Introduce Yourself!



  • maryb2374
    maryb2374 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi! My name is Mary and I'm a 38 year old mostly SAHM. I have 4 boys. My oldest is 9 and my youngest is almost 3 (next Friday :smile: ). I started watching what I eat on Jan. 1 and then a week later started working out 5-6 days a week doing Gilad's Total Body Sculpt off Fit TV. I bought some other Gilad DVDs and did those for a while. I love Gilad! I've also been doing some rebounding and bike riding on the weekends. I try to do *something* every day, even if it's just Pilates.

    I read a lot of great stuff on here about the 30DS and last night at Target I picked it up on impulse. I decided to start it today so I didn't chicken out. (I'm a master procrastinator). I was hoping my hubby would start with me but not this morning. Maybe tomorrow. I love that it is 20 minutes.

    I have lost 14 pounds since Jan. 1 (9 pounds since joining MFP) and have gone down a dress size in that time. I'm hoping to lose another 5 by my SIL's wedding on May 5 but that may be a little ambitious. I would love to return the dress I bought and get a smaller size if I can. :bigsmile: I still have 26 pounds to reach my goal weight.
  • koneil83
    koneil83 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi I just finished the 30 Day Shred for the first time yesterday and will be starting it again today. I am going to aim for Natalies moves this time around. I did as much of her moves as I could last time then joined Anita. My results from the first time are not that great but there is improvement. I only lost 4.2 lbs 3inches from my hips not sure bout my waist according to my measurements I gained half a inch and my thighs lost 1.5 inches.
    This time around I am going to be using my elliptical and do HIIT so hopefully better results. Cuz I sweated and cussed at Jillian way too much not to be down further than I am.
  • Hello all, My name is Kristie i am 23 years old and weigh 193. I satred the 30DS on 4/16/2012 so today has been my thired day. I have noticed that my legs are killing me it hurts to do anything. i knwo that is a good thing becasue that means that i am working them. i really hope that this DVD can help me really start to lose the weight. Being discuraged so much is just taking a tole but i am not goiving up just yet!!
  • myblckizbeautiful03
    myblckizbeautiful03 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Every ONE!!!!! My name is Tasha and I'm new to all off this I am 24 for years old 5'3 and weigh 203lbs and I need to lose some weight! LOL, I started 30ds on the 04/15/2012. I also do c25k and I'm on week 1. So far I notice a change in my waist, which I lost 1.5 inches in :laugh: . I can't believe it! I can't wait for the ending results wish me luck!!! :drinker:
  • jstar05
    jstar05 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi Every ONE!!!!! My name is Tasha and I'm new to all off this I am 24 for years old 5'3 and weigh 203lbs and I need to lose some weight! LOL, I started 30ds on the 04/15/2012. I also do c25k and I'm on week 1. So far I notice a change in my waist, which I lost 1.5 inches in :laugh: . I can't believe it! I can't wait for the ending results wish me luck!!! :drinker:

    along with the 30DS I am doing 6 weeks to 6 pack. GOOD LUCK TASHA!
  • jstar05
    jstar05 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello all, My name is Kristie i am 23 years old and weigh 193. I satred the 30DS on 4/16/2012 so today has been my thired day. I have noticed that my legs are killing me it hurts to do anything. i knwo that is a good thing becasue that means that i am working them. i really hope that this DVD can help me really start to lose the weight. Being discuraged so much is just taking a tole but i am not goiving up just yet!!

    Hey Kristie, the soreness will go away, it did for me by day 5. Good luck shredding!
  • jstar05
    jstar05 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi I just finished the 30 Day Shred for the first time yesterday and will be starting it again today. I am going to aim for Natalies moves this time around. I did as much of her moves as I could last time then joined Anita. My results from the first time are not that great but there is improvement. I only lost 4.2 lbs 3inches from my hips not sure bout my waist according to my measurements I gained half a inch and my thighs lost 1.5 inches.
    This time around I am going to be using my elliptical and do HIIT so hopefully better results. Cuz I sweated and cussed at Jillian way too much not to be down further than I am.
    congrats finishing the shred!
  • jstar05
    jstar05 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi! My name is Mary and I'm a 38 year old mostly SAHM. I have 4 boys. My oldest is 9 and my youngest is almost 3 (next Friday :smile: ). I started watching what I eat on Jan. 1 and then a week later started working out 5-6 days a week doing Gilad's Total Body Sculpt off Fit TV. I bought some other Gilad DVDs and did those for a while. I love Gilad! I've also been doing some rebounding and bike riding on the weekends. I try to do *something* every day, even if it's just Pilates.

