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  • willchaf
    willchaf Posts: 7 Member
    My name is Chad. I'm 40 and live in Kingwood, TX with my wife of 15 years and 4 (soon to be 5) boys. It is great to find this group on MFP!

    I got up to 275 lb in November of 2010, but did't start MFP until August of 2011 when I was around 270. My immediate goal is to 235, but that is more of a short term view. I'd really like to get down to 200 - 210. So far, I've lost ~20 lbs and I feel better than I have in a long time. MFP has showed me that to really lose weight, you have to do both: Diet and Exercise. My exercise of choice is running, but I need to start strength training to show my body that I mean business...it's getting used to the running routine.

    I really see the benefit of MFP because when I'm honest about tracking what I eat, I can do two things: First, I can see just how much food/calories I can put away...WOW, I'm a pig...and I like to eat!! So I know that for me to "eat like I want" and still lose weight, I have to exercise more and burn lots and lots of calories. Secondly the food diary/calorie tracking helps me recognize patterns and habits, which gives me the chance to maybe throw a wrench in it to help me avoid a busted week or month. For instance, I saw that I consistently did decent during the week, but my weekends were atrocious!! During the week, I'm at work and able to run at lunch practically every day if I wanted to. But on the weekend, that was a different story. I was eating too much and not exercising at all. As a result, my weight loss stalled. To address it, I've been trying to run at least once on the weekends as well. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't.

    I am a notorious yo-yo'er in fitness: both physical AND spiritual! I find it amazing how closely our physical and spiritual fitness are related. More often than not, if I let myself slide for too long diet-wise, I also find that my spiritual life is sliding as well. I've done fasts before which really show that I use food as a crutch, and that I like to do/eat what I want, and it is good to deny myself on occasion to give me that focus that I need in my life.

    I find that running is a great time to pray, and I have had many a conversation with God during those runs. In fact, I want to start a run here in Kingwood called the Rosary Run where we would all gather in the old St. Martha's parking lot and run the "big block" around Kingwood (right at 10K) all the while, praying the rosary. I keep thinking that this should be an official road race and I even created an event on RunKeeper, but I haven't fleshed out any details yet. Too overwhelming....

    Anyway, that's my ramble. It's good to find this group. (p.s. I knew I had to join this group because it was formed on my birthday!)

    God bless you all, and if ya'll could keep us in your prayers, I'd be grateful. My wife is due in 2 weeks.


  • i am so happy about this site aslo i pray god let you read my spelling i am delyxcia i love mass and holy hr and pray for other my family came to be catholic thought me mean my husband and his 2 kids i love be able to run to chucrh and sitting with the lord i injoy mass and if i want too go everyday i can how lucky we are aslo we have great mom group there too i got ic in sparks nv that were mom group is and i go too holy cross sparks
  • maryb2374
    maryb2374 Posts: 137 Member
    My name is Chad. I'm 40 and live in Kingwood, TX with my wife of 15 years and 4 (soon to be 5) boys. It is great to find this group on MFP!

    I got up to 275 lb in November of 2010, but did't start MFP until August of 2011 when I was around 270. My immediate goal is to 235, but that is more of a short term view. I'd really like to get down to 200 - 210. So far, I've lost ~20 lbs and I feel better than I have in a long time. MFP has showed me that to really lose weight, you have to do both: Diet and Exercise. My exercise of choice is running, but I need to start strength training to show my body that I mean business...it's getting used to the running routine.

    I really see the benefit of MFP because when I'm honest about tracking what I eat, I can do two things: First, I can see just how much food/calories I can put away...WOW, I'm a pig...and I like to eat!! So I know that for me to "eat like I want" and still lose weight, I have to exercise more and burn lots and lots of calories. Secondly the food diary/calorie tracking helps me recognize patterns and habits, which gives me the chance to maybe throw a wrench in it to help me avoid a busted week or month. For instance, I saw that I consistently did decent during the week, but my weekends were atrocious!! During the week, I'm at work and able to run at lunch practically every day if I wanted to. But on the weekend, that was a different story. I was eating too much and not exercising at all. As a result, my weight loss stalled. To address it, I've been trying to run at least once on the weekends as well. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't.

    I am a notorious yo-yo'er in fitness: both physical AND spiritual! I find it amazing how closely our physical and spiritual fitness are related. More often than not, if I let myself slide for too long diet-wise, I also find that my spiritual life is sliding as well. I've done fasts before which really show that I use food as a crutch, and that I like to do/eat what I want, and it is good to deny myself on occasion to give me that focus that I need in my life.

    I find that running is a great time to pray, and I have had many a conversation with God during those runs. In fact, I want to start a run here in Kingwood called the Rosary Run where we would all gather in the old St. Martha's parking lot and run the "big block" around Kingwood (right at 10K) all the while, praying the rosary. I keep thinking that this should be an official road race and I even created an event on RunKeeper, but I haven't fleshed out any details yet. Too overwhelming....

    Anyway, that's my ramble. It's good to find this group. (p.s. I knew I had to join this group because it was formed on my birthday!)

    God bless you all, and if ya'll could keep us in your prayers, I'd be grateful. My wife is due in 2 weeks.



    Prayers for your wife! I hope she has a quick, easy delivery. How old are your other boys? Mine are 9, 8, 5 and almost 3 (he'll be 3 on Friday). They are so much fun! If we have any more children, I hope to have more boys. :smile:
  • pumpkinoodle
    pumpkinoodle Posts: 36 Member
    Blessings everyone! What a joy to find this group! I am also a cradle Catholic who left the church after Confirmation.

    Fortunately I met my future husband in college (who was still practicing) and he gently brought me back into the church.

