Weigh In



  • reereejandro
    reereejandro Posts: 62 Member

    Jamaica in a month so want to lose those last 10Lbs!

    Today is Day 5 Level 2 of 30 Day Shred so I WILL make it!
  • TizB
    TizB Posts: 4 Member
    CW = 195
  • Colasce
    Colasce Posts: 2 Member
  • xsabrinalynn
    xsabrinalynn Posts: 146 Member
    SO glad I found this group !

    Starting weight: 138
    Current weight: 126!

    Lets do this <3
  • yroma
    yroma Posts: 74 Member
    I'm @ 195..5 & looking for a challenge to bust this plateau!!
  • yroma
    yroma Posts: 74 Member
    I'm @ 195..5 & looking for a challenge to bust this plateau!!
  • SekhHydra
    SekhHydra Posts: 19 Member
    CW as of this morning 179lbs
    my next goal would be 160lbs (weight i was after my 2nd child in summer 2010)
    but 10lbs off would be a major starter, cant wait!!! :)
  • Is it ok to start now? I havent been on myfitnesspal in a while and I need to get back into a routine! I want to be 158 by august fourth.
    CW: 168.5
  • Jds063
    Jds063 Posts: 46 Member
    CW: 230
  • RN_ValB
    RN_ValB Posts: 2 Member
    Friday July 6th weigh in: 201
    Soon to be 10lbs less!
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    I am starting off at 268 as of today July 6th.
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    I've been plateaued since the end of Feb, so let's see if this can help. Thought I was eating too little so I've eaten more (nada), went to maintenance for a bit then decreased (and nada). Now I'm set to 1270 (but I'm happy netting under 1500).

    142 this morning.

    I'm supposed to be in Florida the first week of August, so I need the bump down for the last ten!
  • ddscrogg
    ddscrogg Posts: 1 Member
    161.4.... First weigh in:grumble:
  • 210lbs:(
  • howdy :) today i was 147. blah.
  • 135 :)
  • Leslie715
    Leslie715 Posts: 16 Member
    Tanks for starting this group! I hope to hurdle this plateau I've been on for 3 wks. My scale goes up and down between 181 and 179... so I'll avg it out for my starting weight and make it:

    CW: 180

    Hope to see a 10 lb loss!!! Fingers crossed!!! I'm even going to forgo the BR Ice Cream Cake this year for my birthday (July 15) and it's been a tradition for my DH to bring home every year for the past 10+ years. I'm trying hard!!! :)
  • ashleye93
    ashleye93 Posts: 3
    I'm at 170! (:
    Can't wait to see if this works!
    Add me for support buddies!
  • brinaz88
    brinaz88 Posts: 30 Member
    i'm so happe this morning there 3 weeks i weighed 162.

    this morning i weight 155.8!!!

    so happy....:)
  • Beginning weight 142