    I read a lot of great stuff on here about the 30DS and last night at Target I picked it up on impulse. I decided to start it today so I didn't chicken out. (I'm a master procrastinator). I was hoping my hubby would start with me but not this morning. Maybe tomorrow. I love that it is 20 minutes.

    I have lost 14 pounds since Jan. 1 (9 pounds since joining MFP) and have gone down a dress size in that time. I'm hoping to lose another 5 by my SIL's wedding on May 5 but that may be a little ambitious. I would love to return the dress I bought and get a smaller size if I can. :bigsmile: I still have 26 pounds to reach my goal weight.
    congrats on your weight loss!
  • jstar05
    jstar05 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello, my name is Trista, I'm a single mother from Virignia. I used to be a member of WW, which was a slow success, but it began to be too much money, so I decided to start counting calories, and came across this site. I lost 15lbs, and got back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 137, but within less than a year, I gained all that weight back, and being 5ft 2in, you can see it all. I just want to be a healthy weight for my height, and to get rid of most of my mommy pouch! I am a proud mother, so curves, hips and a little pouch doesn't bother me, but being to the point of embarassment bc I have muffin top, and am just dreading the summer, not cool. I've done the 30 day shred before, along with counting calories, and walking at lunch, and it all seemed to really help, so I'm starting again, and am really excited. I've also started to do my yoga on a daily basis again, just got a new book, which has "cures" for just about anything!!

    I'm 5 feet even, every little weight I gain makes a big difference, so I feel you on that!
  • hi, my name is Crissy, I'm a stay at home mom from PA. I'm 28 and have two daughters (a four month old and a four year old). I have a few more pregnancy pounds to lose, but my main goal is to tone up, hopefully 30ds will help with that. I'm only on my third day and it is tough. I'm hoping I can stick with it though :). I've got a month before I need to get into my swimsuit and would be so proud if I could reach by goal and start toning too. \:)
  • myblckizbeautiful03
    myblckizbeautiful03 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for all of you motivaiton and SUPPORT!!!!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU AS WELL!
  • Hello, my name is Trista, I'm a single mother from Virignia. I used to be a member of WW, which was a slow success, but it began to be too much money, so I decided to start counting calories, and came across this site. I lost 15lbs, and got back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 137, but within less than a year, I gained all that weight back, and being 5ft 2in, you can see it all. I just want to be a healthy weight for my height, and to get rid of most of my mommy pouch! I am a proud mother, so curves, hips and a little pouch doesn't bother me, but being to the point of embarassment bc I have muffin top, and am just dreading the summer, not cool. I've done the 30 day shred before, along with counting calories, and walking at lunch, and it all seemed to really help, so I'm starting again, and am really excited. I've also started to do my yoga on a daily basis again, just got a new book, which has "cures" for just about anything!!

    I'm 5 feet even, every little weight I gain makes a big difference, so I feel you on that!

    Isn't that such a PAIN in the you know what!! I'm probably going to start up the 30DS again tonight, along with my PM detoxing yoga and kickboxing that I'm doing. I just want to be healthy and at a decent weight/size!!
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    Hello all, My name is Kristie i am 23 years old and weigh 193. I satred the 30DS on 4/16/2012 so today has been my thired day. I have noticed that my legs are killing me it hurts to do anything. i knwo that is a good thing becasue that means that i am working them. i really hope that this DVD can help me really start to lose the weight. Being discuraged so much is just taking a tole but i am not goiving up just yet!!

    I'm so glad I came across your post. I also weigh 193.6 lbs, and I too am on my 3rd day of the shred and my legs hurt so bad! I can't even bend them to walk down a set of stairs. I stretch out a lot throughout the day hoping for some relief, but it doesn't help much. I was wondering if the pain I feel is normal for the fact that I have pretty much not worked out in over a year. I'm very out of shape. Is this pain normal???
  • maryb2374
    maryb2374 Posts: 137 Member
    Hello all, My name is Kristie i am 23 years old and weigh 193. I satred the 30DS on 4/16/2012 so today has been my thired day. I have noticed that my legs are killing me it hurts to do anything. i knwo that is a good thing becasue that means that i am working them. i really hope that this DVD can help me really start to lose the weight. Being discuraged so much is just taking a tole but i am not goiving up just yet!!