    Not only did we have a spark between us, he also re-ignited my love for the Catholic Church. I was so interested is talking positively about our faith that ended up getting my Master's degree in Pastoral Ministries.

    In terms of weight loss, I've tried a bunch of different things. Of relevance to this group, I tried Weigh Down Ministries - however I always felt like something was missing from that program - The Body of Christ!

    I believe our Lord has a great sense of humor. So after I gained all of my weight back after Weigh Down Ministries, I knew it was time to do things as God naturally intended - eat less calories, exercise more and surround myself with positive people, like you!

    :flowerforyou: Peace be with you!
  • BestCindyICanBe
    BestCindyICanBe Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome, pumpkinoodle! I also tried the WeighDown Ministries. You are right, it was missing something and I ended up feeling horrible about myself. I have found great friends on MFP who are supportive even when I am struggling.
  • willchaf
    willchaf Posts: 7 Member
    Prayers for your wife! I hope she has a quick, easy delivery. How old are your other boys? Mine are 9, 8, 5 and almost 3 (he'll be 3 on Friday). They are so much fun! If we have any more children, I hope to have more boys. :smile:

    Thanks for the prayers! My wife had a smooth delivery and Baby Quinn was born on May 3, 2012. He shares a birthday with his 7 year old brother!

    My other boys are 12, 9, 7 and 3.5. They are fun, and I can't help but laugh at my 3.5 year old. He is nothing but boy. Kid is dirty all the time. It's like he rolls around in the dirt outside! Always has a scraped knee or elbow or some other battle scars, and is the first to throw a punch at any of his older brothers (including the 12 year old) when he gets fired up.

    Challenging, yes, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

    God Bless you guys.

  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Great news, Chad!
  • tomasio127
    tomasio127 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm Thomas. I'm a convert to Catholicism. I got married last aummer, we don't have any kids yet.

    I've decided it's time to loose weight. It's only going to get harder as i get older, so now is the time.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Hello, I'm Thomas. I'm a convert to Catholicism. I got married last aummer, we don't have any kids yet.
    I've decided it's time to loose weight. It's only going to get harder as i get older, so now is the time.

    Welcome to the group, Thomas! When did you convert? From what denomination?
  • JennieMLane
    JennieMLane Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I just joined MFP. I'm Jennie, a happy Catholic, and want to be good to my temple. I'm a new mom, we just had our 4th child.
    Currently I'm nursing my infant. I'm just figuring out how this site works. it looks like these posts go from oldest to newest, which,
    if I'm right, doesn't make sense. I'll figure it out eventually. I have 50 lbs. to loose.
  • olgamarie_t
    olgamarie_t Posts: 58 Member
    convert here.
    raised evangelical than episcopal, then Anglican. Married a cradle catholic and did profesion of faith. 22 years later of being an occasional Sunday catholic, now I'm living my faith.

    I love Jesus,the catholic faith and Mary. I love Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament,prayers and the Divine Mercy Devotion.I want to help bring home to the catholic church the lost sheep out there through serving in my parish ministries,some are Emaus.Stewardship,Crown Financial Bible Study,Welcome Table,Women of Grace Foundational Study and volunteering to organize a youth group,not all at the same time ,of course. Working in Ministries has made a difference in my life,I feel like I work for Jesus! Amen.
  • tomasio127
    tomasio127 Posts: 2 Member
    Somehow I missed this! I was raised non-religious, "saved" Pentecostal, transitioned to Evangelical, and now I've been Catholic for more than seven years.
  • frsamuelmedley
    frsamuelmedley Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everybody!

    I am a Roman Catholic priest stationed in Kent, UK. I wanted to loose wait but one of the parishioners told me to make a fundraiser of it. For every pound I loose they will pledge a pound (GBP Sterling) to raise money for the parish. I have never tried to loose wait before. I never really thought about it until the doctor told me that I now have high blood pressure and am borderline diabetic. Enough of that!

    I used to be terribly skinny when I was assigned in the Philippines for 4 years. I was transferred to Texas on the Mexican border where I had my fill of lard-flour tortillas, sour cream, and cheese. After eating rice, fish, and veggies in coconut milk for years in Asia, this change was violent to my system. I put on 30 pounds in a few months and haven't changed since, until this spring. So far I have lost 33 pounds and I am going for 100!!! Woohoo! Er I mean Alleluia!

    Good to connect with other Catholics trying to loose weight.

    "Bless me father for I have sinned. I ate a whole pizza."
    "Hmm, I know, I saw your food diary online, and was just waiting for you to fess up."
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Welcome to the group, Fr. Samuel. I think that you are the first member who is a priest. We'll look forward to your input!
  • juliekin
    juliekin Posts: 139 Member
    Glad to see a variety of people here! Let's get losing some weight!
  • losackP
    losackP Posts: 3
    " Therefore honor God with your body."
  • losackP
    losackP Posts: 3
    " Therefore honor God with your body."

    (1 cor 6)
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    :happy: so glad to find a group of catholics here!! my hubby and I converted 2 years ago- quite an uproar in our circle of family and friends as we are from the (very anti-catholic) deep south- but we love it and have never looked back, except to wonder how we missed the Truth all those years...
  • Hi! I too am a cradle Catholic and hope to raise three Cradle Catholics! I wish I knew more Catholics Online. There is just so much negativity aimed at my beloved church that many times I stray away from online forums. I am so glad to see both men and women in this group who love the church as much as I.

    I just started and I need new buddies. Friends are welcome.

    Also, it was great reading that there are people here in Houston in this group! Strange how being from the same town makes the web seem less infinite.

  • I:wink: