I'm just starting out... again!
  • Brynne1234
    Brynne1234 Posts: 52 Member
    I just recently started to try to eat clean after discovering Michael Pollan's books. Please feel free to add me as I'm looking for friends!
  • I am on day 6 of eating clean & I am finally feeling a difference...besides the diet coke withdrawls lol I would love some "clean" friends to keep me motivated.
  • TraeP
    TraeP Posts: 68 Member
    Hey, there I'm a clean eater too!!!
    I love Tosca's books and the food is AAAAAAMazing, I have actually just gotten started on my 90 day challenge to completely eat clean, wish me luck Please add me as a friend sending you a request!!
  • chrisd334
    chrisd334 Posts: 3
    I just joined MFP and finished readingTosca Reno book and am starting Clean Eating on Monday :happy: Finally a lifestyle change that makes sense! Please anyone feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Ckmucci
    Ckmucci Posts: 18 Member
    Clean Eating makes me feel so much better- inside and out! But I just now hit the scales for the first time in 6 weeks and am now, once again, in the "re-group" phase! I had lost 27 pounds and in 6 weeks have managed to gain back 12 pounds! Would love to have some friends add me as I try to get back up on that Clean Eating horse and get my head back around the way I should be eating for life! Motivate me, please!:))
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 252 Member
    I'm just starting to eat cleaner would love some friends to help with the transition!
  • ashleyxxxo
    ashleyxxxo Posts: 41 Member
    I have ate healthy for the past 7 months. But I have recently decided to step it up a notch and introduce clean eating into my diet. Its hard right now because I have stayed at a dorm for 10 weeks, but I am going home next week and plan on introducing this into my life.

    If you eat clean add me to spread motivation:)
  • enliven_mal
    enliven_mal Posts: 28 Member
    I eat clean about 85% of the time. Feel free to add me.
    I am just starting (albeit half way through the prescribed program) Jamie Eason's Live Fit program, and follow Tosca's guide with some help from Pinterest, friends and Oxygen Magazine.
    Add away!