    I'm so glad I came across your post. I also weigh 193.6 lbs, and I too am on my 3rd day of the shred and my legs hurt so bad! I can't even bend them to walk down a set of stairs. I stretch out a lot throughout the day hoping for some relief, but it doesn't help much. I was wondering if the pain I feel is normal for the fact that I have pretty much not worked out in over a year. I'm very out of shape. Is this pain normal???

    I think it's probably very normal if you haven't worked out in over a year. I've been working out since the second week of January doing various things and I was hurting quite a bit when I started the 30DS.

    One thing you may want to do is to alternate 30DS with cardio days. I have never done the Shred more than 2 days in a row and I'm on level 3 now. I do 2 days of 30DS and then a cardio day, 2 days 30DS, one cardio day, one rest day. This schedule definitely works well for me as far as helping with the muscle soreness.

    Also, make sure you are drinking lots of water. I always hurt more when I don't hydrate well enough. Maybe Tylenol or Ibuprofen would help, too?

    Good luck!
  • lkd019
    lkd019 Posts: 6
    hi! New to this site! My goal is to lose 10 more LBS! I re started the shred yesterday! I did it a few months go but got to level 2 and stopped for no real reason. I am working out a a gym too when I can so I do 30 min on the elyptical and 30 min weights there. Also walks on most days with my kids and dog. I also am very active with my kids who are age 2 and 1. I have lost 35lbs with weight watchers and just can't seem to get the last 10lbs off for the life of me! I really hope this site helps witht he support and motivation to stick with the 30 day shred and get those last 10lbs off for good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 191 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I started the 30 day shred 3 days ago :) This is my first introduction to Jillian Michaels and oh my god is it tough. I think this is my first encounter with REAL exercise. I don't have any weights so I'm starting to just do all the motions without them and my arms hurt anyway! I'm pretty heavy, so I guess my arms are weights in themselves. :) But I think in a week or so I'll be ready to use some light weights. Because I am so out of shape, I'm taking this journey a lot longer than 30 days. Here's my plan:

    Week 1: M-F do level 1 without weights
    Week 2: M-F continue level 1, when I get to the point where I can actually do all of the exercises without breaks I'm adding in weights.
    Week 3: M-F continue level 1 with weights, if I feel ready try Level 2
    Week 4: M-F ready or not go to Level 2 :)

    I want to keep going at this slow, steady pace until I can do Level 3 for 2 weeks straight or until it doesn't feel like a big workout anymore :)

    FYI I'm 5'6, 197lbs, and a member of the Eat More to Weigh Less group and would highly recommend it. I haven't weighed myself in 3 weeks so I'm eager to see any results this Sunday when I'm going to weigh myself. So far I'm not doing any inch measurements but I'm a size 16. I feel like it's probably not possible but after 3 days of doing the 30 day shred I feel like I've gained some mussel definition in my arms (still lots of flab though lol) and my waist looks just slighting more defined. :) Here's to big changes :)
  • tereced
    tereced Posts: 46 Member
    Hi I am tereced. I just went into 30DS level 2 after taking almost three weeks break from level 1 (due to ankle pain)>
    Is there anybody out there who is just starting out level 2. i want to lose 15_20lbs and find this workout very good. :smile:
  • Jadmommy
    Jadmommy Posts: 2
    Hi my name is Cody! I'm so happy that i found this topic, i've given up so much times on the 30 day shred now i'm back at it again and i am not giving up...I'm a student and a mother of a sweet 20mth old boy and he took all the little energy i have lol..All i need is motivation to help reach my goal, i'm currently weighing 180lbs and i want to drop 40lbs so plz add me as a fren and lets work together :)
  • Jadmommy
    Jadmommy Posts: 2
    hey add me and lets motivate each other :)
  • vtsantiago
    vtsantiago Posts: 12 Member
    I am a ebf mom of a 2month old girl. I also have a 1.5 year old boy. I actually started the 30 day shred in June. I lost 17 lbs with it. It really works!